Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1921, p. 6

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ir THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESBAY, JANUARY 5, 1021 wepvEsp__ 0 -- te -- Mla it mp THE BRITISH WHIG)/ DT Ne "Wiig | utsy, Even 8 3 coustey. sich 23] wherever 16 bush triads, "True Lite | o paren | On several occasions the Whig Canada, which has every year an ex- | To in mind!" The nickel-in-the- | iF 88TH YEAR. | has pointed out the necessity of the portable surplus, there is need for | slotsky and wreck-the-country kind. i { public abandoning the buying strike. ter crops and for the cultlva- | Ang while this Trotsky rages poor { The time, it seems to us, has con ion of more and more of our mil-| Russia's lying prone, and it will take {to urge a return tg the kind of dis- ljons of waste acres of agricultural | her ages -- Jace 10 Jet oun. |criminating buying necessary (0 land. . | Ao ey, Ea where pur- sustain industry and encourage pro-|tion policies of the past has been | oot freedom greets me, wherever I jduction. A few months ago the that they encouraged all kinda of | may look, there are some crazy duff- | public registered its protest aga The, big trouble-with the immigra- | ers who boost that Tratsky's skate, | high prices by refusing to buy. mmigrants, and the vast majority of | Watch Busste ds she an |one can say that protest was not ef | these have settled in the cities, where | their notion in staying here so long, |fective. Everybody knows that in |they have aggravated the problem ol | when they could cross the ocean and | many directions retail as_well as|finding sufficient employment to! join that happy throng? 1 wholesale prices have come dowR | keep them occupied all the year and that many articies can be round. Canada does not need any | bought now for much less than at | more immigrants for its cities. The I A BIBBY'S| Price Revision Sale pst | nn == HEARNE TTT --WALT MASON. the time when a sorely tried public | practically ceased buying. In their own interests, consumers cannot afford to carry the 'don't | buy" policy too far. In the long run, {closed mills and stagnant demand {vacant acres are crying aloud for | settlers, and it is to the rural com- | munities that they should be direct- {ed. The whole matter lies in the | bands of the department of 'mmigra- | tion, and if it is restricts immigra- BITS OF BY-PLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, 1920, by The . Cincinnati Enquirer. - | Toronto-Montreal p lease take notice. MEN'S SHOES Made by the celebrated Just Wright] BIBBY'S REVISED PRICE $7.75 fons Dally and Semi-Weekly br ..;50¢ make for progressively de- | sible to the class : BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | Cannot 8 Drog Y © [ton as much as possible t Hie Hates SellsDeprociation. CO., LIMITED | creasing 'prices. Even on a falling | mentioned by Mr. Doherty, then | ne Food rts J. G. EMioty ........ -President | market there comes a moment when | there will he no cause for compla'nt. | His share of pelf; i Shoes Co., to se]l for $12.50 and} $14.50. j Toronto and Montreal must have been reading the King- ston papers for we see in their big city dailies that a leading shoe manufacturer says that they are now going to put on the mar- ket a fifteen dollar shoe for $9.00. We lead. Who says we are nét right on the job? » MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS and 'OVERGOATS At Less Than Replacement Prices. J : /, an He always sticks . Ae Yui ..., iad ctor | the public should begin to buy, and He always etic h | buy steadily, in order to stabilize Hap | .243 | prices at the lower levels and pre} 22% vent & new upward movement due | PUBLIC OPINION ..202 | 3 Paw Knows Everything. Willle--Faw, why does 4 man have an Adam's apple? ; iI'aw--It was given to him to remind him of the day he got, it in the neck, my son. : 2 Maw---Willle, you go upstairs and to bed! A TELEPHONES: usiness Office .... itorial Rooms ob Oftic SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Edition) One year, delivered in city 8 {to diminished production. That mo- ment has now come. Consumers { i { 8 y freely, of retail ne year, if paid in advance ..... $500 S00uld buy, and buy freely | @ year, by mall to rural offices $2.50 dealers who have consistently re- | . ic 1) cule are] me end SE SoA) "|| duced prices. Such busing will put | Unemployed wien la 'Toronto are | , cash . 1.00], . |S 8 § ing | e Year. 1 For Hu R advance fie strong economic pressure on deal-| .... per hour. The men who are | One year, to United States 1.50} ers who have so far failed to reflect too proud to do such work ought to | SIX Sad thie mon:hs pro rats, | wholesale price cuts. It will also be too proud to accept free meal | REPRESENTATIVES | yqqure producers of the willingness tickets. E Calder, 2: St. John St, Montreal. : « M. Thompson, 402 Lumsden Bidg. of the public to buy at reasonabi i | prices. Neither production nor pros- Toronto. ST, he Editor are published | perity can stand au indefinite period | Welter! lef sub-nermal buying and sub- . Attached is one of the best job print. | NOrmal circulation of money. ing offices in Canada. | It is time to buy. The Unemployed Problem. | BO (Guelph Mercury) You Kaow Me, Ig. I'a like to see Ignatius Tort; They say that he lias a whole quart. TT Haw, kaw! "That California man makes me tired," said Brown. "He is eternally | bragging about the climate and the r things to be OUT-OF-TOW N A Determined Cuss, IP , State Journal) urths of the popu- n die of hunger and cold," says | Trotsky, "the remainder will survive to carry to victory the world revolu- tion." There's true greatness for you! - Trotsky's going to save Rus- | sia if it takes the last Russian. Yes, yawned ne "I've heard him I'll bet he'll be awfully p= pointed in Heaven when he gets there. We claim to have The Best $25.00 The Best $35.00 The Best $45.00 .SUITS and OVER-. COATS IN.CANADA I -- | The obstacle's an awfal thing, it gets me highly peeved, by jing! Where eer I g0, both night and day, | It'g always getting in my way. Mean BLirute! . 'Here i8 & story called 'Lady Luck," £ Mrs. Gabb, as e looked up from | the magazine she was reading. "i won- | der why the feminine gender is always {| used 'n referring to luck? ; "Because it i8 so blamed uncertain I suppose," growled Mr: Gabb, IEEE a LCG RL PINCHES. The pinch, when we pinch oursel- | ABC | ves on reading that cotton now sells | Audit Bureau of Circulations. around 15c¢, does not exactly hurt. | -- We feel it, but it tells us that we are AAAS ~~n | awake. This 13 a column of commo- The dear creatures are not as bad fatty quotations before our two open #8 they are painted. | eyes, and not a downy white pillow -------- { under one ear. Another pinch for this;: spot cot- | ton sold for mor: then 43¢ a pound | ac lately as last July; it has fallea | now to a little over one-third of its | { Coal may be scarce, but there is | cost a few months ago. Wheat gold | Bn unusudl amount of firing. up to.$3.25 in January. It went be- » low $1.80 a week or so ago. That | Now Will Ya Be Good! teil him so the rest of their married le I ine ind | de , + «The Lord's - Day Alli | calls for another pinch. Never mind | 3 pe Ln SR life.--Wilmington News-Journal | | . >A: , en) [ANK HEATERS [tbe 'black and blue spgis. Corn wu day warns us that if owners o ts a | cars do not restrict the ,use o heir | : a reaEing {32.31 or so last May; why, that was | cars on Sunday to "holiness and | To keep water troughs for cattle from freczing. | considerably higher thaa wheat is | i | | The circulation of THE BRITISH | WHIG is authenticated by the IBIBBY'S EE SE oy Table Waters --White Rock. --Radnor, --Poland. --Adanac. Caledonia, Vichy Celestins. Soda Water, Dry Ginger Ale. Keep the home fires burning, be an optimist and let your money con- tinue to circulate freely for the things that are necessary. If every- | body will do this there is not going | to be any hard times and the unem- | ployment question will soon disap- | pear. There are a lot of chaps in | this world who invite by their actions | the very state of affairs that they pretend to bemoan. Miz Worst Enemy. When hurting ior his enemies, He will blame other mon he sees; But he would soon locate his error 1f he would just look in his mirror. And you may cut the Bootch by raisin your own. She's the Whole Wedding, We do not Know much. Lut we do kndWw that the e is usually the best man at a edding---Luke Mec- Luke And she doesn't neglect to =m Merry Christmas is always follow- ed by a merry time settling the bills church goin we may depend upon No ice will form on them and the cattle will drink more of The law of supply and demand | it that the Sunday use of the auto- | the warmed water. d . | POW. Another tweak is in order, yet mobile will soon be discontinued. And | Will pay for itself in one season. pet seem to affect the wages of it hurts. We do not dream; corn has | sin. our friend, William H. Anderson, in- he of Made ia one solid plece of ca st iron. No seams tj rust gode down away below a dollar now. | > forms us that if those influences Sugar, wholesale, was 23: in mid- BUNT'S which + opposed prohibition make July, just when iemonale and ice KING ST. PHONE 388. enough fuss about the Tlosed Sunday cream needed it; and look at it now. rox or J | Jas. REDDEN & Co, question the Anti-Saloon League will But too much pinching may lame or re | Phones 20 aud Yuv, Some trust heaven as a matter of faith, and some as a matter of lazi- | ness, HARDWARE. character of the opponents of a closed Sunday. force a closed Sunday because of the ( Gosh! A Billion Dollar Congress Once filled us with geeat fear: But Congrese waits Four Billion Bucks To run the land this year. His Essay, A Brooklyn High School boy was compelled to write & §00-word essay on the Automobile, After much labor he turned in the following: | become active in the matter and en- ---------- At times the movie clinch seems | Maim us, though we do not seem to to be more an endurance test than ut kiss. / mind the suffering in the least. To be sure, when prices gc down not all is joy by any means. Some persons, through no fault of their own, lose money; ethers lose. work, Or prospects or something. Kveryone ---------------- Water wonld be the most popular of all drinks if it cost five cents a glass, plus war tax. hak - vy ® 5 Fox Stole MF 7 ce White 5 FARMS FOR SALE has to pinch a little, figuratively as try far from any garage wnen the | 119 wucres, 3 miles rom y vith inde 4 A well as with the thumb any index two rear tires blew out. I guess thiz | * Kingston, vu a leading ruad, finger. Otherwise it could not be | is dbout fifty words. The other 450 Oo ua 1 Dew baru, wilh biavies $9 by ° And now when.a man says he can drink or let it alone, it-is the first . . : re el : boanes; Ta words are what I sald when | was Jan he is lying about. true; and certainly the raturn of | . A walking home. But they are not nt | 4V feet--smail dwelling, ueally : new; about 4 acres uuw under | prices where they belong wil! out- for publication." weigh the discomfort of the budge- cultivation; about Sv uctes or tary pinch as well as of the other. yuluasio droad, chlelly maple. S50 let us rejoice in the gain, even if 85 acres-gn the Bath Koad; | the pinch hurts a little, and let us pleasant we Ay on the Bay not in our excitement pinch too = Sue) ibe Posy Airs Phi much. class so cultivation; 800d buildings. Price $600. We hyve aiso a large list of farms oc aul sizes and prices, T. J. Lockhart Real listate and tnsurance KINGSTON, Ont. ---------- When a man says there is nothing in the paper he means he is disap- pointed by the lack of calamity. ------------ The prohibitionists have not yet deleted the "Ha, ha, ha" part of that song about the little brown jug. Skarkasm, | (Ad in Charleston (W. Va.) Gazette) { FOR SALE----A baby boy two and a | half years oid, or will trade for a povdle. I am in need of two or | three furnished rooms and every | One seems to object to a child. Any One Who can accommodate me kind- ly apply 306 Morris street, or call Mr. 'Rule, Capitol 3608. ---------- THE RIGHT KanND OF IMMI- LT. WALTER HINTON Of Belle Harbor, N. Y., officer com- GRANTS. manding the American balloon, which It was expected that with the close | landed safely at Moose Factory, Hud- cf the war there would be a large | 50% Bar. . When daughter dresses for a (low of immigrants from the Bri- » Party, she slways puts off until to. | L®h Isles to Canada, and to a cer- ' Hooray! Cheer up, warm weather will be | here some of these days But 'what | - We started to tell you was that Miss | " 9 June First lives in Louisville, Ky. | ---- | The Horrors of Prohibition, | . Mary had a little still, ! tt ---------- Those who are in Who's Who can look over a celebrity and a head walter and tell which's which, She kept it in the cellar; morrow what she should keep on to-day. -------- The song writer who sings of the ~~ shade of the palms could grow en- * thusiastic about the shade of a tele- graph pole. . When all is said and done, about all the pleasure there is here is help- ing somebody else.~--Oswego Daily tain extent this has been the case. The largest influx has not yet start- ed, however, due, no doubt to the policy of the immigration officials is - not encouraging . immigration while there were still a number of our returned soldiers to be assimil- ated into the civilian life of the coun- try, Next year, however, there are in- dications that the flood of immigra- tion will commence in real earnest, Walt Mason THE POET PHILOSOPHER Sot LIBERTY. Said Madame Roland, sadly, as to her doom she walked, "Oh, Liberty, how madly thy promises are mock- And everywhere that Mary went, Gosh, how the folks could smeller! ~--Tucker B, Write Your Own Head on This! (Coldwater (Ohio) Chronicle) Luke, it says here that "kind pro- duces 1. nd." What was the sire of the man who gave his wife a washtub for Christmas? BROCK STREET, Phone 1036w or 1797). » A ------ Lake Ontario Trout | ed! What crimes and misdeméanors are sprung in freedom's name!" And then the guillotiners suppressed the And still that hame is noble dame. Express One-Cylinder Ide There's no fool like the Our Daily Special. Don't Use Twelve-Cylinder Words To Luke McLuke Says as. middle-aged EGG COAL............$]16.50 per ton STOVE COAL .........$16.50 per ton NUTCOAL............$ and Whitefish, Fresh Sea Salmon, Had- 6.50 per ton dock, Halibut and spoken, by tyrants, as of yore, to peo- ples crushed and broken, and wal- lowing in gore. And Russia's crazy masters are talking Liberty, and say, woman who dresses like a Chicken and tries to act like one. Father is praying for warm weather 80 Ne can save coal, but Mother is pray- es. and this is promised in statements made by officers of the Salvation | PeaCoal ...............$15.00 per ton a Judging by newspaper reports, bootlegging and burglary are the most important pursuits of the peo- Plo across the border. » A ---------------- Just now candidates for municipal honors are promising to settld all our 'eivie problems, if we 'will only elect 'them. But what will their answer be at the end of the year? After the publishers have paid "their bills for the supplies necessary ia publication of a newspaper, there Isn't much left te make it worth while for any other kind of a bandit d them up.--Oswego Times. § ---- Toronto judge decides that | are not vehicles because they B® go on wheels. Still, we never ia boat that could go without a i or wheels, except the now al- obsolete sail boat. i ARAN the annual convention of the a resolution calling for the nent of the senate was un- adopted. If the question to the vote of the people, would probably be the Army and by Manning Doherty, On- tario minister of agriculture, who has Just returned from a visit to the Bri- tish Isles. Mr. Doherty's statement is of in- terest, because he refers definitely to the class of immigrants which it is intended to bring out to this coun- try. He says that about ten thous- and farmers will come to Canada in the spring, and that "most of these will be a very desirable class of ten- them will have a amount of ready cash with which to purchase implements and farms and get right down to business." If this prediction comes true, then Canada will be enriched by this class of settler. Even with the advance of the agrarian movement in polities, rural depopulation has not been halt- ed. While the land is crying out for nea to work it and to produce crops, the farmers of Canada are allowing their sons to go to the cities and to settle there, while farms are heing given up and the acreage under cul- tivation is being decreased. This is true in Ontario, at least, and there amid disasters, whole world free. they're disbursing has shown itself a .snide; it sets the freed ones cursing they'll POSSESS GOOD BY LOOKING The ing for cold weather so sh her new furs. What has become of t make the freedom loping a half a loaf of Plate ul of gravy? & now man w EALTH . Fo o FTE ust had a look at the gir "TER i down ten years Ago another man. who could get a square meal by wal- that All Ig For the Best. He has e can exhibit he o. f. man bread in a is convinced Carrying 50c, extra. PHONE 155. ALL SALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.0. SOWARDS COAL CO BOOTH FISHEIERS Canadian Co. Phone 520. 63 Brock St, No. 59-3240, THE BOWELS A free motion of the bowels, once or twice a day ,should be the rule of every one, as half the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to Women are pretty smart. When the style decreed that the Skirt must reach the shoe tops they saw to it that the shoe tops came up to the knees. It Inay seem paradoxical. But it is A fact that & man can be his own best friend and his own worst enemy at one Sen Fung nd ining I who turned Jm------------ | | - Crescent Wire Wo Fencing, Guards, Flower rn reme-- Coal That Suits ant farmers, and a large number of : get into a constipated condition. When the bowels are allowed to be- considerable] come constipated, the stomach gets and the same time. And the fact of the matter is that there are almost as many Modern In- conveniences as there are Modern Con- JAMES: S. ROBINSON 275 Bagot Street Robinsvn Brow' Old Stand ufactured by:-- PARTRIDGE & soN G2 King Street West Phone 350. borders, Wire Wogk of all kinds, man- | The Delaware, Lackawanna an} out of order, and the liver does not do its work properly on account of holding back the bile so that it does not pass through the bowels, but is allowed to get into the blood, thus causing a poisoning of the whole sys- tem. It you would escape constipation, sick 'and bilious headaches, heart- burn, floating specks before the eyes, coated tongue, foul breath; the nasty irritating, bleeding, itching and pro- truding piles, you should keep your liver stirred up by the use of Mil- burn"s Laxa-Liver Pills. _ These pills, being purely vege- table, keep your liver working ac- tively, heiping it to resume its proper functions, and thereby removing the bile that is circulating in thé blood. veniences. Once upon a time the Devil paid a visit to the Earth. Hut hs caught an awful cold. He was kept so busy tak- ing off his hat every time he met a Hypocrite that he was bareheaded all the time. Even If it didn't rain for 38 days there would be just as much Mug Sling- ing BOIiNg oh as ever. he reason a fat man stays fat is because every time he takes exercise it makes him eat more. What has become of the o.f. autoist Yho Jmagined that he had to wear goge fT The Laté Mrs. Orilla Jackson, On Dec. 30th there passed away a highly esteemed resident of Plum Hollow in Mrs. Orilla Jackson, aged ninety-three years, who died after an illness of some time at the residence +of her son-in-law, Arden Lillie. She G.Hunter Ogilvie INSURANCE AND GENERAL BROKER In daily communication with Mont- real and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Dominion, Provincial and Muniel- pal Bonds for sale. Pr 0-phy -lag-tic Pen-e-tractor ~ Hair Brush Solid wood back. Pure aluminum face. | Residence pow} | Celebrated Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite The oaly Coal handled by / 281 KING STREET Phones 568; & 1087 Choice, extra stiff, bristles. _An extraordinary Brush for the price of an ordinary one. Dr. Chown's Drag Store ' Try Our Phone Service 185 Princess 8. Phone'$43. is need for an infusion of new blood pure in the farming communities. The coming of these British farmers, if Mr. Doherty's prediction comes true, will provide Ontario with a new gen- eration of skilled and experienced farmers, men who are willing and ready to work to the limit to pro- duce crops which will increass the available supply of foodstuffs in this and poisoning the whole system. Mrs. H. Barrows, Enfield, NS, writes: --*"I was troubled with such headaches and conftipation. One day a friend told me of Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. . I got two vials, and found they did me a world of good. leaves to mourn her loss @ son; Delbert Jackson, Deita, ' and four daughters, Mrs. Brown, Michigan; Mrs. A. Lillte, Plum Hollow: Mrs. Weaver, Greenbush, and Mrs. Thay- hh Maseachusetts. » The: lata Mrs. ackson S & me f apt I therefore have great faith in them." - BENT 50 ie Bain church. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are Heh 25¢. a vial, at all dealers, or mailed It's direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Crawford Fhone 9. Ont, daily newspaper 1 rg Wrong the Cities Sun, of Windsor, "The cost of production makes to continue," assert the It this sort of thing Foot of ""neen St. DAVID SCOTT . * Plumber EEE "It's 8 black busine... vui wo treac you whice.™ i i time to cross your fingegs | when you hear a man boasting of i a pir 145 Frontosse. ome ATT, \' *

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