Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Jan 1921, p. 5

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Yeo - 4 TURSDAY, JANUARYLY 1021. Austin's Drug Store Do You Shave or do you just hurt your face " bs L 3 4 # : L 4 4 4 when you need a shave ? Start the New Year with an _ Auto Strop Razor. We will give a 30-day trial free, and you can prove for yourself its advantages. SEE OUR WINDOWS Austin's Drug Store Corner Klag and Market Square Kingston 'BUILDING : BUILD ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates. given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. | Auto Storage Warm or Cold. bp Phones: Suop 1030. 378 BROCK Ren. STREET 1337. I Repairs, Washing and Storage. | One 1915 Melasghlin Tour- | i | ing car for sale cheap fow a quick buyer, 298 MAGOT STREET Phone 1884w. a a KINGSTON WELDING SHOP Has Been Taken Over By G. A. WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORKS We specialize in Welding broken parts of Automobiles, Cracked Water Soom SCOTT'S GARAGE | Jacket, etc, - Kingstom Transfer Co. 1868 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture. * The Company is also equipped with waggons, or sleighs,. and tackle for any kind of special hauling. PHONE 877. All work guaranteed. 40 Princess St. W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and DLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired. y Prices moderate, TEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD | QUEEN STREET ma, Mattresses = = Phone 1204. PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688. ! -- Don't throw away your old MattPesses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new, Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. re FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. For Sale "Four and a half h.p. Massey- Er ine. Good bargain. E. Brawley ar SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. Av A PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 314. 840 Princess St. ---- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstaf'y Ginger Marmalade, Wagstaf'y Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaf's Bramble Jelly, We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- Judes, Jam and Jellies for sale Ble Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Earl Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. 3 Watches and Clocks het af \ fy G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for ome year, Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. . £ 'Phone 1866. . 267 Princess St. ACRE OF LAND at city limits .,,., ..$2,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, spr ---e irewood Large quantity of sound Railway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room. L. Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, EE RP SLLE FOR SATURDAY ONLY iil Cholce Pot Roasts 1Se to 20c. Ib. Cholce Rib Roasts 20c. to 25e. 1b. Cholce Pork Roasts Cholce Lamb Roasts 30c. to Sie. Ib Choice Creamery Butter ..58¢c. Ib, Home-made Head Cheese 20c. 1b, All kinds of Cut Meats, ete. QUICK'S "ESTERN MEAT MARKET 113 CLERGY STREET Phone 2011. DON'T HAVE COLD FEET A good hot water bottle is the surest remedy. Winter is here and you should have one in the house. Your neighbor needs her own. Order at once. ' Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82 We extend to our many customers our hearty thanks for liberal patron- age at this season. Antiques Furniture It you don't buy our Antiques they are worth while looking at. We buy and sell every kind of Furniture or exchange it will pay you to give us a call, CABINET MAKERS, AT Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERWCE" YOUR SERVICE Mr. Frank Summerville, who r dels repairs, etc, on the premises, 2 ~ LESSES, Antique Shop Let us not forget that with the Lord the millionaire and the beggar are brothers, | sl | | | BLOTTEWHiIAMSON | he Vw \ THE Bes DS. Y BRI 1 ERT i To, 5 | 4 | Kingston and Vicinity Customs Import Duties. The customs import duties for the Oct. {month of December were $8,275.42, {or $5,000 more than December a | year ago | | Appointed Teacher. Miss Pearl Whitton, Brighton, has been appointed to the Picton Colle- |giate staff as specialist in English, | Moderns and History, Best Value in the City. | We have a few first-class winter | overcoats left which we will sell at | extremely low price. Prevost Cloth- ing House, Brock street. i ---------- Elected School Trustees. W. Wilson, East ward, and B: L. Detlor, Centre ward, and Jas. Fair- bairn, West ward, were elected school trustees of Deseronto by acclamation. | | | } | | ---- Cadet Corps Formed, ¢ Alcadet corps has been organized in connection with Kemptville high school, Col. Gillespia, Kingston, at- tending to the work of organization. ---------- To Leave For Wisconsin, Mrs. James Norris and little son, Master James Joséph, No. 46 Lower Rideau street, will leave shortly for Brill,- Wisconsin, to visit her uncle, James McGlade, A Very Sudden Death. | hour, of denly at Chaumont on Saturday, fol- lowing an illness of slightly over an nine years. ---------------- To Winter In Florida. Mrs. G. W. Bishop, Brockville, vi- siting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blanchard and her sister, Mrs. H. E. i N ce, has left for home. ¥y8 Mr. and Mrs. Bishop for Jacksonville, spend the winter. Eclipses In 1021, There will be four eclipses in 1921, sun April 8th, invisible here, and a | total eclipse of the sun Oct. 1st, also | invisible in this part of the world. A total eclipse of"the moon, visible in North and America, New Zealand and part of Australia, will occur April 21st and 22nd, and there South Gonstipation iis quickly relieved when the \ liver 15 aroused to activity by the use of Dr Chase's Kidney- \ ! Liver Pills One pill a dose. 4 25c a box, all dealers. 3 Drs Se a GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HAIR She Mixed Sulphur With It To Re- store Color, Gloss, Youth« fulness. Common arden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revela- tion ii your hair is fading, streaked cr gray. Alixirg the Sage lea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a bottle of \W yveth's Sage and Sul- rhur Compound at any drug store all readv for cse. This ts the .old- time recipe tmproved by the addi- tion of other ingredients. While wispy, xray, faded hair'is not sinful, we all desire to retain our Joutkicl appearance and attractiva- ness. Bv darkening vour hair with Wyotk's Cage nnd Sulphur Coa pound, ro ome can tell, hacause it dces it 80 aat. ally, so evealy. You Just dampen » sponge or soft brush With it and draw this through you hair, taking one small strand at a time; by n.orning all gray hairs have disappeared, ard. after another ap- plication or two, your hair becomes Luautifuily dark, glossy, soft aad luxuriant. i § WHAT DOCTORS USE, ¥ \ FOR A BAD COLD Preps 'ion Containing This Treat- nat Offered for Home Use. In Grip-Fix the public is offered just the treatment which is usually used by doctors for treating a cold. This consists of Aspirin, Phenace- tine, Quinine, Salol, Caffetin Citrate, Cascara and Camphor Monobromate, in proper proportions. The remedy is offered in capsule form as it acts quicker in this' way and is also eas- ier for home use. Start taking §rip-Fix as soon as the first signs of a' cold appear. In 24 hours you can say goodbye to your cold. Even if it has developed to the grippe stage Grip-Fix will usually conquer it in 36 hours. It is an inval- uable preparation to have around the house. Thousands who have used it keep it constantly on hand. During the "flu epidemic of the past two years it saved acute and dangerous disease on every hand throughout the Domin- on. Get a box of Grip-Fix to-day. On sale at all druggists--35 cent 0X. J Our Sleighs are just right ant MADE IN KINGSTON Get them while they iast. _ McNAMEE & SLACK William A. Dunham, a former resi- | {dent of Cape Vincent, N.Y., died sud- heart trouble, aged thirty- | Florida, to | including the annual eclipse of the partial eclipse the ending of which here, be a 16th, will be visit | | trustee B | I lle Separate s¢ { hay een elected by. a { They are B. L. Becker Wa kh n, E. J. Butler, San [Jam A. Dolan; Foster, Ja | Murney, Dr. Joseph Daly; Joseph Foltz. son, es Lynch; Was Born at Belleville. John McHugh, vice president of the Mechanics and Metals National Bank, New York, the man who ¢on- | ceived the idea of the new $100,- 1000,000 foreign trade financing cor- | poration, which is receiving much | attention, was born in Belleyillg, | Ont, ----, Married at Carleton Place. Word has been received in Carle- ton Place | Edmonton | bett, formerly of Smith's Falls, | John Switzer, on the 16th, inst. Holy Trinity church. Mr. Switzer left | Carleton Place a few wecks ago and is now located in Edmonton, , Alta., of Miss Agnes Cor- to in Married Last May and Mrs. E. F. Milburn Mr. an- ter Kathleen, to Kenneth Wellesley | | | | | y Scott, Picton, the been solomnized by Canon Trenton, on May 24th, . and Mrs. Scott will re- side in Toronto. marriage Fire at Rednerville, At an early hour Wednesday fire |: | did considerable damage to the stock jof T. G. Thompson, general store- ! keeper at Rednerville, Prince Edward | county. The interior of the build- ing was also damaged, tained is covered by insurance. Made Assistant Secretary, At board of directors of the Citizens Bank, Cape Vincent, N.Y., William J. Flynng- a trusted employee elected a stant secretary of the bank. Mr. Flynn will enter upon his duties Jan. 1st. He is very highly | recommended. Board of Trade Dinner. © moom | 134th Batt., and. now resident engi- will | ees | lamation! Dr. Ket- Wil- | Coleman; announcing the marriage at | Phillips and Alex. Dorey. nounce the marriage of their daugh- i Scott, Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. i The loss sus- | the December meeting of the | of the | Northern New York Trust Co., was j neer of the St. Lawrence Ship Canal, {and Evan Hamilton McLean, late captain and paymaster of the 235th Battalion, now judgé of Prince Ed- | ard county.. Mrs. McLean was sev- ty-six years of age. Interment took | {place in Toronto. Purchase Property for School, t At a meeting of the Gananoqua~+ Separate School supporters it was announced that the Roman Catholic Episcopal | Corporation had pur- {chased the Arlington Hotel property |on the corner of Stone and Garden | streets. The building will be con- WHITE PINE is easy to work, nice to handle and outlasts other woods. Our used White Pine from the Elevator, has been remilled. It looks fresh 'and new and is quite reasonably priced. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington - Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 14135. verted into a separate school, which | {is expected will be ready for opening | by September, when all the schools | | will open after the summer holi- | |days. The board of trustees elected | for two years were : Rev. J. P. Ke- {hoe, O. Ledger, Robert Wiley; for | {one year, William O'Hearn, John Allen School Event. | On Wednesday evening, Dec. 22nd, fa Christmas tree and concert was | | held in the school under the direction | |of the teacher, Miss Agnes Browne. | {The room was tastefully decorated | with evergreens and Christmas bells. Zach pupil received a gift also a bag | oi 1921 We hope during the coming Year to Serve our ever-increas- ing number of friends and patrons in a better and more careful manner than ever before. We have added to our equipment an up-to-date delivery and of your "Say Tit therefore can guarantee better and more speedy delivery. he continuance of our careful hand} ng » With Flowers" or Wedding and Funeral Designs will ever be our watchword. "WE STRIVE TO SERVE." A. D. HOLTON 880 PRINCESS STHEET Phone, 661; Res., 2036W. FLORIS? of candy and nuts. The teacher was | also remembered by the pupils. There { were thirty-eight numbers on the | programme and each one was thor-, oughly enjoved by the large crowd | assembled. Richard Berry acted as chairman and performed his duties | very effectively. One important fea- [t re of the concert was the arrival of Santa Claus, who distributed the pre- {sents to the delighted children. BORN. N~--At Napanee, on Dec. 3th, to | Hop he H. W. Huffman, a | and Mrs iter s At Deloro, Ont. o. Mr. and Mrs. Sherlie « Carra Vandaline dat ter WRIGHT--At to Mr. and Mrs. son on Dec. 15th, W. Haines Detlor), a Dec. 21st Adolphustown Wright, a A. D MARRIED. DEROCHE--- McMILLAN st , B.C. n ; B, 1 { Revel Miss B.A. 3.01 -- At Sth | e 4 ed M an DUPONT-- VANVOLK Christmas, 1920, at Napane | ald Norman Dupontand Agnes Ger- | trude Vanvolkenburgl } iE | The council of the Board of Trade i of Brockville decided to hold a din- | ier in connection with the one hun- dredth anniversary of the establish- iment of the Brockville Recorder, It | is expected the speakers will some of | men and that, as guests, there will {be in addition the newspaper frater- i nity of the surrounding district, Warren-Dickey Wedding. At the First Presbyterian church manse, Brockville, on Tuesday, Rev. R. M. Hamilton united in marriage Miss Florence Dickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Dickey, Yonge | Mills, to Harold Warren, son of Ben- jamin Warren, Lansdowne. The couple left to spend their honey- moon in Toronto. Battery Reorganized. The Third Field Battery, Ganano- Gue, which has beén in a disorganiz- ed state since the end of the war, was reorganized here today. The of- ficers are: Major Frank Mooney, Capt. Wm. Gordon, Lieut, Ross Rich- ardson. About twenty men signed up. The guns and equipment for the bat- tery are now at the armory. The new commandant served under the late Lieut.-Col. R. H. Britton, who took tae old battery overseas at the be- ginning of the late war. Mrs. Neil McLean Dies. Emily Berford, McLean, Belleville, widow of Neil McLean, passed away at her home after an illness of some duration. She is survived by three children, Miss Violet McLean, Belle- ville, Norman B. McLean, late Major MRS. H. H. VOTAW Sister of President-elect Harding of the United States. and until recently a inember of the Washington's police orce. be | Fades leading newspaper | LASHER--At Hawley Years. SETH--In Pic Sophia Louise Dutton, wi f » late Wm. | { H. Seth, in her seventy-third year fifty-six | pa { A | IZ Knocks At Every Man's Door But Once. Here : Is Yours To Get a OPPORTUNITY New Mattressat .................. $4.95 + (Only a few--measure your bed) Comforters . ....... . vinnie vue wa na SS HS Cushions--fancy tops, Kapok filled . . . $3.99 Down Comforters--a few left after the Sale-- to clear at a fraction above cost. Blankets and Bed Spreads . . .. .33 1-3 off Kingston Mattress Company 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel 2283. PHONE hn, » " é he, PILLS LS \# class RAR 8 al UMATIS Fo NH OUCH LUMBECO PA FOR SALE Fire, Accident, Sickness. Plate Glass, Matine, bile and Burglary Insurance, also Guarantee Bonds. The Canada Life Assurance Company's newest contracts suit any case. Houses and lots of the highest grade. Store on King St. A stone house and vac at lot well loc ed on Princess Street, Vi. .ory aud otc... class bonds yielding 6% t2 7%. Service cheerfully given. J.O0. HUTTON Automos €7 CLARENCE STREET? Yhone 708. RUB BACKACHE AWAY Instant Relief With a Small Trial Bottle of Old "St. Jacobs Oil." | { Kidneys cause Backache? No! | They have no nerves, therefore can | | wot cause pain. Listen! Your back- ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief is soothing, penetrating 'St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful | back, and instantly the soreness, | stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jacohs Oil" from your druggist and limbeip. A moment after it is applied you'll wonder what "ecame of the backache or Jumbago pain, Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Ofl" whenever you have scfatica, neural- gia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is absolutely harmless OUR ANNUAL RED | LETTER SALE NOW GOING ON 25% OFF ALL SHOES IN STOCK Many odd lots to chose from at very low, prices. NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBERS. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES =. the skin. USE SLOAN'S TO Stimulating Odor, That It Is Go- ing To Do You Good. YF I only had some Sloan's Lini- I How often you've sald that! And then when the rheu- matic twinge subsided--after hours Don't do it again--get a bottle to- day and keep it handy for possible use to-night! A sudden attack may muscles, backache, stiff joints, neu- ralgia, the pains and aches resulting from exposure. You'll soon find iment that penetrates without rub- bing. Clean, economical. Three sizes--35¢c., 70c., $1.40. Made in You Can Just Tell by Its Healthy, | ment!" 0 of suffering--you forgot it! come on--sciatica, lumbago, sore warmth and relief in Sloan's, the lin- , Canada. FORESIGHT always was better than hindsight. Those who take SCOTT'S EMULSION regularly exercise large eds in robustness. - - & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 20-27 For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, | $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT 'AF.A9T * TWEDDELL'S ~ 131 Princess St. ! (One door below Randolph Hotel)

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