ina J 'WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1021. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Pat in good shape for col d weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. MCALLISTER & DRAKE || 593 PRINCESS STREET | Phone 1750. Phone Res. 1246J. . | - | | TOWN OF OAKVILLE--6}% BONDS || Due 1921 to 1941---any year Bonen, - PRICE-- ($1000 Bonds) Rate to yield . ves 6.509 | (Odd amounts) Rate to yield ; % zz CITY OF HALIFAX--6% BONDS tesesesnes. 8.50% Due January 1st, 1931, Price to yield ... Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 237 BAGOT STREET, PHONE 1728. ! For Investment of January Funds City of Toronto 53 % Serial Bonds Dated 1st July, 1920 Due Ist July, | 1921-1530 At prices lo yleld 6% to 6.70 per cent. Write wa for particulars, NATIONAL CITY COMPANY Limited Canadian Head Office: 74 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal. 10 King Street East, A SA ZL RIE KL LI McCurdy Building, Halifax, N. 8. A J y ot wT TTT it We have neither time nor room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. | CRAWFORD & WALSH Bagot and Brock Streets, | I AERA AERO a. | Marc h, $1.72%; May, $1.703%. -- -- --_-- fn] -- --_-- _-- nl To-- ---- -- ---- --_ = = -- == == ---- --_-- --_-- -- eat . Cheap--Efficient Deliveries for the farmer and the business man means increased business and greater rofits. The FORD is the cheapest truck, your first investment and the cheapest to tain. o ; ~~ Callin and let us give you some figures 'on your problems of hauling. ; Ye have bodies to suit any need. A /anLuvenBros. TA Sales and Service : Phone 1609. 34-38 Princess Street. A grass widow never gets so de- spondent that she puts "Keep Off The Grass" signs in front of her home. Markets Reports | | GRAIN QUOTATIONS Toronto. A Toronto, Jan 4.--Manitoba wheat --No. I Northern, $1.93%; No. 2 Northerns $1.908% ; No. 3 Northern, $1.865 ; No. 4 wheat, $1.69 9%. Manitoba oats-- No. 2 C.W., 52%¢; No. 3 C.W., 49%c; extra No. 1 fel=, 4838¢; No. 1 feed, 47%c; No. 2 feed, i1%e. Manitoba barley--No. 3 C.W., 89%c; No. 4 C.W., 82%¢c; rejected, 67%c; feed, 64 %ec. All of the above in store at Fort William. American track Toronto, Ontario oats--No. de, (Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, $1.- $1.90 per car lot; No. 2 spring, $1.80 to $1.85, shipping points, ac- cording to freight. $1.75 to corn--$1.15, nominal, prompt shipment, 2 white, 50 to o 2 "y nominal, 5 to 90¢c, freights out BD, Buckwheat---No, 3, $1 nominal. Rye--No. 3, $1.50 to $1. nomi- nal, according to freights outside, Manitoba flour--$11.10, top pat- ents; $10.60. Government standard. Ontario flour--$8.25, bulk sea- board. Millfeed -- Car lots -- Delivered Montreal freights, bags ineluded-- Bran, per ton, $28 to $40; shorts, per ton, $42; good feed flour $2.75 to $3. according to to $1.05, 55, Montreal. Montreal, Jan. 4.--0Oats, Canadian western, No. 2, 7114 to 72¢; do., No. 2, 68% to 69c. Flour, Man., spring wheat patents, firsts, $11.10. Rolled oats, bag 90 3.70. Bran, $40.25. Shorts, $42.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $30 to $31. New York. New York, Jan, 4.--Flour firm; spring patents and Kansas straights, $9 to $9.75; spring clears, $7.50 to $8; winter straights, $8.75 to $9.25. Hay quiet; No. 1, $1.75 to $1.85; No. 2, $1.65. to $1:75; No. 3, $1.50 to $1.60; shipping, $1.30 to $1.40. Hops dull; State 1920, 40 to 45c; Pacific coast 1920, 32 to 35¢c; 1919, 30 to 32c. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Jan. 4.--Flour ~un- chianged to 30c¢ higher; in carload lots, family patents quoted at $9.40 to $10. a barrel in 98-pound cotton sacks; shipments, 61,910 barrels. Bran, $26 to $27. Wheat---Cash, No. 1 Northern, $1.833% to $1.86%; Corn, ~--~No. 3 yellow, 63 to 64c. s--No. 3 white, 435% to 445%c. Flax--No. 1, §2.05% to $2.0615. Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 4.--Wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.87. Corn=-- No. 2 mixed, 70 to 70% ec; No. 3 yellow, 69 to Tle. Oats--No. 2 white, 48 to 48% cc; No. 3 white, 47 to 48¢c. Rye--No. 2, $1.- 58 to $1.60%. Barley, 70 to/85¢. Ti- mothyseed. $5.50 to $6.50. Clover- seed, $15 to $22.50. Pork naminal. Lard, $12.80. Ribs, $10.75 to $12. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Toronto, Toronto, Jan, 4--Heifers, good to me ans.. Delicate Young Girls, Pale, Tired Women There is no beauty in pallor, but proof of plenty of weakness. Exer- tion makes your heart flutter, your back and limbs ache, and you sadly need something to put some ginger into your system. Try Dr. Hamil ton's Pills; they make you feel alive, make you want to do things. They renew and purify the blood--then come strong nerves, rosy cheeks, laughing eyes, robust good health. You'll be helped in a hundred ways by Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which are an old family remedy of great renown. Thousands use no other medicine and never have a day's sickness of any kind. Get a 26c box to-day Sold by all dealers. Back Ache Umber Up With Penetrating Hamiin's Wizard Ol} For Lame Back; Sideache, Shoul- der Pain, Stiff Neck, etc., use Ham- lin"s Wizard Oil It penetrates quickly, eases the pain and drives out the soreness. Keep it in the house, Wizard Oil is a good dependable preparation to have inthe medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be far away. You have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment of mis- hap, when there is need of an im- mediate healing, antiseptic applica- tion, as in cases of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings, , Suaarous size bottle 35e. you are or sick nde ng Tn Liver Wh Just pleasant ifttle at for 30c, KENNEDY'S Cash Grocery Wishing Our Many * Customers A Happy and Prosperous New Year. tion tzard pink Montreal and Charles Street. Phone 669 Godds delivered to all parts of the city. | choice, $9.50: to $10; baby beef steers, $10.50 to $12; heavy steers. cuoice, $10 to $10.50; good do., $9 to $9.50; choice butcher, $9.50 to $10.50; common butcher, $4.50 to $6; lg common, $4.50 to $5.50; do mec . $7.50 to $8; stockers, 790 to 8U0 pounds, $8 to $8.50; feeders; 300 pounds, $9 to $9.25; light stockers, $6.50 to §7.50; heavy sneep, $5 to $.50; light sheep, $6 to $6.70 do culls, $3 to $4; butchercows choice, $7 to $8; do dium, $6.50 to $7.50; do good, $4 to $4.50; do light, $4.50 to $5.50; canners and cutters, $3.25 to $4.50; bulls, choice heavy, $7 to $8.50; do common, $4 to $6; spring lambs, $12 calves, $16 to $17; do medium, 412 to $14; do common, $8 to $9; hogs, fed and watered, $16.75; do off cars, $17; do, to farmer, $156.50; do f.o.b. $15.75. Montreal, Montreal, Jan, 4.--Cattle--Butch- er steers, good $10 to $11; medium, $8 to $9; common $6 to $8; butcher, heifers choice, $9 to $9.75; medium, $7.50 to $8; common, $5 to $7; but- cher cows choice, $8 to $9.25; med- ium, $5 to $7.50; canners, $3.25 to $3.60; cutters, $4 to $4: butcher bulls, good, $7.50 to $9; common $5 to $6.50. Good veal medium $10 to $12, grass $4.50 to $5. Ewes, $6 to §7; lambs, good, $12.50, common $10 to $11.50. Selects, $18. Weaker undertone. Quotations: Off car weights, selects $18, sows, $14. Buffalo. East Buffalo, Jan. 4.--Cattle-- Shipping steers, $9.50 to $11.25; butchers, $7 to $10; yearlings, $12.50 to $13.50; heifers, $7.00 to FEEL HH to. $13; |= THE MERCHANTS Head Office: Montreal. OF CANADA INGSTON BRAN! PARHA SPRUCE We have on hand a well assorted stock of choice Spruce in square edge, T. & G. V-joins and coped siding. Allan Lumber Co. Phone 1042, 4 3 Victoria Street N HEARS TMC hii . . Collections for Manufacturers obtaining acceptances and making i> in Canada, extending from coast to coast ; as facturers, Wholesalers, Importers and Exportersthat the'r TOFIELD, Manager, SH | -- AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES Sbeclal attention given your family Or iriefids going to or returning trom the Uld Country. For Ipformation and rates apply te J. P. HANLEY, A. GT. Ry. CP. ang 1 A Open day and Kingston, Ontario. nigh Scales, " Talking Machines, Bleycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Movers, ete. We do repair work right and guarantee satisfaction, 197 WELLINGTON STREET Attention To Automobi'e Owners See us for your winter oVers hauling and storage. Used Cars for sale, Central Garage M. EYRE, Prop St - Phone 2188, R. 335 King 735 0) The Merchants Bank Prompt returns on Drafts, Notes and well as offices in New York and London, England, collections will be made Quickly and efficiently at the lowest M1, VERONA AND ARDEN BRANCHES, J. W MECLYMONT. M. = To) can assist very materially your 8) own Collection' Department in $7 other Financial Paper. The Merchants rr ank now operates hundreds of branches + and reliable correspondents throughout th commercial world. These facilities Eo Na. possible cost. Established 1864. Sub. « M. in Gi i y Salty Bere hones ere Ri rh, $9.25; cows, $2.00 to $7.50; bulls, | $5.00 to $7.50; stockers and feed- ers, $4.60 to $7.50; fresh cows and springers, $40.00 to $120.00. Calves | --§4 to $12. Hogs---Heavy, $10.50 to $10.75; mixed, $10.75. to $11; yorkers, $11.00 to $11.25; light do. and pigs, $11.50 to $11.75; roughs, $8.25 to $8.50; stags, $5.50 to $7. | Lambs, $6.00 to $12.30; yearlings, | $6 to $10; wethers, $6 to $6.50; ewes $2.00 to $56.50; mixed sheep, $5.75 to $6.00. | Chicago. | Chicago, Jan, - 4.--Cattle, top, $11.25; bulk of sales, $8 to $10; fat she stock, strong to 25c higher; bulk -$6.00~to $7.50; canmers, cut- tters and veal calves steady; bulk vealers, $11.60 to $12.50; choice shipping calves, strong; stockers and feeders, 25¢ higher. Hogs--Top early, $10 for light light and 170 to 180 pound offerings ;bulk, $9.10 to $9.70; pigs, strong to 10c higher; bulk, desirable, 80c to $1.30 pound; pigs $9.85 to $10. 'Lambs, early, $11.75; practical, top, $11.50; bulk, fat lambs, $9.25 to, $11; bulk fat ewes; $3.25 to $4.00; choice feeder lambs, $9.10. GENERAL TRADE Toronto. Toronto, Jan. 4.--Butter, choice, dairy, 5b to 68c; butter, creamery, | 58 to 62c; margarine, 1b, 37 to 40c; eggs, fresh, doz., $1.00 to $1.25; | cheese, 1lb.,, "40 to 50c; chickens, spring, 1b., 36 to 43c; fowl, 1b., 32 to | 36c; geese, 40 to 43c; ducks, spring, | lb, 38 to 42c; turkeys, lb., 60 to | 66c; apples, barrel, $3.50 to $7.00; | oranges, doz: 40 to $1.00; pears, | 11-qts., 60c to.$1.00; lemons, doz., 10 to 26c; artichokes, small mea- | sure, 20c; beets, bag, $1.25; carrots, bag, $1.00; cabbage,each, 6 to 10c; r. Motor Car Owner FACTS! WINTER WEATHER DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION You cannot experiment with your car in winter weather--necessity demands prompt attention to your battery and radiator. Your Battery, if not fully charged, will freeze up. Our Battery Dept. One ct the most up-to-date and efficient in the city, will give you the maximum efficiency at a min'mu: cost. Our Repair Shop Under our new foreman, direct from Moore's Garage, Toronto, will give you prompt expert re- pairs at the lowest possible cost, consistent with ex- pert workmanship. Est'mates given. NOW is the time to make arrangements foy winter repair work. All work guaranteed, Winter Storage We have room for a few cars. can be made by phoning 600, KINGSTON AUTO SALES CO. Reservations Limited cauliflower, each, 30 to 50c¢; pump- kins, 10 to 20¢; celery, 3 bunches, | 25c; onions, 100-lb. bag, $2.00 to $2.25; potatoes, bag, $2.00; pota- toes, peck, 35 to 45c¢; parsley, bunch, 5 to 10c¢; peppers, green, bskt.,, 66c to $1.00; turnips, bag, 80c to $1.00, Montreal. Montreal, Jan. 4.--Butter--No. 1 solids, 54c 1b.; prints, 65c 1b.; No. 2 solids, 53c; prints, 54c; dairy, 50c. Eggs, No. 1, 70¢ per doz.; 'selects, 75¢ doz.; special new laid, $1. Lard--In prints, 27¢ 1b. Shortening--Printp, 210. Ham--Large size, 36¢c; cook, 57c¢ ib. Cheese--Old, 31c¢ per 1b.; new, 26¢ 1b Pacon--Windsor, boneless, 55¢ per 1b.; breakfast, 43 to 53c per 1b. Dressed poultry--Milkfed chickens 38 to 40¢ per 1b.; fowsl, 32 to 35¢; geese, 33¢; turkeys, 55 to 58c; ducks 40c¢ per 1b. . Beans--Canadian hand-picked, $5 per bushel; peas, $4.75. VISITORS AT ODESSA They Were Quite N rous During the Week. Odessa, Jan. 3.--Miss Eliza Toom- ey is visiting relatives in Reed. Mrs. Orange Babcock spent New Year's than go about to reform it. --~---- Jumping a sanatorium board bill one way of beating a retreat. It is easier to bear what's missl is = ---- Talking Machin All kinds of Phonographs re- paired, cleaned, recharged and adjusted. Main and governor springs for all makes in stock, Quick service, expert workman. JM. PATRICK 149 SYDENHAM ST. hone 2056J. - NOTICE a FRED KING, formerly one of the partners of the Kingston Bat. tery Service Company, wishes to announce that he has taken over this business and will run tt here ™ after in his own name. All Storage Battery Electric work will receive first class at- tention. -- Corner of Queen aad Bagot Streets Phone 410w, Cadillac Electric Cleaner , STILL ON TOP « --The only machine: on the market, with a self-cooling ATTA r, RAR Angrove's Repairs motor. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingstesi Typewriter Headquarters. Phone 819, "i Everybody Smokes OLD CHUM nada's Favorite Pipe Tobacco. and' the week-end with friends in| Kingston. Mrs. Sidney Denyees left last week to spend the winter with her son, Dr. Gerald Denyes, Shannon- ville, Miss Vern Frink and Mrs. Mor- ley Fraser left last Thursday to spend the winter in Rochester, N.Y. } John Jones gpent New Year's with his son, Harry, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Denyes and Mrs. Mc- Pherson, Belleville, spent last Wed- nesday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. George Watts returned last Tuesday from spending a week in Kingston with their daughters, Mrs. Jenkins and Mrs. Ettinger. ¥ Visitors: Mrs. Benn, Sydenham, with her daughter, Mrs. William Frink, Mr, and Mrs, Ketcheson, Bel- leviile, at James Denyes. Mrs. Stagg and ¢hildren, Jegn and Helen, at Sidney Silver's. Miss Mamie Gardi- ner, New York, Miss lie White, Orillia, and Mr. and rs. Roscoe Gardiner, Cataragui, spent last Thurs day gudsts of Mr. and Mrs. William Calder. Miss Georgie Ettinger, King- ston, spent a few days with her grand parénts, Mr. and Mrs.~George Watts, Jast week. Mrs. Herbert Jam- ieson and I son, Charley, and Charley Duburst, H . Spent the week-end at James McQueen's. Walter Denyes spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hamm, rr -------------- Some girls are called "giddy" be- cause they make the Young men's heads m. GREETINGS G. W. BOYD. R. A. McMAHON. MARK EVES. THOMAS DECKER. HARLOW EASTER. Only a man has done some- thing" worth while can he afford to 'while away his time, : : H. R. MASCARD. GOLD STANDARD 'OF VALUES Our success of the past is largely d ue to the' kind co-operation of our friends. Our appreciation is deep-and our warinest thanks go out to you, together with the sincerest ho pe that you will receive full mea- surg of the happiness and prosperity for the nsw year. BOYD'S GARAGE PHYLLIS DEHANEY. LLEO. HOWISON. HAROLD ALLAN. HARRY WILSON. RAY CLAFFIN. WM. BUTTON. .