Ratifying Recommenda- tigns of Local Mothers' {Allowances Board. guces Local Bo: day. A number of ncluging two new 3 ugh the board has pas $ilderable number of cases, 2 Incial commission hi HR on two of these, j@se two are in receipt as The delay is to be regret ly as the commission You n- fiounced that allowances will be paid the date or which its assent i and not from the date of tion. The local board fs ¢ everything in its power to expe RR Administration of the act. £ ce the commission is not pro ing expenses for a loc been decided to vac I6nted from the St. John's Ambul- ; I M. GODFREY, TORONTO Wh has been a inted chalr man ig Conciliation b d to deal wit Sho politics" order 'ges. Gan for C No Curling To- day. There was a decided change in the weather on Thursday morning though the thermometer is below ing, the ice makers at the curl- rink stated that there would. be L eurling on Thursday afterncon evening. There we five good it8 of ice last week, but the mild her put the finishing touches to Hotel Dieu Nurses' Euchre. i The first Hotel Dieu nurses @uchre was held in the nurses' . Home on Wednesday evening, and Was a great succe There was a very large attendance. The gentle- men's prizé was won by Captain ~ Bauve, and the ladies' prize by Miss Agnes Marshall. The committee in eharge was composed of Mrs. T. A. Keenan, Mrs. Gallivan, Misses Annie and Katie Corrigan. Mrs. W. D. | man by birth. i ancient Vikings . jects Jighrue was in charge of the euchre | and Miss Hartman was trea- | A FINE NEW FEATURE. Commencing Saturday next, January 8th, the Whig will run a series of articles, racy, humorous and enlightening, from the pen of Prof. Stephen | Leacock, of McGill University, § Montreal. Stephen Leacock, 'no doubt, is well known to many of our readers already, and to the rest we would say "that a rare treat is in store for them. He writes in praise or eriticism of some movement of everyday interest, some condi- tion of affairs, or some late event, and can be as merciless In his comments as he is some- . times generous in his commen- «dations, All his articles are in that amusing style which has gained for him the name . of Canada's greatest humorist, and one of the great omnes of > world. The Whig has secured the exclusive rights to publish these articles in Kingston and district and has done so for the benefit of its readers, that they may have the most up-to date newspaper possible. The . first sketch to appear bears the title, "The Moral Wave of the New Year and How to Duck Ufider It." The second, an- ing Jan. 13th, is entitled, ht Money." The very ti- i will tell you that there is hing coming which will worth while reading. ~------ A FEW SUG- GESTIONS H MUSIC I Love You Sunday Noah's Wife Ask the Rose Sweetheart Walt Yearning and aiting Whispering Kiss A Miss Jean » «Chili Bean nese Sandman. and any- & else you think of. ! Fran PHONOGRAPHS Snu~sw agency for Rruns- Records. These records are their best on any machine. 2 Song Shop . Phone 1207M, 7, PRINCESS ST. i ORGANIZED THE FARMERS. by "RI} West, One of ing Farmera' political movement in ata is "Bill" Irvine of Calgary {6 give him hie popuiar name lately been devoiing hia time exclu sively to the intercets of the Utited Farmers of Alberta, help tG or ganise and consolidate them Into ® strong political party, F eviotely he was associated with the Non-Partisen letgua, but he readily peresiyad that success could not well aghievad by the Farmers were there thro gon: arate political organisations in -the | province. When the United Farmers decided to enter the po! al fleld, he worked hard for the union of the two bodles, which was harmoniously neccomplished & very short time. Work Done Irvine In the in the "i men i Has be in in tim Ho took part in the last Ontario olecs tion, speaking on behalf of the Farmers' candidates at several places in the province, The Rev. Willlam Irvine--to give him hls proper designation----I8 a come= paratively young man, and a Boots A descendant of the , he comes of a bold and fearless stock; of a people who loved to fight, squarely and manfully. Firet and not he {a a fighter, a man striving for better living condi- tions for hia fellow men He tried the 1, but in it ep- parently there was not ample scopo for his ectivities. He saw that the important thing to-day was to ime prove the conditions under which the mass of the people live and labor, About a year ago he resigned from his charge in Calgary, where he was minister of the Unitarian Church At the last Dominion election, he stood as Labor candidate in Fast Cal- gary. He was blessed the 'grand old man"---Sir -who spake on his behalf, t Iberals deciding to support him. 'He went down to defeat, but he fought manfully, ada hering throughout the contest to clearly defined and some of his utterances becoie prophetic His opponent wzs Major Redman, a young lawyer { returned from overscas, knew a good deal more abou ball than poil tics. The other strove to dis- credit Irvine ma: on patriotic grounds, although the blood of his own family lay on the flelds { France and his own tovarly was un- impeached At all of his meetings there was opposition of the then usual kind from returned men. This he faced squarely. And he told the veterans that, while they were then opposing Lim, it would not be before they realized that the ciples and objects which he sented were the principl and ob- which they themselves would embrace. The soldier candidate was elected, but fit interesting to ob- serve that since then he has been requested to resign by the group who helped most to elect the organized war veterans. Fundamentally Irvine is a of sociology. All his economic and political theories are based on the sociological conception of society. He is an adherent of group represen- tation, but hardly of isolated and warring groups. His outlook is broad, tolerant, humane. As a speaker he is rapid, clear and forceful. It is related that ehurel prineiples, have cven v lopg prin- repre- 15 him-- very.| student | "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 | J "Babes in the Wood." 'ountry folks who yearr ine fter Ct wishe grat Oper ymmen with a matinee 8 particular company back t« ng had a war for lecal theatre ways accorde most hearty he brought his first five years ag Since last the compdny coast and back and has broken records ail along the line. Miss Dorothy ' Mackay the charming young star of this attraction, will hold a reception on the stage after the matinee Saturday, when she hopes to meet a great number of her friends among the children of King- ston.--Advt. 0 has. been 10 the "The She prerd of the Hills)" Pastoral the kind ty and £ cad simple arks are on one | occasion he crossed swords with the | { redoubtable R. B. Bennett, at a Labor gathering, and that he had the best | of the fray. Among the leading men in the Farmers' party, he stands out boldly as an able speaker of com- manding' personality, As a writer he created and edited | later Independent, a the Albertan Non-Partisan, named the Western paper devoted to the interests of the independent Farmers' movement. paper has helped materially to build up the Farmers' organization in the province. He is also the author of a book on the Farmer in Politics, which will be published soon. work he traces and peveral forces which have created present political conditions and shows the tendency towards the formation of groups in polities. His conception of conditions is, as I have already stated, that of the sociologist rather than that of the economist and politician. analyzes the | That he will attain to an important | position in the Farmers' political party is obvious The movement is in need of able speakers and com- petent leaders. If it is to exist and grow strong as an independent unit | of the forces of progress, it can do so | only through eflicient Leaders are necessary and groups. But organization. in all parties will the United | | Farmers of Alberta be able to retain | | the prince's royal ancestors. | Guelph should be go to Canada. This | his services, or will he find a wider | {and more useful field in the East? These are questions which the events of the next few months may decide, A Royal Press Agent, Edward Johnston, who for years past has sung in Italy as Ed- wardo Di Giovanni, takings in Canada. In Rome, Johnston sang before the Prince of Wales. Invited to the royal 'box, he told the prince that his home was in Guelph, a Canadian city called after He ask- ed the prince not to overlook visiting | | was in 1918, and the prince happen- jed to reach Guelph first. | singer returned, | getting publicity," When the | he found the prince had told Mayor Westoby of meeting him in Rome. "I've had strange experiences said Mr. John-' ston, "but that was the first time I ever had a royal press agent." | --pm------------------ An Interesting Marriage, "The engagement is announced of the Earl of Minto, eldest son of the ! | late Earl of Minto, formerly Gover- | | George W. Cook of Montreal. 'ern Canada. | | nor-General of Canada, and Marion, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Minto since the war, has been devoting himself to ranching in West- Miss Cook has been much sought in social circles in | | frequent visitor to Government | House\ during the Congaugit and | Devonshire terms, | trequgnt and Ottawa, and has been a Another Waterway's Congress. Detroit, Mich., Jan. 6.----With the! i announced purpose of uniting the ac-| i tual working organizations in a sVs- | tematized campaign to obtain govern- { tonic because its work lasts, its bene- | ment adeption' of 'the proposed St. His | In this | | is urging greater | support for high-class musical under- | Mr. | in The | candid { Prison and Ten Lashes For Attacking Child 1.5.0 nmons in ielph, Jan. 6 r man who y for some uel Hopkins, n employ time, was af {ed in police court this morni indecent assault. on a child a i Rocks, yesterday afternoon. | Crown Attorney detailed th Hopkins acknowledged them correct, and we to two years imprisonment i lashes. On hearing the sente | accused declared he | got." is cit of ra The facts be tenced e to ten 'deserved 2 May Speak for Publication, Cochrane, Jan. 6 Secretary the Navy Daniels has wired permis- sion to the American balloonists, pow travelling from Moose to civilization, to. relate their | perience to newspapers, but not ex- un- til they have first filed a short of-| ficial account for Washington. The | previous message from the secretary { had forbidden the balloonists to speak for publication, Weak, Sickly Folks Regain Health Quickly By New Remedy! A BLOOD-FOOD NOW MANUFAC. TURED THAT ACCOMPLISHES MARVELS Lots of people that were thin and | miserable for years have { been restored. by this simp ten | le treat- ment.. All you have to do is take | two little chocolate-coated tablets {with a sip of water at the close of { each meal. . \ The tablets, whith, by the way, {are called "Ferrozone," are in reality » perfect food for blood. They con- tain exactly those elements vour blood lacks when it becomes thin, | weak, and unhealthy. This is just the time to use Ferro- | zone; it excites splendid appetite, | gives digestion splendid aid, supplies {nourishment for all weak organs. At {cnce you feel buoyant and strong. { Nutritious blood {your veins, supplies strength, makes vou tingle with animation and am- bition. No more headaches. None of that tired languor. You feel like doing things because | Ferrozone completely renews and {strengthens your whole system. No medicine on earth gives suc | quick, lasting benefits as Ferrozonk. 't has raised thousands from down. | = | right weakness, brings robust health | | simply because it contains the forti-| | tying elements that run-down sys-| | tems require. | One week after § i rou'll feel like new, you'll appreciate wnat real robust health means. In a month ycu'll scarcely credit the | push your vigor and spirits have re- | ceived. Ferrozone is more than a| using Ferrozone] fits remain and are not temporary | Lawrence 'deep waterway, plans are lt restores health where other treat- being perfected by the Detroit, Board of Commerce to hold another' water- | Ways congress here in March. ments fail, and should be used by every man, woman and child. Try it, §0¢. per box or six boxes for $2.50. of | factory | [recently | courses through | THE SE OF MERIT Gifts for Men Who Care Benson & Hedges' Cigars or any of the 30 whet Brands that we carry to choose fron. HOU Tobacco Pouches, all kinds; ttes and C Sha C ases and Holders, Cigarettes, all makes, in packages of 10's, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 100, at: GEO. THOMPSON'S 204 PRINCESS STREET TELEPHONE 304 2 DOORS BELOW CLERGY Quebec, Ontario, Canada and Nova Scotia in "The Land of | Opportunity," F. Stuart Whyte's allegorical pageant in "The Babes in the Wood," which returns to the Grand for two days sommeneing Friday, Jan. 7th. NTERVIEWS KINGSTON INCIDENTS OF THE DAY : WHOLESALE MERCHANTS Racy Local News and Items of | bowinion Railway Board In-| General Public Interest. | vestigator Here Regard- meme ing C.P.R. Freight. -- Mr. McCaul, special investigator | | for the Dominion Railway Board, was in the city Thursday, and inter- viewed the wholesale merchants in the Board of Trade rooms regarding shipments of less than carlots com- | ing into Kingston over the Canadian Pacific Railway. The railway Board has before it an | application from the C.P.R. for the cancellation of the order to build freight sheds here, and the resolu- tion of the Board of Trade asking | that the order of the railway board be executed at once. The railw yi company claimed that its facilities { for handling freight here are suf cient since the C.N.R. went oyer the G.T.R. Try Chadwick's 'Coal 'fanos tuned. Ltd. irsday afternoon workmen 1sy erecting a' largé electric {front of the Allen theatre on The =ign is twenty- Phone 67 bone 1544 C0 W What You Missed When You Were a Kid the little folks and ask us to this wonderful instrument ap- eals to them. Kiddies enjoy most everything a while, but they'll love the Columbia Grafos rola all their lives. Just as you will, after you hear it played It's a beautiful instrument--a riusical gem that will please and delight every member of your family. Equipped with its ex- clusive Non Set Automatic Stop, the Columbia Grafonola plays and stops itself. Nothing to move or set or measure. Be sure to ask us to demonstrate the stop that needs no setting. street. is € Bring in paid in rental to apply show you how > of piano, C. W. Lindsay all market on ing. Eggs sold for 90 lozea, butter 55 cents a d pork at 24 cents for front 3 and 26 cents for hind quar- very sm Madoc, a theologicall will be the next Presbyterian church. , he having accepted a call licensed. He filling the Toronto Young Lady. Throws { Skate in Burglar's Face is Alone in her t night, Miss Camilla Bo- aged twenty-one, discovered a | burglar crawling up thg front stair- | case. Quickly realizing the tion, she hid behind the stairc spatched a loose skdte om the land- ing, and hurled it with all her strength into the face of the burg-| r, cutting a deep gash in his fore- | ad, just as he was about to spring | AN EMPIRE LEAGUE { likely be held in Toronto under the Throwing his hands over his | HAS BEEN FOUNDED | auspices of the league very shortly. and uttering oat the | To Counteract Action of ma" Toront home last MAY TAKE PART IN MUNICIPAL MATTERS Jan, 6.--Activity of in municipal politics does nc ir dismissal the Canadian National under the now famous time ago by D. B. Hanna, of the General Superinten- J. Bowker, of the Grand stated this Hanna's no- CW. LINDSAY LIMITED land, rr 121 Princess Street, Kingston employees t result ed some sident -- Sah Ship Rats Menaced Cargo. Philadelphia, Jan, 6.--The first consignment of canaries and toy birds since the war reached Philadelphia on the steamer Kerlew from Ham- burg. The attendants told of a day Lea- | and night battle to keep "cat sized' with | rats away from the cages waere 2,000 | birds, many of them bullfinches and goldrinches, were Kept. Albert Jackson and Ulysses Gran- dine, farmers, were crushed to death when a beam fell while an old barn was being pulled down in South Dumfries Township, near Paris. Sir Donald MacMaster, the Anglo- Canadian M. P., for Chertsey, ir ill. Hace burg- p-- lars fl "his face ' NEA Serious ratlw Ly , with blood streaming down Determination for Ireland in Canada. Railway i waYs eration "Mr. does of the Bell application f t a purely ¢ gency measure was on Thursc morning urged upon the Board of Railway commissioners by G. H. Geary, counsel for Toronto, and E. | Lovering for the province, 3 consi morning not affect 6.--An organization British Empire gue of Canada, has been formed, the obje:t, it is stated, of counter- acting the operations of the 'Self- | Determined League for Ireland in Prior to the war Bulgaria produc- | Canada and Newfoundland. Rev ed about 80,000 gallons of wine a| Kennedy Palmer, secretary of the Year, | new league, states that a number of The Boston park system i: regard- | prominent men have co-operated in ed as a model for all American cities , its foundation and are now prepared The ba lance of trade is not »lways | to bring it to ti attention of the a political platform orm scale. f public, A me it is said, will Ottawa, Jan. knovn -s the politics order municipal polities." ay yeen promulgat- | { A drastic law has jed in Germa against strikes Bnd | lock-outs in lighting et yshments, | Paul Bower, of Torontod employed jon the Hydro canal at Nig&ara Falls, | was instantly killed. Louis Deleary and his son es 'aped | {| from the Chatham Isolation Hospital. | Manitoba's two million ar) bond issue sold at | 101.11. CO 1! ur First January Sale! 25% Discaunt ON ALL OUR NEW WINTER OVERCOATS As this is our first year in business, one is assured of all new goods. We have a few Overcoats that we are reducing mote than....... ......... ............ 250%, r-- a + e ng, = ECL gy TTT Ta a £6 | 4 I ---------------------------- All Our Tweed Suits Ta . 25% discount. ARH Besides Worsteds, Blues, Blacks and Dress Suits are selling at Come in and replenish your wardrobe at wholesale prices. Our Furnishings Stock For . 207% on all our Furnishings. speaks for itse]f, as we have only the best of everything to offer our customers. the next Two Weeks we are offering a discount of . . . A George Van Horne 3 PRINCESS STREET THIS SALE is for Two Weeks Only from 8th to 22nd. THE STORE where you get Quality & Service AAA I ]