WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1929. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Markets s_Reports GRAIN QUOTATIONS, tp Oats--No. 2 white, 48% o 43 Hc; | No. 3 white, 47% to 48%c. * Toronto. | Rye, No. 2, $1.56. Barley, 72 to Toronto, Dec. 21.--Manitobha oats | 92c. Timot hy seed, $5.50 to $6.50. [--No. 2 C.W,.52%¢c; No. 3 C.W,, [Clover seed, $15.00 to $20.00. 49%c; extra No. 1 teed, 49%c; all Pork nominal; lard, $11.87; ribs, in store, Fort William. $10.75 to $12.00. 4 | Northern wheat, new crop--No. 1 {rorthern, $1.883%; No. 2 northern, Montreal, No. 3 northern, $1.813%; Dee. 21.--Oats--Cana- | hern, $1.64 34; all in store, No. 3, 683c. Flour | --Manitoba spring wheat patents, firsts, $11.10. Rolled oats--Bags, 190 1bs., $3.80. Bran, $40.25. Shorts, $42.25. Hay--No, 2, per ton, car lots, $29 to $30. Winnipeg. | New Ford | | Service If you own a Ford car bring it to the Ford Garage for repair. We will tell you exactly what it will cost and guarantee satisfaction. You are also assured of getting genuine Ford parts. Do not take your Ford to some slow me- chanic and let him fool away his time at your expens OUR SERVICE IS COMPLETE. VanLuvenBros. Sales and Service 34-38 Princess Street. Montreal, | dian western, The Royal Bank of Canada GENERAL STATEMENT 30th NOVEMBER, 1920 , Dec. 21.--Wheat--No. 1 Winnipeg S188%; No. 2 North: LIABILITIES. ern, $1.85%; No. 3 Northern, i :.. i $1.813%; No. 4 Northern, $1.843%; ' sot Poy : No. 6 Northern, $1.513%; No. 6 terest : = $123,329,308.42 Northern, $1.41%; track Manitoba, \ . Tu Saskatchewan and Alberta, $1.76 3%. $455.017,387.08 Qats--No. 2 C.W,, b28%¢c; No. 3 C. erro W., 493c; No. 1 feed, 473%¢; No. 2 19.972.800.38 feed, 44% c; track, 523 ¢. Bapley-- No. 3 CW, 30¢c; No. § CW, 80¢; feed, 67c; track, 82c. Flax--No, 1 N.W.C., $1.36; No. 3.C.W,, Boel "1sessies No. 3 C.Ww., $1.61, condemned, Ih : . $1.56; track, $1.96. Rye--No. 2 Acceptances . Sess Betty C.W., $1.58 : pp LIVE STOCK MARKETS. 20,134,010.00 American corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.- } nominal, track, Toronto, prompt I t. ¢ anadian corn--Feed, nominal. Manitoba barley in store, Fort | William---No. 3 C.W., 90c¢; No. 4 C. 1 W,, 80c; rejecis, 67¢c; No. 1 feed, [67c. Barley--Ontario malting, | 90¢c, outside. Ontario wheat--No. 2, $1.85 to Ist 90, f.o.b. shipping points, aceord- {ing to freights; No. 2 spring, $1.80 to $1.83 Ontario cats--No. 2 white, nomin- , 0c to 53¢, according to freight | cutside, Peas--No. 2, $1.75 to $1.80, ac- cording to freights. Buckwheat----Nomina!, $1 to $1.05. Rye---No. 2, $1.50 to $1.55. Ontario flour--In jute bags, gov- jernment standard, prompt shipment, | delivered at Montreal, nominal, $7.- { 75. Mauitoba flour--Track, Toronto, cash prices: First patents, $11.10; cecond patents, $10.60. Millfeed -- Carloads, | Montreal froights, bag included: | Bran, per ton, $38 tu $40; shorts, | per ton, $42; feed flour, $2.75 to $3. Hay--1. cose, No. 1, per ton, §3 te $39; baled, track, Toronto, $30 to PE 85¢c to $ 20,134,010.00 5469 Toronto. 28.20 Toronto, Dec. 21.---Heifers, good to choice, $8 to 9.50; baby bee! steers, $10.50 to $14; heavy steors, choice, $10 to $11; good do. $9 to $9.50; choice butcher, $9,50 to $11.- 26; common butcher, $4.50 to $86; light, common, $4.50 to $5.50; do, medium, $7.50 to $8; stockers, 100 tp 800 pounds, $8 Jo Js. 50; feeder 20,680,988.20 nelaimed 11,107.37 Dividend No. 133 (at 12 per cent. per annum), payable deliverad, Decgmber 1st, 1920. ~ Phone 1609. Ta. ---- $594,670,013.48 East, = IB Retiring From Business Sale 4 «iri 28250 up cev...$2.00 up .$1.00 and $1.50 Children's Moccasins ..........50c. up Boys' Gauntlet Gloves .90c. Men's Overshoes--buckled or laced . $1.50 Women's Rubbers from ........50¢c. up Boys' Boots from . . Youths' Boots from Children's Boots ...... "«* 8 se ee mee. (Open in evenings this week) - 400 pounds, $9 to $9.25; light ri ers, §6.50 to $7.50; heavy sheep, $5 to $5.50; light sheep, $6 to $6.75; do culls, $3 to $4; butcher cows, choice, $7 to $8; do, medium, $6.50 toc $7.50; do., good, $6 to $6.50; do, > | light, $4.50 to $5.50; canners and | cutters, $3.25 to $4.60; bulls, choice, New York. Now York, Dec. 21.--TFlour unset- Spring patents and Kansas $8.00 to $8.50; spring 50 to $8.00: winter Brat {gh ) to $9.00; hay, quiet, N i, $1. 80 to $2.0": No.2. $51.80 to {$1.890; No. 3, $1.66 to $1.75; ship-| iping, $1.45 to $1.65; hops quiet; [heavy, $7 to $8.50; do., common, 34 | stat 930, 41 to 45c: 19 +o ito $6; spring lambs; $13 to $18.50; | 300s Pacific Const, 1950, 35 to soc) | calves, $15 to 316; do., medium, $10 4 ' : s to $11.50; hogs, fed and watered, $15.76 to $16; do., off cars, $16 to [ $16. 26; do.,, to farmer, $14.50 to | $14. 75; do., f.0.b., $14.75 to $15. [ It | | ji1ed; lst : 33 to 3b. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Dec. 21 --Flour un- |ehanged; shipment, 56861 barrels. 26 Buffalo |. Bran, $26.00 to $28.00; cash : | wheat, No. 1 Northern, $1.68 to| Buffalo, Dec. 21.--Cattle; prime ($1.71: Dec. $1.58; March, $1.62 2; | Steers and shipping steers, $11.25 14 Ito $13.00; butchers, $7.00 to $11.- Mav. $1.60 5; corn, No. 3 yeilow, 64 [15 3 00 ee, 38.50; het. S 100; jig, se) pats, So 12 fo fee; ad 1 $5.50 to 39.50; cows, $2.50 to shi ad $7.50; bulls, $5.00 to $7.50; stock- ers and feeders, $5.50 to $8.50; fresh cows and &pringers, $50.00 to 50c lower; $4.00 to $15.50. Hogs, receipts, 19,200; pigs 25¢ higher, heavy, $9.60 to $9.75; mixed, $9.75 to $10.00; yorkers, $10.00; light yorkers, $10.25 to $10.50; pigs, $10.60; roughs, $8.00; stags, $5.50 to $7.00. Sheep and lambs, réceipts, 20,000; slow, 50¢ to $1.26 .ower; lambs, $6.00 to $10.75; yearlings, $6.00 to $8.00; wet. .rs, $5.00 to $5.50; ewes, $2.00 to $4.50, mixed sheep, $4.75 *o $6.00. Chicago. Chicago, Dec. 21.--Wheat--No. 2 red, $2.00; No, 2 hard, $1.756% to| 81.76%. Corn.--No. 3 | No. 2 yellow, 7 mixed, 68 to 684%e¢c; 7 to "7%ec. CASTORIA For Infants and Children | InUse For Over 30 Years Chic Call and Short than in Canada Other Current of interest . § 1791012250 28,727,403.00 27,181,658.00 6,723,99537 $ 80,543,188.87 23,500,000.00 3,431,180.21 26,490,706.01 291.51 37,044,019.59 12,808,172.80 21,400,126.90 16,117,459.49 12,899,573.85 (not exceeding thirty days) Loans elsewhere 3 279,197,718.46 Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate a ). co. $183,747 400 41 > Other, Current Loans and Discounts' clorwhers than in Canada (less rebate of interest) . fen Estate other than Bank Premises a foe 3 under Letters of Credit, as per contra stivense Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Fund OGthet Assets not included in the foregoing. .. H. 8. HOLT, President. 102,674,210.39 420,381.04 $286,842,000.94 966,349.48 9,498,425.46 17,228,647.29 at not more thar. ost, less amounts writteh off. tres ssstestestttcsaseasanas EDSON L. PEASE, Managing Director. AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE ago. i Wt REFoRt 10 Taz SmansoLpEes or Twi Rovat Fan or Canama: Chicago, Dec. 21.--Cattle, top, That in our opinion the transactions of the Bank which have Come Wntder our otic Bave heen withis the Powers $12.60; few others, $11.00 to $12.- of the 00; fat cows steady to 25c¢c higher; t We have checked the cash and verified the securities of the Bank at the Chief Office at 30th November, agreed the H. JENNINGS KING STREET SCOTT'S GARAGE | Repairs, Washing and Storage. One 1915 Mclaughlin Tour. ing car 0d 2. cheap for ! a quick b 8 RasoT ViREET Phone 1N04w lllustrated is the Waltham Ladies' Coavertible Bracelet Wa ch--a very popular &adel which can be worn in many dierent styles. Price $37.00 up- wards. Many other Waltham Models for Ladies and Geaticmen, The Distinctive Christmas Gift Won you .give a Waltham your. gift will be sure of enduring appreciation. It is both beautiful and useful. The recipient will get many years of good service from your gift and will have the satisfaction of owning a watch which every- whare commands respect. Since 1854 the name "Wal- tham" has signified all that is best in watch n.echane ism. Visit your jeweller early, while his stock of Waltham Models is complete, so that you can be sure of selecting just the right watch tha; will be most highly appreciated. WALTHAM THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER TIME WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, LIMITED, MONTREAL Makers and Distributors of Waltham Prodwcts in Canada Factories: Montreal, Canada. Waltham, US.A, | market this morning. heifers mostly 25c higher; bulk she stock $4.50 to $6.80; ¢ ners steady, mostly $3.00; bulk, 25¢c lewer; good and choice, $5.50 to $5.90; calves, steady to 50c lower; quality poor; bulk vealers, $8.50 to $9.00; stock= ers and feeders steady. Hogs, top 1 $9.35 for 160 to 170 pound aver- ages; practical top, $9.30; bulk, 188.06 to $9.15; pigs steady to 10¢ {iower; bulk desirable, $0 to 130 {top yearlings, $8.10; bulk, $7.25 pound pigs, -$9.35 to $9.50. Lambs | top, $10.75; 'ulk, $9.50 to $10.50; to $8.00; bulk ewes, $3.50 to $4.00; 'no sales feeder lambs; feeder yeat- ling wethers, $6.00; choice breeding ewes, $6.50. Montreal. Montreal, Dec. 21.---Cattle-- But- | cher steers, good, $9 to $11; me- | dium, $8.25 to $9.00; common, $7 to $8.26; butcher heifers, choice, $9 to $11; medium, $7.50 to $9; common, $6 to $7.50; butcher cows, choice, $8.00 to $8. 75; medium, $5 to $7.50; canners, $3 to $3.28; cutters, $3.50 to $4.76 butcher bulls, good, $6 to $7.25; common, $4.75 to $6.00. Good veal, $12.00 to $13.00; medium, $9 to $192; i grass, $4. 50 to '$5.50. Ewes, $4. 00 to $5.50; lambs, good, $12.80 to $13.00; common, $10.50 to $12.00. Hogs, (off-car weights) : Selects, $17.00 to, $17.50; sows, $13.00 to $13.50 ¥ . Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Dec. 21.-~There was little activity displayed on the cattle Bidding on most classes and grades was gen-| erally in line with the close of Sat- urday, although handy weight fe- male butchers were inclined to be a shade stronger. Buyers on the sheep and lamb market are holding oft for lower prices. A few early sales showed mutton sheep to be fifty cents to $1.00 lower, while lambs were fully $1.00 to $1.50 lower. Hogs unchanged at $13.75 for se- lects. GENERAL TRADE. Toronto. Torento, Dec. 21.---Bautter, choice, dairy, 55 to 70c; do. creamery, 58 to 62c; margarine, Ib. 37 to 406; eggs, fresh, dozen, $1. 15 to $1.35; cheese, pound, 49 to 50c; chickens, spring, pound, 38 to 41¢; fowl, 1b., 32 to 3€c; geese, 40c ducks, spring, 1b., 28 to #2c; turkeys, 1b., 53 to 68¢: apples, barrel, $3.50 to $7; oranges, dozen, 40c to $1; pears, 11.qts., 60¢ to $1; lemons, dozen, 10 to 25¢; ar- tichokes, small measure, 20¢; beets, bag, $1.25; carrots, bag, $1; cag- bage, each. 5 to 10¢; cauliflower, each, 30 to 60c; pumpkins, 10 to 20c; celery, two bunches, 25¢; on ions, en, dag, $2 to $2.25; pots. toes, bag, $2 to $2.80; do., peck, 36 to 46¢c; parsley, bunch, 5 to 10; pep- pers, green, basket, 65c to $1; tuk nips, bag, 30c to $1. Montreal, 21.--Cheese~--Fin- est easterns, to 2lc. Butter-- Choicest éreamery, 49% to 50c. Eggs | --Fresh, 2c. Potatoes--Per bag, ¢ar -lots, $1.60 to $1.70, That 1920, awe 88 at another time, as required by Section 56 of the Bank Act and that they A in regard thereto. We aloo during the re cash aa vemos ey it thea above Balance Sheet has been compared RRL, rom the Branches, and in our opinion is pro, he Bank's affairs according te the best of oar information and as state of tl year checked the the securities at the fe with the books at the Chief Office and with the sertified y drawn Hp JO 44 to shit 8 trot and correct he explanations given by the oath OF the Bank. That we have obtained all the information and explanations required by ua. Montreal, Canada, 19th December, 1920 [AMES MARWICK. CA, OGER MITCHELL, C.A. of Marwick, Michell and Co. JAMES G. ROSS, C.A., of P. 5. Ross & Sous. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT @ Pris 1 th yea. ahr ducing charts of 1919. $ 1,006,418.74 or the year, after deducting charges of management aid oll other expenses, accrued interest on deposits, full frovision for all bed and Soudul debts and rebate of interest oh unmatured bills. 4,253,649.24 § 5,350,067.98 TETmam ere APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Dividends Nos. 130, 131, 132 and 133 at 12 per cent. per Tra to Officers' Pension Fund. Written off Bank Premises $ 2153.15.11 EL Wer Tax on Bank Note Circulation . und Transferred to Dilsties 4 ONS", Premiuth on Transferred from Balance at Credit, 30th November; 1920 .. H. 8. HOLT President, RESERVE FUND 29th November, 1919... .......0..0.. $ 17,000,000.00 ew Capital Stock. esse 1,567,005.00 Profit and Lows Account cesssesssnrans 1,567,005.00 sssesesaniens $ 30,134,010,00 EDSON L. PEASE, C. BE. NEILL, Managing Director, General Manager, Montreal, 18th December, 1920, Consult our Samples of Xing Greeting Cards Ask representative to call or Phone 292 BRITISH WHIG Job Dept. A Ms: AR / We have neither time for room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get Ad of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. Sr ----"_ CRAWFORD & WALSH Bagot and Brock Streets. EEE AE OSTA