Rm TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1021. 20% Off All Men's Wear THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ere -- a -- In the World of Sport a Zz + PITTSBURG TO BUILD > A NEW'ARTIFICAL RINK General Sport a8 Bebadbont T Loose by Ottawa. That competitive hockey will not awa Hockey Club gnmounc-! die in Pittsburg as a result of the x ed, followng a meeting, that it° dispute between the lessees of Du- |,. at Niles, who represented the |. tq accept the inevitable and abide squesne Garden and the officials of By buying your Bicycle now, you will be able to get one at a | nited States in the Olympie faney Lyy the decision of the National Lea-j the United States Amateur Hockey much lower price. Come in, pick cut yours, and pay for it in small in- | Skating.competitions at Antwerp, 18 pe. awarding Sprague Clegliorn to] Association was the statement of a | staliments. You can take delivery whenever you please. Nothing could be | 45sisting in the direction of , the g;-'pjiricks, of Toronto, and Harry man very close to the last named «easier. It will be our pleasure to explaig the very easy terms. - | skating and other events at the new | groadpent to the Tigers, of Hamil- body today when he repeated the fact : ; Boston Arena this winter. ton. Gearge Boucher wijl become the that an organization of infiuential START THE NEW VEAR RIGHT | t Resolve to Ride a Bicycle in 1921 Don't be walking when ridifig 18 a hundred times easier. : We have a few Bicycles--1920 stock--which we will sell now at & 1920 prices---1921 prices are bound to be higher, Many people think they'll i. come down in price--they won't. i WILL ACCEPT RULING Turned Cleghorn The Ride a Bicycle .Come in now and pick out yours, It'll pay you! EVEREADY DAYLOS A big stock always on hand. Bat- teries and Bulbs to fit all lights. All our stock is guaranteed fresh. Why take chances by going elsewhere? Come here and get satisfaction. ' TREADGOLD SPORTING ~~ GOODS Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET : : Telephone 529. "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" yo : on | USEFUL GIFTS - RAZORS RAZOR STROPS SCISSORS. POCKET KNIVES CARVERS, ete. The present year will mark the 75th anniversary of the first match game of baseball which was played at Hoboken, N.J., June 19th, 1846, between the Knickerbocker and New York clubs. The game of billiards was first in- troduced into England by Knights Templars on their return from the first crusade, about the year 1100. The New Haven club of the East- ern League, has both Ty Cobb and Walter Johnson on {ts Troster--as stockholders. All true sportsmen are hopeful of a successful outcome of the confer- ence soon to be held in New York to lay the foundatien for a national er- gonization for the standardization of boxing throughout the United States. Such an organization, if vested wih sufficient authority, would doubtless go a long way toward elevating the manly art. Boston devotees of the green-table sport are to have an opportunity to size up Edouard Horemans, the Bel- gian cue expert, in a 2,400-point match to be played with the veteran George Slosson, at the Boston City Club on January 5-8. Wrestlers should not be overlooked in any enumeration of the crops for which Iowa and Nebraska are famous. Dates for the coming season of the Lake Erie Trotting Circuit will be decided upon at a meeting in Pittsburg, January 13th, The circuit of the Piedmont Base- ball League for 1921 will be the same as that which had such a suc- cessful season the past year. The star track performers of Har- vard, corn and Dartmouth are to compete in ¥n indcow 'riangular meet to be staged February 26th. in Boston, Baltimore boxing show promoters declare that the new state law which levies a tax of 10 per cent, on their gross receipts has rendered the game unprofitable. The largest boating organization in the world is the Southern Yacht- ing Club of New Orleans, which has a membership of 2,500, with over 300 on the waiting list. Several rinks of Detroit curlers plan an invasion of Canada the lat- ter part of January to try their skill W. H. COCKBURN & CO. i Corner Wellington dnd Princess Street. Phone 216. KING GEORGE'S Plug Chewing Tobacco Is a satisfactory chew. De- usly sweet and juicy; non irritating to the mouth and tongue, everybody enjoys its LINGERING FLAVOR in competition with various clubs in Ontario and Quebec. "Pa" Rourke, who has sold his Omaha Club and retired from the game will be missed in Minor League circles, where he has been a con- spicious figure for the past 30 years. Chuck Wiggins, who lost a decl- sion to Tommy Gibbons, in Toledo, recently, is to have an opportunity to even up with the St. Paul battler in a ten-round contest scheduled for Cincinnati, on January 10th. The Southern California Winter Baseball League has got under way for its first season with a circuit of six clubs, three in the Los Angeles district and one each in San Pedro, San Diego and San Bermardino. The following is the line-up being used by the Falcon world champion team : Goal, Byron; defense, Mc- Phail and Johanneson; right wing, Morrison; left wing, Goodman; cen- tre, Woodman. Subs--Fridfinnson, Stephenson and Smith. Canada To Have No Easy Triumph Arrangements are announced for entry of' a new Boston fishing vessel as a -challenger for the Lipton Cup for New England fishermen next year as a preliminary to the second inter- national race for the championship of the North Atlantic fishing fleets won. by the Lunenburg, N. 8., boat Delawana this year. The tentative plan is to have 'the new vessel, to be named the May- flower, and a Gloucester boat, race the Rose Dorothea of Provincetown, present holder of the Lipton Cup, the three-cornered contest to determine not only posession of the cup but also the right to meet the new Canadian challenger now being built at Lunen- burg. Should the plan be carried out, the Lipton Cup races would be held in October next in Boston Bay, the win- ner of three out of five races to take the cup and to become the United States defender. The international event would be held in November. Everett James, of Essex, will build the Mayflower, to be designed by W. Starling Burgess, and Captain J. Harry Larkin of the schooner Bay State has accepted the berth 'of skipp- er. regular. ©Ottgwa point: man. and- John Rogk. of St. Brigid's Club, will likely | bekigned for utility purposes. The | liné will consist of Nighbor, Darragh and Denenny, with MeKell and Bruce as reserves, © Cleghorn and Broadbent were no- tified that they had been awarded | to Toronto and Hamilton respective- ly, but théy have not yet come to terms. Both stated, in fact, that they would not leave Ottawa. ----------------------. NEW BASEBALL LEAGUE The Continental Association Incor- | porated at Boston. Incorporation papers for the Con- | tinental Baseball Association, which {announced plans to put 'forward | teams in several cities where major | league baseball is now "played, were | filed -at the State House in Boston. | The~--_¢apitalization is $60,000. | George 'H. 'Lawson, organizer of the! |old Federal League, was named as | president. > " J. Nelson Barry, treasurer, said teams would be placed in Boston, | Cambridge, © Camden, N.J., Balti- { more, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, De- | troit, Indianapolis and either | Brooklyn or Buffalo. He -added (that it was planned to recruit play- [ers from the minors and that an at- tempt would be made to take '"dver. some of the larger minor league | clubgl Willard Promises Better Condition. According to Ray Archer, manager of Jess Willard, the big fellow will be { in better condition for his match with Jack Dempsey on March 17 than he | was when he lost his title at Toledo. This time Jess will not depend on | such weaklings as Walter Monahan, ! but will have a staff of live sparring | partners to help put him into fighting | condition. Only well-known fighters will-be acceptable and 'they will be under orders to slug as hard as they can. Beginning on January 1st, Wil- lard intends to work hard until it is time to enter the ring. Capt. Scott Gets Litense, Capt. W. H. Scots, late of the Im- ! perial Black Watch, h#8 been grant- ed a referee's license by the Ontario Government Athletic | Commission. Capt. Scott has refereed in Mesopo- tamia, In India and in England, and in Montreal since arriving in Canada. He is now a resident of this city. { While in the army he refereed many service championships. : Not For Sale. Branch Rickey, manager of the St. Louis Nationals, teiterates that Roger Hornsby, star infielder, is not | for sale, The announcement follow- | ed one made in New York that an offer by the Giants or $200,000 and four players for the local star had been turned down. Hockey Notes. The New Hamburg juniors have dropped out of the O.H.A. for this season. |, The Pacific Coast Association is seeking the services of 'Mike Good- man, champion spged skater of Can- ada and leading goal-getter with the Winnipeg Falcons. The Sons of ireland team, cham- pions of Quebec, have been broken up by desertion. Gagne is with the Edmonton Eskimos; Laroche at Pittsburg, and some of the other players at La Tuque. The clerk of the weather pro- mises nothing but mild weather. Out in Medicine Hat, "where the wea- ther is made," the prediction is fair and mild. The same applies through- out the Canadian West. "Bill" Box proved a versatile per- former In the Kitchener-Argonaut game. He started on the defense, later replaced Hiller at centre, and was also "tried" out at left and right wings. He showed to good advan- tage irrespective of what position he played. The Minneapolis hockey team, re- cently organized, has been given a membership fn the United States Amateur Hockey Association, and will take the place vacated by Pitts- burg. It is expected Minneapolis will take over Pittsburg's schedule, al- though this point is still undecided. Frank Frederickson stepped into the seven-man game in the Pacific Coast League on Saturday night an showed what a centre player can do if he has a chance to play a little combination. The Icelandic star is accustomed to the seven-man brand, which he played for several seasons at Winnipeg. 2 5 One of the Aura Lee's players stated on his return from Hamilton that the reception accorded Goal- keeper "Charlie" Stewart by the Ambitious City fans, was to say the least, none too cordial. When Stew- art was finally forced to retire be- cause of an injury some of the | business men was being formed for ! the purpose of building a large rink {in this city to be ready for ice skat- ing next fall. A stock company is to be organized for this purpose and when completed -the = building will i house a team of hockey players that will be connected with the United | States Amateur Hockey Association but separated from the rink manage- ment, as the rules of the association compel and the best teams in Canada will be brought here for games. Pitts- burg will be put back on the schedule {of the U.S.A. H.A. next year. A de: | finite statement as to who" the pro- i moters of this underteking are was i promised in a few days. | i THE OTTAWA ICE RACES WILL BEGIN FEBRUARY 3 Preliminary arrangements in con- nection with the holding of the Otta- wa River View Racing Association ice meeting, which will be held on the | Quebec side of the Ottawa River, be- | tween Hull and Ottawa, February 3rd until February 9th are progress- ing favorably, Contracts for the beginning of spacious accommodation have been | let, and it f8.expected that, weather | permitting, a track site will be de- | fined early next week. Arrangements for housing visitors, race followers and horses have been made, and every assurance has been given that lodging facilities will be of the best. It is expected that the meet will i be the most successful in the history i of the association. Detroit's Big Aeroplane Meet. The aviation country club of De- {troit has been awarded the privilege {of holding the 1921 races for the | Pulitzer Trophy. This announcement was made by the Aero Club of Ame- rica," which added that the contest would be held on Labor Day. Last year the races were held on Long Island on Thanksgiving Day. A brilliant field is expected, club officials asserted, explaining that an additional prize of $10,000 has been offered by the Detroit club, The Club Phone 1372;. 112 Princess St. } Special Sale of Kitthen Cabinets |, 12 designs to choose from--White Enamel, Oak, etc. - All latest attachments. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. Wr a ns L& w- ESA Inn ==) MACDONALD'S Cut Brier More Tobacco for the Money Packages 15° %1bTins 85¢ J LIAL LIVER I= adi he Ea PN CutiB BRINGING UP FATHER hoodlums hissed and booed him. ' :: BY GEORGE McMANUS ( of Hollow ' Damp- Cement Blocks, Bricks, 8, Lintles, and Drain Tile, 0 Grave Vaults. ind all kinds of Ornamental : cor. of Charles and SAY:DINTY: SEND OVE DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY « | Ran ™ sick! DIO You SEND FOR A SoCTOR® BIR '™~ ed THE DOCTOR : SAY-DINTY' WiLL 'You HURRY AN SEND THAT DOCTOR OVER - | TTY