. : Gi a oe fit Apo oo sh Lr To i SRR oo i ny 7 4 ' ( / it i : £ < d | WEUNESDAY, JANU ¥ o, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 13 My re, eee -- = : Se eee eee | GRAND (COMMENCING GRAND : AFTERNOONS : fe i J 4 "moos NEXT MONDAY Toveuy || | 5 FE PE KE' o : i : : LAST SHOWING | 0] SPECIAL FEATURE PROGRAMME | : 3 15--REELS BEST PICTURES--13 | Eugene O'Brienin |} . '" é " ch a a The Figure Head" | coxoexsen apvenyis:s Gan: 70 LET. FOR SALE. Sent a word: Minion charge fof | NOON AND BOARD AT 137 EXRL TE FOUND Fhe sold cheap. ApPIY. #4 Alice Joyce in | 'Dollars and the Woman' elephone 647. one insertion, 23c; three insertions, | §0 cents. Brock street. ON UNIVERSITY AVE, A GOOD es i .| THREE-ROOMED TENEMEN - 3 | ogni KL 3 any Ply $5 Jonnson street; Toni: Kia Biuve, Uwner uy have 2 wHi're WYANDOTTE COCKER RELS, 3 ~ AH e double, darage, Balle at 513 University Ave prize stock, and 2 ac norcas COMEDIES and OTHER REELS | =--------nc'18°d they are dou E A BUNCH Us BEXS UN A WILKE Releptione 2035W. 3 Ty ac CE THREE Fu RNISHED ROOMS w on Lniversily Avelide. Uwe } GRAND'S ORCHESTRA HELP WANTED. electric light, Apply WITH er liay nave simie ut Wal | | ONE NEW CUTTER AND ONE | | 23 Lo Ini- Evening at ae | wer Uni GENERAL MAID OR MOTHER'S HELP | Yersity or phone 10944. Ww. 5 gue 5 | Mat. at2.30 | cutter for sale cheap. Oitice. AUTUMUMBILE TIRE AND TUBE, | don, Sydenham, Ont. on South Macdonald street; for quick buyer. Bateman's Estare. 20c. any seat Ground floor 80c. in small family. Telephone 2200. FURNISHED RESIDENCE; 7 ROUNS) Nearly DoW, on York wed : 2 3 Balcony, 20c. furnace; b. and C.; 32 Ellerveck St UWLer may nave same by ONE LOT, 66x133 FOOT ret oben | PTOVING pruperty at. James | Hunter Ogilvie, 119 Earl Street. McCann, 88 srock street. | FIRED CLA a irra tts imeem ; | - - - | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AAD. BUCARD | BAKER, NIGHT WORK. APPLY N Ww GE ' G RAN D England Bakery, Collingwood St. | i Mobruveineuts; centrally locut- | Ea | Apply 243 Brock bireet, ERVANT, IN Lastie s, Yui K hoad. | A COOK GENERAL. APPLY TO MRS. | A SMALL YUKSE CUATAINING | | a. 8ull OL Money Wi barrie- | ,Uwiher Can have, same by applying at 4. ii. bramag, Lartieneid. | QUICK LUNCH RESTAURANT; GOOD 5 turn-over; reasons for selling, lea ing city. Call at 374 King 8 a across from Geo. Muller. ny reia. | A GENERAL & TWO TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; REASON. TOMORROW family. Apply $0 Batrie Street. ble; with or without Doard. Ap. SMALL Brau UN KING STREET. Fd > TRY ths 25 Union street, near Univer. UWlier can nave-sallie Uy ap- # 4 MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 7 Py er : ¥* | 'GENUINE GRAPHONOL N Apply to Mrs. Day, RM.C. Phone sity, Phiug at Wag nouse. | Ne narno nay , : J 8 : STORAGE MUM FURNITUK i 3 . a | Terms $7 cash; $5 per month. . 2 2 ; THE ORIGINAL - - - mercoandise; can wn ok ANU FOUND AlTicLis apven. || + Joie nied oT months {cH } MAIDS FOR THE GENERAL HOSPI. Cann, 36 Brick aireei. Lan, : Tou Fung. | \ ANE GRIFFIN PICTURES TO DAY WINNIPEG 32k, Sond wages. Apply to the or $21. aires: She viv Anyone finding anything and | FRAME COTTAGE; ATTACHED KIT 4 3 - . - 5 . chen; shed; on good-sized lot; near. a ! Lo | © Hil IEL SOMES NOTE SR || Sone Sangster || Li eat lee : The Noted Female Impersonator » MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, Foom, Tuinace 'aca Sfebivse Dent: arnaien Yo. ue wuver [| DL APPIN ALA Hickson Avent Apply to Mrs. Finne 44 Upper ' ven hid eieutric hignt; bseimnentl will ve prinieu 1a acy he William Street, or phone 18627" S22 --2PplY Whig once, Suiuiiu ires ol charge. MEN AND WOMEN'S OLOTHIN t Street, ¢ 2J. : A MED FURNISHED LLOROOM AND Sil. ol Srecaa articies' oes mot jee | Bouse Turniture, Fpeclalize in mile i if T ' ua J , hh Ca it, » hy » JQ : uv by ' --tpa In their biggest) go). x 335.00 10 $60.00 WEEKLY. BE Jains cogiiaiiable for one or tw iG Tacos, Al ne ay Sorses. | | DART Fools: hinion phils sedos 4 and best produc. Burnes. NewS nosprndi Entec age 1ur LWu cars. Paone iz4im. Yeruscd 1ur 14 Lae 'Lust Cuidiun R atbard, Phone 1723. 389 Prine i es. } Ago, an ss & tion. Bpecial With exceptional hospital facilities STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN -- The ADVENT URESS Childrens siudtnd nif, MRelSplA hel A ary rout yur ou kA Lost | * TRAN on Femaa star b : . Rec regis- ey. LTuslUs City Storage, 299-3us Si. EML years old; g y tered school. Full maint nance, | Wi reed ' : 28. 4 9 | 80 ess, A Photoplay That is Different--With A Star That Stands Alone "ep board and laundry free while OE 3 trer nt Rone 376. Fun fay WILL THE PERSON WHO CAME pair light sieighs, od nar 3 Matinee at 4.15. studying. Balary $10.00 to start at| 1wo FURNISHED ROOMS, EITHER across ex - aluerman Wii's hess and lumber waggon. Phone 3 THE BRANDED FOUR VOD-A-VIL movies Children A3¢ ress Presiondaariculars. ta single or connected, in privatetam- Swagger suck. hinuiy return same 28. J. Free, Sydenham, Ont. ~ - sete » . eric ospital, ily, ar University, 3 Vv tice. A Mr. and Mrs. Carter PENNE] Adults ... $100 | cip.lfiE AAR Bobievara ORE bi, test fiverani, doh dchlioman | EWA "Silke Oe HA FAR * . "en . is. Box M-30, Whig Office miles from city, with five hor as hon » . ¢ HITE 5 TE > thirty cattle, ail farming" ¥ ieses guns ------_-------------- e, a rmin Dehaven in Mat. unreserved. | WANTED GE TWO FRONNT APARTMENTS, ESPE. A ny an Poon Gl To Tg crops; immediate Posveralon Dway EXCESS BAGGAGE 5 | A NERAL. -- clally rurnished for lLigat house- Will be prosecuted. Leiephone obliged to give up farming, Addreay 3 | Night, 8.15: | Keeping; gas tor cooking and light, 1104 1 1-5. Keward. D. L. Mitchell, Watertown, Route 1, 3 | WANTED AT ONCE, REED BABY at tne rivneer Apartments, 412 and | -- -- 5 SPECIAL $1.50, $1.00, 75¢. carriage or pram; in good condi- 214 Division street. © I'none 133iw. | | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS © 0 . Mond Next: J 10th oo Se tion. Phone 1568. ean co | GENTLEMAN'S BLACK PURSE, ON| &ood tecond hand furniture pening Monday Next : January c., 25c¢. re Aaa eres ee New Years Day, vetween weiling. stoves. Any person having mto ' ANTED THREE OR FOUR ROOM TEACHERS WANTED, ton and Montreal streets on sroex. and furniture to dispose of, we ~-- EDDIE COLLINS' BIG MUSICAL REVUE -- Box seats $2.00. heated flat or apartment. Apply il Finger piease return to Whig Of pay highest prices. J. Thompsan; A First- ] Musi val Ce medy C a Box S-4, Whig Office. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. S. No. fice. Reward 43 Princess streot. Phone 18 , ] £ irsi-class Musica 40 dy Lon pany. | A " 3, Kitley. State religious denomi- A PE ¢ WOMAN WANTS WASHING TO DO AT Baton. "Salary $700.0. Apply Del. SPECIAL OFFER 50 PAIR OF MB 4 home; will call for and deliver it bert ferguson, R. K. No. 4, smith's| ON NOV. 24th, 1920, A LITTLE DOG, cycle Tires at $1.75 each while th i ---- --------ra f necessary. Apply 24 Earl Street. Falls, Ont. y . ho answering to "ieddy." lars stand last. Bicycles cleaned and sto A 4 p) | 2 DAYS COMMENCING POSITION WANTED By ip straigat, tail cauled, brown ¢ $180 skates hotiow ground, Ba 3 | 3 ANTED A WO! N AS LIFIED TEAC RD ry ar. Finder please wn carriages retired an Feba DIREQEION FaNOUS PLAYERS FANaniay SOR SORATION, Limited | DAY JAN 7th! housekeeper for Se ONAN AS WEALIGILD TEACHER rons s Xx Peters, nigh Foals, etary io C Muller's Bieycle Works, 371 nd'y1a TO NIGHT THOMAS MEIGHAN IN | ' . | pepesiy Roman. _Picud $17. Erion maar, $960." Apply to J. | i. SINE gtredt Phone tev: Toikd man 0d : TN 2 y , | ERR Err orn ". flrish, Sec.-Treas, Vernacher,| no : . RR : i rr rr - ", - v an 2 OVI " | MATINEE SATURDAY | EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES ont ' '| ON MONDAY AFTERNOON AT CITY G ' CONRAD IN QUEST OF HIS YOUTH" | ' f family washing or fine linen to do on I. R. Station, lady's biack card] ONE COMPLETE DRIVING ov fo" | r Stuart-Whyte's | at home. Apply Box P-3, Whig Of- QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED case, containing $5.00 in bilis, gold | one §-year-old driving mare: ft } - oi { ice sacher $ 2 5 . LY Wrist wat :n, ngravey + rt Closs driver; one MclLau 3 . ' ™ | THURS., FRI., SAT. | Sth Annual 1 - ache! so 8 eli 3% co ahton from papa' ro ea Sade top buggy: one almost gr 3 i \ : | P t ime | A YOUNG MAN, STRICTLY SOBER, Jan. 5rd, 1921. Apply to G. W. Bell | Toronto University. Reward if re- Speeder cutter: one single set 0 ] i \ \ { FEATURE PRESENTATION | antom Wishes private room, with boarq. | ROR NOS Odean. : ry turned to General Hospital set of robes and blankets: J I rofession, banker, Apply Box Qi, | ' | sn ne -- sold. Apply D. Hogan, 323 = . | H Whig Office. | : King street, meat market, i D | |r OF 100 To EA} POR S, do 5 NORTH | LAND SURVEYOR, "an 2 . AR) > 1 T 150 ACRES 0 "0 holding ird class certifi- | ONE CANADI! 'EN oro y d on | pork on shares, by young marrieg , Dulles to commence at once. | | N tric ya o Motor TE RAL HB | | farmer. R. Stewart, Camden Last (SUUDE salary, to P. A. Mc-| Fu F. MILLER, #.Ap., Se, C.E., 0.1.8 ner A. C. motor, 15 h.p.; both equi 4 oa . Ly : Ont. land, R. R. No. 1, Westport, Ont. D.L.S, M.k.LC, Napanes, unt. one ped with starter and' sidney Saget Playing Two Parts--IN HH | -- { Lario 4nd ar Leys, Singston uf. base. Motors practically new. bo i % 3 # Ce: alkem alkew, v3 - 8 t er y - 3 6¢ § | WANTED TO RENT A MEDIUM. |A TEACHER HAVING SECOND OR ence street : Cla hangers, 60° foot of pais And ) he Dark | sized house; centrally located; no Third Class Certificate for 8. 8. No | ee with hangers pulleys, Jina tn ; i | children in f ly. i < 5 . I'r. of Leeds and Lans yne. i en s = Whig Office, 1 APPLY Box As, Small 'school, Apply, stating a: ARCHITECT. Ogpds difiereut sizes. Apply Whig 8 ice perien John Ont, e and salary Ww. expecied, to Reed, Sec.-Treas, Outlet, | | l YOUNG MAN DESIRES QUIET, Com. POWER, SON AND DKE VER, ARCH]. | tects, Mercnauts' dei bark Chambe rs, Mirror" - BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, | -- KioNAaP'S { YOUR IMAGINATION | | fortable room, wit sith ee WITH GIRLS and GORGEQUSNESS | meals; in small private Family hot | corner of Brock and. Weiingiond -- m------ 1921 BELITION | ply Box R4, Whig Oftice, BEAUTY PARLORS | Sirevis, 1 FOR SALE 1 3 g iy | A i AE Picturized from the Sensa. f New Songs, Dances, Faces. | 0 Sat ne Hs! rg Franny i Z P ® Sensas | PRICES: Evening 25c o i a LADIES HAIR PARLOR, 258 KING ARLE BERING UUs Toums; B. and C.; electri 3 tional Novel by Louis Joseph PRICES: Evening ..... 25c. to $2.00 | WILL EXCHANGE HIGH GRADE Street; near {ohison' $08 KING CARL 1ERILNG, Ligns; large lot ' ; Sat. Matinee .... 25¢ to $1.00 | {honegraph of different makes, for treatment, scalp treatment, sham- | Cae Vance --Seats now on sale. . | RPI Rodger Prin 820d, condition. Toring. Inarcel waving, etc' Phone! wHuN YOU WANT THE Sasieanren) nd (TAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS: M, . fi + . ) pe , 2005J. 9 v . ele 3 5 Overture, "Bohemj fn Girl." Strand Famous Orchestra DS nmenn tu hu Deiby, Contractor, pieeue lghis and furnace; 4 hy 5 ds ct A SECOND-HAND UPRIGH (GENTS WAN Sem -- : yy By T PIAD . . " fy: £ for cash or In part payment of 430 AGENTS WANTED, LEGAL #5.000--BRICK iy Mu-neTacued, 0 tre Mt----> planos and grafcnolas. C. W. Lind. ZIENTS 500% PROM soma; 8. a "+ DOL air; gas, A ' : AGENTS 500% PROFIT GOLD LET. | age. Mass WAGSTAFFE S say Limited, 121 Princess street. ters for stores, Sfiice windows; eas- | a oe -- 4 atinee Dally ......... 2.15 p.m, , o ily applied; will not wash off. fr e| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH BARRIST. . . i 3 " . :p | A i Ti Ano. Boys 10 hi Sampies, Acme Sign Co." 81s N.| "ers and Svilcitors, "18 ARNIS) 1.400-R. cas? IOUS wes END) 3 Ev - WV. ; r. Men's Wells, Chicago, Ill. | Blreet, singsivii A. . 2 /- NeW; 5° x { Evening at .............7.15 p.m. Pure Orange Shave, 10c . £9 | ma Sia A. Cunning . Razors honed 25¢c. 236 Ontario St, $2,850--R. CAST HOU SE; DOWN T0 3 | | and boys' hairteut, 20c. Direction Jule and Jay J. Allen Box office open at...1.45 and 0.30 near Brock street. r ¢ > ¢ . | fyi oc NOW PLAYING MARMALADE { MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN- | 6 root piece bat elect BA Pek { vass, but to travel and appoint lo- | AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER lights, fire places, gar e, ard 1 x ASIL KING'S | : cal representatives; $1,092 and ex- ang soucitur., MMW onic., corner aud ben house. od § Powerful Drama of the unseen beyond Made fr Seville Oranges and 1 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Denges Suaranieced first year, with 7 Jing iy Hie I hy od uli : Made om dev. S 00 le < 2, ank. Mone Ah Y yr r ™ 2 €€ 8 | Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- oonsoance to ake §5.000 ane = mn plo 0: FROG 149 VICTORY BoNDy ron SALE 3 oNgY # 2» || Granulated Cane Sugar only. [| 8rapher, open for stenographiomworic tions. Experiefee unnecessary. 2 a > y of any description. First class work Winston Co., Dept Toront PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING p tan g + n guaranteed. Rates reusonable, Spe- || == oon. mee ---- | $I400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; No iM. 4 y : The Supreme Achieve ment of the Screen {| TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. [] cal rates can be arranged. Phone SITUATIONS V : WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR provements; good locality. . 3 "Four Times Folled" (Chester Comedy) . .... Allen Pretoria | | I] Street. "te Insurance Omice, Hague 0 Yaganr Abpsrasnging Gone, urup a4 curd te TO RENT : awit aide - Mounteer, 4 Arch Sireel. OR i trans . "CHU CHIN cHOW» | | | - t a - - - ------ | $25.00--TO' RENT; NELSO BRI 3 a N, Directing. | ee MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§15 TO $60 PAINTING AND PAPLR HANGING --. Bein). detached; 8 roum improv of . . EINER . a pald weekly for your spare time Flanagan, Painter and becorator ments. 4 ET i ictoria Order of N ses| FURNITURE FINISHING writing show cards for us. No Estes ireely given. Metallic : LL 2 canvassing. We instruct and sup- Bold letters for sture ang Oltice G. A, BATEMAN, ; 8 y ur | > ply you, with work. West-Angis windows. 24 Montreal r 150 Welling ton & R ND A 117 SIT RY [ CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIs. Bhoweard Service, 57F, Colborne bs Phone 1 ' Vhireal sureer, | _J0 Weilllugtey ; ireet, Kingston, 3 we annual meeting will be held on ©oll, 22 John street. Toronte, [Fry UPH TERI Ah a 1 . IURSDAY, JANUARY SIXTH at 8 a -- J CILST NG. iy ol ° ° * Pearl A Nesbit, LTCM, p.m, in the City Council Chambers. mmm, | FINANCIAL, G Br . : DENTAL SURGEON. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR | CALL OR DROF A CARD TO Ww. a = Corner of Johnsun and Wellington QUEEN ST. CHURCH A C Wi | srnaron # STRANGE INSURANCE Lavine, upholsier, 21 Bagot st. b \ | : | &< s "Slallusaed a 1e0v; i 4 Streets Phone 368 Teacher of Singing and Plano, | . ustomer res the 10st reliavie Cdlupauies ow F. Ww. HAROLD FOR YOu: 24 : , p - sented. Onc enc \ . HJ : F UP Studio: 24 Division St, Phome 11673, iio Thiee 43 Coliahce sive, holstering and genets) repaify 3 A HAP EY ---------- Me as Follows | ISR ruery ul ur diop a card i I } I . ¢ % PY RESOLVE PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE | FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. BE , xing 3 { lieut Society; incor, a A " a | : - Have purchased a business in Montreal---therefore must | Frosideny, Ww. F. Nickie, Koo; vis. BIGNS i} : * I will smoke less 'Cigars, but more pa day, the third day of February | 1X sell my Kingston house. I need cash at once. Get me an offer, president, aed : Cunningham. J . W e a i " ' one ssue on City avd t N ¢ NLS, TN A food ones. We have the kind you he Patios 2 gt wy for Present Full information at office of Propertios, municipal ai aa He pale xivus, SLALY, Wh - . Thursday, the tenth a fF | | fiebentures; morigages purchased: gold leal; posters, snoweards, e Auto Strop Safety Razors. ' ay of Febru- . i investment onds for sale; deposits artisticaliyy written and design ary next, ill bs h Y 1 d received ana inter 1 y v 4 Everything a gmoker needs. troduci w Pr e 19 lan day for in- | ou only need one pair of . > i Lecoived a lowe, by_Suaw, at 206 Princess Street, # b. icin rivate Bills. | ne K . + Pe Rc & Magazines and #1 daily papers. Wednesday, the twenty-third day ||§ G13sses for distance or reading 112} BROCK STREET emi Kinesis, , = of February next, will be the last da. | 7 DENTAL, 1 for receiving Reports ug Cao: gay | if the Lenses are the ULTEX PERSONAL, ot : El DER'S of Private Bills. | One-piece Bifocal. They are HAIL, MOLES, WANLS, BIRTH A a YAPT HA Day nhs ¥ bs ARTHUR H. SYDERE most appreciated by active men MRS. ORFORD'S ALIMONY avy Permanently. scare, sic, re oa - . ; : NOE on . » ov 'Fn S pL EE! 200 PRINCESS stmERT [ po Clerk of the Legislative Assembly ACTION DISMISSED Glasses filed and Furnishes dS) a0 ite Public Utilities. Phome 1 t. | Toronto, December § 9 \ and women. ------ ave lailed. Goitre removed. | DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN br: e 1283 9th, 1920 4 * anpt Jud Find 1 roper Con= aH Jae experience. Dr. Eimer J. tists, 1569 Wellington sireet, over by er v-- Come in and have our opto- udage nas mprope Lake, Rye, Lar, Nose, Throat, Skin. Carnovsky's. Phone 346. A duct With an English Solicitor. Toronto, "Jan. §.--Justice Orde has dismissed thé"alimony action of Mrs. Frederick Orford, who claimed $600 a month alimony from her hus- band, real estate broker, from whom she has been separated for some time. This was the action in which the plaintiff alleged artificial {n- semination as responsible for the birth of her child. The judge says he finds it impossible to escape the conclusion that the plaintiff in 1917 - entered on a course of improper conduct with an English solicit6r. metrist explain thefr merit. R. J. Rodger, Consulting Optometrist. 182 PRINCESS STREET A -------- aut Poor Relief Committee. A meeting of the Poor Relief com- mittee was held on Tuesday after- - FOR SALE A seven-room frame house; electrie lights; gas for cook- ing; three piece bath rQom; grate in dining room. Situated on Johnston Street, near University Avenue, Immediate pos- gession. Price $3,000. 'THE J.K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street We wish all our customers i A Happy New Year - and invite them to call at our office for an ; '1921 Calendar. : Jas. Swift & Co.; Ltd. o{ [noon. The bills for the coal and » hnson Street 1 ly Christ Sheer, ent om br the so- Foot of Jo » ---- my | cioty, was ordered paid. was re- i LORD MAYOR TEE ECC ported that $233.5 CORK Was sent out to, ng A '1S A STOWAWAY PHONE 400. The Castle<Laggan highway, in the Rockies, is completed. {cludes its bh Canadian Tariff Commission eon- earings. aR OF early age. She became the bride of Thomas Wood, Amellasburg, resid- 4 in that township the most ofher The first of the dairy short courses at the O.A.C., Guelph, has opened. The shore workers in the iron in- of Hagaburg are on strike. -y * J = . . 1 , ; ! ' resolution of appreciation was passed es She: L prese ! . ouncemen to the Whig for collecting the sum | ry amy nee. onés y 1 t Washington, Jan. 5.--Inves- He: If you mean your Christmas : S : by o $263 30, wich was used at the tigation of the circumstances presents, | haven't even bought them. Auction ales rIGHEST PRICES PAID 2 * We wish to announce that we have secured the agency for -- surrounding the entry into this : i S---- Paper Stock. If you teleph: uy a Kingston and district for 5 Canadian Pacine Railway. country of D. J. O'Callaghan, 13m the best auctioneer in Kingston. ™ Pane San TY our 5g x Qencellatign of train service: On.| ' lord mayor of Cork, who ar- Male me prove . M ROSEN & C0. . 3 Chevrolet i A BEDFORD The Auctioneer, 0 EN S cancelled: day as a 8 way and without . Phone 1721 or 1428. 140 RIDEAU ST! a : Nu Having experienced mechanics, we are No. 815, daily, expect Sunday, 3. pagaport, Was ordered to-day : : Prepared to do first A part; -- gS class Work on all makes of Cars. Jour Kingston oT S 2a; aviv mt Uy the stats de ment London butchers and meat men , 4 > - No. 616, daily, " except Sunday = protest against contingante of (Quebec Heaters i iF y : ~ Wl . » s . ; : the embargo on the importation o ollie . GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES leave Tichhorne 7 pam., arrive King- Mrs. Isabella Wood Desa. Canadian cattle, i 5 : NEST rr Pr -------- ston 8.40 p.m. {, Mrs. Isabella Wood, "wife of Franc Villa has taken the field No. 5, $10.00. No. 6, P1200, 5 Hamilton Presbytery decided to | Thomas Wood, Welliagton, Jasssd at the head. of a Federal force, aga- Best Stove for Garage or work § © & EDW. ARDS ommend an indeterminate pastor | away Dec. . Bhe was born in inst EI Charro, ohie of his former || shop Cooks and other Slaves 4s : ; . Kingston and went to Hillier at an followers, weil ; "