Ta ' " Y BRITISH ye. - Founded 1859 » RAW FURS Phone 603. 157 Brock St. Raw Fur Department JOHN McKAY, Limited | PROT THE DAIL [SIS ARE ENTERED Against Cutting Off Local Trains by the C.P.R. Company. 'Two The change in the Canadian Paci- €rvice, 'announced to go on Monday next, will to Kingston merchants. States that the two trains, Nos 5 and 1616, cause loss to Kingston and the people liv- ing along the line of the Canadian Pacifle railroad as far as Tichborne It means that the people who live at Harrowsmith, Hartington, Verona, be able to get the dally papers Kingston until the Kingston merchants, who have in the habit of sending mail over this line in the afternoon, will nat be able to send it until the following day For some time the Kingston mail tor these points. has been sent out on | the train 'which left i Tichborne at 4.50 p.m. Tais train | would return from Tichborne at 8.30 p.m. For many years, people living along the line of the Canadian Paci- tic ralircad, hdve been in the habit of coming to Kingston on the morn- ing train to do their shopping, and then return home on the evening train, which. would leave about five o'clock. According to the change, people HIS MASTER'S VOICE DANCE RECORDS FOR JANUARY Fashioned Garden--One Step Fair One and Old H ( ie Melody. Hen The Melody Men The Broadway Bilues--Fox T rot Mario Perr! Margie and Palesteena--Fox Trot--Accordion Feather Your Nest and When I Looked in Your Wonderful Eyes--Fox Trot --Accordion Pitter-Patter-- Waltz (from "Pltter-Patter") Darling---Fox Trot Annie, My Own--Fox Trot Mario Perri The Melody Men The Melody Men Raderman's Novelty Orchestra Caresses--Fox Trot The Melody Men Step It--Ome Step . Diamond Trio 1 the Blaey for My KK entueky Home--Fox Trot Ye Gut the ? Van Eps Quartet : "ous IN and LISTEN to these r emarkable DANCE RECORDS. MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA | Real Estate Investments We are receiving choice lots of | farmers' rolls and prints. We of- fer .-- | 500 Ibs. Nelleville Creamery 58e, "$4,800 -- Johnson street; double frame; new and mod- orn; 7 rooms; furnace and elec- tricity. Rental $528, $5,700 Ridean Street; 4 frame tenements with improve- ments; all in good condition. g ; $750. 1000 Iba, Cholce Creamery ...56e. 300 Ibs. Choice Whey Butter Sie. 500 tins extra choice Canned Tomatoes, Peas and Corn 14¢, per tin $1,850 -- Chatham street; ble frame; 4 rooms and W. Rental $260. 500 Ibs. Gold Dust Corm Meal Ibs, for 25c. 300 Ibs, extra choice Rice arssrennns sees 3 Ibs, for 43c, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS. | 'A complete list at office Money to loan. Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 236 or 031 Sn Any one who has been compelled to use two different pairs of glasses, one for ing and another for distant visien, will : Sppreciate the advantage of using this style Of lense. By using the bifocal the necessity of ° using two pairs of glasses is done away with the annoyance of changing from one to _ wanother is avoided. : a . Our Bifocals, whether the invisible or éemented style, are as near perfect as hu- man ingenuity can make the It is by knowing the optical business ghly and attending to it properly le have built up our enviable reputa- 342 KING STREET who wish 16 do their shopping In Kingston would take the morn- | ing train which is due to arrive at j their homes at 12.05 noon or else | wait for the night train, which leaves j about 11.30 p.m. The orders, which { which formerly went out at 4.50 p. m., will not go out until the follow- ing day. This Is certainly a matter that the | Board of Trade and the Retail Mer- chants' Association should look into | Kingston and Pembroke railroad was | built, the citizens of Kingston voted | $150,000 to assist In building the | line, knowing that it would .bring | business to Kingston. If this change, which goes into effect on Monday sands of dollars worth of business will be lost to Kingston. Its étatéd that a number of chil- | dren, who, live'mlong the C.P.R. line and attend the Sydenham high school will be greatly affected by the new j.order. These children have been in as far as Harrowsmith and returning to thelr homes by the evening train. { On Thursday morning, when speak- { ing over the long-distance telephone to people along the line of the C.P.R., the Whig learned that they were up } | in arms over the announced cancel '§ | lation of the two trains Nos. 1615 and 1616. One man stated that it was ilkely a protest would be sent to the Dominion Railway Board. { It is understood that there is a to aflow the service to | might see fit | remain as it is at the present time. | At 2 p.m., Thursday, the Whig was {1x reported as very well. but sooth or | : the children, Grace Eleanor, is in '§ | advised by F. Conway, general ticket and passenger agent here, that the C.P.R. management had reconsidered its decision to eut off the two above named trains. A traln will leave Kingston at ¥.50 p.m., meet the east | bound C.P.R. train at Tichborne, and arrive back in Kingston at 8.40. 'ODDFELLOWS' DANCE | IN THE CITY HALL | On" Wednesday Night Under the Auspices of Patriarch Militant Canton. The Oddfellows' dance, held in || the City Hall on Wednesday evening, || was a very pleasant affair, and the || committee in charge are to be con- || gratulated upon the success of their || efforts. Brig.-General Ross, the of- ficer commanding the Patriarch into | The | which have served | Kingston for years, will be discontin-| = ued. This change will mean. a great | Godfrey, and other points, wilk not | from | following day. | been | Kingston for | | Kingston at 9 o'clock and return to | the post office authorities have re- | ceived, state that the Kingston maijl | { without delay. Years ago, when the | next, is final, it will mean that thou- | | the habit of taking the morning train | | Possibility that the railroad company | 7 | The Late James McKenna. James McKenna, a life-] dent of Ki resid ng ngston, passed away. at his >, 175 Lower Bagot street, on having worked on the cor- ior years. He is survived seas as a nursi war; and one b Kenna, preprieior o all of Kingston, The Late James L. Asselstine, James L. Asselstine died at his streets, Deseroato, on Saturday, says the Post. Mr. Asselstine had totally blind for the past four years. Of late he had beep failing in health. Deceased was born on the 4th con- | cedslon of the township of Ernest- jtown in August, 1844. In 1876 he {was married to. Elizabeth Miller, Hay Bay neighborhood. After mar. riage the happy, couple took up resi- | ji 1 Only a few numbers of each title. Every One a hit. The College Book Store Open Evenings |dence in Deseronto and. resided there for many years. to New York state, spent consider- able timgy but returned to Deseronto six years ago. Mr. a man of many good qualities heart and hand. of sides his wife he leaves four Droth- ers, Charles, Frankford; Samuel, Fergus; John, Toronto, 'and Kingston, as well as two | stine, Deseronto, The Late James Morphes, James Morphes passed away in tlie | Hotel Dieu on Wednesday «{ternoon following an operation. He had been | | In failing health for some time but was {n the hospital only six days. The deceased was born at Greece, and was thirty-eight years of age. He came to Canada six years |ago, and in 1912-14 he served in the | Greek army in several battles with |] resi- | The deceased was well |], by his wife, one son, Frank, and three | i daughters, one of whom served over- | g sister during the | rother, Patrick Me- | f the Hotel Royal, | §i been | | The Canary, Debutante, Doll || thing, Her Soldier Boy, Have a Heart, 'l§ Girl, Sometime, So Long Letty, Thejnext moved | Asselstine was | J He was a member | of the Assembly at Gospel Hall, Be- | Isaac, | sisters, | Mrs. B. D. Wagar and Miss Assel- | | Calamata, | | of |] High Jinks, Century | : » 40c. and 50c. Numbers . The big hits from the follow ing 1 : Oh, Boy, Blue Paradise, Kat; home, corner of Brant and Dundas | || Telephone 919 NT STOCK TAKING SALE OF OPERATIC MUSIC ..Now 20c., or 3 for 50c. | New York Operatic successes: nka, Florabella, Papa's Darling, Girl, Blue Eyes, N. Y. Hippodrome, Chin Chin, Sweethearts. Girl, Heart of Paddy Whack, Every- Watch Your Step, Rainbow |the Turks. He was employed as a| | was liked by all who knew him. De- er and two sisters in Greece. The fu- | neral is to take place from 8. 8. Cor- | i | bett's undertaking parlors to Catara {aul cemetery, Friday, Canon Fitz- | Gerald officiating as local represen- {tative of the Greek Catholic church. Suffered a Relapse, The many friends of Mrs. Johnson, | Albion hotel, will be sorry to leara {that since returning home from the |General Hospital, where she had | been ill for several weeks, and was considered well enough to return \'home for Christmas, has suffered a! | i relapse and is now in a serious condi- | | § jtion, but her doctor hopes for her | recovery. Another May Die. Nirs. Claude Eves, the mother of | the triplets born on Christmas day, | a low condition and mot expected to | live, The doctor in attendance did not hold out much hope that any of them would live long, and it is rarely that triplets all do. EPP PP RF PRPEOVICPTPIPEDDSD | 4 +» td Employment wanted of any description suitable to dis- abled men. No matter how short the work, even if only a few hours, we have men who would appreciate the opportu- nity. Cofisider the giving of this opportunity your Christmfts present to some man who needs work. Phone Oftice. PEPE PDP FPR E TON | * + 3 * > * f 2064 -- Vocational hid XR RRR RRS + + * > 4 * | Militant Canton No. 5, under whose | | auspices the dance was given, was | | present. | uniforms, were at the door to greet |the guests. Those especially The canton, in their gay | in | | charge of the arrangements were | | Lieut. R. Statford, Ensign F. {| Monk and Chevaliers W. Hipson, W. || Perry and W. J. Monk. Chevalier {| Matley and F. Fraser were in || charge of the door, and Chevaliers | Cruse and T. Mills dispensed the punch from the big punch bowl, | which was the only refreshment { served. Allen's orchestra played a | fine programme of music for the | dancers, and the colored lights, !| thrown on the gay scene, greatly | added to the charming effect. There | were about two hundred people pre- sent. | { Another Milk Vendor Fined Also Two Drivers of Autos Drivers of autos have been on their good behavioyy for some time, judg- ing by police court records, but a couple ot drivers jumped the traces a 'few days ago, when they allowed their cars to stand too close to a street hydrant. As a result, they were summoned to police court, but plead- ed guilty before the case was called, and each was fined $5 and costs. Another milk vendor who was "carrying on" without the necessary license, was taxed $1 and costs, and a similar case against a resident of the county, was enlarged for a week. NEW AGENT AND BROKER A. F. Purcell Starth Into Business on Brock Street. A. F. Purcell has opened an office at 111% Brock stréeét and will start in the real estate and insurance busi- ness, commencing with fire and auto- mobile insurance in the latter line. Mr, Purcell is 'well-known, having been with the J. K. Carroll Agency for about four years. He specialized in the selling of real estate. During | the period of his work he turned over some Of the largest Princess street properties and some of the finest re- sidences In town. The enterprise and perseverance which Mr. Purcell has shown in his work in Kingston so far should insure his success in this ven- ture for himself. Queen's University Concert. At the fourth concert, in Grant Hall, on Monday, Madame de Munck, Bell n prima donna,« (soprano,) wil] 6 the singer, and Senor Guer- ref will be piano soloist. For fur- tht details, see to-morrow's Whig. A. | li Two Day Clean Up | Sale of | fl Women's Hats ! With remarkably low prices on every Hat in our Millinery I t, we plan two big Ji days in Ladies' and ff Girls' Hats to-morrow and Sat. urday. One big lot at $4.98 Will include all our trimmed shapes and Ready-to- Wears that regularly sold up to twelve dollars. $1.98 AND $2.98 Will be the sale price for scores pretty Hats; worth up to eight dollars, : Choose early--all sales for cash--fo approval, { | George Mills & Co. | Furs-- Ha @-- Millinery i ceased is survived by his wife, who | {resides in Denver, Col., and his fath- 1 at Queen's | barber in a Princess street shop, and | times, offer. 'Here ar e a few items th S$ 4s easiness Newman & Shaw A MICROSCOPE is not necessary in order to see the genuine values th at we, at all at will go out quickly on Friday: LADIES' TAFFETA SILK SKIRTS --perfect styles in Navy or Black; all the wanted sizes: regular up to $15.00 each. .+..... Friday $8.95 LADIES" BLOUSES in Georgette or Crepe de Chene; beautiful creations; all this season's styles; broken sizes, up to 40. Priced upto $11.95. Friday,yourchoice ......... .... .. $5.00 $16.50--LADIES' SILK DRESSES--in Habutai, Taffeta, Crepe de Chene in Navy, Copen, Brown, Black. Broken sizes up to 38 Priced up to $35.00 each. On the bargain rack Friday .$16.50 lI 20 PER CENT. OFF DRESS GOODS, SILKS, CARPETS, OIL- CLOTHS and DRAPERIES. A "19 | | "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" {A NOTORIOUS CROOK BROUGHT TO THE "PEN" | Vincent Strong Will Serve Seven Years for Burglary. | A notorious Chicago crook was { brought to the Portsmouth peniten- | tiary on Thursday morning from { London, Ont., to serve seven years | for burglary. He is Vincent Strong, | who was convicted on several charges | of burglary and jail breaking. Strong escaped from the London | sats, on December 2nd, three days after he had been sentenced "os five years in the penitentiary. He was to have been transferred to Ports- mouth the day he made his escape. he robbed several houses in London, tencéd to two years. he sentence of one year for Jail breaking is to run concurrently with the seven-year térm. Two other men were also brought down from London for the "pen." W. E. Armstrong and John Smith will each serve two years for theft. -------------------- To. Help Starvi Chinese. On Sunday a special collection is to be taken in some of the churches in aid of the Chinese relief fund. The money will be sent to help save the lives of thirteen millions of peo~ ple in northern China who are starving to death. The sum of $70.50 in Canadian money is equal to $100 in Chinese money. The sum of $¢ will save & Chinese life, so it is to be hoped that a large collec- tion will received, The Anglican churches : Kingston diocese will take a special in the collection for this fund on Sunday next. Missionary Work, There was a good attendance at the meeting of the Woman's Mis- sionary Society of Chalmers church, held on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Scott, of Korea, gave 'an illumi: | nating address on "The Women and | Children of Korea." Mr. Scott is spending his furlough in Kingston, {and is taking a post-graduate course niversity. * Mrs. R. O. Jolliff read a poem by Pauiine John- | ston. During his term of liberty from jail | 1 - For $6,500 You can buy a new detached Brick Dwelling on Frontenac Street; 7 rooms; hot water heating; electric light; gas; 3 piece bath; in Al condition; good cellar and large yard. TO RENT--FOUR ROOMS ON PRINCESS STREET Centrally located. Suitable for office purposes, A full list of properties for sale at office. E. W. MULLIN & SON Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. = Phones 539w and 539J. and on conviction of these was sen- | We offer you about 60 priced at $9.00 and $10.00, ing costs, gain, Trades and Labor Euchre, The Trades and Labor euchre party held on Thursday évening was a great success. Fourteen tables .were used for the play and all pre- at these prices REMARKABLE VALUES IN In High Grade Shoes $5.95 for Men $6.95 pairs of Men's Boots; regularly to' sell now at $5.95 and $6.95. These are all new, fresh goods, bought at below manufactur- We can give you a splendid bar- | SEE THESE IN OUR WINDOW, i sent had a most effjoyable time. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Fowls er and W. Clark, the consolation prizes being won by Miss Reynolds and BE. Campbell.