i ™ Fd TT Cr SY COURTESY OF C.RR - BY COURTESY gr com" BY COURTESY OF CA rain Growing Prevince Rhy. and Queen Mary, Queen Alexandra and an of Denmark visiting the Advertis- et White City, London, Eng. (2) The Mayor of Longborough, England, Yeading an address of welcome and conferring the "Freedom ofthe City" on Dr. Macnamara, who was visiting the college, (1) The the ing (3) Raymond Hitcheock the comedian, and his famous horse "Apple" help the Salvation Army Christmas Fund. 4) The open meet of the "Killing Kildares" at fit Soe. co Ent Ireland. h (6) Military and police make wholesale round-ups in FE Dublin while the Labor Commission were sitting-- Searching the suspects. (6) The Labor Commission which arrived in Dublin to investigate Irish murders and reprisals. : (7 Explosion of a Dump of Shells in a factory at '. STUD HORSES AT NORTH BATTLEFORD, SASKATCHEWAN Vergiate, Italy--10 were killed. The disaster is be- The "Land of the Golden Grain" | well suited to sheep, and they be-fgz horse owned by Paul Rupp, whe lieved to be the work of "Red" workmen, is a name well suited to the Pro. | gan to keep a few on their me, his farm at hae) hare, the vince of Saskatchewan, the middle the numbers have steadily increased | south of the province, has probably of the three prairie province of Can. year by year until now between 150,- | the finest herd of Belgian horses on ada, for grain growing has been | 000 and 200,000 sheep are owned by | the contiment, the chief occupation of its inhabi- farmers in Saskatchewan, and this Like the horse and sheep indus. tants since the earliest da , of its | year Approximately 750,000 pounds | tries the cattle industry of Base | settlement. So good has gen the [of wool were produced. katchewan has made substantial j Suality and so heavy the yields of But the raising of sheep has not gress during the last few years. ° ! the wheat and bther grains grown | advanced so ry as the raising of provincial livestock commissioner es- _t in Saskatchewan, that whenever the | horses. The provincial livestock | timates that there are now 100 rovince was spoken about it was commissioner claims that Saskatch. More cattle in the provinee then n association with grain, and many | ewan is now the leading horse Breed- | there were a year ago. This marks eople thought, and a large propor- | ing province in the Dominjon of | the ratio of increase that has been on of them, no doubt, still think Canada. The heavy draft horse with going on from year to year, and the that grain growing was and is the | Percheron, Clydesdale or Belgian | end is not yot, for there is still room ony branch of farming carried on in blood in him, is the kind of animal | for more cattle in the province than thls rich province. Probably, a|to which breeders here are devoting | there are at present. In 1019 the very large number of people Who | their.attention, and farmers needhot total was 1,379,683 head, of whiel Dow know something about Sas. go out of the province to sell at | 874,062 were milk cows. The pro- katchewan would never have heard | satisfactory prices all such horses | vineisl government is devoti of this province but for the success they can raise. The tractor has not | attention to the livestock a of Seager Wheelet, the "Wheat Wiz. | displaced horses on the Saskatch- | and buys cattle at the leadi mar. ard," first in winning, at the Madi- { ewan farms nor is it likely to do so | ke's selling them at cost to farmers son Square Gardens, New Yorl ] . Most farmers have tried both, | on easy paymonts. The time is with. WM 1911, the thousand dollars in gold | or have seen both tried, and have in the memory of many of the resi. E for the best hundred pounds of | decided in favor of the horse. In dents of the province when the only wheat grown on the American con- | 1919 there were more than a million | miik they ever got was the cone tinent, and: subsequent winnings of | horses in Saskatchewan, and the | densed variety, and when their but. Mr. Wheeler and other Saskatch- | number has steadily increased since. | ter bad also to be imported. Not L! ewan farmers at Tulsa, Oklahoma, | Many of these horses are, perhaps, | many years Ago a nning was Wichita, Kansas, El Paso, Texas, | on the light side, byt the light | made with dairging. e province Peoria, Illinois, Kansas City, Mo.,| horses are being rapidly displaced | soon produced more butter ¢ n wis Chicago, and other places. by the heavier a imals. The young required to supply ite own needs and But experience of the last few | draft horse weighing about 1,000 | had some to spare. During the | ars has shown that Saskatchewan | pounds or more is what most of the | few years there has been a sy vd t Armers can and. do raise other|f rmers in Saskatchewan are rais- | for export to Great Britain, things than grain, Sheep, horses ing, and the demand for horses of { United States, the Parific Coast ® and cattle are all steadily increasing | this type is far shead of the supply. | points of Canada, and cities in East- in numbers on ' the Saskatchewan The quality of the horses that are | etn Canada. Last yedr one hundred farms, and evidence that these, too, | being bred in Saskatchewan is ex-|and four fy or 6,622 000 are, like the gtain, of a Superior | fonulitiod by the successes at the | highest quality of quality is. forthcoming in the sue- International Show this year. The|créamory buteir left the province, cess of the animals from this pro- | champion "Clydesdale was a Sas. while this year the total export bids Yince exhibited at the Internation katchewan Horse, "Wee Donald," | fair to exceed 7,000,000 pounds, Stock Show at Chicago this year. _|bred on the farm of L. Weaver, near| The side lines of this . Lloydminster, and the first prize | ing province have, thereto aitready Deros- | assumed a position of considerable Jule sou | gotidnes, and are becoming ine € province as re- ina. | creasin nt . climate, feed and water was | UY portant every yar eT SH ETHER