FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1921, AFTERNOONS EVENINGS © GRAND COMMENCING! : ~ 4 Daily Matinee -------- -------- rms GRIFFIN PICTURES TO-DAY A Thomas H. I nce Special Homespun Folks A story that fills your hralm with home town, sELECT COMEDY "PRIZMA" Master Pictures in Nature's colors All Star Cast, with Lloyd Hughes, memories of the old 10th and Last Episode of "PIRATE GOLD" SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT--OPEN ING MONDAY, JANUARY 10th EDDIE COLLINS' - Big Review--a High Class Musical Comedy Company --- Sprplus of Laughs--Ting ling Tunes, : 10--BIG SONG HITS --10 DO DREAMS COME TRUE? "THE DARK MIRROR" DOROTHY DALTON laymg STRAND Playing "WATYERE CANADIAN CORPORATION. Limited DIRECTION FAMOUS Ia ) PR alt LR A aati . " yi y uy y PLAYING TO-DAY! Matinee vere 210 pam. Evening ........7.15 and 9.00 Box Office open at 145 and 6.45 p.m. Twe complete » CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "IN SEARCH OF A SINNER" The Fastest Comedy Drama of the Year LEN PICTORIAL CO MEDY, SCENIC OVERTURE MORNING, NOON AND NIGHT" By Allen Concert Orchestra, SID HOFFMAN, directing. THE DAILY BRIT GRAND TO-NIGHT NEXT MONDAY \&J , ONT | MATINEE SATURDAY . F.Stuart-Whyte's { © Annual Pantomime i i 1921 kDLON New Songs, Dances, Faces. | PRICES: Evening 25¢. to $2.00 Sat. Matinee .... --Seats now onsale. WAGSTAFFE'S Pure Orange MARMALADE Made from Beville Oranges and Granulated 'Cane Sugar only. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. | i Juggs University | CONCERT | Vocal and Piano Concert | in Grant Hall Monday, Jamary 10th at 8 p.m. | | Belgian Prima Donna | | Madame Be Munck | (Soprano-Soloist) and Albert Guerrero (Plano Soloist) # ¥- | Tickets at door. Reserved tickets, | $1.00. Admission, 50c. Family | ticket (admitting parents and two «hildren), $1.00; children, 25c. | Students, 26c. Doors open at 7.40 p.m. MR. WORKING MAN ~ ! Why don't you trade at the Co- operative and get most out of your dollars? We carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low ag any, and 'all the profits go back to our Wmembers in dividend and interest. Make up your mind to join to-day and help along a movement that will help you. Put on More Insurance ! The sum that would have ap- peared adequate to protect the home ten years ago is wholly inadequate to-day, SPECIAL Dairy Butter « .56¢c. per 1b. THE KINGSTON CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, LIMITED Corner of King and Princess Street Phone 409, If, in those days, $1,000 was carried, to-day it should be made $2,000, while Five should be increased to Ten and, and Ten to Twenty thousand to maintain the protection at the same point hat it reached 10 years ago. ~~ A HAPPY RESOLVE I will smoke less Cigars, but more good ones. We have the kind you like. Let me suggest a plan for an -- ition Auto Strop Safety Razors. additional amount. Everything a smoker needs. Magazines and all daily papers. ELDER'S 26) FRINCESS STREET S. Roughton Mutual Life of Canada 60 Brock Street Phone 610. | | Pearl A. Nesbit, LT.CM,. ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR QUEEN ST. CHURCH Teacher of audio: 24 D! PUBLIC NOTICE This is to certify that I will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my son, William Charles Connors, Mra. George Wormingion, Barricfield, Ont. 'A WOMAN MURDERESS COMES TO PORTSMOUTH Brought to Penitentiary by | Warden W. J. McLeod, of Prince Albert. Two women in charge of Warden W. J. McLeod, of Prince Albert penl- tentiary, Sask., arrived at Ports- mouth penitentiary Friday afternoon, | Sarah Jackson, aged 34 years, was sentenced to life imprisonment for Ahe murder of her hushand at Swan Opposite Public Utilities. Phone 12831, A Customer Wires .Me as Follows Have purchased a business in Montreal--therefore must sell my Kingston house. I need cash at once. Get me an offer. Full information at office of / A. F. PURCELL 113% REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Announcement We wish to announce that we have secured the agency for Kingston and district for ' ~ Chevrolet Cars Having experienced mechanics, we are prepared to do first class Repair Work on all makes of Cars. ____ GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES BAWDEN & EDWARDS 89 MONTREAL STREET . - . PHONE 400. River, 200 miles from Edmonton, in uly, 1919. Eva Shaw, aged 23, will serve a term of two years for for- gery. The Jackson woman is the mother of seven children. Mrs. Jackson is al- leged to have' shot and killed her husband while he was sleeping. Her defense was that he had threatened to kill her and the children with an axe. After killing him she dragged the body into a stable, where it lay until the police discovered it. On Sept. 28th, Mrs. Jackson was senten- ced to be hanged. One month later the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE. | dy \ Via Canadian Pacific, Between King. ston and Ottawa (Central Depot) (Standard Time) LEAVE A Kingston $12.05 p.m, Ottawa 5.15 Kingston +450 pm. Ottawa $.30 K *11.15 pm. Ottawa 7.45 9.50 am. Kingston $3.30 1.00 pm. Kingston $5.30 Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. For tickets and-information ap- ply to City Ticket Office, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 1197. Experience Teaches. For thirty years we have been studying the oyster business. It has taught us when, where and how to buy. We get our stock direct from the best oyster beds on the Atlantic coast. We always get the worth of our mQuey so we can always give you the worth of yours. Carnoysky. p.m. p.m. am. p.m. pm. -------------- Warden Ponsford on Friday re- ceived notice that the civil | Cook, DIN 25¢ to $1.00 | | MAN WANTED AS SALESMAN { ISH WHIG. ' 15 | CONDENSED ADVERTISING i First insertion. v B ic. a word seculiv insertion the cent a word, Minimum coa: one insertion, 25¢; three ins e rates are for cash only: v are double HELP WANTED, GENERAL, John McKay. .01 i ------------------------------ ier } G ROOM GIRL WANTED. AP. ply Koyal Hotel , } TWO FULL BRED WHITE ERGHORN CocKerels and one »iiver Wyan- dutie. Apply 1vl Clergy stre reeset <a fe eee ie mien MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON FARM;! must be a good milker.: vak park F 1, Frout Road,' Portsmouth. Phone 2364, Ring 3 AND collector ior nortn-end of Fron-| tenac County; good steady job i rgnt party Appiy by leiter, & er sewing Macnine Company ston ------ ee i E3RN $35.00 te $U0.00 WEEKLY, BE! | a4 nurse. Hig demand tor good | nurses New hospital in Chicago, | with exceptional hospita; facilities is enrolling a limited numover ofl student nurses. Hecognized regis-| tered school. Full maintenance, board and laundry free while studying. Salary $10.00 to start at once. Wripe for particulars. Ad- dress President American Hospital, 350 Ir & Paik Boulevard, Chi- cago, Il Hs | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR 8. S. Ne. | 3, Kitley, State religious denomi- | nation. Salacy $700.00. Apply Del- | bert Ferguson, R. R. No. 4, Smith's i Fails, Ont. | | | QUALIFIED OR NORMAL-TRAINED | teacher for S. 8S. No. 17, Sharpton. | S ; 0. Duties to commence * 1 Apply to G. W. Bell, |. , Odessa. | TEACHER FOR S. §. NO. 7, NORTH Crosby, holding third class certin- cate Duties to commence at vrce Apply, staung salary, to P. A. Mc- Pariand, R. K. No. 1, Westport, Unt Cum AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD LKT- ters for stores, office windows, eas- ily applied; will not wash o sampies. Acme Sign Co. Weils, Chicago, IIL | | | | | MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN- ; , but to trav and appoint Jo- cal representatives; $1,0¥z and ex- penses guaranteed first year, with goud chance to make $2,600 and expenses State age and qualifica- tions Experience unnecessary STORAGE FUR FURMTURE ANU SUNNY CORNER, LARGE, WARM THE PEOPLE'S FORUM / ~~ TO LET. ROOM AND BOARD AT 134 EARL ST. Telephone $47. FIRST CLASS MOUMS AND BUARL; ail tmproveuduis,; centrally iocut- ed. Apply 243 Brock Sigeet. nercnandise; clean aad dry. Mc- Cann, 36 Brock street. Faone 3iv or 811. eee. STORAGUE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rovms; your own lock ang key. rTost's City Storage, 198-ive Nueen Sireel. Phone ase, (es, Viyw WU FULHRNISHED ROOMS, EITHER single or connected, in private (am iy, nedr Lniversiiy, lor gentlemen CilY. MOdern conveniclices. Appiy Box M-sv, Wnig Office. TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ESPh- cially furnisned ior Lgnt novuse- kKevping, gus lor cooking and tigat, atl (ne rivneer Apartments, 212 anu 214 Aavision streel. Phone 1434w. room, two south windows; hot wa- ter nealing; electric lLgais, nea: Universily, suitable for vue ur tw. persons, 144 Union Street West Street car Lr. FOR SALE. 2 WHITE WYANDOTTE COUKERELS, § } pi )CK, and 2 Black Minorcas | le 2003 W, FOUND DARK RIMMED TOR- University, CK PAIR OF tolse lasses, on Apply 519 Bre AND ONE OLD UTTER W. 8, Gor-, sale cheup ion, Sydenham, Ont. TWO FULL BRED WHITE LEGHORN Cockerels, and one Silver Wyan- dotte. Apply 101 Clergy West, TOURING CAR, 1820 MODEL} y equipped; in good running or= Box V-6, Whig Office, Gx182 FOUT FRONTAGE, th Macdonald street; catud Quick buyer. Baleman's Rea FONE NEW rf > ALTOMOBIL st ¢ FORD f AT HALF PRICE--AN UPRIGHT Pls anp of unexceiled qualities; praetis cally new. Apply Box T-5, British Whig | QUICK LUNCH RESTAURANT; GOOD turn-over, reasons for selling, leave ing city. Call at 374 King Street across from Geo. Muller. sia reel, tun 5 A DUG COLLAR, ON MON. day Owner may have at the Whig Uflice. FOUND AKIIULES TiS FHLB Anyone muuilg anything and Wisalng Lo reaca the uWuer may | do 80 Dy reporiing the Iactg to | The British Wag The adver i | i ADVER« Usement will be printed in thls HONOLA AND { select sur own choice, $42.50, Ter: $5 per month. CG. W, ted. 121 Princess St WANTED THREE OR FOUR ROOM heated nat or apartment. Apply | Box S-4, Whig Onice. i | A YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD AND | room with private family, Evening | dinner preferred. Apply Box W-u, | Whig office. | MEDIU | located; no Apply Box Aj, WANTED TO RENT a sized house; centrally chlidren in family. Whig Ofice. WILL EXCHANGE HIGH GRADE Phonograph of different makes, for Upright Fianos in good condition. KR. J. Rodger, Princess Street, SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO Tor cash or in part payment of new pianos and Jraicnoids C. W. Lind- say Limited, 121 Princess street. LARGE DRAWING ROOM BRASS Chandelier, four lights, glass globes, could be easily wired for electricity. Apply Box X-7, Whig Office. CAME | MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOVHING, w house furniture, specialize ia mii tary boots; biv all kinds seconds hand goods; highest prices paid. lL. Routbard. Phdne 1723. 2§9 Prins cess Street. . WILL THE PERSON WHO across ex - alderman swagger stic Kindly return to Whig Office A PEARL RING ON MARKLAND, | Montreal or Bagot streets Finder | kindly return to 5 Markiand street | and receive reward. FULLY EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM, 7 miles from city, with five hors thirty cattle, all farming tools and crops; immediate possession; owneg obliged to give up farming. Address D. L. Mitchell, Watertown, Route 1, GENTLEMAN'S BLACK PURSE, New Year's Day, between We ON WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OM good second hand furniture and Stoves. Any person having ag and furniture to dispose of, we wil pay highest. prices. J. Thompson, LAND SURVEYOR, WANTED--MEN An®D BOYS 70 PAT. ronize J. W. Cursun, barber. Men's And boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave, llc. Razors honed 2bc. iss Luntafia St, near Bruck street \ WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE OF Quiet habits, three or four unfur- nished rooms for light housekeep- ing. Apply, stating location and terms to Box U-8, Whig Oftice, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- grapher, open for stenographic work of any description. First class work guaranteed. Rateg reasonable. Spe- cial rates can be arranged. Phune 321. White's Insurance Oilice, Bagot Street, Winston Co., Dept. G., Toronto | {Edward Stokes and John Hil= yard Up for Assauiting and Robbing Wm. Shawcross. After several adjournments, the case of Edward Stokes and John Hil- yard, charged with assaulting and robbing Willlam Shawcross, late on the afternoon of December 3rd, came before Magistrate Farrell in the police court on Friday morning, {and after hearing the evidence of Shawcross, Magistrate Farrell com- mitted Stokes and Hilyard to stand trial. Arrangements are being made for bail, and the case will likely be heard within the next week or so by Judge Lavell. ~ Shawcross, with the assistance of a pair of crutches, was able to walk into the witness box and tell his story. He positively identified { Stokes as one of the men who as- | saulted and robbed him. He said that Hilyard looked like the other | man who had attacked him. | T. J. Rigney appeared on behalt | of Shawcross, and A. B. Cunning- ham for Stokes and Hilyard. The police court room was filled to over- | flowing for the hearing. | Shawcross, who is forty-nine years of age, was employed on the steamer Arabian, which on Decem- jold Montreal Transportation Com- panys wharf. He said the assault was made on him about six p.m. on the day in question, about fifteen or twenty minutes after he had left the boat. Stokes and Hilyard oec- cupied a seat on the front benches for the use of spectators, and Shaw- cross picked out Edward Stokes as one of the men who had attacked him. He could not positively iden- tify Hilyard, but said that Hilyard looked like the man who had taken a hand in the affair. On the day In question, the plaintiff admitted hav- ing had two drinks of whiskey. Re- calling the assault, he sald the first he remembered was when he got a kick on the ankle by a man who afterwards grabbed hin and threw him to the ground. ' | "I was coming out of the ship- yards," said the plaintiff, "when this happened. "I had just reached the corner of the blacksmith shop. I was alone, and when the man grabbed me, I started to holler. The man who attacked me tried to get his hand in my pockets. I saw the man's face. The man who attacked me was Stokes, the prisoner. Stokes called to another man who was near to come. The other fellow came and put his hand over my mouth, I had $75 in an inside pocket, and $5 in one pocket in my trousers. I tried hard to keep the men from getting the money. They got it, and then I gave up. The two men then ran away over towards Barrack street. The man who helped Stokes in his attack worked on the boat." . Shawcross stated that he had two ribs fractured and his ankle injured. He had ben confined to the Hotel Dieu since the assault. He had only been able to leave his bed a week 0. he was said of William Sands, a youth, that Ne used obscene. lan- guage in a public place. He pleaded guilty to the charge, and was fined 5 and costs. But this was pot all. ds was also accused of being | drunk and he pleaded guilty to this' charge too. No doubt the fact that be had been drinking caused him to forget his English. On the charge of being intoxicatéd he was fined $10 and costs. He said he had been dridging Mentreal beer. Seb | | ber 3rd, was being laid up at =| | Lima Jeans at Carnoveky's. : 3 o Need--A Good ! Suggestion. | W. A. Stroud, local agent of the provincial labor bureau, informed the Whig on Friday morning tha: as the result of the sewer construction work | undertaken by the city, no less than | 260 1sen, women and children are | being taken care of. The families of | the men at work average mors than { four. It is hoped that when the city | council meets for its inaugural nex: | Monday, some other civic work may | be suggested, so that more men out {of work may be able to earn a living. | The sewer work will likely last until the end of march. Mr. Stroud suggests that people who have ashes on their premises might have them carted away at once, and thus give work to carters | who are not busy. He would be glad { to have citizens telephone to or apply | at his office for men to do carting or other jobs, even if the work only lasts a few hours. Every little helps, | when men and women are in need. STOCK MARKETS. Quotatidns Furnished by Bongard, | yerson & Co. 2337 Bagot Street, New York Stocks. Opening, Closing 34 3435 433% 79% 38% 9014 Allis Chalmers Am. Internat. 41 Am. Sumatra Tobac'o 77% Smelters 387% | Baldwin Locomotive. 89 Bethlehem Steel "B" Anaconda C. P. R. Central Leather Crucible Steel General Motors International Paper ! Kennicott Copper Mexican Petroleum . Missouri Pacific New Haven Northern Pacific Willys Overland Pierce Arrow Philadelphia Co. Pere Marquette Republic Iron & Steel 65 Reading . U. 8. Rubber Royal Dutch (N.Y.). Southern Pacific ... St. Paul ..... Studebaker Sinclair Oil ...... Texas Pacific U. 8. Steel 66 99 1% 29% Brazilian Brompton .... | Canada Bread .. i Canada Cement Canada Steamships .. 47% 471% Canada Steam. Pid.. Dominion Steel | Dominion Dominion Fy. & 8 General Electric .. % North Amer. Pulp... 5% National Breweries .. 52% N. Y. Exchange .... 16% Steel of Canada 59% Spanish River 86 wayagamaek ............ "enen 5 bid i Southern Vegetables. { Sweet green peppers, green onions, brussels sprouts, cauliflowers, salsify, leeks, iceberg lettuce, sweet potatoes, velgry, savoys, etc., at Carnovsky's. | -- . i} The weather is likely to further de- | lay the arrival at the C.N.R. of Ame- | WHEN YOU WANT 188 | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. CONNITED FOR TRIAL AVE YOUR ASHES CARTED /And Give Work to Men in| t | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--3$13 TO 300 i for rican slowly making their way south trom Moose Factory. 333 Princess strect. hone 1500w, F. F, MILLER, B.Ap. D.LS, M.E.LC. tario Land Surveyor fice: Walkem & W ence street Emr SPECIAL OFFER 50 PAIR OF Bl. cycle Tires at $1.75 each while they last. Bicycles cleaned and stored! also skates hollow ground. Baby lag retired and repalred. ycle Works, 371 and 373 Phone 1032w. Kingston Of- alkem, 33 Clur- ey - | ¢ ges ARCHITECT. i. Mullery Bio | King 'street POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. | tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Weilington | streets, Sod en ONE COMPLETE DRIVING OUTFIT one 5-year-old driving mare; fir closs driver; one Mclaughlin top IBRY one 'almost new er: one single set ol of robes and blankets; Apply D. Hogan, 328 . CARPENTERILXG. CARPENTER King el, meat rket see James Selby, Con 12 en: Market. University Avenue. BATEMANS REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE EACH -- DOUBLE LEGAL. $2,000 FRAM house: 4 rooms; B. and C.; electri ers and Solicitors, 78 Clarence! lights; large Jot Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunaing- | ham. Cyril M. Smith. | | - | $2,200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS AMBROSE SilkA, B.A, BARRISTER and C.; electric lights and for Fe and So.eitor. lmw offic, gvod callar a : of King and Bruck ' Bank. Money to lo Sem PAINTING AND PAPER BANGING | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR | $1400--R. CAST HOUSE; WEST EXD; Papenhanging done, drop a card | Dearly new; § roms. A Mounteer, $4 Arch street. | ----- , a-- | $2,850--R. CAST HOUSE; DOWN TOWN, { . { § rooms; 3 plece bath, electric PAINTING ND PAPER HANGING --, | lights, 2 tire places, garage, yard Flanag! Painter and Decorator, | aud hen house. Estimates freely given. Metallic | gold letters for store and office windows. 247 Montreal street | Phone 1432, | os | | rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; age. Je DETACHE, s re VICTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY to Loan. -- $1400---FRAME; 3 ROOMS; provements, good locally. Se 'FINANCIAL. | et ------------------------------------------ i STRANGE & STRANuE INSLRANOR | agents; vatablished in 1460: only the m rellable companies repre- | Office +i Clarence siree, | Opposite the post cfice. } NO IM. TO RENT $25.00--T0 RENT; NELSON; semi-detached; § rooms; ments, BRICK; improve- 100 W bi A. BATEMAN, elilngtom Str FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. | =o = Rm Shee ment Society; incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K C.; vice- UPHOLSTERING, resident, A. B. Cunningham. a oney 1ssaed on cisy an . farm properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased, Investment: bonds for sale: deposits received ana interest allowed. RR. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- ingston ~ CALL OR DROP A cCAnD TO Gavine, upbolster, 215 Bagot st. F. W, HAROLD FOR YOUR holstering and general répiiring. Leave urders at or drop & card to 104 Clérgy street. Ue PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, marks, skin cancers. Scars, ete, re- moved permanently, Satisfactory glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed. Goitre removed. 356 years' experience. Dr. Elmer J Lake, Eye, kar, Nose, Throat, SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOU etc. large or small, fuarantsed gold leaf; posters, ghoweards, et arustically written and. design by Shaw, at 205 Princeas Stleet, Kingston. BIRTH. BEAUTY PARLORS DENTAL, - E. KNAPP BA, LDS, DDS, Sities 258 Princess Sureet, Phone 52 LADIES' HAIR PARLOR, 238 KING street. near Johnson, for facial treatment, scalp treatment, sham- pooling, marcel waving, etc. Phone 1c 2 J A. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street. over Carpovsky's. Phone 346, paid weekly writing Yshow canvassing. ply you with Showcard Servic Toronto. Your spare cards for w time us N¢ instruct and sup- Ww est-Angus I". Colborne St. FURNITURE FINISHING CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS. coll, 22 John street We wish all our customers A Happy New Year and invite them to call at our office for an 1921 Calendar. Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street : i EAR Auction Sales I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. RD The Auct Phome 1721 or 1428. DR. A.W. WINNETT DINTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun and Wellington ; "Phone 363 HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Scrap Iron, Metals, gs and Paper Stock. If you teléphone us we will ca tly. Phone Sant 2087. Ne. 5, $10.00. Ne. 6 912.00 Best Stove for Garage or work ahsp. Cooks and other Stoves as well LTURK Phone 105 Knox Presbyterian church, Torony to, has called Reév. John G. Inkster, D.D., Victoria, B.C. " | TN w. a