QUALITY White Lamb Pocket Robes For Baby To clear . . $5.00 Black Wolf Muffs . ..$6.00 Black Wolf Stoles ... $6.00 Reductions on all = 'Furs 25 to 50%. JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 to 157 BROCK STREET HIS MASTER'S VOICE DANCE RECORDS FOR JANUARY Faly One and Old Fashioned Garden--One Step The Broadway Blues--Fox T rot 1! ed him with cheers. The Melody Men The Melody Men | loyalty. Fins \ THE 2 5 I. SAMUEL X: 22 By R. J. Bushell '} | Farmer's Sun, Toronto. { Intreduction:--The scene -repre- sented is that of an immense crowd | of people delighted at the prospect { of having a king to rule over them. 4 The regime of the judges was about | over. Old Samuel reluctantly fell in | with the people's wishes, but not un- | th he had roundly scolded the mul- { titudes for their fickleness and dis- The crowd, however, realiz- ed that the day of the old govern- ment had passed .and Samuel was forced to abdicate. h instal the.mew ruler a critical situa- tion arose. found. Overcome with shyness and worried over the heavy responsibili- ty that was about to be thrust upon out-building on his father's farm where there was a lot of truck and baggage of various kinds. He was not, however, able to escape detec- tion. A search party was sent out and it was not long ere they dis- covered their man amid the lumber and litter. In spite of his protests that he had no desire for a crown The crowd receiv- He Is a tall, | handsome youth, with every appear- {ance of a good fighter, Saul sees | that further resistance to the 'peo- ple's wishes is useless, so this modest youth who was found hidden among the stuff becomes ruler of Israel. The lesson suggested by this anci- ent story is obvious. of concealment. quiet, obscure lives there is a great wealth. of undiscovered talent. great centres of population have pro- duced eminent leaders in every walk of life. Yet it is equally true that from the rural districts have come leaders quite as distinguished. Tend- ing the stock, guiding the plougk and able to "sway the rod of Empires." no monopoly of brains. ministers. ous by his absence, tween, But just when they were about to He. was nowhere to be | him, Saul had hidden himself in some | they dragged him out from his place | In out of the way places and among people leading The garnering the grain, there are hands The city with all its recognized soe- idal and educational advantages has It is significant that fn a recent survey of callings in one of the lar- ger Canadian centres that 82 per cent. of leading business men were found to hail from the country, 82 per cent of all High School scholars throughout Ontario come from the farms and 57 per cent. of all the Yet. in Parliament until quite re- cent date the farmer was conspicu- Lawyers, doc- tors, business men have been num- erous in our legislative halls, while { farmers have been few and far be- How is it that our agricultural in- - DAILY BRITISH INCIDENTS OF THE DAY | Racy Local News and Items of | General Public Interest. Coal. Phone 67. william McKenna, Belleville, is in Kingston, undergoing an operation. Pianos tuned, FPhoae 1544 C. W. Lindsay. Ltd. : Ald. Allan Stroud has been elect- led for the ninth time in Cataraqui | ward. . After six months rental xe i allow money paid in rental to app | on purchase of piano, C. W. Lindsay Ltd. | "During the year at St. Mary's ca- | thedral there were 131 baptisms, b0 | marriages and 69 deaths in the coR- gregation. It you buy cheap tea, you get it. |1f you buy DALY'S, you get GOOD (TEA. For sale at Mahood's. J. G. Elliott leads the civic lst, having been a school trustee for over |twenty-seven years. In 1891 he was | first elected for Rideau ward. | The euchre given by the AOH. {on Tuesday evening was largely at- | tended. The prize winners were T. | Plunkett, Miss Rodney Andrew, Miss | F. McGrath and Raymond McQuaid. | 'Charles Ryan has returned to the | Dental College, Toronto, after spend- ing the holidays with his parents, Ryan, "Rockwood Try Chadwick's { Dr. and Mrs, E. | House." | Mrs. Harry Hunter, who has been | in training at the Woman's Hospital, |New York City, has returned home after obtaining her diplom: as a state nurse, Jack Renton, spending the heli- days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Renton, University avenue, 1as returned to his studies at the Dertal College, Toronto, $ William. Chadband, of the Wiig, has been laid up for three week: on account of illness, but some better, and hopes to be abe to resume his duties next week. At the present time, about 'orty men are employed on the Mascdon- nell street sewer. AN the mex giv- en work must apply throfigh fae lo- cal representative of the -(ntario labor bureau. On Wednesday Milk Inspetor G. W. Bell issued a summons for 8 Pittsburg dairy famer wlo sells milk in the city, fir not laving a license. ' The case vill be in police | court on Thursday | Patrick McGrath Tamvorth, was | on Tuesday mornig making some | repairs to his hous: and while work- | ing on a ladder, hi foot slipped and | he fell a distance [ twenty-five feet, | sustaining a~ brokn leg and other minor injuries. © was brought to | the city. | It had been edected that Leo | Rogers would }ve been given a| hearing at the Jrismounth peniten- {tiary on Thursds on the charge of | doing bodily har to Inspector Dun- | can, but his cashas been postponed for a couple of ays. Justice of the | Peace J. W. Bidshaw will preside. | is» feaing | WHIG. shine. I Want to Spread a Little Sun- Irish Eyes of Love. "Till the Clouds Roll Bye. Operatic Music at 20c Copy 'or 3 for 50c Sweethearts. When I Discovered You. 'Down Limerick Way. 'An Old Fashioned Wife. Roses Bloom for Lovers. Popular Music 10c Copy The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings The big crowd of thrifty buyers to be seen eachr day in our store is ample proof of how our January Sale is taking. 16 inch Roller Towelling--nearly all Linen--50c. for ...-c-v-... 35e. | Bie or Red Check Glass Towelling--45c, for us: «vii cinvone 3368 36 inch White Cotton--nice quality and suitablee for most purposes --35¢c.for.... Marie Pern terests (which are by far the great- est in this Dominion), have not been more frequently represented in Par- liament? May it not be that as farmers we have too long doubted our powers? Like Saul of old we f| have been modestly hiding behind # | the stuff. We have remained -ddle in the background while the poli- ticians allowed the big Iaterests to exploit our country's resources--its rich timber and pmneral lands, as Margie and Palesteena--Fox Trot-----Accordion Feather Your Nest and When | Looked in Your Wonderful BEyes--Fox Trot --Accordion Pitter-Patter--Walts (from "Pitter-Patter") 11-4 Ibex Blankets--White or Gre y: double bed size; $3.75 for $3.15 Mario Perri | | The Melody Men | Enjoyed tt Entertainment. The prisnei at the Portsmouth | penitentiary pied a hearty vofe of | thanks to Vajen Ponsford express- | ing warm ap'®ciation of the privi- leges grapedfo them during Christ- mas' wee} ir the form of entertain- ments, ieluing music and moving pictures, ese were put on under the diretia of George Young, of the Y.M.C.4, A both the male and fe- The Melody Men Raderman's Novelty Orchestra 12-4 Ibex Blankets--white or grey ; largest size and best quality made weBABOJOr os sits niin nahin rion ins Tain Ceminisisiain DOES All Pure Wool Serge--best Indigo Dye; 56 inches wide; our best 00 Darling--Fox Trot Annie, My Own-----Fox Trot Caresses--Fox Trot The Melody Men Stop It--One Step : Diamond Trio 4 My K entucky Home--FoR Trot Pve Got the Blues for My e y Tu Guartet COME IN and LISTEN to these r emarkable DANCE RECORDS. MAHOOD BROS. VICTROLA recent investigatiol amply proves. | Not only has #e farmer been in- | adequately repesented in govern- ment, he has til very recently been Real Estate Investments wou -- Johnson street; ~ouble frame; new and mod- ern; 7 rooms; furnace and e!é¢- tricity. Rental $528. 3 Sys Ride 4 ! Hae tencaionts nd ents; all in good condition Rental $750. Hos, $1,850 -- Chatham double frame; 4 rooms C. Rental $260." fer:-- 1000 Ibs, Cholce Creamery .. 300 Ibs. Choice Whey Butt' C aned 500 tins extra choice Norn Tomatoes, Peas ani" N.ovsiornss Street; . Corn Meal and W. 500 vs. Gola bw .5 Ibs, 500 Ibs -<tR choice Rice "A complete list at office. Money to loan. Cullen's Real Extste and Insurance CASH AND CARRY 8c. Phone 396 or 621 We are receiving choice lots of farmers' rolls and prints. We of- 500 Ibs. Belleville Creamery 3Se, = ade, per tin for 25e. Ibs, for qe. ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, CAMPBELL'S [SALE OF FURS ~All our prices have been marked down and in many instances are now below pres- ent wholesale prices. Such extraordinary inducement leave no doult about our fur selling now being down to rock bottom. _ £3 44Every article has the price reduction marked in plain figures upon original price ahs us a = ERO miserably re'arded for his hard toi' | While we | facturing industries are essenti | the proses of our country----asd we | do nc desire to set our class-over | agajSt another--yet there 8 plenty | vidence to show that hitherto our { pderal Government has deen friend- ser to the manufacturer than to the farmer, not only have we been more | hampered than they in getting our | products to the consumer, but we | have had to take the price offered, | while chey have dictated theirs. { F4m 'well aware that the farmers' | movement is called a class move- | ment. But I reply that the agricul- { ural interests of this vast country 'are pre-eminently the interests to be | coasidered for the good of all classes. | If agriculture thrives and production | thereby increased will not the manu- | tacturer and the merchant equally { prosper? On the other hand, if the agricultural interests are hampered | by unfair discrimination every class | in the community will suffer. { All over the land, on the platform {and in the press the cry has gone up for more and more production. And ihere 4 'no doubt that until there | is more production in our fields and gardens. the balance of trade, which was 50 closely disturbed by the war, will not reach the normal. But how, I ask you, can you expect adequate agricultural, production if we are hampered and" discriminated against? Give the farmers a chance. Let their voice be heard at Ottawa, Give them "a say" in the framing of our laws and the administration of the same. Will they make good? Perhaps there is more undiscovered talent and brains among the farmers than is generally supposed. That they are able to guide the affairs of this Dominion with justice and discretion is being pretty fairly demonstrated by the record of the Ontario U.F.O. Government. The fears entertained by some that they would prove either amateurs or autocrats have not been realized. Indeed it is admitted by both of the old political parties that the Government in Queen's Park has thus far handled the helm of state with lar ability and justice to all ¢ 8. The confidence man is always | Jiang d to meet wise guys who know t all. - ; Wise men strike while the iron is hot, but the fool doesn't know & hot fron when he sees it. S009 2009 99909999 L 3 : Employment wanted of any & description suitable to dis- ¢ # abled men. No matter how & # short the work, even if only « ¢ # few hours, we have men who # : i 2064 -- Vocational + : 'e 20290000000 .reely admit that mard- to | forts © mike Christmas pleasant. He male wird and were greatly enjoy- «1. Noineclent occurred to mar the pleasue oithe occasion and Warden Ponsfa'd pels that all of the men and wert really appreciated his ef- has riwceivd several letters from in- dividial pisoners thanking him for his sympafetic interest as shown durirg Chistmas week. Kingshy-Garrison Wedding. | A quic wedding took place at { Trenton, a Dec. 30th, the contract- |ing partis being Bernard Field Kingsley, Belleville, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. k Kingsley, of the Crystal { Hotel, an Miss Leita | daughter t Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Garrison, >f the fourth concession of Thurlo. The young couple were | married b Rev. Mr. Armstrong, { 1 To Qre a Cold In One Day. | Take Goye's LAXATIVE BROMO | QUININE ablets. The genuine bears the signatre of E. W. Grove. 30c. The wold may owe every iran a living, butit takes a hustler to col- lect it. : A prayeithat is long drawn out is apt to be mrrow. Garrison, | } | things. It is for use in primary clas- price was $3.50. January Sale Price ............... $2.50 32 in. White Flannelette--extra quality --45c. for ........... 29. 20 per cent. off Dress Goods, Silks, and all House Furnishings, Newman & Shaw Pe | "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" BRITISH SCHOOLS USE i LOCAL MAN'S BOOK | Principal Grant, of U.C.C,| Writes Primer on | ada by Request. Principal W. L. Grant, of Upper i Canada College, Toronto, while in| Britain last summer was asked to write a pamphlet or small book on | Canada, to be used in the schools of | Britain, by the mnembers of the Na-| tional League of Teachers there. The | announcement, regarding the teach- | ing about Canada in Britain followed the receipt of Principal Grant's book- let overseas. The booklet contains about thirty-two pages, and Meals with Canadian history, economics and social conditions among other ses. A REGRETTED DEATH Was That of Mrs. Joseph Hayes, Nap- anee. (From Our Own Correspondent) Napanee, Jan. 6.--~A very sad death was that of Mrs. Joseph Hayes, Richmond, which occurred on Friday last after but a few houfs illness. De- ceased leaves, besides her husband, eight children, the youngest a babe of two weeks. The funeral took place on Monday morning from St. Pat- rick's church to the Roman Catholic vault. The bereaved husband and fa- mily -have the sympathy of a very large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Haynes and son left Tuesday for Tees, Alberta, to spend several months with their family. Mrs. (Dr.) Frank Anderson and son, Ottawa, are the guests of her father, R. B. Allen. Miss Mae Steacy, Toronto, is spending the holi- days with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs, W.:A. Steacy. R. G. H. Travers, Wal kerville, is renewing acquaintances in Napanee this week. G. W. Boyes has disposed of his grocery store, John street, to S. A. Davis who has taken possession. Shane-Wager Wedding, ' Ahmic Harbor, Dee. 30. -- On Wednesday, Dec. 8th, a wed- Falls' er- ding took place inyBurk Methodist parsonage, when ick Shane, som of Mr. and on Shane, was united in marriage to For $6,500 you can buy a new detached Brick Dwelling on Frontenac Street; 7 3 rooms; hot water heating; electric light; gas; 8 piece bath; in Al condition; good cellar and large yard. > TO RENT--FOUR ROOMS ON PRINCESS STREET Centrally located. Suitable for office purposes. A full list of properties for sale at office. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyery and Sellers of Real Estate Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. = Phones 580w and 530J. REMARKABLE VALUES IN 1a lich: Gradle Shoes $595 'for Men $6.95 We offer you about 60 pairs of Men's Boots; regularly priced at $9.00 and $10.00, to sell now at $5.05 and $6.95. These are all new, fresh goods, bought at below manufactur- ing costs, and at these prices we can give you a splendid bar- gain. SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW. S. J. MARTIN "Shoes of Merit and Distinction" Phone 2210. 189 Princess St. --_ ~ . i. : Miss Mary Maud Wager, daughter, mony was performed by the Rev. Dr, | of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wager, all | Caldwell. The happy and highly of Ahmic Harbor. The young bride | esteemed young couple, after a short looked handome in her sand cplor- | honeymoon trip, will reside at Ah led duchesse satin gown and black' mic Harbor.~ Their many friends « picture hat. The marriige cere tend congratulations, A