\ 'BUY GOODS WHOLESALE BELOW IS A DETAILED LIST OF OUR OVERCOAT STOCK. THE PRICES QUOTED IN NO CASE EXCEED COST IF YOU NEED AN OVERCOAT Tripee PRICES ARE RIGHT. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SIZE 44--8 COATS One at $15, One at $18, Four at $20, One at $25, One at $34. SIZE 42--14 COATS Two at $18, Two at $20, One at $23, One at $24, Five at $25, One at $27, ©One at $30, One at $32.50. . Eh SIZE. 40--15 COATS One at $14, Two at $18, Five at $20, One at $22, One at $23, One at $24, One at $28, One at $30, One at $35, One at $37. SIZE 39--11 COATS One at $18, Three at $20, Two at $25, Two at $27, One at $28, One at $34. One at $40. i - SIZE 38-24 COATS Three at $20, One at $22, One at, $22.50, Two at $23, Five at $25, Four at $27, Two at $30, One at $32, Three at $34. One at $35, One at $37. \ SIZE 24--4 COATS i at $8.50, One at $9.50, Two at SIZE 30--8 COATS Two at $9, Two at $9.50, One at $8.50, One at $10.50, One at $11.50, One at $13.50. SIZE. 36--15. COATS One at $14, One at $18, One at $20, Two at $22. One at $22.50, One at $23, One at $24, Three at $25, Four at $27. Bet anal COATS 22755 One at $12, Two at $18, One at 30, A Three at $25, Three at $27, One at $29, SIZE 33-3 COATS One at $30, One at $32, One at $33, One | $14 Two at $6.50, One at $8.50. at $34. . ie SIZE 34--12 COATS ; One at $9, One at $10, One at $10.50, One at $13, One at $13.50, Two at $18, One at $22, Two at $24, One at $25. One at $28. SIZE 33-8 .COATS Two at $4.75, One at $9, One at $9.50, Three at $10, One at $16.50. SIZE 29--4 COATS One at $8.50, One at $11, Two at SIZE 22-3 COATS One at $6.50, One at $7, One at $10. SIZE 28-2 COATS One at $12.50, One at $13.50. Ye SIZE 21--2 COATS One at $6, One at $10. "SIZE 27--2 COATS One at $10, One at $13.50. t SIZE 26--4 COATS One at $10, One at $12, Two at $13. 'MACKINAW COATS All sizes--big range. $7.00 to $12.00 SIZE 32-6 COATS One at $8, One at $9, One at $9.50, One at $11, One at $13.50, One at $18. Priced SIZE 31-14 COATIS One at $4.75, One at $9, Two at $9.50, Three at $10, One at $11, One at $12, One at $13.50, One at $15, Three at $16. SHEEP-LINED COATS All sizes--Duck or Cord. $11.50t0 $17.00 SIZE 25-5. COATS Three at $8.50, One at $10, One at $10.50. : SIZE 37--10 COATS Two at $22, Two at $25, One at $27, Two at $30, Two at $32, One at $40. - RONEY'S - Princes s Street | »"" a= -------------- a-- ~ EN ------------ ronto market Saturday. Thomas Dowher installed a new furnace in Ar rr HARROWSMITH HAPPENINGS spending this week in Ottawa. Wil- mot Sigsworth, Montreal, visited his LADIES! SECRET TO DARKEN CRAY HAR Bring Back Its Color and Lustre with Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. t Common garden sage brewed into ft 'a heavy tea, withsulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautif.illy dark and lux- mriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is -'froublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation im- 'proved by the addition of other in- t | gredients a large bottle, at little cost, iat drug stores, kmwown as "Wyeth's 'Sage and Sulphur Cogpound," thus avoiding a lot of muss, While gray, faded hair is not sin- ful, we all desire to retain our youth- ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's 'Sage and Sulphar Compound, no one ean tell, because it does it so natural- "ly, so evenly. You just dampen a Sponge or soft brush with it and draw E through your hair, taking one 'small strand at a time; by morning 'all gray hairs have disappeared. Af- "ter another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant, and you appear {is the first docking this year: |old sill, which caused trouble for | years and finally gave way last spring necessitated closing the dock for re- pairs. across the May and the dock was pumped out DAVISDRYDOCK AGAIN OPEN it Has Been Undergoing Re- pairs--NMeans Work for Many Men. The schooner Katie Eccles and the ug Bluebell have been dried off for he winter in Davis dry dock. This The The work of bhilding a dam entrance was started in he first week of July. Excavation for a new sill twenty-three feet out- side of the old one were made, then sheebppilings, gate posts and forms were put in place, and side walls, gate posts and sill and apron of con- crete were run in. very substantial job and with the improvements to the gate, the dock. has quite a different appearance. This makes a The inner portion of the Davis dock still requires considerable work to put it in shape for handling the | . larger boats, but when this i8 come | pleted the Davis dry dock will be able to accommodate boats of 210 feet long, 42% feet beam and 10 feet draft at low watep. evel. This will mean considerable extra Four Carloads of Hogs Were Shipped " To Toronto. Harrowsmithy Dec, 16.--The heavy rain on Tuesday was a menace to some of the villagers. A number of cellarg were flooded to the depth of two feet. Quite a number of dele- gates from the U. /F. O, club went to Toronto on Monday aight, to attend the U.F.0. comvention. Mr. Hamilton, manager of the bank, and wife are brother, Stan Sigsworth, on Friday and called on other friends. Arthur Cowdy has his new dwell- ing in course of erection. A good pro- gramme js being prepared by the children and young people for the Christmas entertainment, J.D. Shibley shipped two car loads of cattle to Montreal last week. The U. F. O. incorporated company ship- ped two car loads of hogs to the To- Lar ---- Stanley Sigsworth's residence. There was a large attendance at the Methodist church Sunday evening to listen to a very scholarly address given by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Stew- art. A full choir was in attendance, E. Day sang a fine solo, choir gave several fine anthems. Mrs. B. Ruttan presided at the organ in ihe. Anglican church, Sunday even- ng. he Christmas Gift Store and the ; % Fears younger. work for Kingston, as many boats for merly were-obliged to dock elsewhere : TIRE Sat Da owing to their being too large for : this dock. Large amounts of money IS HEIR TO SULTAN'S THRONE. : are paid im dry dock repairs to boats, Photo shows Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClean, of Wreatham, Massa- and Mr. Davis is anxious to keep this chusetts. Mr. McClean is heir to the throne of Llang Llang, a small island work in Kingston and is to be con- south of the Phillipines. While serving with the U.S. Navy some years ago, Mr. McClean rescued the Sultan of Llang Llang from a group of Certain fdods, those rich in vitamins, are more useful than others. gratulated in his undertakings. Then It Happened ! » Scott's Emulsion "I wonder if you could?" mused . ; | the Cheerful: Idiot. 1 is replete with those elements that determine growth and strength. Scott & asked the Wise Guy. |i you could call it "You wonder if you could what?" "Why, if an actor bought a din- ner for a bunch of critics, I wonder dramatie treat?" replied the Cheerful Idiot. SPECIAL | Charm Black Tea BLUE PACKAGE now ... . .55c. per Ib. RED PA KAGE ..........70c. per Ib. Buy it by the pound: 'you get a Quarter Pound Free. Once used, always used. | Ges. Robertson & Son, Limited rT play." | bullying marines. shortly before his death. A The Sultan, in his sy made McClean 'his heir A VETERAN SUBSCRIBER. He is Active Still--Recently Went Deer Hunting. E. H. Perry, of Centreville, who is jover eizliy years of age, was a caller ,at the Whig office on Thursday. Al- though Mr. Perry has passed the four score mark he is still an active man shown in the. fact that this year he went deer hunting and his party were successful in shooting five animals. Speaking about the old times Mr.. Perry stated that he had been read- ing the Whig for over seventy years and his father read the paper before him. Fifty-six years ago he was elected reeve of the township of Bare rie and sat at the county council for Frontenac. All the then officials and members of council have died. One thing he can well remember was that the late E. J. B. Pense, who in those days was one of the reporters on the Whig, wrote the council proceeds. Ain't It Awfuld The London Daily Mail an- nounves that American movie films are corrupting Britain, and that | they represent an '"un-British Ww in regard to honesty, honor gad Mir And the Toronto (Canada) On- looker, observes: "The average American is lean in originality, is superficial and excitable, and is the vietim: of a. reckless optimism which is appalling, He manufactures litera- ture like Soap. 'We are inundated TORPID LIVER FOR OVER 4 MONTHS, The duty of the liver is to prepare and secrete bile and serve as a filter to the blood, cleansing it of all im- purities and poisons. When the liver becomes laxy, slow or torpid it is not working properly, and does not supply sufficient bile to thoroughly act on the bowels and carry off the waste products of the system, hence the bowels become clogged up, the bile gets into the blood, constipation sets in and liver troubles follow. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills quickly remove the secretions, clear away the wasfe and effete matter by acting di- reetly on the liver, and making the bile pass through the bowels instead of allowing it to get igto the blood, and cause so many troubles. Mrs. Alice Mekill, rvapanee, Ont., YOUR CHOICE OF A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF GIFT GOODS, TO SUIT EVERYONE AT THE PRICE YOU WANT TO - writes: --"1 was very badly run} own, and had a torpid liver for four nths. I tied: several remedies, but got no relief. One day my hus- |} band bréught me home a vial of Mil- Hl burn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and before | J} I had used half of it I was much bet- |} ter. 1 a differen , and I am can used two 7 person y. 'I x safely recommend Laxa-Liver Pills to |} any one troubled with liver trouble." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a vial at all dealers or mai.ed di- rect on receipt of price by THe T. with American-slush."" | Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. PAY.