GRAND, Fri, Sat, Dec. 31-Jan. 1 MATINEE, NEW YEAR'S DAY THE EVERLASTING BUCCESS VY WAY DOWN EAST Ch Plas ats AV COITETTE~Sing all our Old Fa vorite Son - 25¢. to 81: Nights, - to 81.50. Seat sale Wed. SUPERIOR ACTING COMPANY BIG SCENIC «and ELECTRICAL PRODUCTION Hear the Famuouy + HE. X PRICES: New Year's Ma Ps \LO7 TE 2.30--Twice To-morrow--a, 15 DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited VIOLIN SOLO: MIGNON TELGMAN Strand PAULINE FREDERICK --] Noe "A SLAVE OF VANITY" From the Play "Iris" by Sir Arthur Pinero It is a magnetic story of how A woman about to sacrifice her- self for the luxuries to which she has been accustomed all her life, suddenly sees herself as a selfish Parasite--and chooses the hard- er--but better way. CAN MARRIAGE ALWAYS MAKE AMENDS ? | | | | Now Playing Their First Homecom- ing Tour of the Dominjon to Capacity Houses Everywhere. } Under patronage of General Sir David Watson | The Biggest Fun Show of its kind on | tour. | EVENINGS | MATINEE ERA A PICTURES TO-DAY . 50c. to $1.50 25¢. to $1.00 Tess anas dd i ---------------------------------- een \ ee ttm The Funniest, Freshest Team on the HOME-MADE PLUM PUDDINGS FROZEN PUDDINGS XMAS CAKES Pearl A. Nesbit, LT.CM, ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of Studio: 24 D Screen, DOUGLAS MacLEAN "and DORIS MAY MINCE PATTIES and PIES Lackie's Bakery B02 KING / :: :: Phone ie Memorials Com mission. ion desires to appoin n connection with th . Ci 1. The Commis eight designers { selected battl Belgium, LW be hel Scuiptors, or other Artists in Canada. The competition is organized in tw stages. The prizes in the first stag consist of invi (20) in number stage: an honorarium paid to those sele The prizes in the are the commission work. The cost of each monument Is esti mated at one hundred and twenty thou sand dollars ($120,000.00). 3. The Assesso will be:-- Mr. Frank Darling, F.R.I.B A. representing the Royal Put on More Insurance ! The sum that would have ap- ared adequate to protect the ome ten years ago is wholly inadequate to-day. If, in those days, $1,000 was carried, to-day it should be , Institute of Canada. made $2,000, while Five should "Professor CH. Reilly, 0.B.E, be increased to Ten and, and BA febresenting the Royal Institut Ten to Twenty thousand to of British Architects (London). maintain the protection at the Mr. Paul P. Cret, A.D.G. $ the Societe Centrale des Architeqt .same point that it reached 10 (Paris). i Years ago. Mr. Perry E. Nobbs; FRIBA, RCA will act as Architectural Adviser, 4. Copies of the conditions will sent_to the Itoyal Canadian Academ and the architectural bodies for dis bution among members: Copies ma also be had on application to. -- Colonel H. C. Osborne, Honorary Secretary, S. Roughton Canadian Battlefields Memorials 'omm on, Mutual Life of Canada Militia Department, k Street Phone 610. to compete in the secon 8 to carry out th R.C.A Let me suggest a plan for an additional amount. 5. Application should be accompanie by a deposit of $5, which 'will be retdrn ed to those submitting designs in th preliminary competition. EUGENE FISET, Major General, Deputy Minister, Ottawa, December Note.--Newspap for the advertisem without authority ment. 20th, 1920. from the Youthful Sight At Sixty You only need ome pair of Glasses for distance or reading it the Lenses are the ULTEX One-piece Bifocal. They are most appreciated by active men and women. : § Come in and have our opto- metrist explain their merit. R. J. Rodger, _ Consulting Optometrist. 182 PRINCESS STREET Cash Grocery - SPECIALS THIS WEEK Stewing Figs . .3 Ibs. for 23c¢. Canned Pumpkin ...10c. tin | Princess, Soap Chipg--reg. 153¢. line. Our price +++. .8 packages for 25c, Laundry Soap .7¢. bar We still have that good Black Tea . ..3 Ibs for $1.00 We Jive a full line of Christ. mas Candies, Fruits, etc., at best prices in the city. Montreal and Charles Street. Phone 669 Goods delivered to all Parts of the city, ---- Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the clubwomen cities, boasting ore than 35,000 members. ith this object a competition wil) d which is open to al Architects, tations limited to twenty of $500, being cted for invitation second competition rs In the competition Architectural F.RI representing Ly tri- Ottawa, Ontario Militia and Defence. ers will not be patd ent if they insert it Depart- SNA ---------------------- "Let's Be Fashionable" Another Hit That Makes the Grade on Laughs! t 5th Episode of our mew serial : "THE BRANDED FOUR" VOD A VIL MOVIES COMEDY project to erect elght monuments on efield sites in France and SELECT o e d WAGSTAFFE'S 3 Pure Orange : MARMALADE Made from Seville Oranges and Granulated Cane Sugar only. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. e : Teams Wishing To Compete in the Edward's Trophy Series must have tbeir applitations in the hands of the Secretary, Lieut-Col. George H. Gillespie, not later than January 5th. FOR AULD LANG SYNE When you think of your Smoker Friend, think of ELDER'S. We have Just what yon want--CIGARS, CIG- J | ARETTES, PIPES--all the smoker needs. 1 'ELDER'S 260 PRINCESS STREET Opposite Public Utlilties. Phone 12834, y d e Waff! ' Well, sir," said the First Bed- bug, "1 have found a real home. 1 am dwelling with a 500-pound couple. The husband welghs 250 pounds and the wife weighs 250 pounds." "Gosh!" exclaimed the Bedbug enviously. "You are livy on the fat of the land, aren't y ---- No man is as bad as some other Man thinks he is or as good as some jwoman thinks he is. People who promise you big things usually spoil jt by inserting a big sign Second g 1 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. & # ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES; First insertion, ic a werg aca coun Secullv inseitiol tuereaiter, naif! cent a word Minimum cuarge tor One insertivn, i3¢; three lusertvions, | 50 cents. The above rates are fo When charged th _-- oo HELE WAS ik, DINING ROOM GIR Ply Koyal Hotel GEESE PICKERS WANTED, APPLY flincess Meat Market, 338 Princess Street MAN WANTED TO WORK ROUND HO- | tel, must be used to horses and make himself generally useful; ref- erence required. Appl Ueen's Ho- tel, Brock strebt, Pye TO LET. -------- FURNISHED RESIDENCE; 7 ROOMS; furnace; B. and C.; 32 Elierbeck St McCann, 86 Brock street. FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BCARD; all improvements; centrally lvcat- ed. Apply 243 Brock Street. sToRAus FOR FURMTURE AND lercaandise, clean aud dry. Me- Cann, 36 Brock street. Paone 326 or 621. ONE LARGE FRONT BED SITTING foom, furnished, fire piace; conven- fent to down towu; suitable tur couple. Phone 1584W. FURNISHLD BEDROOM AND SIT. Ung room; suitable tor one or two ladies; central location; aiso stor- age fur two cars. Phone 1243m. r cash only, e double. L WANTED, AP. EARN $35.00 to $40.00 WEEKLY, BE 8 .hyrse. = Big demand for good STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, purses. New hospital in Chicago, dry, airy rooms; your own-lock ang With exceptional hospital facilities key. Frost's City Storage, 299-305 is enrolling a limited number of Queen sireet. Phune bs, res. Yay w siudent nurses. Recognized regis- | emma = Full maintenance, PERSONAL, laundry free while tah | LET ME HELP YOU FQ MARRY INTO SLudying. Salary $19.00 to start at once. Write for particuiars. 4 Wealth, success. State age, enclos- essed envelope. C dress President American Hospi ing stamped, addr O.. Ont. 350 Irving rark Boulevard, Chi- isherwouod, Isherwood pP. a am . T HAIR, MOLES, WARTS BIRTH. ma cago, lllinots. , SKID cancers, BCars, etc, re- mo permanently. Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after Aer have fatled. Goltre removed. ea WANTED GENERAL meets WANTED AT OUNCE, REED BABY carriage or pram; in 8uud condi- tion. Phone 15684. WANTED TO RENT a MEOIUM. sized house; centrally located; no children in family. Apply Bux Aj, Whig Office, WiLL EACHANGE AiGH GRADE Phonograpn or different makes, for | BOL rianos in good condition, Rodger, Princesg Street, SKECOND-HAAND UPRIGHT PIANO Yor cash or in part payment of new Pianos and gratcnolas. C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess Street. 5 years' experience. Lr. Elmer J. Lake, B Ear, Nose, Throa Techs pote TEACHERS WANTED, A QUALIFIED teacher for 8. 8. zZabethtown. Appl . No. 3, Broc Nos. ville. cate for S. 8. No. 14, Wolfe Island. Salary $700. WANTED--MEN AAD BOYS 70 PAT. ronize J. W. Cursen, barber and boys' bair cui, 2c, Shave, ibe. | Razors honed 26c. 436 Ontario st," near Brock street, South Sherbrooke Apply to M. 1, Westport, er for 8. 8. No. | $700. Ne. Salary T. Croz- ler, R ---- ion QUALIFIED MACHER E 3, Kitley. - State religious denomi- nation, Salary $700.08. Apply Del- bert Ferguson, R. R, No. 4, Smith's Falls, Ont. OR S. S, Neo. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- grapher, open for stenograohic work of any description. Firse class work guaginteed. Rateg reasonable. Spe- cial "rates can be arrunged. Phone BL White's Insuraute Office, Bagot Street. ee -------- AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET- ters fur stores, office Winduws; eas. ily applied; will not w ish off; tre N e | samples. Acme Sign Co. $46 N Wells, Chicago, nL i o 1 A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH. er for 8. 8. No. 10; Dalhousie, Coun- ONE AGENT LAST Ww EEK MADE $91 y of Lanark for 1911. Sajary clean profits. Another $122, selling $700. Duties to commence January our flavors from house to house. 1921. Apply to Alex. C. Easton, Write: qulek for territory and | ammermoor Post Offic Ont terms. Either sex. Craig Bros, 46] = RE McRae street, Niagara Fails, Ont. MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CANVASS, but to travel and appoint loeal rep. resentatives, $1,092 ang expenses | guaranteed first year, with good chance to make $2,600 and ex- Pénses. State age and qualifica- tions. Experience unnecessary, Winston Co, Dept. G., Toronto. GAVE PASTOR BEATING; TOOK HIM FOR THIEF Detroit Clergyman, Carrying Communion Vessels, Late _ and Starts to Run. Dec. Detrott, Mich., 28.--Rev. Harry G. Miley, pastor of St. Paul's English Evangelical church, was mis- taken for a robber and badly beaten this morning by a crowd of men who saw him hurrying to.,church carry- ing communion vessels, Noticing that he was a little late, the minister started to run. At Sev- enteenth and Buchanan streets a woman saw him and shouted "Stop thief." Instantly a cro gathered and made for the clergyman. He called to them that he wus pastor of the church and that he was taking ves- sels there. "They paid no attention, but attacked him, knocked him down and kicked him. Struggling to his feet Mr. Miley tried 'o explain, but again and again he was knocked down, until a Deputy sheriff arrived and held back the crowd. Then two policemen appeared, bat instead of censuring the crowd for attacking a defenseless man they criticized Mr. Miley for running. - Although his lips wera cut and his face bruised, Mr. Miley continued to the church, and after getting first aid preached the morning sermon with considerable difficulty. He was unable, however, to administer com- munion. QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED teacher for 8. 8. No. 17, Sharpton Salary $900 Duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1921. Apply to G. W. Bell, R. R. Na. 4, Odessa. | ------ ee | TEACHER FOR 8. 5 NO. 3, 050; PRO- testant; holding mot leag than limit- ed third class certificate. Salary $500. Duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1921. Apply to John A. Conboy, Maberly, R. R. No. 1, Ontario. ee -- SITUATIONS 'VACANT. MAKE MONEY AT HOM E--gi3 TO $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing show éards for us. No can- vassing We instruct and supply You with work. West-Angus Shows card Service, 57 F. Colborne Street, Toronto. CONCERT AT HARROWSMITH Two Brass Collection Plates Present. ed to Methodist Church. Harrowsmith, Dec. 27.--~ The Christmas tree and concert held in Annesley hall, (old Methodist church), on Christmas night, was a splendid success, the proceeds being over $73. The building would scarce- ly accommodate those who wished to gain admittance. An excellent pro- gramme was given by the members ¢f the Sunday school, after which Santa Claus distributed the gifts from the tree. A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation of a purse of money to Thomas Cowdy, the effi- cient superintendent of the school. The pastor, Rev. A. W. Stewart, also 1eceived a large goose from the Suu- day school. A Christmas service was held in St. Paul's Methodist church on Sun- day evening. Just before the offering was taken the pastor presented to the stewards two beautiful brass col- iection plates. These plates were the gift of two little girls, the Misses Melon gud Jean Shibley, daughters of J. D. Shibley, Harrowsmith, The rastor expressed the voice of the coh- gregation in words of appreciation for the gift. : Rév. A. R. and Mrs. children, 'Bath, also Rev. Montreal, are guests of Mr, John Cowdy. Mrs. C. 8. Redden en- tertained at a family dinner on Christmas Day, Relatives were pres- ent from Kingston and Collin's Bay. Arthur Botting has returned from Kingston Géneral Hospital, and is improving after his recent operation. Walsh and Mr. Bunt, and Mrs, ------------------ # Early Morning. It is pretty tough to have to get Up early in the A. M. these cold days. But what we started to tell you was that A. M. Early lives in Day- ton, Ky. Our idea of a good photograph 1s ore that does not look much like the original. FOR SALE A seven-room frame house; electric lights; gas for cook- ing; three piece bath room; grate in dining room. Situatdd on Johnston Street, near University Avenue. Immediate pos- Session. Price $3,000, THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street Announcement . secured the agency for We wish to Announce that we have _ Kingston and didtrict for Chevrolet Car : Having experienced mechanics, we are - class Repair Work on all makes of Cars. BAWDEN & EDWARDS : \ . ar 400, 39 MONTREAL STREET The flooring and SEARCHING FOR WEAPONS IN DUBLIN. : Photo shows a cadet searching a i walls were Tippos N A Re ee -- Ls " suspected house in Dublin for concealed weapons, up to aid in the search. Pp NORMAL - TRAINED | 1 and 3, Eil-| to W. A. Empey, | TEACHER, WITH NORMAL CERTIFI. | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM FOUND ON PRINCLSS STREET, LADY'S black handoag, cuntaining handkerchiet and sum of money Uwiaer may have Sdnie LY calllag au tue Wag Office PIRE, WITH AMBER MOUTH- piece, On bLrock street, near Gouurdier's Owner, can have same vy calling at Wag ut- fice. A Reu SCARF, ON PRINC S, Street, Monuay evenin UWner may have same at Lue Manse, lve Pie Stregt. ONE BUSTON BULL LUN, FRI. day evening. oUwn can have same by applying to 142 bagot streed. a A SMALL suUM * MONEY ON Friday alterpoon Owner may obtain same by calung at 237 Karl Street SUNDAY MOURNING, A Purse containing a m 0 money, bank buok and dis- Charge pupers. Apply to W. Folliwt, $1 John sareet, or phone 1170m. KEY »riCKED UP ON THE street. Apply ired Elmer's barver shop. SMALL hrY ON Uwner may have the Whig Office. A HALTLR, Belw EEN KING- ston and Cawiaqgui Uwi nay have same vy calling at Herman Vrooman's, ik. K. No. J, Odessa, untaro, | FOUND ARTICLE ADVER- TIdED Fa, Anyone Luuing aayihing and WishiLg to reacu Lhe vWuer may 40 so LY reporiing lie facts tv The british Whig. Yone adver. Usemdnt will be printed in this CuibiunL free of charge. "Found articies" does not ir. clude ust dogs, cattie, norses, etc. Toese, ir lost, may be ad- vertised ior in the "Lost" column ON Li A STRING, sdine al Apply to John Irvine, | Sep., Wolfe Island, Ont. A QUALIFIED PROTESTAN T TEACH. A FAIR OF GL Finder Teas, WHITE, BLACK and TAN FOX HOUND, female. Send information to Bert Ueraial, 225 Barrie street, or phone 1093. A PERSIAN LAMB GAL NTLET FOR right hand, on Union, Bagoi, Wei- lington or Earl streets. Kindly notity Whig Office. Ia STRING OF PEARLS, ) Frontenac street and the Court House. Reward if returned to the Royal Bank, Market branch, S---------- eee -- AN AMERICAN FIVE DOLLAR BiLi, in the city on Friday last' week Finder kindly return to Whig Of- fice and receive reward. BETWEEN | | ON CHRISTMAS DAY, CHILD'S RED! Pull-over suit, between Alfred, Pine, | | James and Montreal Road. return | to 143 Alfred street and receive re- | ward, | = | FOUND, GOOD BLACK AND WHITE HOU ND, | hurt by car. Owner can have him | by paying for advertising and al it. Kingston Humane So-! | LAND SURVEYOR, ¥. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se, C.K, 0a.8, D.LS, M.E.1.C, Napanga, Unt. One tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of. fice: Walkem'& Walkem, 93 Clar. euce street ARCHITECT. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH[. tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock. and Wellington streets. TIT ay CARPENTERILNG, WHEN YOU WANT Ta% QARPEATER see James Selby, Contractor. 212 University Avenue. Phone 1898 w, LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARIIST. &rs and Soliclturs, 7% Clarence Street, Kingston, + B. Cuuning- ham. Cyril M. Smith, | oa wom, FINE, VALUABLE FARM FOR FOR BALE. | QUANTITY OF FURNITURE, SNAR Apply evenings, 155 Bagot streets MEW CUTTER AND ONE cutter for saie cheap. W. 5B dufi, Sydenham, Unt. 133 FOUT FROMNY. on Soul alacdensid street; fer quick buyer. Mateipang Estate. FUR-LINED COAT, LIN With Nussian sable; also a robe. Address J. E. Clark, Wel ton, Ont. GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND selections; your own choice, $4 Tera §7 cash; $5 per month. OC, Lindsay, Limited. 131 Princess St MEN AND WOMEN'S house furniture, specialize ia tary buvots; buy all kinds hand govds, highest prices paid. Houtbard. Phone 1723. 339 cess Nireet. + WE HAVE FOR SALR ALL KINDS &pod second hamd furniture sluves. Any person having and fumnitufe to dispole of, we ay highest price 5 Princess streod. Fh PERFECT, COLUMMIA, DA Princeton and Vietory Bleye 50 a number of ladies' and used Bicycles and motoreyel reduced prices. pecial a given to all bicycle and Triage repair work, Muller Works, 371-373 King stre 1032w. ONE tric A CANADIAN GENERAL C one Motor, 16 h.p.; th ed With starter and sliding ase. Motors practically n 80 number of counter- hangers, 60 feet of 2 ha with hangers; pulleys, iron wood; different sizes. Apply Office. SALE, onal hundred and fifty acres, a township of Loughboro, in 2nd of sald township. The farm is and one-half miles from Sydenh the buildings are ag follows; f; dwelling, In good condition; barn and other bulldings; two mn falling springs; a £00 wood; title, perfect; possession be arranged to suit purchaser. full 'particulars, apply te Patrick Murray, R. R. No, 1, ham, Ont BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE $2,000 KACH -- DOUBLE FR 2 house; 4 rooms; B. and C.; ele lights; large lot. 2 $2.200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS. 3 and C.; electric lights and fu 8 good cellar, é b $5,000~BRICK SEMI-DETACHED; rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; age. §1,400--R. CAST HOUSE; WEST END) nearly new; 5 roms. $2,550--R. CAST HOUSE; DOWN. TQ : § rooms; 3 piece bi t garage, yar 2 fire places, and hen house. VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE; to oan, » 4 7 ; $1400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS No ™. provements; good locall TO RENT $23.00--~TO RENT; NELSON semi-detached; § rooms; ty. ments. : bod up A. BATEMAN, : G. 139 Wellington Street, Kingston, ca = UPHOLSTERING. CALL OR DROP _& CARD Gavine, upholstet, 21s BR - - W. HAROLD [ Poistering and 'general p Leave orders at ur drop a 104 Clergy ¥, BEAUTY PARLORS AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTE and Soifcitor, Law olftic., En of King and Bruck, over Royal Bank. Money to logs. hone 1spy, PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR Paperhanging done, drup a card to A. Mountver, 84 Arch Sireel. #INANCIAL. =m LADIES' HAIR PARLOR, 'street; near treatment, poving mardsl waving, ete. Ph 1or appointnient, 200567. i] J SIGNS © ete. 8) KIL oa: GLA or sm ui aRowear STRANGE « STRANGE INSURANCE Agents; vstablished in laby; only the most reilabig Colupanies repre. ted. Office 4¢ Clarence Street, the post office. ------ C LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; -incorpora. . President, W. F, Nickle, Ko; wk resident, A. B. Cunningham, oney issued on cit and farm roperties, municipa and low Cartwright, manager, ence street, Kingston. ir HIGHEST IN ; That's Try some--all pry aed Jas.. Swift & Foot of Johnson KK) A. NAPPF R.A, 258 Princess LDS, BE, Street. office 652. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, tists, 159 Wellingto Carnovsky's. Phobe ih FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. coll 22 John street. HEAT UNITS } Our Coal sizes : arriving. Co., Ltd. = Street i i] "uti Auction Sales 1 ame the best auctioneer in Kingston. > Make me prove it. Phone 1321 or 1428. DR. A.W. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets . Phome 363 ry BEDFORD The Auctionzer, | 140 RIDEAU YIRERY Abraham Kittle, just dead 'at De. troit, in his 114th year, had been a member of the Masonic ¢raft since | 1527, - : 51 Ke. 3. 51000, No. 6, Bi for Garage work shop Coke and ther Beaver oh. K; J.TURK Phone 705