Hockey Supplies eed? A AND THEN SOME We have the biggest and best assor we've had for years-- Pants, Jerseys, Sweaters, Stockings, Gloves Pucks, Stocks--in fact, everything needed for hockey, We have a large stock of the better kind of HOCKEY BOOTS in all Prices right. Exclusive Kingston dealers for the famous tment of Hockey Suppiues that sizes. SKATES OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGER You can't buy a better skate at any price. Every palr guaranteed When you buy Automobile Skates from us, you are sure of getting only the best. Used by all good hockey players. Come in to-day and get fitted up: We fit skates to boots free if pur- chased from us. Skate sharpening by experts. We make any old Skate like new. Skates screwed or riveted to boots. Come to us first. BUY AN EVEREADY DAYLO The best light in the land. oa Fresh Batteries and Bulbs always in stock. No old stock--never. iene ---- Store open evenings till 8 p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING GOODS Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET Teléphone 529. | | { "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" NATIONAL CITY COMPANY Limited Bonds & Investment Securities " Canadian Headquarters : » 74 Notre Dame Street West, Montreal 10 King Street East Pads, ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 102 | In the World of Sport SO HARDWOOD FLOORING CARPENTIER OPTIMISTIC OVER TITLE BATTLE | Will Quit Ring if He is Beaten ! by Champion--Now in Holland. | Georges Carpentier, champion "kReavyweight pugilist of Europe, in an interview in the Amsterdam Tele- , graaf regarding his coming fight wit {the world's champion, Jack Demps | expressed optimism over the outcom + He said it would be a hard fight but | that the result was not for Rim to | prédict. I'm rather inclined to be | optimistie," Carpentier said, 'even if it were to occur tomorrow." He had nothing to offer regarding definite arrangements as to where the fight is to be held, 'Whether I retire from the boxing game depends upon the result of the match with Dempsey." Carpentier said. *"If I am beaten I | will retire; it not, I probably shall | 80 on fighting for some time." One {of the main reasons for his coming to Holland, Carpentier said, was to visit the land of his wife's birth - vealing that Madamme (Carpentier was born in The Hague. In an ex- hibition match Saturday night with | the Belgium boxer, r.eanaers, Car- | pentier astonished the Dutch sports- | jmen by his cleverness. | better than we expected," said one |t; "He is even "He can land five blows Car- of them. where another man lands one." pentier said he might meet Moran of Pittsburg before his fight with Dempsey, TO BUILD NEW ARENA Kitchener and Waterloo Will Raise 200,000, At an important meeting of the provisional directors of the Twin City Arena Company, Kitchener, it was decided to take immediate steps to | conduct a campaign for subscriptions | to erect an arena and artificial ice plant for the two towns, An effort | will be made to raise the sum of | $200,000 in sums ranging from $50 | to $2,000. The charter will be appli- ed for at once, and the prospectus is- sued. Preparations are being made to | conduct the campaign during the | first week in February. i The necessity of an "artificial ice | | plant had been impressed upon the] {local followers of hockey, in view of | the fact that the Kitchener O.H.A. seniors are the only team in the group dependent upon natural ice. The Kitchener-Granite game was alld that was needed to arouse interest | in the enterprise, and the directors of the new arena company are con- fident that Kitchener and Waterloo will have an arena second to none in the province a year hence. | | | | | TORONTO BOXING BOUTS. The G.W.V.A. Seek Entries From Places in Provinces. V.A., Toronto district, writes as fol- lows to the Whig: | "In an effort to encourage Can- | adian talent the G.W.V.A. Toronto | district and York county" command have arranged for.a.competition for 135 1b." boys in their next boxing bouts which will be held in the arm- ouries, Toronto, Friday, January | 21st, and the following conditions | will apply: | "Weight 135 lbs. (give or take 2 | Ibs.) 6 p.m. Limited to eight con- | testants, who will receive $20, quali- fying and appearance, $25 to the four winners of the first three round | bouts, $25 to the winners of the semi | final and $50 to the winner and $25 | Mr. Motor Car Owner FACTS! WINTER WEATHER DEMANDS YOUR ATTENTION You cannot experiment with your car in winter weather--necessity demands prompt attention to your battery and radiator. Your Battery, if not fully charged, will freeze up. Our Battery Dept. One of the most up-to-date and efficiert in the city, will give you the maximum efficiency at a min'mur cost. Our Repair Shop Under our new foreman, direct from Moore's Garage, Toronto, will give you prompt expert re- pairs at the lowest possible cost, consistent with ex- pert workmanship.: Est'mates given. NOW is the time to make arrangements fo» / winter repair work. All work guaranteed. * Winter Storage We have room for a few can be made by phoning 600. / KINGSTON AUTO SALES 0. Limited cars. Reservations to the runner up of the competition. The least that any boy will receive will be $20, the runner up $95 and the winner $120. We already have a few good boys and are willing to consider applica- tions from eligible boys in the pro- vince, who should apply to, J. V. CONROY, Secretary. Shrubb Returns To England. Alfred Shrubb has signed a seven years' contract as coach with Oxford University. His wife and children have left Canada to join him in Eng- land dnd his little farm at Bowman- ville has been disposed of. The major leagues will take steps to see that a recurrence of the White Sox scandal will be impossible in fu- ture world baseball series games. Without Pure Blood Health Is Impossible Owing to faulty action of tle kid- neys and liver, the blood becomes fill- ed with disease germs that imperil health. The first warnings are backache, dizziness, headache and lack of en- ergy. Act quickly if you would avoid the terrible ravages of chronic kid- ney complaint, Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills to-day; they relieve kidney and liver troubles for all time to come. No medicine relieves so promptly, and so thoroughly. For good blood, clear complexion, healthy appetite, use that grand health-bringing medi- Frank | RING CHAMPIONS England Au ce then | The Pridce of Wales altended a : . ia 1 ; Fi ort with | boxing tournament organized by the prices, and now is thé time to have them g gium has de- yp 4th (Territorial) Battalion of the : Ty ry ZT IV cl ve ne excel boxers, and | Northampton Regiment at Northamp- laid. Direct your mguiries to: f a dozen other European coun- |ton, and during the interval he made s, including Germany scene of frequent conte has made'a notable adva | good men in nearly every class. The | progress of the Belgians may be |gauged b, the fact that Albert Wyns, | featherweight champion of that coun- | try, also holds the featherweight title |of Europe. Wyns recently knocked jout Mike Honeyman, the feather- | weight chanfpion of England, and {showed superiority over several other | English feathers. Wyns is now in | Australia, where'he is making a great | record. France is enthusiastic over box- ing, but with the exception of Car- pentier and Ledoux has no champions 'of merit. England continues to fol- , low boxing with great industry, but | her only man of real class is Jimmy Wilde, Australia is without a single man of class, the death of Les Darcy | removing the last great champion of | that country, A mistaken impression prevails {that a native or re dent of one coun- can win the championship of a cl in a foreign country. Only when {a boxer moves to a foreign country and makes hig permanent residence there can he win a boxing title in his new home. A large number of Am- erican champions came from foreign lands, including Fitz, Erne, middle- weight, Jack Dempsey and McAuliffe. Yet they adopted America as their permanent place of residence and therefore were entitled to the boxing championships they won. In England only a native and a permanent resident can win a title and the Lonsdale belt, and the con- tention that because Kid Lewis de- feated Johnny Basham, the welter champion of England is absurd. try years ago and has moved to ba- come a citizen of America. I Lewis de in London, Lewis will then become the world's champion, a title now held by Britten. Lewis will a'so be the American welter champion, a title now held by Britton. Belgium The defeat of 2 boxer in a world's | championship bout does not deprive him of his national title. For ex- ample, if Carpentier, who is the heavyweight champion of Europe, | were to defeat Dempsey, the French- { Hockey League race. man would then be the heavyweight champion of the world, the heavy- weight champion of Europe and the heavyweight champion of France. But he would not be the heavyweight champion of America, Dempsey would retain that title. If Dempsey were the winner, he would retain his title of world's J. V. Conroy, secretary of the G.W. | championship and champion of Am- | erica, but Carpentier would still be the heavyweight champion of Europe and lof France. N. H. L. STANDING. W..l..F. A Oftawa ........... 5 1 34 13 Hamilton ...evevee 3 3 20 17 St. Patrick's .. 2 3% 16 25! Canadiens ,........ 1 4\ 13 28 Next games--Tonight, St. Pat- rick's tawa. at Hamilton; Canadiens at Ot- ---- A HAZARDOUS RISK Mrs. Newballot -- "Suppose they elect a man for President and a woman for Vice-President and the President should marry the Vice President--" Mr. N--"1 wouldn't insure his life for an~hour." halo P PRETTY MISS MUFFET Pretty Miss Muffet, Thinking to bluff It, > Painted her face every day, Til a fellow who knew her, And thought a jolt due her, IN VARIOUS LANDS | » boxing was | Visit to Tournament of Northampton are now the 'e, and has the visitor j3 | Lewis left his native coun- | feats Britton in a bout to be held | PRINCE ON BOXING Plain and Quartered Oak, Birch, Maple and Beech car. now be had at economical 1 Territorials. | | a speech, in which he paid a tribute to the splendid work the 4th Battal- | ton did in the east. He said he re-! membered visiting one of the battal- ion outposts on Easter Monday, 1916. | "I feel," he said, "I am somewhat | of a Northampton man myself, for Ii have my hunting headquarters four miles away, I am very glad to see you are alk so keen on boxing, one of the finest British sports and very characteristic of us Britiskers, I al- | ways feel it promotes comradeshi | and fair play, and you ex-service! men know what comradeship is, its value, and how it helped us to win | the war. Comradeship is as necessary vow we are trying to settle down to | peace conditions; we all of us want to pull together, every section of the cemmunity," A programme which the prince | signed was sold for 350 guineas for charity. | Allan Lumber Co Phone 1042. 3 8 3 Victoria Street OO I (CHEERS | | { --_ -- nd 4 Western Canada Salary Limit. The Western Canada Baseball Lea- | gue will support the new national ag- | 'ement only for the period of the] chairmanship of Judge Landis, and uot for the proposed 25 years was the decision reached by the league at annual meeting here Saturday. lary limit of the league was raised | from $2,100 a month to $3,000 a! month. The schedule will open May 4th and close Labor Day, September | 5th, President Pearson spoke very | strongly on the matter of gambling | on baseball, and expressed the belief | t even a friendly wager on games | hould be prohibited. | WEARING OF U.S. FLAG | IN BOXING RING STOPPED | The wearing of the American flag | | by boxers appearing in bouts in this state is prohibited in a ruling an-| | nounced at Boston by the state box- | ing commission, | The ruling was made at the re- | quest of the American Legion who |. objected to the use of the national | emblem as part of ring costume. | The commission also requested that | boxers refrain fgom making religious signs in the ring. ------ Canadiens, Hamilton and St. Pat- rick's will not permit Ottawa to use Sprague Cleghorn in the National Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets + White Enamel, All latest attachments. ) | 12 designs to choose from-- Oak, etc. R. J. Reid - - Phone 577w. * HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Put in good shape for col d 'weather driving. Book your order for winter overhauling now. Satisfaction guaranteed. MCcALLISTER & DRAKE 593 PRINCESS STREET Phone Res. 1240J. Leading Undertaker | i | | Glorious Relief! Corns, Callouses, Foot Lumps Go You'll feel like a kid again, you'll be tickled to eeath at the painless, | quick riddance of all your corns once you paint on Putman's Extractor, Do it to-day! Dealers everywhere have been selling this safe, depend- able and sure remedy for nearly fifty years. Only costs a quarter, Does the trick every time, Putnam's Corn Extractor was the first corn remover on the market, has to-day the largest sale, and simply because it's by long odds the best. Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with one Soap.-- Cuticura Outicars Soap is the favasitatersafety rasorshaviag. Phone 1750. | | A Fine Christmas Present for Your Wife Would Be a Royal Vacuum Cleaner WASHING MACHINE We have them in stock. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC C0. | ET Sol = -_-- Zo Packages 15° %21bTins 85¢ p 9] els --_-- Ce" Putt, 2 5 ble pg ]| Sine I. Samiliona Pills. Get a 25c. Asked: "Mow do you get that way? . DR. NASH BRINGING UP FATHER = = = = " DENTIST ' ue COUNT DE SPIVENS | REALLY WONDER IF 4 Lu HE WENT TO TH 188 Princess Street. "Phone 735 ABOUT 7 Err Lh Pao E CLua WE: TAKE X-RAY PICTURES EASED T8 Know 1 ong ey OF YONI Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, SMis, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. +: H. F. NORMAN on Phone 730w. . : THE CLun 3 © tH a 32 :: BY GEORGE McMANUS YOU Big : | JUST FOUND Ar ; . THESE SEAT WARIS "CHECKS TO THE p ~ : #2] BURLESQUE SHOW | = ~g] IN YOUR COAT- | - DIDN'T | TELL YOU NOT TO GO ANY WHERE BUT THE CLUB? J : i od A