Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1921, p. 3

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1921. ese we -- re -- Prescriptions Put up with care and ac- curacy and always under the Two Weeks Ago Our Special Long-lived Alarm Clock sold for $4.50 each. supervision of the proprietor. Your doctor would advise this as he is assured that his medi- cines reach you as he would have them. Have your prescriptions and! family medicine put up at: -- Best's The Popular Drug Store. Phone 050. Open Sundays. Due to more favorable condi- . Tome tions of sale, we can now give you this same Clock at $3.70 They "are the very best quality and fully guaranteed. Keeley Jr, M.0.D.0. Get one while they last, as the number on hand is limited. SMITH BROS. Limited Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0, The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- fcal apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPER]- ENCE CAN GIVE. Jewelers Established 1840. 850 King Street THOMAS COPLEY Telephone 987. Wanting anything done in the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on all Kinds of repairs and new work' alse Nard- woed floors of nll kinds. will receive prompt attention, ZN Queen Street. It is this combination of mini and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston. All orders Shop In a mutual admiration society we can find the most agreeable com- panions. se After Christmas Clearing Sale All stocks affected by the Christmas rush to be cleared out at low prices. Here in brief are a few specials for this week: -- : All Enamelware 10% discount. : Skates, big reductions. Hockey Sticks-- big assortment of the best. I= = = =e a ------ = Se es a ea --_-- -- ee == S-- ---- Se ma = i Se = Jenn = We wish you all Hearty Good Wishes and a Prosperous New Year MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. Phone 237 IER AA == = a ad -- a 1 Sea - - ~ - - - Kingston = = = | Before Stock Taking We are offering a number of very spacial prices on Bed- * 'room, Dining Room and Living Room Furniture, in Walnut, Fumed Oak and Mahogany. We also have a large stock of Rugs, making special prices. It will certainly pay you to imspect our stock, as our prices cannot be equalled. I.F. Harrison Co., Limited Pime 90 Just on which we are Bey | same time acts as a disinfectant of THE (Notice--Hersafter, the Whig, Ix | i} common with uther papers all over | | Canada, will make a charge of $1 | {for inserting an engagement, mar. riage or reception announcement. i | To get the Whig's society writer, telephone No. 857w., 189 Earl street, | ss =e Mrs. A. H. Fair, Bagot street, oi] tertained on Monday for her neices, | Marion and Miss Patricia Dow- | Merrickville. The evening was spent in music and dancing and the young guests voted it .a jolly one in- deed. Miss Lilian Fair was a most ef- ficient young hostess. Those present | were Miss Phyllis Spencer, Miss Lois | Taylor, Miss Kathlgen Bibby, Miss | | George Robinson, (Napanee), Miss | | Florénce Emery, Miss Gertrude Mec- | | Kelvey, Miss Mary Macgillivary, Miss | | Ruth. MacClement, Miss Bleagors | | Mundell and Miss Virginia Fair; | Messrs. Grant Minnes, Leslie Haggie, | Howard and Peter Fair, Jack Emery, | Paul Cunningham, Hew Duff, James | Renton, Lionel McKay and Cadets | Sawyer, Bruce Taylor and Hamilton. | * *. * Mis Principal and: Mrs. Bruce Taylor | | entertained at dinner on New Year's | | night, for Miss Mary and Miss Mar- | | garet Taylor. The table. was lovely | ! with the gay decorations of the:sea- | | son, as was the rooms where the | | guests spent' the "evening in music | and dancing. Covers were laid for | | fourteen, Principal and Mrs. Taylor, | Miss Mary, Miss Margaret and Miss | | Lois Taylor, Miss Clara Farrell, Mis | Catherine Minnes, Miss Veta Minnes, | |'Dr. Charles Abbott, (New York), | Ralph Emery, Howard Fair, Walter | | Steacy, Victor Minnes and Bruce Tay- | lor. i * * - { The first Curling Club tea of the | season was held on Tuesday, when | the president, Miss Ada Birch, was {in charge, assisted by the executive. At the pretty tea table, with its gay red and green decorations, Mrs. H. | | C. Welch made the tea for the large | number of members present, who | { were : Mrs. H. R. Bibby, Mrs. H. F. | Mooers, Mrs. T. M. Asseltine, Mrs i R. BE, Burns, Mrs. Drysdale, Mrs Lintqn, Mrs. R. N. F. MacFarlane, { Mrs. George Bawden, Mrs, C, Mec- | Kay, Mrs. Stanley Graham, Mrs. J. | Murray, Mrs. Arthur Ellis, Mrs. G. {A. Robinson, Mrs. Hobart Dyde, | | Mrs. R. H. Mason, Mrs. C.°F. Finkle, | | Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. Guilford | | Reed? Mrs. Havelock Price, Mrs. D. | BE. Mundell, Mrs. T. S. Scott, Miss { Martha Smith, Miss Annie Fowler and Miss Kaye. i * * * ! The Gananoque Canoe Club gave | a jolly dance on New Year's Eve in | their gaily /decorated club house. Garrett's orchestra from Brockville provided the music for the many | dancers. A large contingent from | Kingston was present, among whom | were Misses Baxter, Miss Flora and Miss Bessie Abernethy, Miss Bessie Fair, Messrs. George Draper, G. Gimblett, A. C. Malloch, Bert Vair, Howard Hiscock and JE. Ryan. The Brockville Rifles entertained | in the armouries there. on New | | Year's afternoon, Tea was served | | to the many guests, in both the of | ficers' and the sergeants' mess | | rooms, and the music of the regi- | {mental band of the 41st was so | | tempting that the pleasant affair {wound up with an informal dance.'| Several Kingston officers were pre- | | sent. | I * . . | i Prof. MacClement and Mrs. W. T. | | MacClement, Queen's University, | , gave a very charming dance on New | | Year's Eve, for their daughter, Miss | | Ruth MacClement. About sixty of the | { members of the younger set were pre- | | sent, and the New Year was ushered | jin to the sound of music, merry { laughter, and dancing feet. | - * - Mrs. W. Harty, "Roselawn," en- | tertained at bridge on Tuesday | afternoon for her mother, Mrs. Kerr, | Toronto, who is her guest. There | were four tables in play and the pretty prizes were won by Mrs. J. L. | Florence Cunningham and Miss | Hora. - * * Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hillcroft," will entertain on Saturday afternoon in honor of her house guests and her son and daughter, Miss Anella and | | Grant Minnes. i i * * * | mt rie-------- | Lights gleaming from many of the | handsome homes on Barrie street on | | Tuesday afternoon showed that the | | chatelaines thereof had returned to | { the hospitable pre-war custom of Had Bad Cough For Three Years! | | | | | The constant hacking, racking, per- | sistent cough that sticks to you in | spite of everything you have done to | get rid of it, is the kind that is dang- erous. The longer the cough sticks, the more serious menace it becomes to your health. There is no remedy that will re- lieve coughs---coughs that won't let go--like Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It has a healing aud soothing ac- tion on the air passages, and at the | the respiratory organs, destroying the germs that produce serious lung com- plications. : Mrs. John Miller, Minburn, Alta., writes: --*1 had a very bad cough for three years. I went to several doctors and tried different cough medicines, but nothing seemed to help me. One day a friend told me about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and after using several bottles I became com- bletely relieved. I always keep a bottle in the house, and also recom- mend it to others. Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has been universally used for over 30 years, and so great has been its Success, it is only natural that a great many imitations have been placed on the market. The genuine is put up in a yellow wrapper; 3 pine trees the trade mark; price 35¢. and 60c. a bottle; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ni | this week. | turned fo Queen's Residence. 1 3 { real, WwW. | street, | spent | Sawyer, University avenue. | expected DAILY BRIT having a cup of tea and a hearty welcome ready for the visitors, who never failed to take advan their friends *'at home" d The Monday Bridge CI Miss Brown's home on Bar . . d Cartwright , has return t to her sister, Toronto. Capt. Edward McKay, MC was with Mr. and Mrs. W, 1 "Hillcroft", for the holidays, has turned to Renfrew, Miss Hilda and Miss Be Tear have returned from Bat they spent Christmas and Year with Rev. A. H. and Mrs Tear; St. John's rectory. Miss Helen ser, Barrie street, is spending a week with Mrs. Lang- ten, Toronto. char M Me- Mrs. R. Uglow, Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie Uglow, Barrie street, spent a day in Napanee with: Mrs. Vrooman on their way home from Toronto. = Miss George Robinson, Napanee, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fair, King street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Cogswell, who have been in Toronto for some months, will return to Kingston t week and will receive a warm home home" from their {riends. many Mrs. D. was the hostess of a jolly young ple's dance on Tuesday evening, when her guests were the young friends of Miss Eleanore Mundell and Cadet Mundell. Mrs. Beverly Brown, King street, entertained at bridge this afternoon. » » . peo- Hilda Garbutt, Picton, and jediord, Renfrew, have re- Miss Miss A. Mowat, Johnson street, irned from Brockville. liss Lucy Merrick, Aberdeen ave- {nue, has returned from Belocil, Que came up from New | Miss Macarow sday to pay a long visi » Mrs. Kenneth Ireland, | Igy street. Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, Mont- is the of Dr, and Mrs. Lguce Hopkins, West street. Miiss A. M. Ryan, Bagot street, has returned from Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Martin, who was the guest of the Misses Martin, Clergy has returned to Toronto. Malcolm Mitchell has returned to Alexandria, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. R Dobbs, Albert stree: and 'his "uncle; Mr: Harvey, Union guest - * * Capt. and Mrs. Hamilton Roberts will go up to London on Friday-to spend several months. Miss Marjorie Booth, Queen's Re- sidence, has returned from New York. Mr. and Mrs. William Minnes, Jr., New Year's in London, and Lave now returned to Lindsay. Cadet Hamilton, Peterboro, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miss Mary and Miss Margaret Tay- lor, who were with Principal and Mrs. Bruce Taylor for the holiday Season, have: returned to Osgoode Ral) and Brant Hospital, respective- ¥. | Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Bagot street, | has gone to Montreal to visit her mother, Mrs. Johnston. | . . - Mrs. John Bell, Belleville, is spending a few days with Mrs. Her- ert Robinson, Bagot street. Miss Jessie Dickson has returned to Toronto after spending the holi- days in town with her mother, Mrs. C. T. Dickson. Mrs. T. S. Scott and her son, Henry | Scott, have returned from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Philip DuMoulin are | n town this week from Tor- spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baldwin. Col. Alexander Macphail,~D.S.0., C.M.G., Clergy street, has returned from Prince kdward Island. > . - ¢nto, where they is the Law- Mrs. Bullock, guest of Major and Mrs son, Clergy street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig return- ed to Toronto on Monday. Graham Bertram, Dundas, spen New Year's with Mrs. H. W. Rich ardson, "'Alwington." Miss Marion and Miss Patricia Dowdell, who spent the holidays with Gananoque, H. 0 Whiting, 'Mrs, Hansard Hora, Miss | their aunt, Mrs. A. H. Fair, Bagot | to Merrickville to- | etreet, returned day ay. » Mrs. W. E. Kidd and her sons re- turned on Monday from Brockville, where they spent the holidays with Canon and Mrs. Dealtry Woodcock, | at Trinity church rectory. Rev, Her- bert Woodcock, who was also of the rectory party, returned .with them. . . . Dr. Charles Abbott, who spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hillcroft," has returned to New York. Miss Mildred Jones returned on Monday from Montreal, where she was the guest of Mrs. Jack Inglis. Mrs. Kerr, who spent Christmas and the New Year with her daughter, | Mrs. W. Harty, "Roselawn", will re- turn to Toronto on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Brymner, West street, spent New Year's in Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. F. Colson. (Continued on Page §) HOCKEY AT VERONA Home Team Defeats Sydenham----A Carnival Saturday Night. Verona, Jan. 4.--The hockey match here on Saturday, between Verona and Sydenham, was largely attended. The score was 14 to 4 ia Verona's favor. The boys played | exceedingly well, and the open air rink was in fine shape. The carnival on Saturday night was a big success, although the ico was in bad shape on account of the rain in the afternoon The rink was lighted .from Ross Bertram's Delco plant, Mr. Bertram has the con- tract for Mghting the rink for the winter. Mrs. John Barnett has spend a few months at N.Y, with her mother. leigh spent a few days 'last week here with his sister, Mrs. George Jakins. Mr. and Mrs. Jakins and Master Percy are spending New Year's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burleigh, in town. Mrs Sophia Williams is spending a few days at Mrs. Joseph Percy's. Her many friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. Percy is home again after being iil for three months at her son's, Eugene Percy. Mrs. Percy is doing nicely. ; : Miss Susie Storms, who has been in town for some time, and was tak- gone to TRI E. Mundell, Brock street, | T oe- J Carthage, | Ross Bur- | 1SH WHIG. 1 2s | PROBS:-- Thursday, fair and not quite so mild. EAE TT TT | eee " ih ow A TE in colors Navy, HTT $4.50 vard ........ wide HO gain sale of all time. En" | en ill, is home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Secord Storms. Miss Storms is convalescing nicely. Mrs. George Babcock is nursing Mrs. Haw- ley Grant at Hartington. Mrs. Grant has a young daughter. Both are do- ing fine. Miss Elsie Craig, who has been teaching at Hill's school house for some time, is transferring to Hartington school. Yesterday John McKeever's team or horses ran away, and made for home at Godfrey. They finally caught onto a buggy in front of James Goodberry's and were stopped. Little damage was done. Elijah Walroth and family, hav- ing gold their house to Fred Snyder, have moved into Ross , Bertram's house. Mr. Snyder intends doing considerable repairs to the Walroth house. Mrs. Grant and Miss Fern, Glenvale, are visiting her mother, Means too much bile left in the blood by a dera AN liver. Dr Chase's -Liver Pills set" the liver t and : biliousness and headaches dis- * i appear. One pill a dose. 3 3 25c¢. a box, ali dealers. PROGRESS PROSPERITY GEORGETTE CREPE--Full 40 inckes wide--best quality only -- Nile and Maize; regular $2.75and $3.00 ....................... Sale Price $1.69 ARMURE DRESS GOODS--40 inches wide: in colors Navy, Nig- ger, Black, Taupe, Grey and Pur DRESS VELVETEEN Come early for first choice. ES Steacy's Sensational Mid-Winter Clearance Sale With the greatest array of extraordinary 'bargains ever offered to the people of Kingston See full page "ad" on Page Nine of this edition for details Here are some bargains the overflow from our Page Ad: WHITE SILK--300 yds. genuine Honan Bleached Habutai Silk: 36 inches wide; regular $1.50 ........Sale Price 98c. SILK MESSALINE--36 inches wide; in Brown, Sand, Reseda, I I ss a assess ery @ colors Slate, Grey, Russian Green, He- lio, Sand and Copen; reg. $2.50 quality; SalePrice ............. .. $1.48 ple; regular $2.50 a yard veenees.. Sale Price $1.79 ALL WOOL SERGE--54 inches wide; in Russian Green only; reg. tat ivre Dann vbasrshanns nines Sale Price $2.80 BLACK CORDUROY-22 inches wide; a special value at $1.00 a teers veie.. Sale Price 59¢. COLORED. CORDUROY --in colors White, Dark Green and Navy; full 32'inches wide; reg. $1.85 a yard ... . ....Sale Price $1.39 The shades are Plum, Burgundy and Sea Green; beautiful quality; spe cial at $3.00 a yard; full 35 inches shetty see rerar arenes sa esos Sale Price $2.19 SALE STARTS PROMPT..Y AT NINE O'CLOCK THURSDAY This is positively the greatest bar- Turn over to our full page ad. and be convinced Men's $1.75 Rubbers for .... Children's 75¢ Rubbers around to Skates Ground Men's $1.50 Rabbers for ....'.. . JACK JOHNSTON'S Steacy's - Limited HEI OOO Our Rubber Sale Will Save You Money . 81.85 «es $1.65 Men's $3.50 Overshoes for .., .. Girls' and Youths® Rabbers ., ... Other goods at the same dis count, It will pay you to come SHOE STORE - Repairs. | Mrs. Arthur Ryder. Mr. Grant was 'also here on a short visit. E. M. Revell has purshased the undertaking business of A. Wilkins. Mr. Wilkins is to travel for the Perci- val Company, 'Mr. and Mrs. Joha Gregory and children, of Holleford, visited at Ben Green's last week. Miss Nadeene Geddes has return- ed to school at Kingston, after spend- ing the holidays at home with her parents, Pr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes. Victor Merrill has returned to Port Hope, where he attends Trinity Col- lege. On Saturday 'he helped: to on win the first hockey game of the § son here between Vérona and enham. Wilfred Cratg snd #e k ; ran have return T D : College. Mrs. Mare Croix, wh has been o e sick fo e 8 gétting & two mont : ¥ nicely, Wil Watson spent Chy mas with his father, Frank Wi Mrs. H. DeLine, Kingston, spe Christmas with her parents, Mr, Mrs. Willlam Percy. Claude Perey, Merchants' Bank staff, Parlay, spent Cliristmas at home, i oe

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