LUXURIOUS LOUNGING Sram J 2/0 Bory, § Adorable rd umptuous Coloy aad The Graceful Lines and. ° make This ttle dackel A . &lotable Heflifee ph Ra ym oo emda || of Pale Pink. «One of the Conventional 7 (HRA | : ; pene Bees || Chiffon and La 2 Lacy, Ribbony Ne§ligees Captivating Sashes On Trouserette N egligees-- SumptuousBlendso f Chiffon and Gold Em- | broidery -- Paris Peignoirs Covered With Hand Made Roses ~ Exquis- | ite Negligees for Older Women. | EGLIGEES' used be ve »u models that seem miraculously de- popular as as ned to meet ur temperamental | Mother aed to ive Tatler oF needs, i have Quite Ousted x blanket bathrobe--often made y | Older Women Nc orgo » her own hands. er Susie received | For the men § 4 ml ' Kimono 210 XL among her Christmas packages an in-| . N » b : rigors By ish 2 pack tissue pa. | dares not speak of any er age as| ! eminrmne Favon, per enfolding the latest thing in ki-| NE on the old--there are special | monos. She wa ure to like it--be- 8 In suitable fabrics and col- cause It was the latest thing. Dut! orings. Suitable fabrics" for an ele Now modishness is not so important! derly Jady (in the matter of dressing- In a negligee as a quality known S| BOWNnS and wrappers) used to be flan- Individual expression. One's pe ielette, wadded silk, albatross and must bespeak one's individuall y. | outing flannel, Lt So now! The tea- One's teagown must hint-- Very subily | gowns and negligees of past-sixty are however--at one's mood. | exquisite affairs of satin, chiffon and So each woman likes to pick out her | lace;. and some mc dels are of velvet. Own negligees. Unless another person | Draped lengths of chiffon veil gold has--oh an extremely sympathetic na-{ thread embroider; Bands of rich ture, how can that person know one's | brocade and fur are used for trim- temperamental complexities well | ming. All the colors are soft--subtie; enough to match them .with expres- ! the colors that are kind to f dingscom- | sive garments? And as for membe piexions a I of one's family; well, At is easily in elderly aginable what might result if they 5 a flannelette siip started in, matching one's oqds wi 1 y )l union suit un- | raiment. For instance a sulky look 3 g :, but the neg- | ing smoke gray bathgown for father ce and beauty, 3 2 to start up the furnace in. And not warmth. Of course, these negli- | » ~ bilious-green "affair for brother Mom | gees for older women come u well | R : when he has been at a banquet and | about the throat and have prt that Chaise Longue Robe, Trimmed with comes down to breakfast L£ross, And| cover the arm. Sometimes loose, flow- a drabby looking ono with Ump! *3 are lined with several lay-| = -- -- z : Captivating A Trouserelle. . Nellie of Pxlex x Pink Satin. lines for one's self. -when one knows i f chiffon. And three layers of | of these blithe affairs, Two, new 'tro ar, cuffs and trimming ' banc . More tabs on collar and | orman knots about his neck, =o the| the particular mood so crudely ex-|c 1 are warm enough for anybody | erette models are pictured. One is of | the tunic. The other model is of fie sh | pressed should have a negligae ot! { she is subject to neuralgia | soft brocaded silk with peacocks a | pink satin W ribbon run | ruffles. Si nple as it II more on the trouser- | middy tie must have broad, soft ends | i Tr -- Rt looks, there at suggest knotted kerchief, not | frock is niade of fawn colored linen plaintive mauves. ' On no, fit would | In winter tim | wisteria blossoms on a rich back- | unde at the lo deal of work on this en eg KImpy string-ends like a cravat bow. | with white braid and buttons and & néver do! Christmas-money Goes For Neglig 3 reivt Hints. 4 by i adays everybody wan: od gowns with a ""walst lining" that had waals to ED : rf io S | to be hooked up, and haif a dozen in \ Apres Fa hi hen | visible hooks and eyes to catch th y it¥ (as she herself im 14 py Intimate at-home wearables, Scores | dfaperles in Diacez 1f so, you up the n negligees. Did you | ---- | ever wear one of the old-style tea- e of ting into is a feature [ground. Plain satin makes the voke- i a (tes mc gee. Think of making a A | Another thing about a middy: 1 te of black faille silk. The model i sleeves should be good and long. The tight, buttoned cuff keeps them from | sliding over the hand and the loosencss [ana amplenes3y' of the sleeve corre- } sponds with the loose, roomy look of the middy, A middy with too tight, too short sleeves cannot possibly be comes also in dark blue, French bluse, i : preciate these modern teagowns 4 / of women will be shopping for Chris -1? hich may be slipped on between vas 2 Go J" G72 S oT | Smart, so look out for sleeve lengths mas money negligees this week; and | wh u select middies in the shops, e s yO guest cli i e S50 we devote a special page to'them Hime yo your Fuest Chmbing th today--at what might be psychological moment. In every 'a 4 ' One of the stunning black negligees partment where Intimate at-home war- | of the season is pictured in the model | ments are shown moods are rampant 3h elton . . ith ' Shelton looms brocade--black with | > y { . every mood from joy to melancholy, 2 CLV design of sold (For all the rest of us the middy 18 Ready in a Jiffy for breakfast; warm | Mast. from optimism to plaintive wistful-{ . Os y coveted but forbigden. We wear It. toast, and smart and trim as a ood | 2 he Ditvate huge ness, 3 occasior y, for gardening or around | ? > ary € decoration for the . . satin that are loope up coquet- | a. : ing expeditions, | looking middy can make you! sl You would not feel, for Instance, | 14n1y with black and gold tassels. The | the h OF on camping exp ons The new middies for spring are com-| : like donning the gorgeous Peacock | o3zos of the brocade coat are faced |PuUt we know very well we are not e 4 Spring a white middy And gold affair pictured, it you Wad | in jade green chiffon and a string | Wearing tr iy Just received a letter from him tha: | f wooden beads In jade and black is| P°dY happens along we are a . : : | all was over and was sailln PO wooden oa 5 nl} ie ST apologize: XCuse my appearanec ant to take back a linen middy or | of the exclusive type South Africa. The soft clinging g | draped over er Shou gers: falling. 21 but 1 have to feel free and comfort-| two, to be ready' for the Spree les of soft, thi C v A - e at ont ack. 5 i ing! t 5 Ww } Iv colored obs cu the lady ms na a deep loop at front ane avi at Bl able when I am gardening. Or doing | Semester. And the girls who are BO | skimpy tie is a disast chaise longue would much petter|. * VerY modern, and expres | housework. Or camping out." {D8 south, to Aiken or Hot Springs.or middy. The knotted agree with your mood. Only it Tou a i Texpensing For all these oceupations there are, | Some other Place aye silos suggest the stk hand were light hearted and gay could You| pirticaincly warm and cozy! of course, proper and correct habill rte va ta anap up these new frolic about your boudolir in the color. | P*' Rises 1 rate Peignolrs ments; overalls for the garden, pina. sn mid a -- ey 2 Phen f® brocade trouser-negligee shown in| Enols: fores for the house and flannel shirt| F° he wy Rew middies are of linen Cotton duck is very another picture. Sometintes you feel] There is warmth and real coziness, | and bloomers for camp. The tennis| W'S, 7) 080 afford nothing bets like rosy satin and lace; sometimes however, in 'the chaise longue robe irl has her trifn shirtwaist and erisp | oy it IY linen middy Rr Fy like smoke gray and violet chiffon. | pictured. This !S & room-gown, a peig- linen skirt. The golf girl has-her silk | "class". Two very correct middies of If you have ever devoted any thought | noir, rather thad a teagown and its hirt a t wool skirt. For || § to the matter of moods and negligees | trimming is the Interesting feature, | port shirt and smart wool skim, {Len are p stared, and a middy-trock you know how much there Is in it. Roses in all s, and made of ink | the boating girl or woman and the joy- | belted at the Faistiine. 'The darker y } Satis ithe tn PIR { os flapper (or thereabout) is the mlddy is of 1=&f green linen with white g sat it 5 t re En § - § Black Teagowns Are hionable [Ble ribbon, seem to have been show {miday. It is also: worth while own-| braid trimming and a black silk tle, Black seems to express more moods pe ; h a : A ¥ | { ol i erten packed fast Ing a cabin-cruiser or a cabin-sloop, | It matches a pleated skirt of the same than anything else. Queerly enough vv "Nt Paris idea. The loose | sust for the joy of living in a middy | material. Every detail of this middy black suits us when we are gay and As of gray silk and is lined | all summer long! |1s perfection. It is loose and roomy When we are sad, when we are pensive | Wile ak chiffon, a frill of the chiffon] Yet there are so many girls and | withont sagemg of al the heulders nd when we feel like sparkling. There | exten DE beyond the edges. Silk cord | women who want middies that whole an : it ny 0! & hip. yu are shadowy negligees of black chif- fall around the robe makes the soft | factories are devoted to their making. | tleeves are ite nuts In cre fon, one layer veilings anpther; and| silk garment seem more substantial | High priced designers ponder 9%er | sleeve decoration of a &1ddy that gives | there are gorgeous negligees of shim-| and the roses, some of them quite|them, adding Mttle touches here, lit-{ ? 2 r € garment its special style. Natural- mering black satin, lace and jet, some- huge, add more substance and weight. | tle details of cut there that keep them ly she wears a tam with this middy. | times touched with gleams of piiver) Who would not love to curl up in a|always smart and up to the a Es wouldn't? 1 | | | coat | | Or gold. The Oriental negligees sug-| chaise longue, wrapped in this de.|middy-word. Ama for a really correct, i ies) gest the ardent nature and hot tem- lightfully soft and comfortable peig- | Well tallored middy, made of excellent a The Wilts tien midey Bpcompanies) Per of inhabitants of far Eastern coun-| nis» negligee'\of the familiar| Material you pay a tidy price. But it trimmed vith. a ET je tries. Lovely pearl-grays and rose| as Wears--oh how it does wear! Nollrimmed wi ark blue linen on : Ap ' dainty type timt miny women Mike | OTE of hard usage seems to affect| WHICh are strappings of white braid. | Pinks suit the sweet, demure type o best, is of flesh tinted hatin and cream | 8 Around the left arm is a scarlet band. | woman. Rosy chéeked beauties look . : lace with tiny silk rosebuds. The | : and on the right arm a cHevron of well in pale blue and mals negligces. edges of the Ince flounsing;: reversed The girls at boarding school this braid and embroidery Yacht women Diana types, cold and self-contained EE rn meh oH loose | Inter are wearing flannel middies. have the design of the personal bur- Mare best set off by filmy white dra- sleeves i Blue flannel ones and scarlet flannel | goo the small private flag of the peries touched with silver. An these biting ones; tidy, trim affairs whose cut be- yacht's owner--embroidered on one middy--girls In their teefs and | ried toilet, No hooks, buttons, strings, | Dant flying from the bow and the women who cruise on YAShtS. | snappers. neckties or belts to adjust. | Private burgee of the owner on the | The initial or cryptic symbol The middy frock is beloved by moth- front steps and her ringing of the " 0 sie called the rons Ba sing WO lucky people can wear that | ing, but pull a cozy middy over one's| the bluefield has an anchor instead of srs because it always looks neat and | most delightful garment, the | head as the final touch to one's hur-| stars of all the states; the club pen- | trim and because it launders 80 beau- e makes a smart yachtswoman's has also a black | right thing and if any-|!ng along now, The girls who are | Whatever the color of a middy | pt to| home for the Christmas vacation will | its tie must be bl ek, and )inen middi have very han ck black silk. A er Indeed on any tie is supposed to kerchief the sai Free-And-Easy Middy Frock Of Col ored Linen, Smartly Taflored. The Pleated Front Panel Is A Graceful Feature. . brown and green linen." Debutantes who will forget about belng grown up society young ladies and play awhile | In the southland, are laying in a stock | - of these good looking, comfortable middy frocks. And for the school The Basket-Ball Girl Wears A White girl's wear they are ideal, . Linen Middy For Indoor Play: The | The slim young girl always looks Girl Who Goes In For Indoor Ten-! well in a middy, but if a girl Is not nis Too. - - | itm, and an over supply of avoirdue tfully--when it is of Ilnen,' And of | polse--in other words, fat--has given course, the girls love such a froc ; it] her mature figure lines, she should i is natty ang tallor-made--and so €Afy , Wear a corset walst or some supports lo get into when one is In a rush. | ing garment under her middy. The . jo pictured model is an admirable | hip girdles worn by slender young example of what a well made middy | women are not suitable for growing : jIfoek can be. Note the roomy, edsy | girls, 'They merely keep the waist. fit of it combined with trim lines over | line from being lumpy and make "noo | the shoulders, the ample sleeves end-] Support for the garters. A SE Ing In & neat-cuft, the big tie and the | waist of firm material, unboned but negligees are to be found In the shops, Trouserctte Negligees Alluring Speaks clever tailoring. Those girls sieeve of the middy. A yackt's 'col! If A Middy 1s To Be Smart, E¥CTY | graceful skirt. A box pleat running | coming well up to the armpits will and if you go to one of the exclusive Saucy and gay are the trouserette | probably do not realize at all how efsy | ore" on ordinary occasions include the| Detail Must Be - shops the canny saleswoman will read | negligees. One would have to be oo flannel middy makes lite for them. vatlfl ensign at the stern, very much | Cut And Taflored. » your personality at a glance and bring happy and light-hearted to wear one thing to do, of a cold winter morn-i ljke the stars-and.stripes except that Of Green Smart--Perfectly | m yoke 'to hem heins| give the fat child a trimmer look yet This Excellent | ful lives. Pockets at | not interfere in any way with the nats Linen. cach Rip add smartyisss also. This' gral development of her figure.