TUESDAY, DECEMRER 14, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. po Bs 2a 2 pha >t ---- ITT TW TSR SNR 3 sald. fo gu AE PUB) IC SCHOOL INSPECTOR SREPORT. \ Sn ---- SPRUCE We have on hand a well assorted stock of choice Spruce in square edge, T. & G. V-joins and coped siding. ; \v Allan Lumber Co. Phone1042. : ; ; : Victoria Street OOOO SS AE ARO Are you J. Russell Stuart Deals With Matters of Public Interest 3 + Caretakers Have No Standards To Work To-- | foo red fo Ne Some Needs of the Schools. ®o Je (Continued From Yesterday. ) ventional methods and standards and | / 4 . universal, and to regard pupils who | Ye Sd Need of Auxiliary Classes. get behind or out of touch as failures | Exclusive of the Kindergarten, our and necessarily inferior. One ex- | schools are classified into seven planation of this.attitude is the fail- | grades. The Primer and First and ure to discriminate between literacy | Second Reader classes compose three and education. Edueation is cece 3 ] LL day long demands 7 tn Zz 7k 0, J ZH Eo! A grades, while there are Junior and ly defined, as a cultural proce a| : Senior Third Reader grades and a preparation for social efficiency, eve. | are being made upon similar division for the Fourth Read- But a literary education does mot every woman's strength, er. The average peri of public necessarily imply either culture or a) : school attendance is about eight social efficiency, and though the re- whether it is the wearing years. The average age of those sults secured by our present system routine of household du- completing the course is about four- are worth immediately more to the : : teen. community than they cost, it needs ties -- the exactin pres- There are children of eleven years to be supplemented for the benefit of sure of business a AIrs-- of age in all grades from the Primer those who need the association of or a long round of social ! * .: to the Fourth Book, while in the practical activities with their school tp . 3 . : Bank in g Servi ce Second Reader we have children Work to stimulate thelr interest in engagements--modern life is placing a constantly increasing tax on BT RT 2 from seven years of age up tq fifteen, school studies and to train them for 3 sparsity of eight years. These & nd SHployment which best suit her energy. : / acts become more impressive when tuem. It is surely a gross exaggera- 3 3 YOUR banking requirements may we remember that DeatTr BolT tos | Gor to Charme ay toon: xafzera- Those who have made a study of fatigue say that when a woman is be entrusted to this Bank with pupils complete ths public school | system seems planned for white col- tired all her faculties are affected,-- the heart weakens, the nerves tonrse, above the kindergarten, in {lar pursuits, but we are certainly become upset, and the danger of breakdown is threatened unless every confidence that careful and seven years or less. turning out large numbers of boys cL, a8 a t Taking as normal ages for each |and girls who have been under the prompt action to prevent it is taken. [* efficient service will be rendered. grade, respectively, 8 and 9 for the instruction of skilful teachers for -- . A hg Our facilities are entirely at your First Reader, 9 and 10 for the Second | from six to eight years, wjth a very MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS have proved to be, in ol Reader, 11 and 12 for the Third Jsasts educational sqaipment of any hundreds of similar cases, a most reliable rem for restoring posal eader and 13 and 14 for the Fourth | kind. Greatly improved general re- . . ey, dis \.. Reader, and these are moderate |suite will be sectired whou spesial strength and vitality to Yeskaning hearts and relieving all the dis- standards, we have nearly 400 pupils | courses and methods are introduce 3 \ 1 i THE. CANADIAN BANK who are from one to five orn I to meet the tastes and capabilities ot tressing symptoms brought on by atigue, excitement or over-exer- | ake. his retardation is one of the | exceptional pupis. The. gpsuing of tion. 4 isturbing conditions in connection | special classes under the Auxi ary - . . . - 4 OF COMMERCE: with our schools. There are several | Classes Act, 2nd the institution of 2 If you wish to maintain your poise, charm, effectiveness, Milburn's causes, irregular attendance being | Day Industrial School w e a great 3 3 3 PAID.UP CAPITAL - . $15.000000 8 prominent one. To a considerable Looi Lo 4 Iarge Broporion of aur Heart and Nerve Pills will be found to be a very valuable assistant. . Y extent, however, irregularity of at- children. These will be necessary be- st RESERVE FUND - . $15,000,000 tendance is, itself, a result of unsatis- {yond question to carry out the inten- Re Id B. Faves, St. Stephen, Nima oe Simon, ive KINGSTON BRANCH--R. T. Brymner, Manager. _ factory S00] Jouditions In prec, Hor of the Adolescent School Aten. Sleep at night. 1 got wonderful Ive from using your Milburn' ce the graded school is accepted {dance Act and for y pre-adoles- a YUL generally as the final thing in school | cents as well. / Heart and Nerve Pills, as I am now strong and well again. organization; and, in instruction and Milburn's Heart and Nerve pills are 50c. a box af classification we appear to treat all Vacation Classes. a { : ' pupils as if they were alike. Intelli-| Our large classes do not permit all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by gent. teachers do what they can to | much individual teaching. There are / meet the needs of exceptional pupils, | @ good many pupils who, through 1 il : 3 but in the main, with the large [Ness or absence from other causes Th 1 M bur n Company Limited e ave classes that prevail, the teaching js [Or from want of capacity in particu- e . 1 ? 7 4 - X . x ' chiefly mass teaching addressed to |lar subjects, get out of touch pith all alike. . their classes and fail to reach a Toronto, Ontario The system of graded schools is|Standard justifying promotion at the undoubtedly better than anything [end of the year. This is very serious. that went before its introduction, [NOt only is their progress retarded but they are separated from accus- ™ Where the aim is to secure the great- the proper Lenses for your car so you est good to the greatest number con- | tomed companionship and put down 9 Re ; * : sistent \ with a rigid economy, the [among younger children, their equals 3 may get your license for next year. fully graded school is the best yet |Derhaps in mental capacity, but in- | S devised. It is accepted with little | ferior or different in sodial experi-{ RE. , ence. By many children this degra- | Scales, Talking Machines, Bi questioning as the "best adapted to 7 y 8 Baby Carriages. Lavy Mewers, ve We Give your Ferd an Engine Hood the average child. This is also true [dation is felt keenly and it often | ® ° do repair work right and guarastes ' . of our curriculum and in the main | causes a dislike of school. Expert in- | satiation. Cover or some Anti-Freeze. of the methods of teaching practiced. | dividual teaching for a portion of the | ] ar en on ow 197 WELLINGTON STREET The trouble is that there is no | midsummer vacation would enable | oy g average child. They are al] differ-{a good many to make the grade suc- | : \ We have Heaters for your car that ent, and many are so unlike the ordi- | cessfully who now fail. | -- . "Hl nary in capabilities, tastes and dis-| A very different kind of pupil [jf WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON s don't cost you a cent to operate. position, that they cannot be reached | Would also benefit from special vaca. | OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery I'€EWO unless the system is modified to meet | tion classes. Suitable individual | experience. We most strongly recommend great care in keeping their needs. It isan unfortunate and |teaching will often enable particular- | your battery well charged While car is in Moy and WINTER DRY . mmon error to regard the con- | ly capable children to advance rapid- 3ST! IK i We are the first to start the flat rate too co SHOX 10 Yagavd fio ons. | 17 49a5l4 shilvren to atvaese raiia. FroRAGE for immediately when eat i laid up. 4 Large quantity of sound . A good many do this under present I workmen are experts--our charges most reasonable. Railway Ties tor sale cheap. system for repair work on Fords. EET conditions, but interim promotions, ' Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists. All tents reduced to clean ; n \ uy without special help, cannot be prac- We need the room. 2) vancement classes was approved last ' ies. 3 7 afterwards relinquished, along with al [ . " i ticed with h freedom. It. will pay you to come and see us = DODD'S "The institution of Vacation ad. WILLARD SERVICE STATION L Cohen & Co. | 7 year 'and a sum placed in the esti- 19 Brock Street Phone 1840. IL. LESSES, Prop. 275 Ontario St. Phone 887, ~~ ) that for music. ha about your repair work and accessor- z : 7 a i D | 3 Y mates for the purpose, but this was Information as to the method of { : / conducting these classes is given in ; - 4 ! . > tp my report for last year. Most of the hol il HM 1S objections made to the institution of Vv Y 4 Yo f vacation classes come from misunder- n Uu en 0S. i ar = PAN pr standing. They would not be con- . 2 J / ETREIARCCIELFCAMEY | ducted like ordinary Staded ulasses. 5 Now is the time to purchase that car for next year, for many FORD SALES AND SERVICE RR Jpik day during perhaps six or- seven good reasons, which we can not only explain, but are in a position to {ii RUF weeks. A pupil would attend for an guarantee | . assigned hour each day, and for an es \ | hour only, as long as seemed neces- o- 1 3 sary. The Instruction would be in. : For example: we guarantee the price of every new car that is dividual. delivered or even ordered, against anv decrease in price as far as Hie hres Goa. Deeds July. 1921, and in the event of a decrease we further guarantee to re- A man safd in a sanctimonious tone fund the difference between the present and new price. -. How happy I am. Further, we have the best value in the used car line that has ff "How happy I am this evening, Sear! 1 avs dons three good deeds ever been offered inthis city. Cars were never so reasonable as thay "What were they?' inquired his are at the present moment. And you' will find that the prices have YiI08 tho way to business. t seid be, become settled already, and that the purchaser of a real good reliable gh lav 8 Joust Woulas, wesbing ob 8 car this fall will be ahead in the Spring of the year even if he takes I asked her what the trouble was and into consideration the fact that thecar must be wintered: Let us have : she said that she had walked seven . . « F miles to have her baby christened a talk with you on the matter and think it over. We haveghe value and now found that she had lost her 0: : Bet TREY ui Sa Wa and it is the best in the-city. "I told her to cheer up. handed her a $10 bill, and bade her have eo o the child christened, and bring ue ara es > e me the change. She did so--and thus ! 9 my dear, I did three good deeds. I ci. M. FAIR, Manager, SS SP Em -- performed, first, an act of charity; Fhone 567. I started, second, a little child in the | - A r-- way it should go, and I got change " - -- -- -- ------ for a bad biL" WwW i 1 1 Y oO u T ry / a Be : By special fe] ie. London, England: It -is rumored Anything Once? [AG 2 || ssimamiensll Cars Are Only as Sound will offer the United States the man- date over Mesopotamia in exchange ( EN try SENATOR Smoking Tobacco. i SS i ok /i for the mandate over Armenia. No Nai) *® M ki Th : Tis a eee rie SAR Eom neh 1 a as the Firm Making Them pipe with real Virginia tobaccothe / Wid jto Foe the | Proposition before \ » 3 {| Marc » . As sure as you think the old pipe is the sweetest EC fp 4 The Thrifty Scotch. "To-day, more than ever before, the pros- There are three good reasons for this. One ? Al Irishman tella\us a story about pective afitomobile purchaser should con- is parts service,--for once a caf ceases to have an dozen in dhe abe it better ayo 4 J; : 9 neh Wot ir 5, Vi am sider carefully the financial stability and 7 or_anization behind it, through failure or other 4 y he replied : So probable permanency of the company whose causes, the possibility of obtaining needed parts you smoke it. 4 that try-out package to-day. - oR "Weel, smokin" is no such a plea- product he buys." _. "The Reo Motor Car is small. Again, wner driving a car whose : : 3 Se sure, If ye smoke yer ain tobacco, it Company reguests you to, make, through msker has failed; |. Invariably consciou: of «... uch. An' if y Ee itn tobacco ye Te Sok, your banker, the most rigid examination of fact, and kirows that his friends are conscious of ram yer pipe sae tight it'll no 7 its financial standing." it. In the third place, once a car loses its maker § draw." its re-sale value is practically gone. a ---- None of Yer Business. Were there two cars in every way of equal Before you buy a car be just as sure of the This is a queer December. Say! ~ merit, so far as construction and design were financial soundness of its maker as you would Wi days are warm and fair, concerned, but one of which was backed by a be sure of the soundness of the titie to any prop- The weather suits the girly, lo} they firfa of known financial strength, while the mak- erty you might purchase. When you buy a Reo Dest wear mush' wqerweds. er of the other occupied a less firm position, the you are not only getting a superior ear, but yolk hy former would have a value to an owner at least are getting parts service, owner satisfaction, and x > : v All right, Luke, I'll take your word, fitly per cent. greater than the latter. re-sale value in the yéars to come. SMOKING > BACCO Since you say 'tis so; ' = > : . But is it something you have heard, ' Or really do you know ? «Warren (Ohio) Tribune. +" "Deliciously Fragrant" Te BOYD'S GARAGE - Brock Street J. R. has been making some ob- servations in his fome town, Dublin, | In 1Be. Packages and }4 pound Tina, Ga. And he informs us that when a | ; i: girl puts red on her cheeks and lips she seems to forget that red is a signal. Mrs. Thos. Hayes, an aged lady |dayghter, Mrs. John McDermott, fime. Deceased was born In Lotighe passed away at the residence of her ' Belleville, after being il tor some | boro township, ; 4 ¥