7 ous! iGnoir for 00 mmm fH Bouthland Wear White Silk Wraps With Fri Frocks Have Distended Popular Fabric for the and Dancing Togs for Hot T'S a long long way to the South- land. You realize what a long way it Is, even half way there when you . begin to get tired of the Pullman and watch the flat pine-clad country flit past--miles and miles of it and wonder when the real summerland will begin to appear. Yet always there Is a thrill when you do arrive and see summer costumes all around Yyou--mien in tennis flannels and girls In cool lnens and lacy afternoon frocks. And the people sitting out in bathing togs on the beach! Marvel- And you feel so thankful that your own wardrobe trunk is packed to capacity with lovely summery things for you, too, to get into. Disgruntled folk who cannot go to Palm Beach assert that they prefer each season as it should be: Cold wilds and snow flurriés (afd slush and alpping blasts), where they be- long, and summer breezes when sum- mer is due. They declare that they like to wear furs and wool union suits Rt the proper and natural time and have no hankering for filmy frocks Bnd tennis shoes in January. Be that Rs it may, if you are a devotes of the Southland you know it is a joy to see nge for Sport Wear -- Tub Hip Line -- Linen Most . . Morning -- Outing . Springs. jmiddle-aged. At Afken and Hot Springs you find active pecple who go in for golf or horseback riding, Most- ly they belong to the smart cottage colonies and after the day's sport is| over there are dinners and dances in| the evening, So sport and dance clothes are all you need at these places | Instead of the fiimy afternoon frocks, | picture hats, parasols and so on that make Palm Beach such an enchanting vision for winter-weary eyes. Hut Alken and Hot Springs sport togs are very smart--the last word in attire of this sort. -The sport girl pictured wears a perfectly plain white golf shirt of fine linen with the new big collar that lies over the shoulders of the sweater, and the linen shirt is pintucked down the front. The sweat- er is of brushed wool in a soft gray shade and the sailor hat is white, This is an authoritative spring sailor from Knox--accepted authority on tailored hat styles--and Js made of white milan with a rough straw trimming at the edge of the brim. The proportions of brim and crown are Just right for the new season, sg this hat gives you an Idea 6f what next summer's sailor will Captivating Frock. of Blue and White Tal-ly-ho for Palm Beachy : \ Distended 3 pe Lines 3 Beach. Dinner ) Frocks Smart Combination of Sweater, Linen. oport Blouse and White Sailor know what sort of bathing suits are being worn at Palm Beach, for South- land bathing toggery sets the styles for Northern beaches next supimer, Very few fanciful swimming suits are noted at Palm Beach, one may tell the interested Northern swimmers. Shirred and ruffled taffetas and gay- hued satins are growing less popular for sea wear all the time, When it comes to bathing wraps--ah there in- deed you have color, and richness and gaiety! But swimming suits are for the most part simple, practical affairs built to swim. in. More women are 'taking up swimming now, and these women despise frills and furbe- lows for wear in the water. Two Palm Beach bathing suits are pictured and with both suits are worn stockings rolled down from the knee--which seems to be the favored style for bath- One of the suits is These boyish bathing suits 'are worn very generally now--it may be added for the benefit of.inland folk who can- not bring themselves to believe that such suits actually do appear on pub!i¢ beaches--on feminine wearers. But last summer the boyish suits appeared on all the beaches, though they were dared only by youthful and slender wearers, Distended Hipline At Palm Beach Not only dance rocky, but veranda frocks have the coquettish distended hipline. One girl had a morning frock of dotted swiss, made over an -oval hoop. The skirt was gathered to the waistband and then was shirred to the i oval hoop which stood out around the hips so that the skirt had the effect of {a lampshade. Underneath was a nar- | row, straight skirt. The dainty Peggy | Palge model pictured has something crepe, the trimming bands, undersleeve and collar of the plain crepe. The waist, tucked finely across the front, fasténs on the shoulder and the slash- Ing of the kimono sleeve to show a sheer, tucked sleeve beneath is a pretty notion. A very gay parasol accom- panies this dainty frock and the hat-- | well, isn't it a love of a hat, with its | rakish tilt of brim and its graceful | drooping bow at one side? You may | depend upon seeing these soft sash-| bows of crepe on next summer's mil- linery; the style is too pretty not to be carried over from Palm Beach. The afternoon and dinner frock is a typical Palm Beach model. Such frocks are worn with picture hats in the Co-| coanut grove and on the hotel | verandas at tea hour; them also at dinner and in the ball room, sans the hat, in the evening. ark Palm and one sees | BE | White Spiral Crep n&ed- Sport Wrap of' { e with Deep Sulk Fringe' - Sensible a Cans beth Ing hosiery now. { this effect, except that the skirt is rot | | actually attached to the hoop at the| The other in boyish | hips. You could roam Aiken for days and never fa see such a costume out of doors, | ---- be like. gray and navy Blue--the one with al Bathing Togs Practical tunic and belt. Summer in all its gentle loveliness, where winter was day before yester- 4 Turkish trouserette skirt of rose _ day. And with delight you put away your woolen underflannels and your heavy winter coat--and get yourself into enchanting midsummer things. Linen Reigns At The Southland You won't be three hours at «Palm Beach before noting the prevalence of linen. This year it ig linen, linen, linen In Southland styles. Linen frocks, linen wraps, linen skirts and linen blouses, 'And such entrancing shades {~--palest canary, strawberry and rasp- berry pinks, Jade, Delft hive, orchid, 'violet and every tone of brown from fawn fo chocolate. But whit linen is ithe favorite. White is al ays the fashion at Palm Beach---people are so Blad to get into white as a contrast to winter clothes up North--but this year White 1s particularly the fashion. Bmartly dressed women wear, in the mornings, tailored frocks of white linen, or pleated white linen skirts : With sheer handkerchiét linen blouses, White sweaters, white footwear and iWhite sport hats, White parasols, even, are carried with these immacu- * late costumes, \ Stunning Fringed Wraps Among the notable white fashions At Palm Beach are the chair 'wraps-- lovely, loose mantles easily slipped on when one takes a chaif-promenade down the shell road. One of these "white wraps is pictured and every woman must admit its. grace and tines. It is made of white spiral frepe, one of the beautiful Silks of the Beason, and is trimmed with long white Silk fringe. A feature of the wrap is the deep yoke, cut in one with the sleeves, This yoke descends halt way down the back and front and has an Irregular scalloped edge, stitched with & cording to the lower part of the Wrap. There are pockets at each hip a draped shawl coilar finishes the These wraps aré so becom- ing afid so easy to get Into that they will undoubtedly form part of next immer's wardrobe and will very like- be developed in color. But at Palm ch the snow white fringed wrap is thing. Effects In Sport Wear Alken and, Hot Springs sport es are mo business<iike than are at Palm Beach which is a rely, ultra-fashionabd' place. the Ise of the idle-rich aad the rich- | The bathing girl always wants to Jersey and trunk style is navy blue. of lac VEN a returned Rip Van Winkle wouid know it was Palm Beuch | time. Two sure signs: Slushy snow underfoot and parasols blossoming in shop windows--at no other season of the year does one see this combinat®n. The next time para- sols fairly teem in all the shop win- dows it will be sunshade-time for you and me up here in the Northland. This advante blossoming marks thé Palm Beach season. One cannot but, be impressed by the galety of parasols this year. Most of them show =t least a dozen brilliant shades and look like a whole flower garden instead of one big glowing flow- jer in a garden of summer wearables. The colors are introduced in various ways; sometimes in brocaded silks, sometimes in embroideries of silk or beads, sometimes in variegated linings. There are parasols with bands of shirring in contrasting silk, and para- sashes in contrasting color. Few models have the modest allotment of eight ribs/ that used to be considered pample for any sunshade. Ten and | even twenty ribs are quite prevalent {and the more ribs, the flatter the para- {sol top when opened. A very dressy | parasol with twenty ribs is coverad | With black chantilly lace 3 | with black net. The chan dn in little overlapping ruffles and two | Hutternies of crystal and amber bead {embroidery hover on the cover," The | handle is of black wood with an amber {€abuchon. Lace is so high in tashion's favor now that lace sunshades for Summertime are a foregone conclusion, There is nothing more frivolous nothing more enchanting tham a lace | parasol but its daintiness must be j carefully guarded between hours of use with tissue paper wrappings. CW Pa VERY GAY sols with ostrich trimming or knotted | On The Veranda It Is A Convenient Bag To Be¢ Carried Over One Arm-- A Smart Modern Bag Trimmed With Ostrich, - 3 Imagine 'a grimy white' lace sun- shade! Many of the Palm Beath parasols have shirrings of self material. The shirrings are put on in bands, corded RASOLS at both edges and some parasols have five of these bands between edge of cover and ferrule, A rat'er pretty parasol has gathered rufies of stiff moire ribbon, each ruffic gathered at its lower, rather than its upper, edge; so that the frill stands up from the cover. When the parasol Is closed, the gathered frills fall downward to- ward the ferrule end. Sash parasols came in last season and bid fair to have a great popularity this year. The sash or wide scarf is passed around the cover, not far from the edge and is caught over each rib with several rows of shirring, put in crosswise of the scarf. The ends of the scarf are knotted and dangle over the edge of the cover---and usually tassels or balls trim the dangling ends. Some parasols have the entire cover shirred, with hemstitched bands of plain material set in by Way of trim- ming. Other models have shirred chiffon over a plain lining of taffeta. A stunning parasol of gold and black brocade is veiled with shirred: black chiffon. A model of greem taffeta stencilled in gold is veiled with pea- cock blue chiffon. And by the wal, peacocks strut on this year's sunshade "| =--just as they dd on costume. and boudoir hangings. Peacocks are very, very fashionable and are making the most of 3 moment of "avor. . The most interesting parasol in Manhattan was photographed for to- day's page. It is not only a parasol, you see, but a very convenient reticule which you can carry on your arm. Hard to'decide which way it is most stunning, don't you think? It is a brand new parasol model, just launched in time for Palm Beach and is unquestionably the hit of the para- sol season so far. ribbed sunshade made of striped silk In rich brocaded and plain effect and the colors are gorgeous. The parasol pictured combines rose, mauve, Amer. ican Beauty, deep blue and white. Other models combine orange, copper, black and white; or peacock blue, Breen, gold and black--and so on. Inside the cover you will spy the two ribbon straps which make the bag handles--when your parasol turns fit- self Into a bag, The other picture shows you how the bag looks when the transformation has been effected. The ferrule end of the parasol is, of course, the bottom of the bag and the ribs are attached to a metal fing which is built around the ferrule|end so that when the parasol closes| the ribs close at right-angles to this metal ring instead of tight up against the stick in the ordinary way. The stick Is Ia" two parts, with a socket at the center and may be taken completely out of the cover, when your parasol becomes a bag. Or ¥ou can cgrry the { Open, the affair is a graceful, 12-1 This frock is of blue and white | This dainty frock pictured has a skirt | Moyenage bodice, the latter lined with tally-ho combined with blue and white red | pink satin. The lace skirt falls over parts of the stick In the bag. ostrich trimming on the bag, of 'course, shows on the outside of the parasol cover though 'it is mot visible in the picture of the open supshade. Easy to carry about and easy to pack is this excellent parasol--the most practical and convenient thing in sunshades that has been invented yet. Ypu should see the white parasols for Southland use! White is going to be the rage and many of the most ex~ pensive types of costume are expressed plentifully in white--always a sure sign. There are white silk sport suits, white sllk sweaters, white linen frocks, white sport hats of authorita- tive make, white kid buttoned boots, white silk wraps with white fringe and white p ls. A parasol of white moire k with moire ribbon ruffies and a pale pink cameo of salalith In the handle is. exquisite. A white shantung parasol with white fringe at the edge and a lining of jade taf- feta is also charming. The chiffon over thin rose silk. Tiny hand. made flowers trim the edge of the bod~ ice and the shoulder. A big sashbow Of pink ribbon Is fastened to the Bagk of the bodice at the hip, i A delish'! negliges for breakfast In your roots at the Palm Beach hose telry 1s of pale pink chiffon in cosa and trouserette style, the coates at the shoulder with pink ribbon fastening with a pink satin rose, at side of the surplice front and loops of ribbon through a slash other side. ' DON'T FORGET ABOUT SATEEN F you are trying to think of soe thing suitable--and not too expens sive--for a winter house don't forget about sateen. It U quite a fashionable fabric just now, and js being used for informal dresses and for children's clothes: A quant sult for @ small boy is of black sateen with big white pearl buttons. jacket has turned back fronts rows of white buttons, and the fro opening reveals a smocked vest white lawn, with turned down wellar The juiketssleeves havs.small E. buttons on the cuff and the Drooshas have buttons at the outer edge, n the knee. Very nice looking house frocks for women are of gray with large collar and cuffs of w organdy or sheer | and demure, but rather c when the lines of the costume good. . There are dark blue ssteen frocks also, x LITTLE more dignified than the A knitted slipon, and a bit ge. than the airy chiffon sacque, the new breakfast blouss of white crepe de chine, made on kimono lines and tied in with p knotted sash of the material. : neck and sleeves are finished with buttonhole edge of black worsted a slash down the front (for this fs slip-over garment) is buttonholed an laced up with black wool. The | bas black wool fringe and. black wool on front and blouse hold festoons of cord which drdop across the the blouse very gracefully, with "