WE ------------------ 1 tr re wr I er Holiday Goods ==8o0lid Ivory Toilet and Mani. cure sets. Ma ------ DNESDAY, ~e=Brushes. |" 'aMirrors. ke your se 20 22, DEC. --Fancy Stationery. Fountain Pens, Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone 05C. = vom a Open Sundays, 1020, =I ancy Boxed Chocolates, A A a AAA A Pt ' tha Insure Ag and Keeley's Kingston. in that its unique Keeley Jr. M.0.D.0. ainst After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have t knowledge WHICH ONLY LONG EXPER]- ENCE CAN GIVE. be use It is this combination of mini and machinery of experience equipment service makes in Si HN Cr Gifts Of £ GIVE. MOTHER-- Coffee Percolator, TTR 2" | The Taxi Th of any We have a i Tn a Practical Value We can offer you many suggestions for your gifts of practical value. Tea-Ball Tea Pot, Electric Iron, Electric Toaster. GIVE FATHER -- Set Razors, Pair of Skates, Some Tools, Pocket Knife. GIVE DAUCHTER-- Pair of Skates, Snow Shoes, Hand Sleigh. GIVEs, SON. "Hockey Stick and Puck, pair of Skates, Hand Sleigh, Mitts and To- boggan. THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE can ofter you many things to choose from. Open evenings. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Take Elevator for Stove Department. Phone 237 - - Kingston Here is a further Genuine Offer Mig We will allow 107 "regular" Ring in our Christmas x very complete stock and this offer includes SMITH BROS. JEWELERS Established 1340. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Tu Luxury is Gone tsa Hel Ip off the rice. store until 3 all Rings . Limited 350 KING ST. ------aae .- <Sa------ (Notice-- Hereafter, the Whig, in common with other papers all over Canada, will make a charge of $1 'or inserting an engagewmeat, mar riage or reception announcement. To get the Whig's society writer, telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl sireet. . * Red room of Queen's Univer- th its blazing grate fire, made harming setting for the dance giv- n by Dr. and Mrs. 8S. D. Dyde on urday eve ning, as a farewell par- r R 3 who will 1 ship, on rning in I The Sapper was served from a 1 the hall, gay with Christ. 1 Ae red. The dance was eo and many good wishes r tunity of On Saturday Mrs then Mis the hostess of TEE A | sHop EARLY We still have a number of sug- gestions to offer, that will make ideal Christmas Gifts. A big stock of Upholstered ° Chairs and Ches- terfields to match -- Walnut Sew- & ing 'Tables-- Pedestal Lamps and Shades-- Fern Stands-- Wicker Living Room Suites (in Ivory and Fumed Oak)--Rugs, Mats and Cushions to suit every room-- loys for the kiddies and hosts of other articles that wili make sensible and useful gifts, T.F. Harrison Co., Limited Phoze 90 Select them now and we will deliver them for Christmas. VICTROULAS and VICTOR RECORDS Store Open evenings till 9 o'clock. 1d students Institute 1t 1s for an "At * to be held in' the gymna- sium this evening. The patronesses tare Mrs, I. Sliter, Mrs. Saunders, { Mrs. Otto, Miss Henstridge, Mrs. Shurtlitf, Mrs."Fraser and Mrs. Hed- ley. $ - * . Miss Aileen Folger, Sydenham street, will return to town on Thurs- day Mrs. Roy Pakesley, Ottawa, will spend Christmas with her parents, i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Gar- rett street. Dr. and Mrs, Brockville, will E. J. F. Williams, spend Christmas you a chance to buy ents, OT- | with Mr, 'iwith Mrs. * | Rogers, Clergy street, I +PROBS:--T hursday, snow; colder. * and his daugh- ilock, "came up Miss Drum= s Cartwright's. exhi- { pictures on Satur- for from Gananoque mond's ar » A. Stewart, To- red to spend he with her parents mes Stewart, Col rde will come down from riday and will be with Mr. and Mrs. University avenue i ' . . . { Mrs. N. A. Ferrier, Lakewood, | Ohio, and Mrs. J. P. Sharp, Parlier, | Cal.., who have been visiting Mrs. | Little, King street, returned { Dakewood last week. Mrs. A. Sharp, King street, who | has been ill for some time, left last | week for Lakewood, Ohio, where she | will spend Christmas with her daugh- | ters. Dr. and ! on Friday for Montreal, to spend the | h i with their son and daugh- r-in- 2 W, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J , 497 Mt. Pleasant avenue t Then they contemplat the winter, and ex the city about the for irn to ss » C. €. McGrail, Wil- e left for Ottawa, remain until after the Minnes will spend Mr. and Mrs James t street. icMurray Kelso and Mrs. ! a fortnight with their sister, R. Vaston Rogers, in Kingston. H. S. Johnston, Lindsay, spent the, nd in Kingston. . . . A. Al Connelly, Yar- Mr Alice Mr. and Mrs. ker, will be with their niece, H. Reuton and Dr. Renton, street during the holidays: on Charles, Smith, Bagot street, has gone to Tor } Mrs, Joseph Swift, Quyon, Que er stmas holidays ue arents, Mr. a Thomas Thompson, King street Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis with Miss Margaret and Master Jim, will spend Christmas in Newmarket with { Hon. E. J. Davis and Mrs. Davis. Capt. and Mrs. Cartman will down to Cornwall on Thursday holiday The Monday Bridge Club met this Andrew McMahon's, go for | the 1 ip Mrs. Kenneth Perry, | Chiatean Beloidere went up to Tor- {onto on Monday, and will go on to Ottawa for Christmas. Mrs. Ernest Cunningham, Wes! street, has returned fiom Toronto. - * Miss Florence Stewart, Toronto, is with Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Collingwood street. : Harry Orr has returned from Mec- Gill College, Montreakand will spend the holidays in town. Mrs. R. W. | daughters came down from Toronto lie"s house on William street the winter. H. G. Lockett. M.A, of the Normal School, Hamilton, is spending the holidays with his par- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart street. . . . Miss Jessie Torrance, Bishop Stra- chan School, and Frederick Torrance, Osgoode Hall, Toronto, are with Dr and Mrs. E."F. Torrance, Alfred street, for the holidays. Miss Marjorie Fair, Toronto, is , for the holiday. r. "and Mrs. Neil Polson, Mont- will be with Mr. and Mrs. WW. R "Maitland House", for Toronto, Miss Mor- 8. 2 Victoria Morrison, 3 the guest of her sister, rison Clergy street. Brigstocke and her | and are settled in Mrs. James Les- | for | of the staff and Mrs. R. H. Fair, Glen-. NG TT o HTT En er . Just 2 Shopping Days Left! . | Hobart Dyde, | to Mrs. 8S, A. Aykroyd leave (ne {4 We are going to make THURSDAY Is Christmas Market Day and a Day of Exceptional Oppor- tunities at Steacy's Great 3 ne Sale it aday of economy for all holiday gift givers. Follow the crowds to-night and Thursday and save money while you spend it. TO-NIGHT From 7 to 8 o'clock TREBLE DISCOUN A great oppertunity-you save 15 Two great one-hour sales! THURSDAY From 9 to 10 a.m. T STAMPS *7 Y » on all regular cash purchases! Christmas Coat Sale! 15 only, all Wool Velour, Silvertone and Chinchilla Cloth Coats --fur-trimmed styles are lam fur fabric Coat--reg. SALE PRICE included --and one only Salts Black Mata- $35.00 to $47.50 --while they last-- .. $14.95 CALTS PLUSH COATS Your choice of our stock of high- grade Seal Plush Coats in plain and fur-trimmed styles priced in plain figures. OPPOSUM TRIMMED SEAL COATS, $189.00 2 only--regular $450.00 Absolutely the greatest Fur Coat bargain in town; silk lined; full | 42 inches long. Come early! ~- all PLEATED SKIRTS--10 only, fine wool Serge Skirts; knife-pleat- ed in navy and black; regular value at $15. . . . Sale Price $8.95 SERGE and POPLIN SKIRTS-- 60 only, all Wool Serge and fine Silk Poplin Skirts; all Miss Marjorie Richmond, Johnson | ot, will go to Toronto for mas. Dora Stock will go out to ock on Thursday for a few up . ¥ - Major Douglas Anglin will come up from Montreal on Friday to Joi n he house party, House." Miss Lily David Murray, treet, for the holiday. Miss Helen & iin Toronto. Clarence Rogers, Lennoxville Col- icge,-came. up to Kingston to-day, d will be with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. days. Edward O'Donnell, New will spend Christmas with his Aliss Florence O'Donnell, Arch street. land on Christmas Eve, anotaer Kingston boy ford as a Rhodes acholar. . * - and Mrs. R. B. Emerson, St. Smith's Falls, Ont. (Continued on Page 8.) crockery goods at Lemmon & Sons. Electric coffee percolators, H. W. Newman Electric Co. : Open Evenings To wish you all a Merry Christmas and give that pair of Skating Boots or Felts for a present. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Skates Ground. -. Repairs. [ at '"'Somersby | Murray, Toronto, will be Frontenac, hzarer, Brockville, is for the holi-} Reid McCallum wiil sail for Eng- | and wild be | to enter Ox-| The 'engagement is announced of | Miss Ethel Emerson, daughter of Mr. | John, | N.B, to Major G. H. McCallum, B.Sc,, | son of Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. McCallum, | Twenty per cent discount om all] FLANNEL DRESSING new shades and wanted sizes; reg.' $7, 50 Sale Price $5.95 SACQUES 36 only, dainty Cotton Flan. nel Dressing Sacques -- in pretty soft shades and designs--reg. Heatherbloom Floral York, | sister, | ---no more tax-- instead of next Spring. All from our own high grade stock--we are giving you the advantage of new prices NOW «eves ++ Sale Price $2.19 UNDERSKIRTS--Two special lots for sale. Silk Underskirts--in assorted shades; reg. $8.75 each. Sale . $4. 98 Patterned Underskirts; regular $6.50. .Sale Price $4.29 SILK STOCKINGS Specially priced for gift givers. Reg. $1.00 values; sale price 85¢. Reg. $3.00 values; sale price $2.19 ] Reg. $4.50 values; sale price $2.98 Reg. $5.50 values; sale price $3.98 Positively the greatest teacy "The store that forced prices to new low levels" GA Botany Wool Serge and Silk Dresses $16.95 (Reg. $35.00 to $47.50 Values). Dress Sale ever offered in Kingston. We are not going to elaborate in det ail, the price tells the tale and if you are interested you'll be here. : Limited ¥