THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1920. WOULD FORCE THE CPR. QUEEN'S ASSAULT: ALARNS Se fo Build New Freight Sheds | Workout for Those Training | --Board of Trade for the intercollegiate Takes Action. Events. Holiday Goods --Solid Ivory Toilet and Mani. cure sets. "PROBS. Wednesday, Searing, somowlist colder. Sm CE nO Queen's held an assault-at-arms on | == Monday evening as a work-out for | {those in training for the intercolleg- ting of the council of the POCKET ade, on Monday after- noon, the foll lowing re solution,' mov- ~--Fancy Stationery. ed by ¢ >. Calvin, seconded by I. |iate events that will take place later Cohen, was passed: "That the secre- {in the se . The events wgre box- tary be ucted to write to the ing, wres 1 fencing. There WATCHES secreta f "the Dominion railway | were twelve tants in the boxing board testing that order No. |:welve in wres z and eight in fenc- 28542 d to the Canadian Pacific ing, and the entertainment was a| | Railway carried out without fur- splendid one. There was a large at- | { ther delay." tendance of citizens and members of | |: J. M. Campbell, president, occupi-|the different faculties. The results! ed the chair and presented corres-|were: pondence which showed that while | Boxing. 110 pounds class, Relmes | the Canadian. Pacific Railway had [won from McCartney after three | asked the city to concur in delaying rounds; 118 pounds, McMillan won | for one year the erection of the new | from Lewis in most exciting and freight sheds and team track, as call- | cleverly contested bout; 135 pounds, ed for by the order of the railway | between Taylor and Craig, draw; 135 At a mee Board ~Fountain Pens. 9 Shopping Days--Then Xmas! ~--Brushes,/ ~=Mirrors. - --Fancy Boxed Chocolates. For Men--beautiful and reliable. Make your selection early at: Best's The Popular Drug Store. Shop in the morning--Save 10 p.c. IIA E I Phone Bf. Open Sundays. -- ---- Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- fcal apparatus but must have that knowledge in fits use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. At is this combination of mini and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. h ~~ - Valuable sable coat, once the pro- perty of Chinese emperors, stolen in Tgtonto, is recovered by police. DIAM O NDS | board, the company was endeavoring | | pounds, Holt won from O'Connor by | 150 pounds, fought | he railway board cancel the |a slight margin; These freight sheds [between Day and Becking, no deci- We can 'sell you a good Diamond be- cause we have chosen | only the best, and our prices are as attrac- tive as the stones. SMITH BROS. Jewelers - Limited . Established 1840, 830 King Street '{o have t jorder entirely. land tracks were ordered to be started sion. {not later than May 1st, 1920, and to be finished on Dec: 31st. A deputa- tion from the C.P.R. waited upon the won from Perry; Wrestling: 115 pounds, James won | 125 pounds, Traves | 135 pounds, Mcl from Harvey; Board of Trade some months ago and 'quham won from Campbell, and Do asked for delay, and the board pass- lan won from Nelson. The heavy ed a resolution putting the work off | weight s, gtewart and Sailor, put on a for this season, provided the railway | fine exhibition bout. company started the erection of the | freight sheds on May 1st, 1921, to be completed by the end of the year, "and Hid not ask the railway board | for a further extension of time From the correspondence produced | | it was shown that the railway was ap- | thewson and Drury; lin, plying to the railway board for the Fencing: England won from Van- | buskirk! Jones from Corneill (3-1) Hunter from England, (3-1); James |= from Hamilton; (3-1). The officials were: Judges of box- ing, Professors J. F. Macdonald, Ma- | referee, * Hughes; cancellation of its order which would | fe neing 1 |lcave Kingston with its present unsat- | isfactory condition of affairs, parti- | cularly at the Canadian Pacific Rail- way freight sheds. | Preparations were made last spring {for the erection of the new freight | sheds at the hay market site, the old on Dec, | buildings were removed and the plans | for the sheds were approved and the | money was provided by the railway to go ahead with the work. It was delayed, however, and when the Can- adian National Railways moved over to the G.T.R. station the C.P.R. used this as an argument to avoid provid- ng the new freight sheds called for! =| in the order of the railway board. W. H. STEVENSON crue svg ve SEVEN YEARS; HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD QUEEN STREET A plan for the international court, submitted to the assembly of the l.eague of Nations by a committee, was unanimously adopted. | Glover-Kingswell Wedding. The wedding was solemnized at | John's garrison church, Toronto, 9th, by the Rev. J. R. Mac- Lean, of Miss Olive, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kingswell, Toronto, formerly of | Kingston, to Frederick Glover, son of George Glover, Pape avenue, To- ronto. Miss Gertrude Kingswell was | bridesmaid and W, T. Brooks acted | as groomsman. After the ceremony ia reception was given at the home of the bride's parents. The house | was beautifully decorated with chry- | santhemums, narcissus and maiden- St | | Mrs. S. Jobborn wah fatally injur- ed when run down by an automobile in Hamilton. TT QOurAlumni Sale was such a success and we sold many more than we anticipated, we have completed ar- rangements with the manufacturer to have another sale the last week in February. This will be another real sale. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK! | =| == | friends, and they are legion, will get == an acclamation. | hair ferns. Only a few of the bride's intimate friends were present. Mr, and Mrs. Glover will reside on the | Kingston road, Toronto. 3 STILL GOING 8 THONG Reeve Halliday in Line for an Acclamation at Portsmouth. The Soldiers' Memorial. The Gananoque monument [honor of those who served overseas hs will be reeve of Portsmouth is nearly completed. The unveiling r 19217 | will take place Wednesday .after- B lames Halliday has just completed noon, which has been proclaimed a seven years able service, and a large holiday by the mayor. number of his friends have asked him | The ceremony, it is expected, will to stand for another year, and al- 'he performed by Brigadier-General though he has not given a definite King. Others who will be present answer, it is believed that he will are Brigadier-General Ross, M.P.P., | again offer his services, and from Capt. Rev. W. E. Kidd, Capt Rev. what the Whig has been able to learn, Father Nicholson, Rev. W. S. Len- Jimmy", as he is known by his pon and Dr. F. J. O'Connor, King- ston; Sir Thomas White, Major A. W. Gray, M.P.P., and W. E. Turley, dominion secretary of the G.W.V.A. 2 5 TT Ii During his long term of office for Portsmouth, Mr. Halliday has been very active in the interests of the vil- lage, and the villagers could not do better than to re-elect him for his eighth term as chief magistrate of The Final Meeting. - The city property committee met for the last time on Monday after- hoon. . the village. Municipal matters in Portsmouth are very quiet at present. All the members have rendered good service, and it would not be at all surprising if all the old members were re-elect- ed by acclamation. Engagement Announced, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kirk, Trenton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Agnes Macel, to William Vincent Zufelt, M.M., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zufelt, Conse- con, Ont., the marriage to take place at Trenton, very quietly the 'latter part of December, After passing the remaining accounts Chairman W. H. Craig ex- pressed his appreciation of the man- ner in which the members attended the meetings throughout the year and supported him in the work. On the motion of Ald. J. B. Phillips, sec- onded by Ald. J. W. Smith, the cqm- mittee passed a vote of thanks to the chairman. Those present were Alds. W. H. Craig, chairman, J. B. Phillips, J. W. Smith, B. N. Robertson. The big steel steamer, W. B. Craw- ford, owned by Hanna interests, at Cleveland, went aground on the rocks near Milwaukee, Wis.,, on Monday afternoon. Charles |2 Double Discount Stamps Between 9 and 1 O'clock To-morrow Morning uggestions Here andthere throughout the store . --this is the practical gift shop of Kingston and is teeming with wonderful gift sug- gestions -- we advise early selections while assortments are com- plete and suggest the morning when tiered is plenty of elbow room and our salespeoples can give you their maximum amount o f attention. Won't you help! Then please shop early! --GIFT HANDKERCHIEFS. --SILK STOCKINGS. --UMBRELLAS. --SILK TIES. --GLOVES. -- NECKWEAR, --BOUDOIR CAPS. --CAMISOLES, --FRILLINGS and RUCHINGS, SILK SCARES. --SILK UNDERWEAR. --GOWNS. --KIMONAS. --DRESSING SACQUES. --BRASSIERES. , --French Embroidered Underwear --SILK WAISTS. --CREPE DE CHENE WAISTS --Georgette Crepe WAISTS. --DRESSES. --EVENING FROCKS. --FUR COATS. --CLOTH and PLUSH COATS. --NEW YORK WINTER HATS. -- CHILDREN'S COATS. --INFANTS' COATS. -- APRONS. --MEN'S TIES. --SOCKS. --NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. --COAT SWEATERS. --SCARFS. UNDERWEAR. -- SUSPENDERS. --ARM BANDS, --CARTERS. --WOOL SCARFS. --KNITTED SCAREFS. -- SWEATERS. --CHILDREN'S SNOW SUITS --WOOL OVERALLS. --HOCKEY CAPS. --LINEN DOYLIES. --TOWELS. --HOUSEHOLD LINENS. --NOVELTY. DRESS VOILES. --SILKS. . --DRESS GOODS. --COATINGS. --KNITTING WOOLS. --NOVELTY BAGS. --KEWPIE DOLLS. --DRESS HANGERS. --LINGERIE SETS. ~FANCY RIBBONS, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Our large stock of Enamelware setaieiein ans soso 19% off everything McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD, Big Busy Hardware Phone 237 - - - Brock Street EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING This announcement is simply to advise you of the dawn of the day for Christmas shopping. It is true, Christmas is still several days off, but, neverthe- less, the wise people are they who shop early. Don't put off---face the facts--Christmas is coming, you purpose buying your useful gifts, you have leisure now. You can have better service now. " Stocks are now at their best--study the news of these stocks in the advertisements of leading merchants appearing from day to day in the Whig. Make your selections in the com- fort of your home--and then shop early--early in the day and early in the week. A RR HEATER ERRATA ATED OO Es 5 E E E 5 Ss E ---- ES E BE 5 E Eo] E L E Christmas Gifts We have a large stock of useful gifts that will bring joy to your household at this eason. 11 sorts of prac- tical gifts for the - kiddies-- Doll Sleighs, Kiddy Kars, Toddle Bikes, Pony Rollers, Shoo-Fly Rockers, Tea Sets and numerous other gifts. : Our attractive stock of Tea Waggths, Floor Lamps, Card Tables, Easy Chairs, etc., has never been more complete. Select your gifts NOW, and we will store them and deliver them for Christmas. Victrolas and Victor Records December Records on hand. . TF. Harison Co, Limited rs 0 | ER ---- ALL ARE VERY SPECIALLY PRICED Steacy's - Limite "The store that forced prices to new low levels" for JOR Austrian minister {8 'Wis SGbD ap 18 Belgrave Square with