8 oe res-- _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the Realm of Women---Some Interesting Features THURSDAY; JANUARY 6, 1921. ~ - Na child starts coughingmother"s duty is to give the little sufferer a Peps tablet, and thus pre- vent any weakening of the lungs. As the tablet dissolves in thechild's mouth, the soothing medi- cinal fumes given off pass through the tender bresth. ing passages straight to the lungs and bring immediate comfort and relief. Peps contain no opium or other harmful drugs, an d can be given toa child(either whole or crushed tos powder) with theassurance of absolute benefit. One little Pep at night will clear the breathing passages and let the little one's sleep be un. broken by coughing fits. A Pep before starting for school in Bad weather is also 2a invaluable safe guard for the children's throats and chests. All dealers, 50¢c. box. FREE TRIAL Send this advert., name of paper and lc, for return postage) to Co., Toronto and free trial package will be sent you. stamp PETER'S QUESTION, REVISED TO DATE | [The International Sunday Schoo! Lesson for January 9th Is, 'Jesus Teaching Forgive Once in the long ago, hot-spirited Blmon Peter asked a famous ques- tion of Jesus concerning forgiveness. A sort of "revised version' question, in the setting of this pres- ent time, preseats itself for first con- sideration, as we look upon a hate- scorched, vengeance-torn werld to be made livable. Bays Peter the American, "The Old World has wronged me. Because I believed its high professions of love of liberty and justice, I sent my sons by the millions to a bitter war. After the battle, th6é¥gh, I find the old wrongs marching on under new flags; and imperialism, oppression, and the all devious diplomacy of selfishness as busy as ever. How often shall I forgive Europe? not better that we should henceforth be strangers?' Says Peter the Canadian: "My big {brother to the South has forsaken | his associates and.shirked his share {of the war's aftermath. We paid a {price beyond his understanding in the great struggle; and now he is | loudly proclaiming that he is through { with helping to bear the common load {of the nations, and that he wants to walk alone, in comfort, and safety. How" often shall I for- | give him?" | Says Peter the Frenchman: "Ger- | many has wounded me in the heart. (1 may be doomed to slow extinction. [An the earth has rung with the hor- j rors she has committed upon wi 4 soll | and my people. Shall I forgive her, and not have revenge? Or shall I 'W. H. STEVENSON Angrove's © HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Talkihg Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, Scales, do repair work right Machines, { Uaby Carringes, Lawn Mowers, ete. We | + w-------------- | not make her pay even to the third | or fourth genergtion?" . | Says Peter the Italian: "Eng- Re all's land now has a fourth of the earth's P i surface, and measureless stores of ofl and other precious things, as a result of the war. My people cry for bread. We shiver from lack of Bleycles, | and guarantee | By William T. Eills. Jd! the | Is it | prosperity { ness."'--Matt, 18 : 21 jernments, an entirely new mood, | there can be nothing ahead of hu- | manity except catastrophe. All other routes to a remade world {are impassable except the way of | Jesus. His doctrine of forgiveness-- | clean slates and fresh good will--Iis | | the one way out. Let no man say | { that. Sunday Schoetsinorals'" are ims, | practical: they are the most work- able of all conceptions for the reor- | ganization of society. That is why | thoughtful persons the world over are turning in new yearning and ex- | pectancy to the spiritual forces of { prayer and penitence, faith and for- giveness, for the re-creation of | Christian civilization. The Man With A Grudge. A few evenings ago there ap- proached me after a public meeting a man who asked me to read a docu- || ment he handed me. I later did so: | it was an incoherent narrative of | conspiracies against Lim on the part | of the strongest forces in the land. | | Of course, the man was unbalanced. in his mind: anybody who long | nurses a grievance becomes so. It is | a sign of mental unsoundness, rather | { than of inordinate conceit, to sup- |! pose that enemies are pursuing one. A brilliant young writer in New Eng- | land, who boasted that he "never for- | gave an enemy and never forgot a friend," committed suicide because | the bitterness of his spirit grew too | great to bear. His assumption that | editors and publishers and other writers were leagued against him was, of course, erroneous. He was | the finished product of a cherished grudge, To lift life above the grudge level was one of the aims of Jesus. While | He was no respector of persons, yet | He dearly loved greatness of soul. | | He ever seeks spacious saints, with | 1 . é Yes, [ve Gained Glowing "THANKS to your advice to try Milburn's/ Heart & Nerve joyous health. They've accomplished more for me in a few days than months of previous doctoring by strengthening my heart and restoring my shattered nervous Pills, I am back to system." The pace of life to-day is {aster than that of the generations in the past. Medical Science tells us repeatedly the necessity of replenishing the heart and nerve systems of the human body. When the heart begins to falter, the brain grows weary, the nerves become unhinged, ordinary duties become a burden and even pleas. ures drag heavily. Nerve Pillsis the remedy that stands alone without a rival: free you from the consequence of disease, build up your health and fit you to take your place in life. MILBURN'S HEART & NERVE PILLS - Health' Milburn's Heart & . Their principle is to have gratefully written to us of their People from all walks of life These regained health through Milburn's Heart & Nerve Pills. testimonials are open for your inspection any time, satisfaction. 197 WELLINGTON STREET coal. Our trade has been wounded, | spirits too large to harbor petty feel- FEMPERANCE HOTEL YARD perhaps mortally. Behold how I suf- | ings, Yet He Himself was 80 noble UEEN STREET -- 3 DO YOU LIKE CHOICE CANDY? | If wo, call and take home so me of our Home-made Canady, i and you wilk be well pleased id the quality. { Watch oar window for Saturday Specials ia CHOCOLATES! FRUITLAND ALLAN MASO UD, PROP. 848 Princess Street. : : : | I : : : Phone 904 25 p.c. OFF TEA BUY CHARM BLACK TEA BY THI POUND--YOW GET QUARTER POUND FREE. Guaranteed equal to any. Geo. Robertson & Son, Limited fered in the war; yet the prizes of victory go to France and England. Shall I forgive them?" Says Peter the Englishman: ""Be- hold Russia the recrsant! She has failed us in battle; she has deprived us of food and other necessities of || lite; she has menaced the peace of all || Asia; she has filled the whole world with her propaganda of Bolshevism. || Shall I forgive Russia?" Says Peter the Russian peasant: | "For generations I have been bent || beneath a burden of ignorance, op- || pression and poverty, all that an idle aristocracy might play and sin in leisure and luxury. At least I have cast off my old yoke. I have de- spoiled and impoverished and impris- oned and slain the people Of privi- lege. With them I would cast down to destruction all the prosperous and favored burgoisie of the whole earth, Capitalism's day is done. Shall. I forgive those who have wronged my class?" This Way to a Remade World. So we might call the roll of the nations, and get a recital and coun- ter-recital, and intricate tales of wrongs and grievances everywhere. One's spirit shrinks appalled from the spectacle of hatred and ill-will that fills the whole earth. Conflict J ---- Wares Specials COMMENCING SATURDAY we offer a 13 quart Aluminum Double Boiler for (regular price, $2.50), and A set of 3 --1 and 2 quart Lipped Sauce Pans for (regular price, $2.50. THESE ARE "VERIBEST" ALUMINUM--guaranteed equal to the best. A full line of ALUMINUM and PYREX COOKING UTENSILS LEMMON & SONS 187 PRINCESS ST. l Going Out of | Business Sale One-third off Ladies' Boots, Ox- fords, Pumps, Strap Shoes and re- mainder of winter goods. + and class, fear and suspicion, guile and greed, seem literally world-wide. Many persons are saying that after- the-war conditions aré worse than the days of battle. Nobody can fair- 4 face the political and economic facts of his time without heaviness of spirit. And the remedy? It is at the heart of our Lesson. There wilt have to be born a new spirit of forgive- { ness, of magnanimity and tolerance, | before we can have a remade world, | No form of political rearrangements or economic readjustments will suf- fice. - Only spiritual remedies can avail. Unless there is quickened in the souls of the nations and of the peoples, and especially of the gov- =< aE " h DODDS 7 pl KIDNEY _{ us are too lax toward social offenders, men who have injured the commun- '| to be forgiven as often as they seek that He was patient with the littla- ness of the people about Him. | One of His own close friends, S)- | mon Peter, came to Him, on a day, | | flying the red flag of anger. Some {domestic quarrel or neighborhood | squabble prompted him to go to the Great Teacher for endorsement of his side of the matter, by askimg the question, "Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I for- | give him? Until seven times?" We know not the details of the particu- lar feud that prompted the question: every community, alas, has its own examples of trivial disputes which sever friendship, disrupt homes and embitter neighborhoods, The New Law Of Life. Nobody is ever so sure he is wholly right as the person in the midst of a quarrel, Instead of buttressing im- patient Peter's position by a legalis- tic ruling, like tHe rabbis, Jesus laid down a great principle of universal and permanent application. He de- clared to His disciple--for even the apostles were squabbling saints.--*"I say not unto thee, Until seven times, but until seventy times seven." For- | giveness is not merely an occasion: | ally expedient act it isa law of spirit. ual life. Its exercise is not optional, but obligatory, We are considering a cardinal and distinctive teaching of Christianity. Unequivocally, the Master laid down the higher law that His disciples | must be persons of forgiving spirit. Unforgiveness shuts the door against successful prayer. More yet: the very pardon of God for our own sins is conditioned upon our forgiveness of those who have wronged us. \ "I cannot forgive him!" you ery? Ah, you cannot do otherwise than forgive, if you would follow Christ, | whose basic law is forgiveness, and | who exemplified it on the cross when He cried, concerning His murderers, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do!" Bitterness and grace cangot abide in the same spirit. "Better a cross, and nails through either hand, Than Pilate's palace and a frozen soul." nm an, A - Two Kinds Of Offenses. In describing, and illustrating by the Lesson parable of the two debt- 078, the divine way of settling old scores, Jesus was speaking of per- sonal offenses. A clear distinction lies between wrohgs done to the in- dividual and injuries committeed against society by violation of law. Je.us nowhere taught that impeni- tent criminals are to be pardoned, or that offenders against the moral law are to be exculpated. To apply His teaching here would be to set all prisoners free and abolish all courts of justice. There is no lack of moral principle or of social responsibility in the teaching of Christ which we are considering, . As a matter of expertefice, most of ity and broken the civil or criminal law; while at the same time we are not lax enough toward our personal enemies. We are more easily dis- turbed over what touches us than over what touches the well-being of all men. Jesus never espoused or condemned any such gelatinous spirit as people of maudlin tempera- ment display toward the criminal Justice demands that per sanctity be respected: only thus can humanity be kept together. As for personal enemies, they are forgiveness. That is one of the ex- alted rights of the individual. As Ras been said, "the beautiful thing about my rights is that they are my own, and I may do as I please with them." The worst injury an enemy could possibly do us would be to plant in our hearts the spirit of ven- geance. Then he really would have wounded us in » vuinerable place. But so long as jive are armored in Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed direct Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. TI SYRUP OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL CURES Courls, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Etec. MATHIEU'S SYRUP fea Sovereign Fn Scoping the curative properties of TAR and the stren, ening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. ; Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise to consequences of sucha grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. . THIFU'S SYRUP is the onl uine remedy whose Ham has TE oon tho tly ganuifie somal Shi ie ON SALE EVERYWHERE magnanimity, are safe from any real harm at th nds of a foe. The man who knowl how to forgive, knows how to liv GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria For Over Thirty Years on receipt of price by The T. Milburn LES 2. HRT SS AGENCY, FOR ALL STEAMSHIP : LINES . Bpecial attention given your family or Iriends going to or returning from the Old Country. For information and rates apply te J. P. HANLEY, CP. ana T A G.T. Ry, Kingston Ontario. Open day and night. CUNARD ANCHOR ARTS 10) SPIO IN FY HERTS IS REGULAR SERVICES Halifax to Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg TSS Saxonia January 24 SS...... SATURNIA TO LIVERFOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland . From Halifax PORTLAN Feb, 18{Mar. 3 Mar. 11{/Apr. 20 ... N. X., GLASGOW, (via Jan. 15/Feb. 19|Mar. 26 GOW ..Cassandra -+..Saturnia Moville) Jan, 8 Jan. Jan. 22 Jan y Mar, ay 7 N.X¥., CHERBOURG Jan. 20|Feb. 17 ... Feb. 3iFeb. 26(Ma Apr. 7|May 12/June . N.Y, PLY. CHER. & LONDON Feb. 1|Mar. 15/Apr. 19 Albania NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH, CHER. BOURG, HAMBURG Jan. 22|Mar. 1jApr: 12 . NEW YORK to PIRARUS, DUBROVNIK and TRIESTE Jan. 18 ....... Pecssianne "evans Pannonig N. Y. to Vigo (Spain), Patras, Dubrovd alk and?Trieste Boaivairrnsorunnrnnns tenases Italie For rates of passage, freight and fuse ther particulars sppiy to local agents of THE ROBERT REFORD CO, LTD. General Agents ST. JOHS--LIVERPOOL Jan. 6/Feb. 9 Mar. 16 ....Metagama Jan. 14|Feb. IT ....Emp. of Britain Feb. 16 Mar. 23 Jan. 22iFeb 26/Apr. Jan. 28{Mar. 4 Victorian Mar, 25/Apr. '..v. Emp. France ST. JOHN--GLASGOW Jan. 7iFeb. 15jApr. 1 Pretorian Feb. 23jApr. 14 + «+. Sicilian ST. JOHN----HAVRE~--L Jan, 4/Feb. 12 Mar Jan. 23... Apr. 18 .. ST. JOUN--SOUTHAMPTO Nw NTWERP Jan. 8 Sicilian Feb. 12 March 26 Scandinavian Mar. 12|Apr. 19 Corsican Apply local 8. 8, or Railway Agents oF 1 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. SCOTT'S GARAGE | Repairs, Washing and Sterage 1915 Melaeghlin Toure ing ese sale cheap for | - buyer. } | 300 "a XET Sim creme 1enem. coo .Minnedosa