THE BITS OF BY-PLAY { By LUKE JeLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. MYSTERY AND TIENCE, A NEW YEAR'S MEDITATION. How little we know of God and His ways. How little we know of our fellow men. It were compara- tively easy to love God if God obvi- ously acted toward us as a father to his child, It 'were not hard to love our fellow man if he alway treated us fairly and bore himself as a son of God. But the ways of God are | H¢ thinks he has dark, and the character of our fel- low man is contradictory. Glibly we sing, "God's in His heaven; all's well with the world." But what we really see fs neither God above nor & world all weM, but two powers which we can hardly estimate, gon- tending with one another<«-one of Good and one of Evil. But who is BPEL COPY, | He that is at the heart of it ? What ' is He? Why is He doing those w by | things ? It is a great mystery. WHIG : Police! Otto's one of these speed creatures, And he's in alinost every race; andsome features, mobile face, Rl Settling the Bet, . "Will you settle a bet for me?" ask- ed Jinks. g replied Binks. 'What's the "Sure," bet?" made a bet with Winks and lost repHed Jinks. "Mail him a check col i Ee af 50," or the amount, will you?" Wall! "I'll tell you one thing, Mr. Gamp," Remarked old Mr. Tooty; "You have to lick a postage stamp, 4 Or it won't do itg duty." The Wise Fool. "Every man hag his troubles" ob- d the Sage. agreed the Fool. wear skirts." 4 "Geo-Bi" With hard-up men folks won't consort, They're hated by t g: And, when it knows The world will But it is no greater mystery than "And most the inner consciousness of the man sitting beside us whom we have known for twenty years. Look at him there fn front of the fire this New Year's Eve. He is silent. What > 1 is he thinking about ? You don't "Business is pretty dull' isn't it" know. His body is there, but what | §iked the Lounger 'in the Bowling drift is his soul pursuing ? What is Pp e yeplis the Bowling Anes t - : 2e Boing to be? You don't know. | hers that you covid hear a ain ori ou say you know him well, but ----" tek, Doe, th 1, 1 twenty years has revealed almost |... ek, ee Pulmgtar} nothing. Our brother man is a mys- pling, he oes things in haste: ri, tery, like God. We seem to be going | iis eorts 80 to wal gas ATIVES| about in a mist ; we hear the voice Whaady Ya Mean, "igerth ongTash of the person next us; we feel and (Ad. in Lexington (Ky.) Herald) fumble for him ; sometimes we find YOUxg man Fanted as mark wagon 3 an-out, : aT him ; sometimes we miss him. God | onl i. Sean HEL of them Es ist. ne a fed mixer. BROWN HILLS forgive us, sometimes we strike him, | DAIRY. es | ROL wing what we are doing. Bleks Her Heart! LEERY. All mystery. "We see Olive Green lives in Nashville, Tenn. th & glass darkly." And she's the pink of perfection. just because we can under Fair Warning. - 1 ther God our father nor our »knd a8 "hot ger Bott g ough. lov, ind, them that our hmmedls| Th PeieRbers are net te demands, just be- 80 little of them we derstood them. 8 Eve it we have ) [pk He -- There's a way to defy, True lovers will find, The neighbors who spy Just pull down the bind. --Canton (Ohio) News. -- he Wisdom of the Law, The Bupreme Court of Washington decided that the testimony of a &h Who is riding along the street prospective husband, on her second wedding. is good fe sald woman was '® other traffic care- nothing happened to band ourt of the City of cided that all wed- he property of the eral Sessions of has decided that 'man for indignat- the repeal of any ful to him, eme Court has conductor ployee of a street . #aid conductor 0 beat up a pas- New tigi has [to call a res- pokhend." and Teptaurant EY --Luke McLuke. -» DAILY BRITISH WHIG. memes ese | DropHetars reputation by calling wir a" lockhead." -- Any Other Nomi L B. Allgood, of Paradise, been Names is Names Club. mrt Gosh! We hate to keep any one out of the Club. But what the hek are we gonna do with William Cabbagestalk, of 1521 Taylor street, Columbia, S.C. He, HM : - Hi, doodle, doodle, a dame and a poodle With booze as high as the moon; The cellar folks laugh to see such sport, And the whole world seems out of une. --Tucker B. 'exas, has Our Dally Speelal. A Man Has To Have More Than Dough To Be Well Bred. Luke MeLuke Says : A women can bear up wonderfully under her sorrows when she knows that erying gives her a Red Nose, Bo Efficiency Experts waste $1,000 worth of & concern's time while they fuss over a Penny. 5 More than $20,000,000 worth of Per- fumes was sold in this county in De- pry? 'We hope Soap hasn't gone out e. ght be possible for a wofffem to everything she desires if she ust quit wanting so much. 'When there ls an Amateur Singer in hood the Neighbors are [1 imous in the opinion that e much Talent that she 0 d be Sent Away to have her voice ultivated. y When a childless woman starts rais- Ing a Fefn she takes a deep interest in reading up on Extensive Agriculture. A youth will put in four years at College and then have to hustle so hard to earn a living that he forgets all he has learned . A married man may not know much, But he knows who is Boss in his house, all right, al] right. » Any tie & man wants to sell' his @uto real cheap the betting is that ei- ther he or the auto is busted. After a woman takes on the Middle- Aged Spread the Soclety Columns refer to her as a Matron. Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER THE OLD YEAR. I view the old year with regret, my record sadly reading; for I went deeply into debt for things I wasn't needing, Whenever I had earned a plunk I seemed to fret and worry, unless I blew it in for junk, and blew it in a hlirry. And now col- lectors dog my path, they chase me through the alleys, they catch me when I'm in the bath, and bore me with their sallies. Around my humble home they perch, they're roosting on the fences, they follow | when I go to church, they jar my | seven senses. And lawyers tag me | on the street, and bailiffs show their | mettle, and every guy I chance to meet requests that I will settle. Oh, life is but a doleful thing, when debts dre fierce and many, and bum collectors fornr a ring and take your final penny. And shame and trouble { with you lodge, and hug you ever closer, if you're the gent who has to dodge the butcher and the grocer. Collectors chased me all the year, and made things very trying, and after this' my course is clear--I'll pay for all I'm buying. And when this sad old year expires, at debt you'll see | me balking; if I can't pay for rubber | Hires, I'll put in twelve months walk- ng. --WALT MASON. ats During 1920 | 28.--The G.W.V.A. has agaid pe- titionéd the council to take sbme ac- tion in the housing situation. A "Is officially announced that len Theatre Corpdration is to 6 work on a Milind for 2 sow of James of his brother, tions? i nominated for Chaplain of the! ST L EC Er BIBBY"S Most Emphatic Price Shattering - Warm bargains for cold days MEN'S UNDERWEAR Pure all wool; natural: combi- nation or two piece $3.69 per suit MEN'S SOCKS Heavy Ribbed; All Wool; Penman's 2 pairs for 75c. MEN'S SUSPENDERS Special value 49c. per pair MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $25.00, $35.00, $45.00 Try our $45.00 pure Wool Indigo Blue Suits and our pure al} wool Grey Serge "Suits -- nothing better to be had any- where for the price. OVERCOATS Special at ee agente .$25.00 MEN'S SOCKS Dark grey, white toe and heel; wool, 3 pairs for $1.00 MEN'S SOCKS Penman's Pure Wool; Heath- er knit. 75¢. per pair. '~ MEN'S HOSE Genuine Heathers; made in England; pure wool. 95c¢. per pair MEN'S MOCHA MITTS Wool lined. $1.49 per pair MEN'S MOCHA GLOVES Wool lined; extra fine quality $1.98 per pair PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Heavy ribbed $1.49 per garment v TANK HEATERS To keép wa™er troughs for c attle from freezing. No ice will form gn them an d the cattle will drink more of the warmed water. Will pay for itself in one ® eason. Made In one solid piece of cast iron. No seams to rust out. BUNT'S KING 8ST. An Appreciation Your good-will during the past year is warmly appreciated, Equally warm and sincere is our wish that for you and those whose happiness is yours, a full measure of success for the New Year, Jas. REDDEN & Co. Phones 20 and 990, White Fox Stole E-- = No. 1 Quality ln $68.50 HARDWARE. PHONE 388. Kingston, on a leading roud, new parm, with stages 30 by 4U feet--smail dweliiug, nearsy DOW, ADOUL 40 acres nuw under cultivation; about $v scres or valuable wood, camelly maple. ¥rice $4,000. 85 acres on the Bath Road; Dieasani location om the Hay ul Quinte; over BU meres nrst class soll under cuitivation; &ood buildings, Price $6:cuy, We have aso a large list of farms of ail s1308 and prices. T. J. Lockhart Hew state and wnsurance KINGSTON, Ont. Phone 1036w or 1797) Gourdier's BROCK STREET, | NUTCOAL... ) Pea Coal Lake Ontario Trout and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- dock, Halibut and Cod. +oeevnene $16.50 per ton cesena... $16.50 per ton ceeeenes. $16.50 per ton sesniomaasanes. $15.00 per ton 'Carrying 50¢. extra. 158. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.p. * OWARDS COAL CO Fencing, Guards, Baskets, Flower | borders, Wire Work f ail kinds, - ufagtured oy as nan » DGE & SON Coal That "Suits ; Residence 915w. || "The Delaware, Lackawanna ans Western Railroad's Celebrated Phone