WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22, 1920, reer -- | . DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited Strand Starting Thursday--- Three Days Bryant Washburn A FULL HOUSE From the Famous Stage Varce by Fred Jackson EXTRA! Children's Picture "The Ghost of Slumber Mountain" TO-NIGHT: Sessue Hayakawa in "AN ARABIAN KNIGHT" - \ 3 HOME-MADE PLUM PUDDINGS FROZEN PUDDINGS XMAS CAKES || MINCE PATTIES and PIES | Lackie's Bakery 302 KING :: :: Phone 141 NOTICE. DR, 8S. A. AYKROYD closes his Dental Office on Thur, December 23rd, for Three Me Will re-open on March 24th. Pearl A. Neshit, L.T.CM. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH pday hy, Teacher of Singing and Pla Studie: 24 Division St. Phone 1167), A A A. | | | 1 TO-NIGHT Oliver Morosco Presents Charlotte Green wood Inthe Musical Comedy Success | | | i | | THE DAILY BRITISH GRAND | | Lo i smo / = CONDENSED, ADVERTISING RATES: i¢. a word. Each con ftion thereafter, hait inimum charge jor nsertion, secutiy cent a w 2 Ole insertion, 25 50 cents. The above rates are for cash only; when charged they are do HELI' WANTED, "LINGER, LONG LETTY" --Breezy, Speedy, Melodious-- | PRICES 50-81-$1.50-82-$2.50 | --Seats now on sale. i | | | & SATURDAY | SPECIAL. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM ALF§ BUTTON The Feature Comedy That Set All England Laughing ! Mother Would Appreciate a Lorgnette for Xmas. KENNEDY'S Cash Grocery SPECIALS THIS WEEK ..8 lbs. for 23c., «+o. 100. tin It is so handy when shopping, to read the price cards, at the theatre to glance at the pro- gram, In fact, it proves the most Stewing Figs Canned Pumpkin Princess Soap Chips--reg. 15c. line. Our price «vv. -..3 packages for 25c. convenient gift possible. Attractive prices, from $6.00 to $12.00. Lenses supplied of course. R. J. Rodger, Optometrist. 132 PRINCESS STREET «...7¢. bar Laundry Soap . or We still have that good Black Tea ...3 lbs for $1.00 We have a full line of Christ- maa Candies, Fruits, etc., at best prices in Montreal and Charles Street. Phone 669 Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Firms Is Firms, The Bonney Shanks Company, of Hamilton County, Tenn., has surren- dered its charter. | Baskets, Table Lamps, Trays, Bead Necklaces, Bead Bags, Etc, Etc. A veritable maze of lovely Christras pres- ents--just the kind you like to give and she likés to get, and all made by disabled soldiers at local hospitals. SAMPLE. ROOM NOW OPEN OLD COLLEGIATE BUILDING Clergy Street - Opposite Chalmers Church by makiyg sheep's eyes at him. mt These make ideal Xmas gifts and your pat- ronage is soliciteekin behalf of disabled soldiers | rrr --r--------r ------------ aL 1 A girl can always get a man's goat { BIG V. COMEDIES AND OTHER REELS GRAND ORCHESTRA Evening at 7.80 Ground floor 80¢. | round «v0. 20c, nd Peter F. Griffin MATINEE at 2.30 20c. any seat Direction Joh PICTURES MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY The Most Thrilling Picture in Towa! The Terror A Drama of Daredeviitry and { Romance, SP -- ei ---- 4th Episode of our Great Serial | "THE BRANDED FOUR" i | I ----------_---------------------- ----------h | SELECT COMEDY TOPICAL--EDUCATIONAL ---- WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE _, Mate frofii' Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. ne TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. | PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE Tursday, the third day of February next, will be the last day for presents ing Petitions for Private Bills. ! { Thursday, the tenth day of Febru- troducing Private Bills. Wednesday, the twenty-third day | of February next, will be the last day for receiving Reports of Committees of Private Bills. | ARTHUR H. SYDERRE, Clerk of the begisiativ NA, A pi Put on More Insurance ! The sum that would have ap- -- LET YOUR XMAS GIFT BE A VICTORY BOND $50, $100, $500 or $1000 You will do it cheaper this Xmas than next, and what could you give more substantial or more acceptable? It will not wear out, but will instead become more valuable as time goes on. We can fill orders promptly in any ma- turity. Bongard, R « "The Home of 237 BAGOT STREET. yerson & Co. Investments." PHONE 1728, a ------ ---- Announcement We wish to announce that we have secured the agency for Kingston and district for Chevrolet Cars Having experienced mechanics, we are prepared to do first class Repair Work on all makes of Cars. GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES BAWDEN & EDWARDS 80 MONTREAL STREET, PHONE 400. peared adequate to protect the home ten years ago is wholly inadequate to-day. If, in those days, $1,000 was carried, to-day it should be made $2,000, while Five should be increased to Teg and, and Fen to Taventy thoussnd to maintain the protection at the Same point that it reached 10 years ago. Let me suggest a plan for an additional amount. S. Roughton Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street Phone 610. { A Parallel. "Drunkenness has increased 300 per tent. since prohibition went into effect. Prohibition has been a misfor- tune for the country. It has had a demoralizing effect. I have never seen so much drunkenness and de- moraliation as in the past year. Peo- ple who have hitherto never cared for whiskey now react vigorously against the useless policy of compul- sion. We have become a nation of lawbreakers. Our law-abiding in- stinct does not react in the slightest against the buying, stealing and dis- tilling of spirits. Corruption is ram- pant. Prohibition is a painful farce." No, dear reader, this is not a state- ment of conditions in the United Sta- tes under prohibition. But it could be. It is the statement of the fore- most statesman of Norway after a year's trial of prohibition. Thess words of Christian Michelsen seems to describe conditions in this coun- try. . i ary- next, will be the last day for in- | GEESE PICKERS WANTED Princess Mea Street. ' APLY t Market, 248 Princess -- MARRIED MAN 10 'W ORK ON ¥ Must be a guvd miiker. Jo Futners, vax Ring 3. WANTED GENERAL, WANTED AT ONCE, REED | carriage or pram; tion. Phone 1568). ADY WANTED TU. RENT A sized house; ceuutrally children in fay, Waig Once, MEUIUM- located; APPIy Box AS, WILL EXCHANGE Yhonograpn ot difesent mage Uprigat iianuvs ia guud ¢ R. J. Rodger, Princess -- ---- SHCUNU-HAND UrPRIGuy PlANO Yor cash or in pact pay dient of new Planos ana graicnvlas. C. W, Ling. gay Limited, 121 Princess Sireet. lGH C; three insertions, in gued cundi-| nui GRADE | WHIG. THE PEOPLE'S FOR : TO LET. | | FURNISHED RESIDE Ey 7 ROOMS; ! furnace; B. and C.; Ellerbeck St | McCann, 36 Brock street. | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BCARD; | all lnproveiceuts; centraily locat- ed. Apply 245 Brock Street. | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND | merchandise; clean aud dry. Me- | Cann, 36 Brock streei. Phone 32% | or 611 NC ting room; suitable for one or two ladies; central location; o stor- 2ge for two cars. Phone 1243m., STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rocws; your own logk.and ey. Frost's City Sto 239-305 Queen Erma: LET ME HELP YOU TO MARRY INTO wealth, success. State age, enclos- Ing stamped, addressed envelope. C isiherwuod, Isherwood P. Q., Ont. MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks, skin cancers. scars, etc., re- moved permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnisied after others have falie® Goltre removed 35 years' exper.ence, Elmer J Lake, Lye, Ear, Noge, TEACHERS WANTED: ; WANTED--MEN ronize J. W and boys' Ls Razors honed near drucsk 4 BOYS 10 PA' sul, barber. M ue. bhave, 258 Unlarip at, AN Cu ul, T FARM OF 100 Y experienced farm- Keep ut | Cows and 2 "8, Wilnout ory stock and impicments objection. Write, acres, location L-20, Whig Office. -------- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miss Madge Edgar, €Xpert 'steno- grapoer, open for stenogiaphic work of any description. Kirst class Work guaranteed. Kaley reasinanle Spe- clal rates can be arratiged, p 16 $41. White's insurance Vilice, Bagg Slreet, a er; the SITUATIONS VACANT. MAKE MONEY AT HOME---%135 TO paid weekly for your Spare tim writing show cards for u > vassing We instruct You with work. West Ang Service, 57 I. Colborne AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LE ters fur stores, ollice Wilaows,; e ily applied; will not wosn off. 11 Sampies. Acrie Sign Coy 546 Wells, Chicago, IIL. ONE AGENT LAST WEEK M clean profits, Another $1 qur Havers from house Writscsuigk for terri ry termg:-'Eititer sex. Craig Bros McBee Bireet, Nia ADE 801 2, se i FUBNITUKE FINISHIN CAEL OR UROI* A CARD TO W, DRIS. voll, 22 John street TRS he ah DENTAL, ATK, KNAPC BA, LDS, 7 403 Princess Street. D.D.S, Pavone DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. Lists, 159 Wellington street, over Carnovs Phone 346, mt PAINTING AND PAPER RANGING PAINTING on Paperhanging done, drop a card to A. Mount . 84 Arch sireet. FINANCIAL. STRANGR « STRANGE INSURANCR AaPents; est ished in 1860; only the most relisvle Colupanies réepras sented. ICE #0 Clarence street; Opposite the pos' office. " FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety,; incorporated President, W. F. Nickle, kK. resident, A. | Cunn Money issued on city proverties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased, Investment bonds for sale; deposits received ana interest allowed. R. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ence street, Kingswon. A TE Se LEGAL. » BARRISTS 78 Clarence A. B. Cunning. ith, ' BARRISTE office, c¢ oF over Rogal Phone 1999, Solicitors, » Kingston, ham. Cyril' M. Sm AMBRUSE SHIA, B.A, and Solicitor. Law King and Brock, oney to loan. FIRE AT ODESSA The Home of J. O'Brien Was De- stroyed. Odessa, Dec. 20.--Mr, "and Mrs. Isaac Fraser left Tuesday td spend the winter with their daughter, Mrs, Fred Scott, Montreal; Mrs. A. Baker to spend Christmas with her son, Percy Baker, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharp to spend a month with their son, Egbert, To- ronto. 2 Mrs. O. D. Lewis and Miss Ber- nice Henderson left Saturday to spend the holidays with Mr, -and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Hamilton. Mrs. Elwell Emmons, accompanied by her little daughter, Audrey, left Sunday to spend the holiday season with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mc- Laren, Toronto. Thomas Giddy, Campbellford, is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Shel- don Hawley. Mrs. Matthews, Napa- fee, i spending a few days with Mrs. James Bailey. Charley Hamm, Toronto, is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hamm. Mrs. Amey and son, William, Ernesttown, and Seymour 8mith, Fredericksburg, spent Sun- day at Charley Kilgannon's. The bakeshop, which has been closed for some time, was opened by Irvine Burley last Wednesday. Fred Burt has sold his farm and is moyiag to Napanee. The public school concert given by the pupils last Friday afternoon re- flected great credit on the excellent staff of teachers. Considerable time must have been spent in preparation when each played his part so well The concert comsisted of dialogues, recitations, songs, drills and music. The Christmas tree was a great at- traction, on which were many gifts for the children, as well as for the ive. | ast 104 . i $60 ie AA A A A A tis itis QUARIFIED TEACHER FOR 8, 8, 14, Wolfe Island in and sala ply stating quali- | xpected, to John | 4 » Wolfe Island. | Qt Al 1 CHER FOR 8, 8. No. ate religious denom ry $700.00. Apply Del- | erguson, RB. RR. No. 4, Smith's | Falls, ont. | | LOTESTANT TEACHER | 5, Wolfe Island, Ont. | mence Jan, 3rd, 1921, Apply W. E. Horne, | | | QUALIFI ED PF | for 8. 8. N | 8. § Duties Salary $700. Sec.-Treas., R. 3, Wolfe Island. QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED | | teacher for 8. S. No. 17, Sharpton. | | Salary $900 Duties to commence | | Jan. ird, 1921. Apply to G. W. Bell, | R. R: No. 3, Odes Al ate for 8. 8. No. | lary $600 per an-| num. Ap to W. R. Wilson, Sec. | Treas, Box 167, Sydenham, Ont. { EE -------- eT ) TEEACHER FOR S, 8, No, | wnship of Hinchinbrook, com- | ing after Xmas. holidays. State | ) Apply to Robt, Butterill, | 5 le Lake P. O., Ont. | NORMAL TRAINED | 8S. No. 7,Township of | y $900.00 for| n Burtch, Secre- | | Jones Falls, Ont. | -- p-- | PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR 8, 8. / No. 12, Bedford. Duties to com- mence Jan. 3rd, 1921. Salary $600 per annum Apply to R. A. Ran- | 8 n, secretary-treasurer, Bed- | Mills, Ont. QUALI WD 3, Amt TE rd Class Ce Lough mene 8 la CLASS for 8 Cros SECOND teacher TEACHER rst 1 id. Duties to com- State experience | expected to James étary-ireasurer, R, Stella, Ont. | | FOR S§. 8. NO, | mence Jan saiary and Stra R.. N¢ i FQUALIFIED PROTESTANT TREACHER | 3. 8. No. 10, Storrington, Salary | Duties to commence Jan- | ird, . Apply to W. B | Secretary-treasurer, Bat- | No. 1, Onwario, 1 ------------t-- e---------- | A 1ST OR 2ND CLASS PROTESTANT | { teacher for schoal section No. 4, | Ernesttown. Salary, $500 per an- num. Apply, stattig experience to . A. Wartman, secretary-treas- urer, R. No. 8, Collin's Bay. R. | | | A PROTESTANT TEACHER HOLD- ing cond. class certificate for S. 8. .No. 8, Township of Kingston | Duties to commence January 3rd, | 1931. State sala Apply to W. T Gordon, sec, K r RR) Np. 5. 131 » Ont, | TEACHER FOR 8. 8. NO. 11 (an), OLD- t en. The holder of at least a third | class certificate. Salary b annum Duties to commence Januar 1 Apply to Mrs. .} ite tary-1reasurer, Mc- | ] Tung FOR THE i School, No. 8 nsiip of Kingston. Duties to | meee Jan. drd, 1921, Apply, | ug salary expected and qualifis 8, R. J. Draper, Secretary, TEACHER IFIED fe Separate nburni NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR 8S, S. No. 15, Sheffield. Salary $800, or $500 for a teacher, the holder of a Limited Third Class Certificate Ap- ply, stating experience and qualid- ns to James l'urlong, secre- treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Enter- ont, | | BIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD etc. large or small, guaranteed X) gold leaf; posters, showeards, etc. artistically written and designed Bp Shaw, at 205 Priacess Street, ingston. | teachers of the different classes. W. G. Clark, chairman, called upon Rev. I. Nickle, who pointed out the ad- vantages of these little entertain- ments. ! The Christmas tree and concert | given by the Methodist Sunday | school in the township hall last Sat- | urday was a great success. The pro- | rgramme was very creditably render- | ed, and enjoyed by a large audience. The proceeds amounted tb $60. Bruce Cairns has accepted a position in the Royal Bank, Mrs. James Dawson has returned to Kingston, after spending a short time with relatives, About four o'clock, Monday morn- ing, fire"was discovered in the home of J. O'Brien, and every effort was made by the villagers to save the building but all in vain. The place was completely destroyed. It was partly covered by insurance. Children Manifested True Christmas Spirit Six little bo¥s, belonging to the Union Jack Club of the Orphans' Home, were possessed of the true Chirstmas spirit. With their own | money, they purchased small bas- | kets of candy, and making a visit to the Home for the Aged on Tues- day, they presented a basket of the candy to every inmate in the in- stitution, and it is needless to say how the old folk appreciated the kindness of the children. ~ A ---- en. Walter C. Nicol, editor and pro- prietor of the Vancouver Daily Prov- ince, has been offered the Lieutenant- Governorship of British Columbia. W.N. Cluff, ex-city auditor, Ottawa, HED BEDROOM AND SIT- | LADIES' BLACK HUDSON SEAL MUFF) | TAKEN BY Mf | FOR SALE. [eam OF FURNITURE, SNAP, FOUND : { Apply evenings, 155 Bagot street. APT THREE NEW MILCH COWS, APPLY DOOR KEY, ON EARL STREET, to W. Knight, Cataraqul. Phone near Wellington. Owner may 2300 r. 23, or 1788J. 8 have same at Whig Ontice. : SMALL PARCEL, CONTAINING || ygiNTZMAN PHONOGRAPH, CABI- a lady's silk waist, in Ma- net; price reasonable. Apply: o@ hood Bros. store. Owner can Hrock street. tid have same by calling at 28 . - : Stephen Street. | ONE NEW CUTTER AND ONE OLD LEATHER MITT IN ST. cutter for sale cheap. W. 3. Gore Géorge"s Hall. Owner may don, Sydenham, Ont. have same by applying to the i sexton. 5 SUM Or MONEY PICKED UP IN the post office lobby. Apply Postmaster James Stewart MONDAY, PARCEL OF DRY goods. Owner may 'have same by applying to 228 Bar- rie street. A MUFF, ON SATURDAY, OWN. er may have same at United Farmers' Company, 21 Brock Street. ' BLACK AND WHITE COLLIE dog. Owner may have same at 185 Brock street. A SLIDE FOWL A MAGIC LANT- ern Monday, on corner of Frincess and Clergy streets. Owner may have same at the Whig Oilice. 3 HOY'S sLEIGH, CORNER WED. lington and Princess Streets Owner may have same at Cockburn's hardware siore. A CROCHLTED CUFF ON Whi lington street, Wednesday Owner may have at the WITTE Office ON CORNER OF ALFRED AND nion streets, cutt, belt and pair of rubbers. Owner may have same by calling at 144 L'nion street. LADY'S MiLFK; PICKED UP ON the street. Apply police Sta- tion. A PURSE IN UGLOW' BOOK Store. Owner may have nave same at above address by proving property. ON PRINCESS STREET, PHOTO, with name Mr. John R. Joyn= €r. Owner may have same by calling at 128 Chatham sireet. FUR NECK PIECE, THURSDAY nignt, on Bagot street, near Gore. Owner may have saine at Whig Uirice, FOUND ARTICLISS ADVER- TiSeD FrReES, Anyone uuding auy thing and Wisniig Lo reacu the uWuer may 40 80 by repuriing the Lactg to Tue British Whig. "The adver. Usement will be printed in this Cuiyain Iree of charge. "Found articles" gues not (r- clude 10st dugs, cattle, nors etc. These, if lust, may be verused iur fn tue "Losi™ celuan CY SHIUNS, 'OMUBILE TOPS AND ayy Judsen's Celluloid for curtains, Auto Tops, Brockville, UNE SET OF DELIVERY SLRIGHS AT Miliard's Uicvcery, corner Malan street and Raglan Road. ONE EXHIBITION SHERLOCK MAN. ning iis, in walnut, art finished cas apply C, Hebert, 26 Plum Street. . % ON UNE LUD, Gusial FOOT FRONTAGM, on Buuiiz wacdonisld street; tor Quick Bujsr. Bateman Real Estate GENUINE GHAPHONOLA AND TEN selections; your uwn choice, $42.50, Lewis $i cosa, 35 per month. C. W, Lindsay, Lamiied, 121 Princess St. | | | : PREMIER TUBE, tour 36%4 artnige Tube (red), one 35x43 8. and KK. Tube--3lo.v0 for SiX tubes. bid Albert street, before Friday. ¥ WORENS CLOTHING . =pecialize 1a milis /-all Kinds seconds t prices paid. fo i 25y Prins QUICK--ON Sxa8 MN AND house ui lary bud hand got Houtbdrd, cess Sirest. FARM, FIFTY ACRES, ABOUT FOUR miles from Lansdowne village; twenly acres work land; no bulids ings; sull good and. well watered; Apply Michael A. McDonald, Lans« downe, Ont. ? "ARM, ONE HUNDRED ACRES, HALF mile frum Launsaowne viliage, 8 Concession, stone house, good out buiidings, good weil; soil nearly al tihiable,; perfect litle, Appin Michael A. McDonald, Lansdowne, Sod secund hang ont. ALL WINDS ©. furniture "An Eluves Any person having .stovs | and furniiure tu dispose of, we wild | pay highest prices <3, Thom on, i 333 Princess strecd. Fhone 1600w, | PERFECT, COLUMBIA, DAYTON, | Princeton and Victory Bleycies, als 80 a number of ladies' and gents' used Bicycles and motorcycles, af attention bavy ¢are r's Bleyeld eel. Vhong 2 ---- VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, ONM hundred and Hfty acres, situated in townsaip vf Loughboru, in 2nd of said townsaip. 'The farm 13 tw and one-half mites from Sydenham. the buildings are ag follows; ram dwelling, in good coldition; fram barn and other bulldings; two nev: failing sprmgs; u goou quantity eo Wood; tide, perfect; possession gan be arranged (0 suit purcnaser, Fol full parccuiars, apply io owner, Patrick Murray, kK. 1. No, 1, Syden< ham, Ont BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FON SALR $2,000 EACH -- bHOUDLE house; 4 rooms; B. and lights; large lot. $2,2300--~FRAME HOUSIS; 4 ROOMS; B' and C.; electric ligulg and furnace; good cellar, Wh MAYER LG SA | | | | | | | -- the t---------------------- LOST. GENTLEMEN'S TIK PIN, MASONIC | €inblem. Finder please return to Whig Oifice. reduced prices. Special Biven to all bicycie and riage fepair work, Mulle Works, 871-878 King sur 1032w. | | | ON PRINCESS STREET OR IN A store, ten dollars. Finder please return to this oftice. MINK NECK-PIECE, BETWEEN LAID. law's store and tne Pest OUllice inaer please return to Whig Ut-| lice. Reward. A METHORIST HYMN BOOK, ON SUN- | day evemng Name of owner Stamnped on front. rinder kindly return to Whig. : | A PERSIAN LAMB GAUNTLET right hand, on Union, Ungton or karl nouity Whig Office. FOR Bagot, Wel- streets. Kindly FRAME. .; electrid 3 IN COLLEGE BOOK STORE, VGLOW"S or Woglwortn's, a package with| Photo and euveiopes Finuer kind- ly recurn to Whig Office, or 56 Kar) Street. $3,000--IRICK SEMI-DETACHED; § rooms; B. and C.; hot air; 8a, gare age. VICTORY HMONDS FOR SALN MONRY % Loan. S1400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS proveudents, good locali TO RENT $25.00--TO RENT; NELSON; semi-detached; § rooms; ments. SATURDAY, DEC. 11th, IN ODESSA between Post Office and Overton Powley's corner, a sable muff. F'ind- er please leave at Dominion Hotel, Odessa. heward. ! NO 1M. > >. . on Saturday night; dropped from automobile. Finder kindly return to 26) Princess or 372 Allred street, and receive reward, BRICK) improves A BLACK LEATHER PURS Naine inside, between. uyrner 'Barrie and Princesg-arnd corner. Aberdeen add Jiar] streets; contained sum of muoliey. "binder please return te Whig Office. Reward. -- ask, nnd E, WITH MUST KENT OR SELL BAKKRY 3 Odessa, owing to ii-health, 3 other bakery within ten miles: store doing good business; i199 Adwellifig Apply Noble Bond, Odessa, Ont. LAND SURVEYOR, F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, CU, D.L8S., M.ELC., Napanen onto N tario Land Surveyor, Kingston Of« fice. Walkem & Walkem; 93 Clape ence street E -- THE LADY Georgette Waits on Monday from a daown-town store, overlook the fact that the waist was not her size, and If she gives it to Miss ---- for Xmas, the re- cipient will likely have an anxious time if the Waist is recognized De- scription of Walst: Old Kose Geor ette, black beads on bust and cu h round neck, wits small sailor col. lar, and size 40. Please sc nd it back as It will be unsafe to wear it. ema 3 = Who took the UPHCLSERING. CALL OR DROF A CARD T0 WwW, 3° Gavine, upholster, 2:5 Bagot at. Fy sW.' HAROLD FOR YOUR UP holstering and - genera) repairin Leave orderg at or drop & ecard 104 Clergy stree ARCHITECT. POWER, SON AND DREVE tects, Merchants' Bank corner of Brock and streets. R, ARCH. Chambers, Wellington CARPENTERIXG, WHEN YOU WANT Tha CARPEATER See James Selby, Contractor. 3212 University Avetive. Phone 1868 w. HIGHEST IN HEAT UNITS That's Our Coal Try some--all sizes arriving. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street OAM HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Sgrap Iron, Metals, Ag Ay It you te We will call prompt) BEAUTY PARLORS 258 ive for facial ent, shame ARLOR, Johnson, treatment, sealp (roar poulng, marcel wavin for appoiffiment, 2065J. My toad "UH Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. Make me prove it. BEDFORD The Auctioneer, DRAW. WINNETT Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Btreets Phone 363 Rags and slephong us HE ROSEN & 00. 140 RIDEAU STREET No. 5, $10.00. No. 6, 512.00 Best Stove for Garage or work abab. Cooks and other Stoves as well » announces his intention to run for Labor group in the Ontario Legis- | lature. George Halcrow, M.P.P., not yet accepted the leadership of the: J. TURK Phone 705