MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1920. TIES "TIES --seem to be very much in demand this year for Xmas. presents, We have a large - variety of Silks and patterns to show you at all prices. Swiss Silks... 31.50; "Knitted Ties . .. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 Every Tie boxed free. " George Van Horne's SUEMCE OF TRUE LING C.8.B., in Christian 8cience Church. evening Bicknell B.,, gave an interesting the Christian Science on Johnson street The nce thoroughly enjoyed his elo- it address. His remarks were in her tonight to speak to Science which rests upon ital facts of being and 2 measure that it isunder- capable of tmproving, and transforming, the life of every man, woman and child. Be- | cause it can do this it follows that it | can. also reform the world, and I am prepared to show that it will do so, Just as fast as you and the rest of mankind understand and adopt it. If we are living at all (and we are), and could not hav But beyon that the sick through re- means of thoughts or ture, the power and toe >t God? I have asked you to follow along in this course of reasoning for a certain purpose, and that purpose I believe now begins to appear. It'is that you may learn naturalness of health and life unnaturalness of dis- ease and death. lieve you must have done, as we have gone on here thinking this out to- gtether, that God does not and cannot include or conceive of a single de- structive element or quality, you can {see that a better understanding "of {God wil mean more of the presence of God, fact the 1th i Perceiving, as I be- { and will tend to remove de- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. NIGHT TILL XMAS | if there be any action, energy, oppor- tunity, availability, orginality or vo- lition; if men and women exist at all, | and can think or do anything at all, Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. structive elements and incidentsfrom | jour lives. Thereby health and life | { will mot only be more general, but | (Opposite Grand Opera House) ORK that is done at WwW night usually strains and weakens the, eye muscles to such an extent that the wearing of' glasses is imperative. Consult our optometrist and he will dis- cover in what manner yon r eyes have become affected. You will receive a pair of comfortable glasses whose lenses will accommodate fhe vision used at your work and during your re- creative hours. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN SMOKING SETS. A practical gift for the man who smokes, and sométhing that is not only useful but ornamental for the library or living room--- Smokers' Tray, with cigar holder, match holder and ash tray, in brass and copper fin- ish, $8.25. ' Match and Ash binations, $2.75. Mahogany Cigar and Cigar- ette Boxes, $10 to $35. Sterling Silver Cigarette Boxes, $70. STERLING SILVER CIGAR- ETTE CASES. A personal gift appreciated by the man who smokes. Plain Cigarette $10.50 up. Engine Turned Cigarette Cages, $135, $16.50, $20, Also : Pipes and Cigarette holders. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100. PRINCESS STREET Tray Com- Cases then there is a science for all this, and it Is commensurate with all that | may be required of it. | We have been taught to look out | been instructed in some. of i in administering to those needs, but {our thinking, which is the most im- { portant part about us, has had no | been based upon and fostered by edu- | cati | the theory that matter governs man, | Christian Science reveals the fact that thought governs or misgoverns | mankind, as the case may be, in- tcluding the body, and 'that as we | approach and attain a divine stan- | dard, the health and safety of the } | body. are proportionately secure. Such work is not less scientific {than that of sciences which have to |do with material phenomena | fact, investigate and uiderstand | thoughts and their nature and law is | the highest - kind of scientific re- to {and instructive of all studies. Be- | sides this, there are immédiate re- sults, visible and practical, to be at- | tained by such a course. They are often acknowleged by the general | public, who do not hesitate to say | that Christian Scientists are gener- {ally a happy.and healthy class of | people. In mentioning this I am not | claiming that all that can be desired {In these directions has been accom- | plished, but at any rate, thousands | of people who are alive and well to- OPEN EVENINGS The House of Better Glasses Opposite the Pest Office Phone 099. KINGSTON. Xmas Photographs Opens Tuesday and Saturday nights until after Christmas, to take Photographs, 7.30 to 10 p.m, THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1818w, 92 Princess Street. The hypocrite prays cream and acts skimmed milk. & convicted bootlegging, was sentenced to Bur wash Refprmatory for a term of six months. gy TO RENT Two well heated, unfurnished revoms; fir Telegraph Building. Apply: MR, KIRKPATRICK day testify that they were saved from Ir and their health restored | through Christian Science. | The apostle says, "your life is hid | with Christ in God." Christendom has accepted that saying, but it was not understood and could not be une On premises THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. of repairs and mew work: wood will 28 Estimates given on all kinds alse hard- All erders om, Shop re of all kinds. receive prompt att Queen Street, Ouch! Folks hate a nasty tempered pup, And he's soon put to rout; The man who's always flaring up Soon finds himself put out. Frank Jifkins, formerly of Tweed, recently at Toronto of Christmas til the science of it was revealed, yet the whole Christian world agrees that God, the immutable creator of the universe, originates, sustains and perpetuates His own creation. The assumption that life is primar- fly in matter is not basic enough to satisfy the faculty of reason in man. It limits life and at the same time calls it infinite, and fails to explain what life is, or how, according te such theories, it ever got into such forms. The only philosophy that sat- Christian Science, because Christian Science is not a theory. It shows that Life is and must be the self- existent Mind, intelligence, being, which we call God. This real Life, permanent, necessarily perfect, un- the only Life of man. Gift Suggestions Nothing is more appreciated than Footwear. We have a suitable gift for every member of the fam- ily; useful and acceptable presents. la » --Felt Slippers. --Moccasins. --Opvergaiters. --Boudoir Slippers. --Dress Shoes. --Hockey Boots. --Leather Slippers. --Overshoes. --Rubber Boots. --Evening Slippers. Open Evenings Allan M. Reid Shoe Store {for our material needs, and we have the | 8ciences which are supposed to aid us | Science to govern or exalt it, but has In | | search, and is the most interesting | Isfies in regard to life is found in| | more permanent. iincreditable that materially intangi le {facts should bave actual value and infly Yet the. founder of the Chr 1 religion proved beyond all | que at diseases even of the most fatal nature could be absolutely healed by e power of the under- standing. ness, their right-ness in every way. He knew and declared that fhe power | to heal is wholly from God, the di- vine Mind, and he said and showed by his own works that this power is natural to men and women jn the | proportion of theip understanding {or enlightenment on the true nature lof God and His law, | The Bible is the original revelation {of the immortal relationship of God land man. Christian Science makes this relationship understood, and in doing this it removes condemnation (and establishes redemption in its stead. It shows beyond all doubt | that the only final or possible se- tquence to a- mistake is loving andl complete correction. Sometimes our | own shortcomings may have retarded the fruition of the desire to have this Science universally understood, |and we can only say tc you that we | hourly repent of them in sackcloth and ashes. But the Sclence itself, the Science of Christianity, discover- ed by Mary Baker Eddy, has no shortcomings. Its possiblilities for good are immeasurable as its divine Principle, God, is, and we ourselves, | though offering no excuses for our | failure to be fully worthy, beg you : to consider that we are moving in the right direction, that is, onward and jupward. With arms extended to en- | compass mankind, in reverence and 1 adoration to the God who is Love, land in devotion to His Christ, we | | touched by disease, sin or death, is! He does not | comedy success, which comes Wednesday, Dec. 22nd. To the old way of thinking it seems He taught, however, that is 5 such power can only be available to | 6n which assumed and Inculcateq~#7€n in proportion to their righteous- s Shoe Store Abernethy' {give you this message of Life, of | health, of peace, and we aim to ex-| :88 and make daily more practical | 1alf of ourselves and for all | mankind the compassion of Him who | said, "1 am come that they might | have , and that they ani~ht have it more abundantly. Organized In January. At a meeting of the Ottawa Kiwa- nis Club the announcement that a | new Kiwanis Club, with 50 paid-up | members, had been organized at | Kingston, was greeted with cheers. The Ottawa club will send a delega- | tion the charter meeting of the | new Kingston organization, which is | to be held early in January. Frank | Hoag was mentioned as 'the présis dent of the new club. to 'On Dec. 3rd, at Norfolk, Va; a marriage of interest was solemnized, | when Miss Mary Bryson, youngest | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James | Cuthbertson, Renfrew, became the | wife of J. T. Lyon of that place and a few years ago one of the Renrew | munition workers. After a protracted illness the! death occurred, on Thursday of the | wife of George Warham, super- intendent of the commercial print- ing department of the Belleville Intelligencer y Kindergarten work and manual | training is to be started in Almonte | public schools in January. HOOD'S noes. 26s. CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD In "Linger Longer: Letty" PILLS: Bllioue~ for all Mver iis. Try them. From Christmas to Christmas your gift of Furniture will be remembered It's going to be a Furniture Christmas. Why? Because people know ag there is nothing that will be more appreciated by their friends than a W. rk Basket, Tea Table, Piano or Parlor Lamp, Smokers' sets, Doll Carriages; and Children's Desk and Chairs. ¢ JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service See our window for Suitable | Christmas Gifts H. W. NEWMAN ELECTRIC C0. Phone 441. 167 Princess Street Oliver Morosco's musical fo the Grand Opera House, ~ TEN YEARS AGO. 1910 city council made its last meeting memoradle by passing by- laws for the paving of two blocks of the business section, thus starting the ball rolling. : Five inches of snow fell in three kours last night. It was the heaviest fall in years. The contract for laying 200 feet of water intake pipe for the city was awarded to the Donnelly Wrecking Company. At the medical dinner last night, Dean Connell stated that a certain Brooklyn hospital 'wanted three Queen's medical graduates every year. "Eddie" Hiscock has consented to go in the nets for senior Frontenacs, Dr. John H. Bell is running &s al- derman in ward 2, Hamilton. He is a former mayor of Kingston. Prof. GilF has calculated a saving {of $2,000 to the city if it would use | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston James' ! its exhaust steam for heating. 5 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, The Bailey Broom Company was granted tax exemption at last night's council meeting. Norman Mitchell, secretary of the "Vies" bas received many offers of games from outside hockey teams, John R. Hotsey around on crutches. knee Some days ago. is. now getting He strained a T. L. Snook promises a green Christmas, after a careful study of the weather. He is going to Jamaica, 80 there can be little doubt of the truth of his prophecy. The Young People's Guild of St. church have a balance of $116 after the year's work. An old fellow, .who says he wants [ree board for the wintey, secured' it by smashing a store window. The magistrate gave him five months. Everyone was satisfied but the own- er of the window, near Kinburn, 20% Discount Off Everything With the exception of a few articles with price restrictions, which we cannot honorably change Diamonds Jewelery Watches Etc. iy tax, R. J. RODGER" JEWELER 132 Princess St. F. A. Ross of the Twelfth Line A. W. Curtis, an electrical of Ramsay who sold his farm to J. L. {man in Pembroke, had his leg Erskine, Clayton, has purchased alen when a pole on which he larger farm on tht provincial road | working broke letting him fall to ground. ' ya