GRIFFIN PICTURES TO-DAY v The Noted Female Impersonator To-night and WEDNESDAY | ME NES 'JULIAN ELTINGE SPECIAL FEATURE PROGRAMME A 15--REELS B "ST PICTURES--15 or : Eugene O'Brien in A ~~ n-= - 4 é" 1 "» CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: LE FOR SALE. : ADVENTURESS The Figure Head HUD se tion, ie. a word. Lach son. | » a: | "HONE FOR SALE, 3 i e secutiv. insertion thereaiter, haif ROOM AND BOARD AT 134 EARL BT, | CABILET GRAFROPHO: a J adi 1 3 er o har i ) uid cheap. Appl : Alice Joyce in one ilisertion; 25es pau Sharge for iebhon wT | Wai be sii oe. SAPD A Photeplay That is Different--With A Star That Stands Alone 50 cents, MCE WIT T 4 e | ' : Woon na Fates are for cash only; OFFICE WITH VAULT. REASON. INIVERSITY AVE, A GOOD [| ONE NEW CUTER AND ONE 6th episode When charged they are double bie. Apply Hotel Randoiph. ON UNIVERSITY fo 4 ! cupter for Suie cheap, W. 8 THE BRANDED FOUR VOD-A-VIL MOVIES COMEDIES and OTHER REELS | cu ar are aoe = NE TER Kid Eiuvé. OUWher may Ove Jer for suis cites by; Saline BL $13 Lhlversiuy Ave Bh an , - GRAND'S ORCHESTRA HELP WANTED. ge, onern es Powel] Amiaee ut sove vrs wise | |e Sxl PUT PRUNE Mrs 3d Mrs. Garter R1 i 1d I Mat. at 2.50 ne at 7.30 | DISHWASHER WANTED, APPLY AY | poe Sion Bal Salis ui Wi | ior 'Quick Buyer Latemaa's Dehaven in ES tog 2 Vern 20c. any sea Gr d fi 80¢. | cen' . . | ROOMS WITH Ullice, le S i Estade. FP PICTURES | y a SOF SUS. | Wueen's Hotel | ectric lignt. Apply 23 Lower Uni AUTUNUSILE PIRE AND TURE, | |_ Esa EXCESS BAGGAGE Sony, 200 | GENERAL MAID OR MOTHER'S HELP | or phone 10364. mewrily Dew, ou York Kedd FINE, FUR-LINED COAT, 'L = al y Py 3 9 of a i Luss | in sinall family. Telephone 220v. | FURR ISHED MuSIDLAC 2; 7 ROOMS; Proving property ot James | roue. Aduress J. Ki. CIArK, Welllngs IA COOK GENERAL oem i urnuce; 8B. and C.; Lillerbeck st astie 8, 3 uk load. | won, Ont. j A Oi RAL, ADPLY To ins. McCann, ss Brock street. A SHALL KUnon CosTAINANG | | 3 ict i iter Ogilvie, Fl dtreet. | © & SUNK Ol luvliey ai Dedries [ QUICK LUNCH RESTAURANT; GOOD | en. "vw | FIRST CLASS Rooms arp BCARD; |- ne Uwiled Can Lave sane R-0Ve Caso ior selling, k BAKER, NIGHT WORK, APPLY NEW i rov Sg Mid 3 lela. wel i turn-over; i us 1 England Bakery, Collingwood St all yeu Suairally luca. Ly appiyiig at 4. 1. blaiuan, Ing city. Cull at 3i4 ming : NOW SHOWING I aS Th J 6th Star of "Male and Female" The golden romance of a | 5; urs., 7 an. bariieieid. Acruss Irom Geo. Maller, TYNE fre ENE Tre = || SMALL bru UN KING STREET. is MATINEE AND NIGHT | 4 GENERAL SERVANT, TWo IN TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; REASON- te setts M3 ING 3, by aps GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND i . £3 in 'world-weary Bachelor family. Apply 90 Barrie Street. able; With or Wituout board. ap. per cal Buys same | Selections; your own choice. i VG 1 ¢ Ply 435 Union street, near Univer- BEM NN PRANUASS STREET Terms §1 casi, §5 per month. 1 1 SE. » wy Ad 4 8 3 . ' who tried to journey back a PUNE HAR ay NURSE. ary sr. and Cataraqui, auivluubiie Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess Sg - - M a Pr a Lire, UWIIEr nay Have sale i - " MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. | **Vidtid rus wo a ok Ay Slelbibuing ta RA. ui lterpe: | [IPAM COTTAGH; ATTACHUN, Apply to Mrs. Day, R.M.C. Phone o a vi ddd Ue, Laldiayul, Or Ppavuing chen; shed, on good 3 ) 1149, . or 4a 30 BIUCK sireet. Favas du 2iui r $ and i. | NEW. inausiries; immediate . ) 21. ' b oa i ' on. 14 : NV the old love, the old glad - A Fux MUFE IN MAHOOD'S Sn kl at Lil Hickson AveRusy i MAIDS FOR TAR GENBRAL HOSPI- TWO WARM ROLMS, ELLOTRIC Taticy Store, Uwner ay have | ingslon stadlon. xy i nie i ly A { . by saline JIOVILE prupe | thelll of life's springtinme . Ritrog 28 WoFeR" Aiply to the phat Ai Cunvemiehces; wn Bath tire CRmaiir sal ¥ MEN AMD WOMEN'S CLOT) . Nun fay, Apply 313 University A Paid Ur WULLLEN GLOVES house ruriiiure, specialise wu Ave, hone 352W. ' A : "ae ty --only to find the un- NV. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Sn Dhue sirw eo uhm steel, Abpiy Ma» | eas yal Pr i % 5 . | CROISUE wl, Ke { a Juus, hi SO ; h Apply to Mrs. Findley, 44. Lpper| A NEW SEVEN ROOMED HOUSE OA oN Louie oi Jha URS. | Rouibutd, hole 1e83 » Prins . #8 8 | yielding years standing in v 5 | William Street, or phone 1862J | eel car line; tnree piece batn- NBA uted, | Ceas. mireut. IS 4 : | mitt (iihiew) vwpner iday EYE ey pigskin rr » Li ace and elecuric lignt EVEINLLE, LUys grey pigskirn | BARN $33.00 to $00.00 WEEKLY, BE] Appl > ¥ | T i DRY DY | the way, until!!f!! a nurse. Big demand for goo So Arpiy ¥ ig Once Dave saine DY BpIYINg tv | IA TEAM us Sh annAL, sul} » nurses. New hospital in Shicago.| 1. S FRONT BEDROOM, WITH 230 Barrie steer, | sound." aise set double har ou | Oh, sweet essence of Pep is enrolling a pay un Silities Rie oy tached; Sl are: FOUND ARTICLES ADVER Pals En an wa hei = . ts; ne y 8 - i - Less aud lumoer waggon. L | aud Youti---it's n picture 3 fered sonvor Frac Snised regis. ingston Avenue, or puone i57J. Tish FukB, 28. J. ree, Sydenham, ont. Novel by Leonard Merrick . board and laundry free while FURNISHED BEDROOM AND Sia. Anyone finding anything and | | ne to make you happy you're studying. Salary $10.00 to start at tug room; suitable tur one or two | Wisullil 10 lesca Lhe UWuer ney A FINE HAMMERLESS SHOT GU \, | h Shae. 2 rite ah Farticdiars, fa ladies; central location; aiso stors ao Bu LY Feyurins the Luciy tu | Pracucaily new; J. P. Jlabore "= . > ear | ress eside merican Ospital, a 1UT TWO Cals, 'hene 1243m. Ahe Briusn wiig. due auver. Ker; to wit So : 1) alive. . THE ORIGINAL 850 Irving Park Boulevard, Chi- mt B01 to Calin Fuone lrg. Useient Will Le printed iu tu.y ee pyserher wi h Leather WINNIPEG KIDDIES ), Illinois. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, €uiumin Iree Of charge. $100. Kor'sale cheap. Apply Stan ey dary, airy rovuis; your own lock ang dpi . . lon & Sleeth, 241 Bagot treet, DIRECTION FAMOUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited WANTED GENERAL, key. Frost's City Storage, 299-505 | Found articles': does not } Sleeth, 241 Huger » Without Laughing Till Your Queen siréet. Phone 526; res. 93yw. | | ¢lude W388, uvEn tie Boras, lidos Ache ANTE E JE ; | Bik ese, 1, We ag. WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS teen te EO . Sides Ache. - WAYIED AT, YNCE, {EED BABY TWO FRONNT APARTMENTS, ESPE. | Verlsed Jur il Lae "Lust Sviuium §00d second band furniture Night, 8.15 $1.50 to 25c. tion. Phone 15685, clally furnished tor Light house- | slUVES. Any poison uaviug St Mat., 4.15 . . Kids, 25¢.; adults, $1.00 . Keeping; gas Lor cooking and lignt, 400 Lurnicuce to dispute OL We Matinee Daily .........2.15 p.m, . WOMAN WANTS WASHING T0 DO AT At tne rioneer Apartments, z12 ang | =-------------- T-- bay Rigaest prices, J. Thom, | 74 7 home; will call for and deliver if 214 Livision Street, Phone iitw. | LOST. 33d Princess stievt. Faone 15vew, 5 Ses nneaty he 'eB 74 2 > 1 Rip Sa Tp Pytutus's 1 i BRGRAN pessenay. boy wt ban Sl |= 7 2 . JIN Ra " A TAN A) Wiis FOX Te SIENR, | § LC, t A ¥ p Direction Jule and Jay J. Allen Box office open a). ..1.45 anc 6.30 POSITION WANTED BY A WOMAN AS A TAN AND Wasi A It 50 PAIR OF BE NOW PLAYING 2 DAYS COMMENCING | oiiekesper for elderly couple "or | LET ME HELP YOU 10 MARKS INTO Tl ae prameeiaibuatine seine | ne Tauern is suca whiss fs x r elderly woman, Phone 647. wealth, CCESs. Slate age, encios- | & a | & BASIL KING | GG FRIDAY. JAN Tth! ER ERIEN CER IATA Dey womr--s | © shh, suovess, State age, encis: | fewdin | ie seicaiohin towed, Powerful Drama of the unseen beyond ' ° | EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES ter wuld, lsherwuod P. 0, Unt. | u , PUK MeLAUGkda | Muises wm A MATINEE SATURDAY family washing or fine linen to do | -- eit - CUROn | Lae ee A | at home. Apply Box P-3, Whig O1-| Han, MULES, Wanis MIRTH. | : : | Heel. ; "EA RTH BO UND » ig fice. marks, skin cancers, scars, ete, re. | ms to of Harte re | 8 | F Stuer - Y teeters moved permauentiy. Satistactory | __Feurn : b | ONE CANADIAN GENERAL ELEC th | ==back to the old town, | A YOUNG MAN, STRICTLY SOBER, lasses fitted and furnisied after! , " Ir Y "gr, The Supreme Achieve ment of 'the Screen Annual Drapes private room, with board ics nuve tailed. Goitre removed. | VN DO Taieth, 193, A Lt Hobe war et aC Bors 1 Teg DS gd "Four Times Folled" (Chester Come dy) 5 Allen Pletorial Pantomime | Wolgssioh, banker. Apply Box Qi, 3 Jears' exper ence. Ur. Eimer J. | Up Slidig at, 81] cauied, brow cols | ped Wila slarier ana suuihg Fell OVEHTURE "CHU CHIN CHOW® 8. uke, bye, bar, hosel Throat, § aa lar, Fiuuer picase rellra w CO. 4 | Leal. wULUIS Praclicaily new. Ait N, Directing. $ FARM oF 200 TO 150 ACRES TO TEACHERS WANTE { eters, niga sails | 50 BUMuer of conuler-salils Bn IW { on shares, ¥ Young married pi ---------- ee | -- TT J farmer. R. Stewart, Camder East FIED C1 ; | - ERY Asers; pulicys, . top A £ Ont. R QL Alain TEACHER FOR 8, 8, No.| ON MONDAY AF TERNOON AT CIT Y G. dilicscul sisen, Apply Waig na ie) . at ar bo SM SET fation, Salary $700.00 Apply Dei- | case, Cunitalning ¥.00 1 Liiis, A y HE | WANED hoe; SENT MEDIvw.| Jill, Salary $0508 Appi Dei. WEIL Wai, | enpraved. ar Seue| ; se; cer y ; no 1 | . . : | pga : & . | | i 5 Whie Brin nr Aon pe Ase | Dh nt iG ott] BATEMANS REAL ENTATE. : . . ear es It, LL, Whig Ofice. -- How und sily. Kewdid if re- : | | 60 "leet of 2" snaftin i | State religious denomi- | L. KR. dlauovn, lauy 8/ Didcs Suru| QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED | tured (0 Genertl HOSpital, OR Atm * TRG "AN wry YOUNG MAN DESIRES QUI : teacher for 3. S. No. 17, Sharpton Pam a ----cr--c : FOR sALE DINTAL SURGEON. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR | NG MA} SIRES QUIET, COM. Salary $900. "Duties to' commence | $2,000 EACH -- oUUSLE FR Shin THURC fortable room, with or without 4 92 Ap to G. W 11, | 3 : 10us Joins o 23 Corner of Johnsun and Wellington QUEEN 87. CHURCH [ mily. Ap- RR 12 AbRlY to GW. Bell, LAND SURVEYOR, BEALS; Jui ge ot. Tr 804 0.7 uleghy P cals; in small private fa { | : KipNnaPp's nea : + F R. R. No. 3, Odessa. LEBOW,; dig tut. Streets Phone 368 Teacher of Singing snd Plane, EE ie | ply Box R4, Whig Office * i Studio: 24 Division St. Phone 1167J. WL oT ACHANGE HIGH GRADE, TASHER rons. TOIT ints aI | pF BILLER, WAS. Se. Clie, Od.s, | SHA00--PRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS) ni ud nen house. } " Crosby, erevhl i . J C n nds snr ------ WITHQIRLS and GoReequsNEss PTI: Pande imetent makes, for cate. Duties to commence at once, | Bete a $ vey Yanvn, vat. wi rine Corea, 1S ging ana tury A HAPPY RESOLVE : New Songs, Dances, Faces. R. J. Rodger, Princess Street, ' B Fad aug Whale uve." Waiem & Wikia, "35 CE | VO0--HBRICK SEMI DETACHED; § VEN: Fvan pA be reeset eset ------------ 2 : = : " | $5,000 SEMI-DEY/ € ANNUAl Meeting | recs Seine' "ic" sano | comiicssy emir |__PH i FECSTa BR | sentir | SRC, Sn vara Sat. Matinee, best seats ..$1.00 | for cash or in part yment of A TEACHER HAVING SECOND OR | 1 ; : ; 1 oke less Cigars, but more . At. Matinee, bes id ii , Jaymant of new Third Class Certificate for 8. 8. No " ™ RL I will sm » bi ; Seat sale Wednesday, Jan, 1st Planos and grafonolas. C. W. Lind- . . ARCHITECT. -- 00d ones. "We have the kind you of the ~--Seats on sale ay, Jan. 1st. ay AG Eralg Princess sured? 11. Fr. of Leeds and Lansdowne. . Am po h 3 . ~~ . o Small school. Apply, stating ex- 31,4001. CAST aousE,; WEST BEND) . S A ul al {TE De MN Stience and. salary -expecied, to| Pow kik, SUN AML Ahhh v edt, ARCH nearly uew; 5 rom . 'Auto Strop Safety Razors. torrngton gric tur WANTED. ERAN. BOYS TO FAT. John W. Reed, Sec.-Treas, Outlet, leCls, Mercusuls' BULK Chambers, w-- - 3 : : . and boyy bair sab S00 ia el Ont, ' Sireois Ut BOCK Bud Weiuuglos | $Z830--R. CAST HOUSE; DOWN TO : Everything a smoker needs. Society ' ' ' Razors honed 250. $35 Ontars St. aE ER 1 Slreels, | § roms; § piece bath, eleetr © Magaziges and all daily papers. WAGS TAFFE S near 'Brock street. 4 BEAUTY PARLORS J mem Eh Lgnts, 2 fre places, garage, yard will be held in the , LADIES HAIR FARLOR, 258 KiNG | CARVENTERING, --- Apia 3 x7 RY . ANAS FoF x Street; near. Johnson, for facial ---- 'ICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, $ Agricultural Hall, INVERARY Pure Orange PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, treatment, Ip treatment, sham- n 10 Joan. LE, moNmx WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1921 : Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- I tment, 20054, | hone] WHN LOU WANT Tak Sinraa in mm. : MARMALADE Ee onion for steno Fs ork : ke Unversity Avenue. ravne lagsw, | $1400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; NO oe . |] suaranteed. Rateg reasonable. Spe- "3 5s WANTED . Et ee ee ie {] cial rates can be arranged. Phone AGENTS WANTED, LEGAL. at 1 p.m. proveients, good jocality, } A.J. GARRETT, E.F.DEARMER, President. Sec,-Treas. 269 PRINCESS STREET Opponite Public Utilities. Phone 12832. ee A 0 RENT Made from Seville Oranges and | SIL hite's Insurance Office, Baga NTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LET- | ers for stores, office wi dows; eas. | semi-detacueu; 8 ruoms; A epi | : : Granulated Cane Sugar only. | 1 ; Will not wish oft] free| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, 0ARRIST.| ments. 0 ce to Yl tors o ples. Acme Sign Co. 846 N. ery and Solcituis, 8 Cidrenace -- TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. SITUATIONS VACANT. » Chicago, IL Phren Siaeien, A. 8B. Cunniug G. A. BATEMAN, i | | | | | | | T «1 | $35.00--T0 RENT; »uLSON; BRICKS impro ih . 159 Weuiugon Street, ingstom, . MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN. | Tl aa an Youthful Sight The Bankruptey Act. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 TO $60 vass, but to travel and appoint lo. | ROSE SHI hid ; . In the Estate of Wm. A. Twigg, Aue paid weekly for your spare time cal representatives; $1,092 and ex.| AMBROSE at BARRISTER UPHOLSZRRING. thorized Assignor writing show cards for us No penses guaranteed first year, with | ang Souci or piv Oltitw CORB canvassing. We instruct and sup- good tor make $2,600 and OI King aid Brock, vver Koyw . : Notice is hereby given that Wm. A k 3 vy with work West. Ane exXpens tals 2p on Pal Bank. uonoy to iowa. Paone 1993. | . At Six Twigg, of the city of Kingston, did on KINGSTON COVERED RINK Sawa Service. TF. Colborne St. ti he e : a ual = = SE EE B CALL OR DROP i. CARD koi Wo \ authorized' assipnmnry A021: make an | Toronto, . nst LG, Toranto. | pAINTING AND PAPER BANGING ------ le authorized assignr t er- " ' Dg . R | 2 3 - signed. SPIEL 1 he under PUBLIC SKATING. | A NGI Notice is further given that the first 4 WHEN WANTING PAINTING Da You only need one pair of meeting of the creditors in the above Daily 10-12 a.m. 3-5 p.m. ) Fuperianging aone, uiup a card: to Luave uraery at or drop a bait oxtate [ill be held at my office, Clar- Tuesday and Thursday 8-10 p.m. A: Mounicer, 3s 'arci scree. airy ALY » Glasses for distance.or reading ence Street, Kingston, on the 10th day s " u ye 3 eee -- a Sry Slreel, 4 January, 1921, at two o'clock in the | BAND: Tuesday and Thursday nights 4 Yaa ! PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --y, | Saco J y afternoon. Saturday p.m. ve anagan, Panter and Decorator rae 3 if the Lenses are the ULTEX To entitle you to vote thereat proof tarday Pp b Estimates ireely given, Metallic SIGNS of your claim must be lodged with me ADMISSION: gold letters 1or site and oitice om F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR hvlstering and geueral repalf One-piece Bifocal. They are before the meeting is held. Rozal windows. 247 Montreal street. | SIGNS OF ALL WANDS, GLASS, W Proxies to be used at the meeting |ReBuUlar ............ ..,.... : Phone 1432. elc., large or small guaranteed : most appreciated by active men must by lodged with me prior thereto. | Band .............. o.oo. be. a es Bold loki, pusiiers, Jac wears, ¢ nd further take notice that if you ' A tv 'd 4 a Ata} A artistically wriltien ang des and women. have any claim against the debtor or SEASON TICKETS \ JUST THE nA 0 FINANCIAL. b i at ve Priucess Pires Which you are satitled to rank, proof of | Men's ... . THING : Come in and have our opto- HY daa be 1 the ih Tie With- | 1, jjag Serres 38078 a 5 | STRANGE 4 STRANGE INSUMANCE ; notice, ¥for from and after the expira- ( Child's (not good at night) .. $2.50 Oh, Mr. Ag p p | a auiianed in alae ony DENTAL, metrist explain their merit. tion of the time fixed by subsection § Femily -.$7.00, $9.00, $12.00! der, come over . EN sented. Oilice of. Claser =. 1 section 37 of thessaid act I shall dis. 1 . and help T ; 5 Opposite Lhe post HiEic BE. KNAPES BAL LDS, DDS ilbute tne proceed of re fishtars es. my tld on Ri aad - - 3 - ollice 268 rrinpess Sureel Yione ) © parties entitled thereto, , R HOW IT STARTED $52. . having regard only the claims of | [ES : bit oh arithmeticl FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV R J R d which I have then notice. y ¢ b x : y ~ A A AN AND INVEST. * . 0 ger, Dated at Kingston, this 3rd day of : : "What's this | hear about Anne President, Ww. gp iuthorated | vice: | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, January, 192 + : Tedk's awful past?" president, A. B Cunningham Usts, ity Wellington street, o C Iting C ri R. EASTON BURNS, 8 P sued ol po Carnovsky's. Phone 346. Jonsulting Optometrist. . - Money issued on city ayd farm ado Sun ol : . Authorized Trustee. § : Oh, nothing. | dare say It was properties, municipal and county 132 PRINCESS STREET U.S. consul at Berlin estimates ; Innecently spent but it runs back gs fe ventares; moriguges purchased. FURNITURE VINISHING one-third ¢ half of GQ ia - Investmen: bunds for sale; deposits e-t 0 one<ha oO ermany's very many years, recelved ana interest allowed. R 9 a + . spindles are operating y r C. Cartwrignt, manager, 37 Clar.| CALL OR DROP A CARD T0 W, DRIES ; ; . ence street, Kingston, ©Oul, 24 Jonn street. Ne sy . ' : I . FOR SALE | " ; Js A seven-room frame house; electric lights; gas for cook- ' ) : : ing;, three piece bath room; grate in dining room. Situated AT THE DANCING SCHOOL A Happy New Year on Johnston Street, mear University Avenue, Immediate pos- & "What rule applies to this measure | Cin» of the dance?" Invi 1 r office for session. Price $3,000. . : Y = Dat eae ek rules of courier and invite them to call at our offic an "Church Is not a safe place for ; 1921 Calendar. THE J K. CARROLL AGENCY : J : Women who Mave anything to con La ° J] Phone 68 and 874w. . 56 Brock Street ts : wr or : = ety Jas. - Swift & Co., Ltd. es ; 3 : there." T ae ven away s SRG A : Foot of Johnson Street rm 5 : : : Bs SHIR 11TH Announcement » | f C3 3 5 Auction Sales || TiGicst Frc PAD al Er at We wish all our customers an we wish to announce tiat we have secured the agency for : V2 1 | 1 am the best auctioneer in Kingston. | § we" wit "ait a © Kingston and district for : \ DN h 4 Make me prove it. Phone 2380w, So | iE Auctioneer, || 1. ROSEN & 00. Chevrolet! Cars [fl [~~ SNC 1} Ve PCr, | BEDFORD The Auciines, | U EOSMESD Having experfenced mechanics, we are prepared to do first 8 ; { fi : A tri-weekly passenger and freight > class Repair Work on all makes of Cars, ; 3 FO f >. aeroplane service that has been es- H 3 WORE ; . tablished between London and Am- uebec ; eater S i GASOLANE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES ! 5 Logg ho ALWAYS WENT BY sterdam requires about one sixth the So. 5. $10.00. Ne. 6, $1200 : y 1 ilroad and Housewife: You say you're a Ee LS, agua railred Best Stove for Garage or : . BAWDEN & EDWARDS Sit SO Ee gd Fm Yes mas ve gone by bel tr 0 be monastic SHR] SC TE Hes ' 3% MUNTREAL STRERT She poze wo. HI 5 HOLLAND Rte | eo | the Sater for yubrs, 4 ; | le8 hands. released and traced by 3 < & ¢ he g . ¢ 1 ted States government bureau to . : » : fos or 1 po Tio Pp Sometime and | 1 ay their routes, speed and motives re ; et gavel,