THE D AILY BRITISH WHIG. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of Singing and Plano. Studie: 24 Division St. Phome 1167J. MA DC Art | NOTICE OF APPLICATION] FOR DIVORCE ! NOTICE is hereby given that KEN-| | | i NETH HUTCHINSON DUNLOP, of the City of Kingston in the County af Frontenac, Ih the Province of Ontario, Electric Craneman, will apply to th Parliament of Canada, at the next ses- | sion thereof, for a Ell of Divorce from his wife, LAURA MARY DUNLOP, of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, in the Province of Ontario, married woman, on the ground of adultery and desertion. 3 CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, i Solicitors for Applicant $ Dated at the City of Kingston, Prov- ince of Ontario, this. 27th day of August, 1920, ANA AAAI AP PMP NAP oi ff ---------------------------------------------------- HOME-MADE PLUM PUDDINGS FROZEN PUDDINGS XMAS CAKES MINCE PATTIES and PIES Lackie's Bakery 302 KING Phone 141 oo NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT EVA McRAE | of Waubaushéne, in the County ofySim- ¢oe, in the Province of Ontario, Married 'Woman, will apply tothe Parllament of Canada, at the next session thereof, for & Bill of Divorce from her husband, Allan H. 8. McRae, of the City of King- ston, inthe County of Frontenao, Prov. inte of Ontario, Salesman, on the ground of adultery apd desertion. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, 79 Clarence St., Kingston, Ont. Solicitors for Applicant. Datéd at the City of Kingston, Province of Ontario, the 28rd day of No- vember, 1920. of its sheen, which like the am's fast rays on the i shadowed wood- land pool & a source of unend- ing joy. | f set in 14k. gold $7.50 ings may be had from $12.50 ug R. J. Rodger, 182 PRINCESS STRERT DON'T be content with reading. Come in and be con- vinced that we have the best assortment of Gib- son Art Line Xmas Cards in the city : -- Also -- Everything ~ in Sheet Music, Stationey, Novel- ties, ete Lo ----- Al -- The Song Shop 269, PRINCESS ST. What We Haven't Got WE'LL GET. Pearl K Nesbi, LTCM, | MOUSE TROUBLES Mr. Mouse: Yes my dear I'd like to have a whole cheese for Christ. mas, but the price Is much too high! | ] | with ERNIE and KITTY MARKS TO-NIGHT--"THE ROUND-UP" 6-- VAUDEVILLE ACTS--6 WEDNESDAY: "THE CALL OF THE WOODS" PRICES 15-25-35-50¢, Utrection John and Peter ¥. Griffin ae eet ee ret FINE PICTUREJSY | WHEN WILDCAT PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Old Multirox: Want to marry Muriel, do you? Think I'll make a nice, generous father-in-law, huh?" Young Nodough:. 14l confess you don't look promising right now but I intend to devote considerable time to training you In that direction. LEARNED SOMETHING Tourist: | should like very much to see your snake dance and your ghost dance. Chief Moleinthe-Alr: No more sriake dahee nor ghost dance. Them back number. Too 'tame. Dance tango an' onestep now. HAD HAD SOME EXPERIENCE "One good turn deserves another." *Not when you turn turtle." Any man knows what the girl who doesn't think talks about, but it is impossible for him to discover what the girl who doesn't talk thinks about. There are several cases of diph theria in Pembroke, and residents are urged to call in a physician at the first sign of danger. Members of Lanark County Coun- ¢ll presented Warden Somerville with a handsome goldpeaded cane. Kingston Transfer Co. 158 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture. The Company is 'also equipped with waggons, or sleighs, and tackle for any kind of special : hauling. / PHONE 877. -- er ---- uticura Soap The man who is looking for a fat] office should visit the counting room of a lard factory. [Without Mug [Coticusa Seas i the feverits fermtety rasor shaving. Be . --_-- FOR SALE * Russell Street--Frame; darn and hen house .'............ .$1,200 Garrett Street--Frame .......... Montreal Street--Brick; furnace; lights; ~~ Alfred Street--Bgick; all modern West Street--Brick; beautiful home - THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. wv Nn «viens es «$2,000 ; and double lot ....$4.500 serseesesanses a 800,000 « . 56 Brock Street - Sram CP -- Announcemen nt that we have secured the agency for We wish to annonce Kingston and district for oN 'Chevrolet 'Cars mechanics, we are prépared to do first class Repair Work on all makes of Cars. 8 BAWDEN & 80 MONTREAL STREET A A AAA AAA AN A ANN BE a a... EN . _--- 3 Cle | | jernment saw fit to in WENT DRY A Story of the Tenneese Mountain HOBERT NDESON and MABEL TALIAFERRO in A Mite of Love 3rd Episode of our New Serial "THE BRANDED FOUR" ---- "PETTYCOATS and PANTS" A Christie Comedy THE WHIRLWIND DRAMA ! Big Happiness AWAITS YOU AT THE DUSTIN FARNUM 1s THE STAR Digection Famous Players' Canadian Corporation, Limited WAGSTAFFE"S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made trom Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only, TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. SPORTING NEWS The University of Toronto's ap- plication to enter two senior teams in the O.H.A. senior series was. re- fused at Monday night's executive meeting in Toronto, and the seniors were thrown into one group, name- ly Granites, Aura Lee, Argonauts, Varsity, Hamilton A.A., Kitchener and Waterloo A.A. Secretary Hewitt, Sheriff Paxtofi Whitby and A. E.-Copeland were ap- pointed a sub-committee to run the show for the season. J. BE. Fleming, Kingston, was ap- pointed convener of group 1, inter- mediate series, composed of Fronte- nacs, Queen's University, Belleville, Peterboro. Mr. Fleming is also convener of the junior series, which is composed of Frontenacs, Queen's, Royal Mili- tary College and Cornwal]l. The schedule will be drawn up in King- ston. * 5 Varsity's New Rugby Captain. Gordon Duncan, who played fly- ing 'wing for University of Toronto rugby team this year, has been elect ed captain of the team of 1921, Municipal Hoekey Team Is Organized A municipal hockey club was er- ganized at a meeting of Renfrew sa- thusiasts in the G.W.V.A. club rooms, at which David Dick was chairman and William Elliott, secretary. The following officers were elected: Thos. A. Low, honorary president; Charles Logan, president; Norman Budd, Vice-president; David Dick, sécretary- treasurer; W. Elliott, manager; Luke ash. John Regan will act . , w h 5 Want A Gourse in Manmers, Calgary, Dec. 14.--That the intro- duction of a course ip manners in the schools would be an excellent idea and would be greatly appreciated by the parents of school children, was the unanimous opinion expressed b members of the Calgary school boa: and others interested in developing the youth of the land to the best possible advantage, when interviewed on the subject recently. It was pointed out, however, that this would be a matter for the de- partment of education as all courses are prescribed on the curriculum by the government. Members of the school board stated that if the gov- Imbleau, as first ai ject on manners in the culum it would re e support. | WILL EXCHANGE ad OR A ne scl ~ | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM [ ® CONDENSED ADVERTISING RAPES, First insertion, 1c. a word. Each con- secutiy. insertion thereafter, half cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 20¢C; three insertions, 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only; when charged they are double, Sm = bli, Acedia AN HELP WANTED. ee Bree la ROOM GIRL WANTED, AP. ply Albion Hotel MAID, GENERAL; ONE TO SLEEP AT rred. Apply to Mrs. W, 455 Princess St. GENERAL SERVANT; ABLE TO WAIT on table; small hotel. Apply Mrs. luster, Albion Hotel, Cobourg, Un- tario. } YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN, EXPERI- enced or inexperienced, to work in grocery. Apply- Box A-11, Whig Uttice MILDLE-AGED WOMAN AS HOUSE- Keepeyr Lor elderly gentieman resi- aeht of county; experience in coun- try home preferred. Apply Box D-9, Wnig Ollice. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST PART time with light household service or care of ehudren. Jood home be~ side school. Terms on inquiry. Ap- ply Box B-11, Whig. WOMAN-- DESIRABLE TRAVELLING position, now vacant; acceptable applicant must be 25 years oid, with High school or College edu- cation, unmarried woman or widow without encumberance preferred; pleasing personality ana adaptla- Oility essential, no experience re- quired; position permanent with advancement; will pay rignt party $50.00 a week. 'Apply Box 59, King- TO LET. THEATRICAL WIGS, 194 DIVISION street, near Princess Street, head of Queen street. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELECTRIC lignt. Apply to 23 L. University Avenue. Phone 1096J. FURNISHED RESIDENCE; 7 ROOMS; furnace; B. and C., $2 Ellerbeck 5t. McCann, 86 BrockJstreet. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; all improveigents; centrally loeat- ed. Apply i¢§ Brock Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND mercnandise; clean and dry, Mc- Cann, $6 Brock street. Fnoné 34 or §il emesis. THREE FURNISHED BED-ROOMS, OR rooms suitable for light-housekeep~ ing; all improvements; low rates. Apply 302 Collingwood Street. ROOM, NEAR UNIVERSITY; eleciric .light; Jali .convenience Private family; reasonable price. Aldress Box D-14, Whig Office. FURNISHED BEDROOM AND SIT. Ling room; suitable for one or two ladies; ceutral location; also stor- age lor two cars. Phone 1243m. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dary, airy rovewms; your own lock ang Key. Frost's City Storage, 29y-Jug Queen street. TWO OR THREE rooms, for light housekeeping; electric light, gas, phone, one block from car line. Apply No. 1, Jenkin street. ' TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPR- cially furnished for ligat house- keeping; gas for cooking and lignt, at the Ploneer Aparunents, 212 ang 214 Division street. Phone 1434w. Phone 526, res. yayw ston, Ont. WANTED GENERAL, WANTED TO RENT A PRIVATE GAR. age; near Victoria frocery. Apply 17 Nelson street. ROOMS AND BOARD, HY JANUARY 1st, 1921. Apply stating terms, to Easiern Dairy School, Kingston. WANTED T0 RENT A MEDIUM. sized house; centrally located; no children in family. Apply Box Ab, Whig Office. RIGH GRADE Phonograph of differnt makes, for Upright rianos in good condition. Kk. Jy Rodger, Princess Street. WANTED ONE OR TWO ROOMS; board if possible; in private fam- ¥; by Queen's professor. Reply Box Cid, Whig Oitice. | CUSTOMERS T0 PLACE THEIR OR- der with 1 for Christmas trees. Charles AndMde, phone 1549F, corner of Charles and Hagot streets. SHCOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO Yor cash or in part payment of new pianus and graiono'as. C. W, Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. WANTED A SET OF SECOND-HAND Single Harness; also storage under cover for three waggons, Address PO X 113, naming storage lo- cation and price per month. WANTED----MEN Ang BOYS 70 pat ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Men's and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave, l0c Razors honed 26c. 236 Ontario St, near Broek street, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miss Madge Edgar, éxpert steno- grapaer, open for stenographic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Mates reasonable. Spe, cial rates can be arrafiged. Phone 431. White's lnsuzagce Uilice, Bagot Street. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; two ' blocks from Princess street. Telephone, hot and cold water and gas for cooking. Apply to Box Eli, Whig Office. PERSONAL, LET ME HELP YOU TO MARRY INTO wealth, success. State age, encios- ing stamped, addressed envelope. C. isnerwood, Isherwood P. O., Unt, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc. re- moved permanently. satisfactory glasses nNited and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. 35 years' experience. Dr. Kimer J. Lake, Rye, kar, Nose, Throat, Skin. BIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, etc, large or small, guaranteed XX gold leaf; posters, showcards, ete. artistionlly writien and designed by Shaw,.at 205 Princess Street, Kingston. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, DRIS- ©Oll, 22 John street. = DENTAL. E, KNAPP B.A office 263 Priunge 652. L.D.S,, 8 Streel. D.D,S,, ¥noue A. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovsky's. Phone 346. ° TEACHERS WANTED, QUALIFIED TEACHER; SECOND OR third class certificate; Jigtestant; for 8. 8. No. 6, Wolfe Islnd. Salary $800. Apply W. Cooper, R 2, Wolfe Island. SITUATIONS VACANT. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 TO $680 pald weekly for your Spare time writing show cards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with work, West-Angus Show=- oard Service, 67 F. Colborne Street, Toronto. POSITION WANTED, A MAN WILL INVEST §300- WITH services in anywprofitanle business -in the month of January. Apply Box E-14, Whig Office. iy AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET. ters for stores, office windows; eas ily applied; will not wash off; free samples. Acme Sign Co, 846 N. Wells, Chicago, Ill AGENTS WANTED--MEN AND WO- men, not to. canvass but to travel and appoint local representatives, $1,002 and expenses guaranteed first year, with good chance to make $2,600 and expenses. State age and qualifications. Experience unnecessary. Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. CARPENTERING, WHEN YOU WANT THS CARPEATES See James Selby, Contractor. 212 University Avenue. Phone 1898w. UPHOLSTERING. carl OR DROP A CARD TO W, J, (Javine, upholster, 21¢ Bagot st. W.- HAROLD ¥OR YOUR UP- polstering and general repairing. Leave orderg at or drop a card to 104 Clergy street, weno, LAND SURVEYOR, MILLE Se, CR. Ol. .L.S. Liki Rapin Ont. rr Land Surveyor. Kingston Lf. : Walkem & Walkem, $2 Clar- ence street FF. "DD QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8. Ne, 3, Kitley. State religious denomi- nation. Salary $700.00. Apply Del- bert Ferguson, RR. R. No. 4, Smith's Falls, Ont TEACHER FOR §. 8. NO. 8, d%0, sav. ary $550. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd. Board close to school. Mrs. Jno. Boles, Jr., Sec.-Treas., Claren- don Station, Ont. ~ QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED teacher for 8. 8. No. 17, Sharpton. Salary $900. Duties to commence Jan. drd, 1821. Apply to G/ W. Bell, R. R. No. 3, Odessa. TEACHER FOR 8, 8, NO, 11, BEDFORD, $600 offered for qualified teacher. Please state salary and qualifica- tion, to B. C. Atwood, secretafy- treasurer, Tichborne, Ont. A QUALIFIED TEACHER; NORMAL finish; Protestant; for 8. 8S. No. 2, of the Township of Hinehinbrooke, Duties to begin January 3rd. Salar $800. Apply to C. G. McKnight, Godfrey, Ont. - QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO, 1, Palmerston. Apply, stating ex- perience and salary wanted. Duties to commence January 3rd, 1921, J. H. Fair, secretary-treasurer, Mis- sissippi, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR P, 8. 8S, No. 4, Wolfe Island. Salary $800 to 1000; aecording to qualifications. Juties to commence Jan. 3rd. Ap- to R. H. Card, sec.-treas.,, Wolfe sland. bo A 1ST OR 2ND CLASS PROTESTANT teacher for school section No. 4, Ernesttown, Salary, $800 per an- num, AREY, stating experience to L. A artman, Secreiary-treas- urer, R. R. No, 3, Collin's Bay. OND-CLASS TEACHER AS BRIN. cipal for the Portamouth Public School; male preferred; Protestant only. Initial salary $900 per an- num. Afbieations received up 'to the 20th inst, giving experience and references. pply to Thomas #£. Graham, secretary. A VETERAN AT REST He Was of the Oldest of Mani 's Winnipeg, Dee. 14.--John McLeod, ninety-nine years old, one of Mani- toba's oldest pioneers and a descen= dant of the original Lord Selkirk set- tlers, died here last week. Mr. Mec Ieod was a giant in stature and per- formed many amazing deeds of strength in Fort Garry between 60 aad 70 years age. He was six feet ten inches when in h when he appr mixed wood to the residents 2 accord. | .- tells of pioneer days when school children travelled twenty miles to re- ceive education, for which they had to pay $1 a month. Her husband knew Manitoba like a book, she de- clared, and among his friends were many old-timers, including Archbis- hop Matheson, Sheriff Colin Inkster agd many others, prominent in the ly life of the county. Up fo the last few days of his life Mr. McLeod was able to sit up and read a newspaper without the aid of glasses. Two brothers and three sisters are. rviving members of the original amily which settled In Manitoba. Mr. McLeod Is also survived by his widow, four sons and two daughters, hildren and eleven Rev. J. F. Forsythe of the Carleton Place Baptist church, who received a call to, Arnprior, has remain in his present charge. E. C. O'Reilley will be a candMate for mayor of Almonte on the anti- waterworks platform. » Pembroke council is selling dry At $7.50 - { UNFURNISHED i FOUND A PURSE IN UGLOW'S BOOK St y Owner may have have same at above address by proving property. ON PRINCESS STREET,"PHOTO, with name Mr. John R. Joyn- er. Owner may have same by calling at 128 Chatham street. GOLD LOUKE attached WITH RIBBON Colborne Street. have same Dy ap- at 108 Myntreal street, after § p.m \ ON PRINCESS STREET, THURS- day evening, lady's gold wateh. Owner may have same by calling and proving property, at 49 lLavingston Avenue. WELLINGTON STREET, near the Hay Market, lady's small | contlaning sum mone) Apply Jrand 'runk Freight neds. LN HIUKEY'S CORNERS &nd Sears' Blacksmith Shop, auto chain. Owner may have same by cal ay Shears' Blacksmith Shop. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, ei car, a sable muff r may have same by ing at Kingston Street Railway Office A SLM Or MUNEY. may have same by property at FProuse's Store. NECK PIECE, THURSDAY ight, on Bagot street, near Gore. Owner may have same at Whig Office. SATURDAY MORNING, A pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with chain attached. Owner may have same at 220 Syden- ham street. FRIDAY NIGHT AUTOMO- blle crank, Apply 413 John- son street. 1920 AUTUMUMBILE LICENSE NO. 131777. Owner may have same at $5 Clergy Street East, ON CORNER OF BAY AND Montreal streets, a pale blue rosary. Finder may have same at Whig Office. PARCEL OF STAMPS PICKED up in Post Office lobby. Ap- Piy Postmaster James Stew- art. MUFF LEFT IN HOGAN'S MEAT Market. FOUND ARTICLES TISED FREER, Anyone finding anything and Wishing to refich the owuer may do so Dy reporting the factg to The British Whig. The adver. usement will be printed in this coiumn free of charge. "Found articies" does not (rn. clude lost dogs, cattle, Bborses, etc. These, if lost, may be ad- vertised for in the 'Lost' column Sa-------- ttn ete, LOST, Z THREE OR FOUR KEYS ON SAFETY pin. Please return to this oftice, and receive reward. ON MONDAY, A BROWN, FUR-LINED, Mocha Glove, between Princess and Brock streets, on Wellington. Find- er please return to this eitice. ------ AMERICAN $10 BILL BETWEEN SYD- ennam and King streets, on Brock or Princess gtreets, Reward if re- turned to 172 Johnson street. A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, WITH name inside, between corner Barrie and Princess and corner Aberdeen and Earl streets; contained sum of money. Finder please recurn to Whig Office. Reward. oN OWNER proving Drug ON ADVER- DECEMBER 10th, 1920, ONE CEDAR Skiff; painted red to water-hine; green top; 2 ash oars; drifted into north shore near Brophy's Point Finder please notify J. Kollow, 52 Rideau Street. ON MONDAY AT ERNESTTOWN STA. tion, Kingston Junction, Kingston inner station, or on G.T.R. noon train, on Ontario, Princess or Al- fred streets, eight five-dollar bills. Finder return to Whig Office and receive reward, STRAY FEMALE HOUND, BROWN head and ears; large black spot on right side. A wort in front of left front leg, Owner call at George A. Gates', Westbrook, Ont, DEER HOUND; COLOR, BLACK AND white, with some red spots. Owner can have same by paying for what expense I have been to. Apply to Stanly Kring, Plevna, Ont, PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drop d A. Mounteer. 84 Arch stre LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & sMmMiTH, erg and Soljeitors, 7% treet, Kingston. A. B. am. Cyril M. Smith. AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, and Solicitor. Law office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1989, ARCHITECT. ' POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington streets. BARRIST. Clarence Cunning. BARRISTER 7 { | | | | MEM» | { | | FOR SALE. A MOW OF HAY. APPLY L. FLYNN, Front Read, Portsmouth, Ont, % PLAN AT BIBBY'S, JONNSTON; © 5 ¥ ¥ 4 OTS. 5 corner Brock and Victoria streets QUANTITY OF FURNITURE, SNAP Apply evenings, 155 Bagot streab AUTOMOBILE TOPS AND CUSHIONS, Celluloid for curtains. Judsod's Auto Tops, Brockville. S¥x132 FOouT FRONTA Macdonald street; on Lateman's UAE LUT, on Sputh for quick buyer. Estace. - A GENTLEMAN'S DRESS SUIT IN first class condition. Apply D. Ins ving, $2 Princess sireet, vver Bani of Nova Scotia. - HALF SILVER SPANG 3 Hambu Yockerels, from import stock. Price right, Apply 34 Que bec street, City, n (APHONOLA AND GENUIAE « select Terms Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. ONE DRIVING MARL, ONE PHAETON DUgEY, ulie.cutller, vne set singld h&iness For terms, apply to rag Kilborn, cor. King ana Willi streets Properly may be seen B Mr, Guess' Liver - EE a AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, house furniture, specialize mm mils tary boos; buy all kinds second: hand gvods; highest prices paid. Houtburd. Fnone 1723. ~ cess Street. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL RINDS good second hand furniture stoves. Any petson having stove and furniture to dispose of, we wi pay highest prices. J. Tho 333 Princess street. Phone 1600Ww, 5 i 9 # DAYTE® COLUMBIA, Princeton and>Victory Bicycles, PERFECT, S00 5. - oF TRY | your own choice, $43.50. cash; $5 per month. C, Wi i i 2 Prins, be NR so & number of ladies' and sentaly used Bicycles and motorcycles, reduced prices. Special attentiom® iven to all bleycle and baby CA Mage repair work, Muller's Blovald : Works, 371-373 King street. Phi 4 y 1032w. | and can be bought on eas Dodge Touring. Reo Roadster. E63 Mclaughlin, Uverland Luuring. Gray Dort x 2 Ford Trucks. All in good saape, ready tor the roads . & ¥ ua § BLUE GARAGES, LIMITED Corner Queen & Bagot Sts. Phepe S67, FARM FOR SALE--100 ACRES 10 miles from Kingston; 3 miles sont east of Odessa; near the Provinelal Highway; 70 acres under cultivas tion; 2 ucreg raspberries; 1 acre strawberries; cherry - trees; Apple basement barn Apply to E. P.O. ad Ont. & room house; never failing well, Clark on the premises. dress R. R. 3, Bath, VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, ONi hundred and fifty acres, situat i townsaip of Loughboro, in 2nd of sald township. The farm is ¢ and one-half miles from Sydenham: the buildings are ag follows: fram dwelling, in good condition; frame barn ana ether buildings; two neveg failing springs; & good guantity of wood; title, perfect; possession : be arranged to suit purchaser. - - full particulars, apply to owner, Patrick Murray, R. R. No, 1, Syden« ham, Ont. FOR $2,000 EACH -- $2,200---FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS $5,000~BRICK $1400-FRAME; $25.00--T0 RENT; BATEMAII'S REAL ESTATE, SALR DOUBLE FRA house; 4 rooms; B. and C.; electrig lights; large lot. 3 Ak and C.; electric lights and urna 3 good cellar. nlinds ----- hy SEM:-DETACHED; # rooms; B. and C.; hot alr; gas; gard age. VICTORY BONDS FOR , Iorony SALW, MONWY 5 ROOMS) provements; good locality. NO - IMs TO RENT BELSON; semi-detached; § roms; ments. BRICK} improyve« FOR' SALE OR TO RENT, - MUST RENT OR SELL BAK Odessa, owing (o ill-healt other bakery within store doing good business; welling Appl Nob Odessa, Ont. ry le RY I mile a § Bon ---- FINANCIAL, # FRONTENAC STRANGER # STRAMGK INSU Agents; established in Tote TANCE the mst reliable companies Pp sented. Office 25 Clarence treet Opposite the post Jfice. LOAN AND BST nent Society; incorporated 186% President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vices resident, A. B. Cuaningbsny oney issued on city and farm' proberties," municipal and county debentures; morigages pure Investment bonds for sale; de, received and interest ajlowe C. Cartwright, managér, ence street, Kingston. , Split Pea Coal Well prepared Shi dp .$10.00 per ton "Jas. $i & Co., - Limited Foot of Johnson Street ro. RTT Auction Sales { am the best auctioneer in Kingston Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, Phone 1721 or 1428. HIGHEST PRICES PAID r Scrap iron, Metals, Rags & a CE dial "I ROSEN & C0. . 140. RIDEAU STREST Si » DR.A. W.WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Streets . Phone 363 Bt. Andrew's congregation of Arn- prior 'will erect and unveil a bronze tablets in honor of those who served overseas. 4 To : . en E Keo. 5. $10.00, No. 6, $12.00 Best Stove for Garage or work shop. Coulss and other Btoyes as well 4 J. TURK Phone 705 1 trees, sap bush; wood for home ih a. mE