Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jan 1921, p. 8

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v rm THE DAILY BRITISH WHiG. iy " % WENNIIPAY, davisny wu, 100d, = -- ah. ures - FOR. SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: _ Corner Ontario and West Sts. Phone 67. SENARRNREREEANEN Xmas Photographs Opens Tuesday and Saturday nights antil after Christmas, to take Photographs. THE MARRISON STUDIO Phone 1818w. = 92 Princess Street. ENEEEERERREERTE FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ..........$2,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insarance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424. ¥ t OTTAWA Founded 1870. Matriculation Course, Music, Art, Household Scfence. For particulars apply to the Principal. MISS LJ. GALLAHER, Ottawa Ladies' College, Re-opens January 4th. | LADIES COLLEGE "SUFFERED DAY AND NIGHT The Tortures of Dyspepsia | Relieved By "Frut-a-Hhes" | Lrrrue Bras D'or, C. B. "I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching gas, constant headaches and did not sleep well at night. Finally, a friend fold we io try Fruil-a-tives", In a week, the Constipation was corrected and soon Iwas free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling thas accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am) well, strong aad vigorous'. RO T NEWTON. 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-atives Limited, Ottawa. Cuticura Soap Complexions | {Are H ealthy EP pen Toms: Tits be roa { sach. | 8% Poul 0, When a man goes at things head first he often gets there with both feet. Good advice is often suspected when given by a disintereted person. RESIDENTIAL AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. New Fireproof Building. OTTAWA. 25 p.c. OFF TEA BUY CHARM BLACK TEA BY THE POUND--YOU GET QUARTER POUND FREE. Guaranteed equal to any. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited D0 YOU LIKE CHOICE If so, call and take home so and you will be weil pleased in the guality. Watch oar window for Satur day Specials in CHOCOLATES! CANDY? | | men's Guild, Montreal, a tea was held Told in the Twilight | 3.) ! (Continued from Page { The New Year's eve dinner given by the officers of the R.C.H.A. at the Tete-de-Pont barracks is a time hon- | ored event in Kingston society, and | this year's dinner was, if possible, | brighter and smarter than the former | ones. The long table with the | gleaming mess plate was adorned | with pink roses in huge silvar bowls, | and in the centre were more roses | with pink ribbons attached to them, | and fo a small New Year's gift for each guest. The ladies' place cards i were tiny dolls in crisp pink frocks, | and the men had pink butterflies as a | guide. The famous band of the R. C, | H .A. played delightfully, greatly to | the pleasure of the guests. Those | present were: Lt.-Col. and Mrs. W. | H. P.. Elkins, Lt.-Col. and Mrs. J. C. Stewart, Col. and Mrs. Norman Stew- | art Lesslie, General Sir Archibald | and Lady Macdonell, Brig.-General | King and the Hon. Mrs. Shuttleworth | | King, Col. and Mrs. Stockwell, Col. | | Beaman, Major and Mrs. James Ham- | | ilton, Major and Mrs. Leach, Major | Alderson, Capt. and Mrs. Hamilton | | Roberts, Capt. and Mrs. J. Carl Mur- | chie, Mrs. Heber Lafferty, Mrs. How- | ard Penhale, Miss Margaret Hem- | ming, Miss Helen Strange, | Kathleen Carruthers, - Miss Browne, Capt. Preston and Thackery. Doris Mr. ® * - The Brockville Rowing Club gave their twenty-fifth annual New Year's Eve ball in Victoria Hall, Brock- villé, on Friday evening, at which a number of Kingston people were | present. The decorations were un- | usually elaborate and both music and { Supper were excellent. Mrs. J. L. | Carroll, Mrs. G. P. Graham, Mrs. A. | C. Hardy and Mrs. Albert Gilmour | received the guests. The dance was [a most successful one, largely due to the efforts of the committee, which included several Brockville girls well } known in town, Miss Wilhelmina Comstock, Miss Josephine Cossitt, | Miss K. Craig and Miss M. Dela- haye. ! he » » | Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl Street, gave a jolly New Year's Eve dance for their house party and the friends of W. Nickle, Jr., who was {in town from Toronto. It was a de- | ightfully informal party, greatly en- joyed by the young people present. Miss Kathleen Tait and Mr. Muir, To- ronto, were with Mrs. Nickle, and Miss Evelyn Nickle was a charming young hostess, oily After Dr. J. L. Morison's lecture on Monday before the Cathedral Wo- Cure vd 's Pill Miss | I! at the residence of Mrs. H. V. Fricker, 443 University street. Mrs. A. R. Howell and Mrs. George Armstrong poured tea, assisted by Mrs. Camp- bell Lane, Mrs, Clarence Dumaresq, Miss Mabel Molson and Miss Dorothy Howell. Jack Loudon, R.M.C., Kingston, Is a guest at the home of Hon. J. D. and Mrs. Reid, Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas and Mr. Edwin Thomas returned to Ot- |tawa, after spending the last few weeks in Kingston, George Parsons, Kingston, spent his holidays at his home in Arnprior. Mr. and Mrs. Herald Powell, Otta- wa, are visiting with Kingston friends, Miss M. Roberts, Roblin, spent the holidays at her home in Kingston. Mrs, 8. M. Luke, Montreal, enter- tained at Ciro's on Saturday night for her son, Cadet E. C. Luke, of the Royal Military College. . . . Miss Marion Clark, Winnipeg, is with her aunts, the Misses Clark, University avenue. Mrs. William Bulloch and Mrs. Hoeckstra, Gananoque, left on Wed- negday to spend the winter in. Mont- The Misses Hazelle and ¥Harryette Ashley returned yesterday from Gananoque, where they attended the "Canoe Club" ball on New Year's eve. * . * Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fitton, King- ston, spent New Year's with their daughter; Mrs. George Rothwell, Brockville. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Rathman and Miss Margaret, Kingston, spent New Year's with Belleville relatives. Miss Madeline Doyle, Kingston, fs the guest of her sister, Mrs. As- selstine, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holloway and children have returned to their home in Toronto, after spending the fioliday with Mrs. - Holloway"s par- ents, Major 'and Mrs. Caines, Queen street. * * * Mrs. Henry Joseph, Montreal, en- tertained at a small not-out dance last night, in honor of her daugh- ter, Miss Ethel Olive Joseph. Mr. Muir, who was with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, hag returned to Toronto. Hugh Nickle, Jr., and S. Morton, who were with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Nickle, Earl street, for the holidays, have returned to Boston. Mrs, Philip Strathy, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Imlach, George street. - * * * Miss Gladys Carroll spent New Year's in G -"anoque with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. carroll Miss Hattie Wartman returned to Napanee on Monday after spending New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Van Luven, Alfred street. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Feat "YT UN, run as fast as you can-- You can't catch me--I'm a - Gingerbread Man!" Indeed, it is impossible to catch the Gingerbread Man that disappears so quickly down "the little red lane" once he is out of the oven! Gingerbread Men $ cups flour : 3 tesapouns Roya! Baking teaspoon salt . pA cup molassea cup brown sugar salt and ginger Mix molasses, sugar, egg and melted shortening together. Add dry ingredients to make soft dough. Shape in form of little men, animals or plaim cookies on greased pan and bake in moderate oven 10 to 12 minutes. . Cocoanut Cookies 3 cup shortening cup sugar ou] I 1 teaspoon lemon juice or add sugar, mon juice; Cream shonening; beaten egg and le Another Royal Suggestion Gingerbread Men, Cocoanut Cookies and Nut Bars From the NEw RoyaL Cook Book ROYAL BAKING Fe vee oe | POWDER Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. MADE IN CANADA mix jn milk slowly; add flour, baking powder and salt which have been sifted together; add cocoanut. Drop by small spoonfuls on greased pan. Allow space for spread- ing. Bake in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Cream shortening and sugar hees add Howl Beaten one . whites of two ¢§ : and three tablespoons milk; Sift together flour, powder and salt, add one cup at a 'time. Divide into two parts, roll one part at a time 3 inch thick on floured board; cut into bars 1 by 3 inches. Brush with yolk of remaining egg mixed with one table uts, in hi n erate oven about 15 minutes, FREE Ele 18 Write for it today. ROVAL BAKING POWDER OQ. $8. Lawrence Bivd. Montel } s "Bake with Royal and be Sar e"' | a: Rowley, who were with Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Bogart, Wellington street, re- turned to Toronto on Tuesday. St. Clair Ward, who has been with his mother, Mrs. John L. Whiting, Clergy street, for the holiday sea- son, returned to McGill college on | Tuesday. » - * Miss Kathleen Tait, who spent a week in town with Mr. and Mrs. W. F." Nickle, Earl street, has returned to Toronto. Capt, Harold Brownfield, R.C. H.A., has returned to Toronto. Adrian Revelle, who spent the holidays with Mrs. W. E. Revelle, College St., has returned to Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Mrs. Norman Wormwith, after a You are Bos on GZE me use, Dr. Thase's Olnt- 3 onee and u- RRS phy Sample box Dr: ex periment. ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita- intment free if you mention pleasant visit of over a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Earl street, left for her home in Toronto on Tuesday. SYDENHAM SCHOOL MEETING. Sydenham, Jan. meeting of school section No, 3 was held in the public school here om Wednesday morning last. There, was a fair attendance of ratepayers. Ed- ward Wood retired from the board and was replaced by F. C. Martin. The- chairman of the meeting was Rev. G. Stafford, and R. G. Guess acted chairman of the board, was appoint ed a delegate to attend the trustee's section of the Ontario Educational Association's Easter. ed the school buildings to be in a Evangelistic Meetings to be Conduct ed in Methodist Church, ~ 4.--The annual as secretary. Dr. Sargeant, in Toronto next The Inspector's report show- which concluded Sunday in the Holi- ness Movement church. After ten days' holidays for Christ- mas and Now Year's, the schools here reopened again, the public school on Monday, and the high school on Tues- day. 18,000 Jews Find Homes in Palestihe London, Jan. 5.--Figures of Pal- estine immigration show that for the ten months ending September, 1920, more than 18,000 Jewish im- migrants arrived in Palestine. All the new arrivals have been supplied with employment, Jerusalem reports received here show that 11,843 children are at- tending the Zionist schools in Pales- tine, which employ 602 teachers. Sometimes a wise man gives up a sure thing for an uncertainty, good state of repair, and the work being done by the teachers very sat- isfactory. S. A. Snyder is the other member of the school board. Miss Elma Lake is doing especially fine work with the junior classes in her room, as are also Mrs. Young and Mrs. Alkenbrack with the intermedi- ates and seniors. A choral service was held in the Anglican church on Sunday even- ing, at which special music was ren- dered. A number from here attended the tea meeting at Battersea on New Year's night, Most of the programme there was given by Sydenham talent. Special services are being conduct- W. Nickle, Jr., has returned to Toronto. Miss Alison and Miss Margaret Chase's Liver llis NEW BLOUSE OR 1 0c. & fet ll dealers i" Edmanson, 2. Bales & Go, SKIRT 15 CENTS . eronto. FRUITLAND MASO UD, PROP. : : 3 : Phone 904 It Is Not Enough to have the bowels move. It is more important to persuade liver, kidneys, skin, and bowels toactin "Diamond Dyes" turn Faded, Shabby Garments or Dra- peries into New' Women are finding it fun to dia- 'mond-dye and add years of wear to apy old garment or drapery. Easy di- rections in package. Don't risk your material in peor dye that streaks, harmony and against self-poison- ing. BEECHAM'S PILLS act favorably upon all organs concerned in food-digestion and . Wwaste-elimination; they remove causes ' «aswell as relieve symptoms. 'BEECHAM'S PILLS Worth a Guinea a box. gu Worth a G Inboxes, 25c¢., 50¢. Going Out of Business Sale One-third off Ladies' Boots, Ox. fords, Pumps, Strap Shoes and re- 'mainder of winter goods, 1--This serviceable gweed suit had excellent lines, its trim narrow it, that matched the closely fitting small hat of cinnamon color. The tweed was speckled with the same brown also and turn- ed back with duvetyn of the same toned cinnamon. There is a great vogue for tweeds and homespuns, ete., this sea- son. Some of the French sports suits have a plain coat, with a plaid skirt for Fashions Miss Nan Dearden, London, Eng.) (By feather trimmings. The bag of heavy crepe de chine, em- broidered in subdued tones of blues and mauves, was such a new shape and was much ad- mired at the French races. 3--This sketch is of a one piece Indoor frock of dark blue serge with bands of gay embroideries in The sash was of plain serge, and the short sleeves and also the hem of the skirt, had a band of dyed squirrel The original-looking hip pocket gave a pretty note to this little frock. It id a whim to use fiat fur girdles as a sash on many of the one piece frocks in losing any of its graceful charm. It desired, the em- broideries could be dispensed with, using narrow lines of fur and still get an excellent ef- fect. To get the right lines in clothes can be achieved in many ways. Sometimes gold thread or chenille are used or colored braids and wool for the stitchery. Gold gallon as an edge or strips of montflon or angora, these last making very soft and fluffy trimmings, are often cut out in appliques on some of this season's frocks. A favorite method is: cutting it into flowers, etc., also using the same material as the gown itself eut out to decorate an afternoon frock, which is quite easily done. Tiny beads of varying colors embroidered on, give a bright and pretty note. Monkey fur trims quite a lot of Freach ' frocks but other furs of a simi- lar character are just as.good. ed in the Methodist church during this month, with J. Lindsay, Toronto, as the evangelist. Bishop Warren has been tendance at the four-day couaventign in at- Sh hod When Sitting spots, or fades. Buy "Diamond Dyes" --no other kind. Tell druggist whe- ther your material is wool or silk, or if it is cotton, linen or a mixture. 16 rich, fadeless colors. in a Draught 'brings a stiff neck or sore throat -- --YOU will find a swift remedy in Thermo- gene. It is astonishing in its action. It imme- | by its influence on the deeper blood vessels, brings lasting relief. The stiff neck or sore throat is soon gone and forgotten. Thermogene gives Ready Relief in cases of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Chest Colds, Sore Throats, Sprains, Muscular Pains. Good, too, in cases of Pleurisy and Pneumonia, but also seek medical advice. Medical authorities testify to the great value of Thermogene. At All Druggists'--50 cents a2 Tands the famon British Prigan made by The Thermogene Co. Lad., Heyward's Heoth, Ragland. TERMOGEN Sates Agents for Canadas re RITCHIE & CO. Limited, 16 MeGul St. TORONTO RAROLD ».

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