Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jan 1921, p. 14

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» i WEDNESDAY, sANUARY 12, 1021 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. k S00 TT B---- { Theatrical Stuy ~+ |THE WIFE OF GREEK {| CUT OFF BY WILL 1 ?] g I i Late James Morphes Leaves | Her Nothing--She Con- sults 'Lawyer. Ii my TITTII In "The Shepherd of the Hills." 'The Shepherd of the Hills" witnessed by large audiences at Grand Opera House on Tue afternoon and evening. This was specially directed by the au Harold Bel) Wright, and is one the most beautify] pictures seen here in many a day. There are ten reels of film, and they give an even- ing of great enjoyment, The inci- dental music played by the Grand orchestra ig exceptionally melodious The widow of the late.James Moz- | e Greek who passed away / last week, was left 'with- leceased car- with his ly before isit to her Denver, Col., and she had no word of his serious | es An operation was perform- | and sha was shocked upon re- | ceipt of the word of his death. She | 4 'had to borrow the money to come | House in "Garrick" and The | to Kingston, and was astonished to! Burgomaster ' of Stilemonde," on learn that he had left a will in which Jan. 14th and 15th, was associated | a1) Property in his possession, 'in- with the late Henry Irving on the cluding his insurance, was willed to stage for over eighteen years, and | his father. Mrs. Morphes will, un-| like everybody else who was ever der Canadian law, be entitled to a associated with that famous man, he third of the estate, and she is con- holds his memory in veneration suiting legal advice to ascertain | "Such a great actor he was,' what steps to take. Mr. Harvey, "a far greater than we are apt to realize, and he was even a greater man than he was an act- | or." One of Mr. Harvey's recollec- tions of his association with Irving is of an occasion when he caused the great man tq laugh on the stage. | They were pl ying in "Pickwick." | Irving was Alfred Jingle, and young Harvey, but eighteen years gld, and {a2 mere stripling, was the Fat Boy. | It was a simple matter to pad his | body for the part, but how about his face ? An old stage hand gave him a tip. "Get a couple of figs," he said. "Take the skins off ar sick one fig irside each cheek. | They'll stick there and make your | {face look big." He did 80, and it | worked well, better than he had an- | ticipated, for the figs caused a free { Irving Laugh. Sir Martin Harvey, who will mal his first appearance for years in this city at the Grand Og Harvey Made i ed, Pays Big Dividends at Our Greatest Sale sey HR NOW'S THE TIME TO CHOO YOUR YARNS For the nobby winter garment you have planned in Sweaters, House Wraps, Overstockings, Infants' Carriage Rabes, Mitts, Gloves Overalls and (Scarf Shawls). We are showing a complete range o various Yarns in every color and texture very specially priced. MONARCH DOVE ONE OUNCE BALLS 25¢. COLORS IN STOCK Heather Old Rose Flamingo Suits and Overcoats Down to a sensible level. Here are prices that are bound to satisfy: HH says TTT a li I DOWN TWO OUNCE BALLS 50c. COLORS IN STOCK FLOSS ONE OUNCE BALLS 25c¢. COLORS IN STOCK: American Beauty. Tobacco Brown Flamingo Oriental Blue Turquoise Old Rose Navy Copen Orchid Emerald Gold Maroon Sky Cardinal Mist Rose Purple Lemon Lavender Jade Pink White Black Suits and Overcoats -- that were $30.00 to $40--Now $24.50 Suits and Overcoats -- flow of saliva which made the fat | that were $42.50 to $55--Now $37.50 boy's slobbery speech all the more | Suits and Overcoats -- » fc, and as soon as Mr. Har-| that were $60.00 to $75--Now $49.50 vey went on the stage and spoke, | | Irving laughed.- -Advt. Boys' Suits reduced. Turquoise Oriental Blue Orchid Jade Nile Mist Purple Lavendar My Old Rose Brown Rose Pink Sky Maroon Navy Cardinal Flamingo Emerald Grey Heather Copen frum White Black Copen Rose | binges Nile At Griffin's, Orchid | Another large audience witnessed | Lavender the big musical comedy revis w | . | which is making such.a hit with Griffin patrons and in which the | celebrated comedian Eddie Collins is starring. "Mademoiselle Politics," which was shown again last evening, is a bright comedy, and kept the |audience in an uproar of laughter throughout. The splendid chorus | _ of charming girls rendered some | | good songs and dancing, and re-| ceived much applause for their ef- forts to please. Eddie Collins' Musical Review is free from any ob- | jectionable traits and is a refined performance suitable for the ladies or little children. The same play as {shown for the two nights will be shown for the last time to-night, as | to-morrow there will be a complete {change of the programme, NeW | and the visiting governors were all scenery and new costumes. Our |, osed. | programme of moving picture sub- | A jects will likewise be shown for the fom last time to-night, and are of a highly entertaining order.--Advt. Turquoise Navy Sky Emerald Boys' Overcoats reduced. Furnishings reduced. Lemon Purple Pink Jade Buft Cardinal Maroon Ameriacn Beauty Black White. SHETLAND FLOSS ONE QUNCE BALLS, REDUCED TO 15e. wo We guarantee this Floss to be of extra fine quality and are sure it will give entire satisfaction. It is put up in one ounce balls, and the The colors: Old MS. AGNES"ELIZABETH McCARTHY 'W. of the late Dalton McCarthy 1 Vancouver t Week. See our Bargains! THE GENERAL HOSPITAL --- | Meeting of Governors Held on Wed- | nesday Eyening. The Board of Governors of King- | {ston General Hospital met Wednes- day evening with a very satisfactory attendance of governors, The re-| ports brought in by the manage- ment, the medical superintendent Im ® ® 9 . Livingston's (Founded 1847) "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." communication was received the Hugh de Payens Precep- | tory, enclosing $100 and asking the | privilege of nominating. one of its members as a governor, and when the name is submitted it. will be brought before the board for ac- | ceptance. Iii CASA I a | At The Strand. | Everyone has possibly read of the | | wise old owl who sat in an oak, who pre babii | Anderson Bros. Limited {held his own tongue but saw and heard a great deal, yet few of us perhaps realize the virtue of such advice as "think more and say less" until we have had the lesson brought | home to ug in some impressive way. The picture at the Strand theatre for Thursday, Friday and Saturday { which is entitled "The Furnace," and {is a new Realart Special Production | by William D. Taylor, smashes this lesson home in a way that many will {remember for a long time to come. {In that production which is based lon, the new novel by the author "Pan," the idle threat made Just before her marriage by Folly | Vallance, a popular London actress and the bride-to-be of Anthony Bond, | a wealthy social favorite, is the basis for all the tragedy that follows the English | Dr. Austin, having duly qualified, {was also elected by the board as one of the governors. | It was stated that the Christmas | festivities given by the management | were very much appreciated by the [Him | | Ratients as also a number of treats | given by different organizations in! the city, which are always very kind to the hospital at tls season, The nurses were particularly pleased with the especial dinner given to | {them by the ladies of Chalmers ychurch. Miss Patience Carey, is now duly installed, and taking hold of the { duties of her position. Visiting governors for the month | will be A. Shaw and William Ander- | son. | The new superintendent of nurses, following shades are in stock at Rose, Purple, Rose, Reseda, Em Copen), Nile, Amethyst, BEEHIVE SCOTCH FINGERING 4 PLY Wool, being a product of J. It can and J. Baldwin. made into-various pleasing the reduced price. erald, Buff, Paddy, Pale Blue, light Cardinal. Lavender, (new be LAIDLAW'S SCOTCH UNBREAXABLE 4.PLY CL ; Laidlaw's celebrated four pl Scotch This is an English made Fingering Yarn--soft, en ro splendid, all wool quality. Our stan- dard Yarn for Socks, Scarfs, Mitts and Sweaters. Colors: and medium Grey and Black. ATH Ih Tovey based Scarlet, light "» articles, which will give good 1 Ib. Hanks Fpound ... ... PRINCESS WOOL 4 OUNCE HANKS A beautiful soft Wool. so suitable for Sweaters, Scarfs and Pullovers, etc. Specially: priced. The shades: -- Orange, (Brown Heather), (Green Heather), Nowy, Buff. hs 1.00 Hank. John Laidlaw & Son, Limited HANSON, ¢ DGAR = one ot the" afonees" companies HANSON, NTERS, mmm mmm 5 €ver assigned to a motion picture | --~-- )" Lox. Gomer as pine Froder P RINTERS se marriage. The girl was heard to re- | -------- mark lightly that if Anthony jilted | : . her, Slt Would sue him for ey French Cabinet Resigned. of promise. This was said in jest, | Paris, dan. 12.--The cabinet of but when the girl's fiance heard of | Premier Leygues resigned today fol- the remark, just before the wedding, | lowing its defeat on a vote in the | be interpreted it as meaning that the | Chamoer of Deputies. The vole was | girl did not really love him. He goes | On the question of postponing all in- = ahead with the marriage but re- | terpellations until after the confer-|== pudiates her as his wife. Some of | €nce of the Allied premiers, the pre- 'the most powerful dramatic situa- | ier making his demand for Such | the | POStponement a question of confid- j estrangement. Agnes Ayres plays the | BCE: Tole of Folly Vallance and Anthony | . : T | re : . ; e| The Steel Workers' Union at Syd- Bond is ably vor ayed by Jerome | ney decided to fight the twenty per actor nd screen favor iki = 3/8 | cent. wage reduction ordered by the a i 5 by te. 3 0 Ore | Dominion Iron & Steel Corporation Roberts, Helen Dunbar, Betty Fran- | rn me ng cisco, Milton Sills, Fred Turner, May- | DAILY MEMORANDUM, me Kelsp, Lucien Littlefield, Robert | A nats < ral | Board of Educatic n, Bolder, and other favorites also ap-| Premier Drury, G pear in the all-star cast. Julia Craw- | 1a at Palace ford Ivers wrote the scenario and | Ed BA James C. Van Trees 1s responsible for | this Svonine the remarkable PROLOSTAphY adv, | See top ul Page Three, right hana co | service. THE SHADES Light, medium and dark Grey, Pearl and Stone Grey, Heather in 4 mixtures, Nat- ural, Sky, Brown, Pink, Copen, Black and White. ° 40c. SKEIN | Thursday and F riday Want ed 1,000 pounds Shortening ....22¢c. 1000 Ibs pure Lard 28¢ This Week 2.000 Ibs. 500 lbs. Beef Drip- Dry Picked ping Chickens and Fowl Highest prices for eT = = -- == = _-- -- = --_-- = -- = Jem Se -- Se == -- =a -- ---- ] --_-- -- --_-- -- -- --_-- --_-- ww Il I tions ever screened follow HH Fresh Haddock 121c 1b Sea Herrings . . .12¢1b > Halibut-- Whole Half . Steaks B. C. Salmon-- ole....... 16e. Malf ......... 17. Steaks ....... 22. Whitefish, Lake Trout, Pike, Lake Herrings Finnan Haddie, Fillets, Bloaters, Kippers, Smoked Herring in boxes. SALMON SNACKS--Guaranteed--made , only from the richest flavored British = Columbia . Spring = Salmon. Special smoking process thoroughly cooks these Fish; they are prepared by experts under rigid sanitary conditions, etc. . . 30c. Ib. Lettuce, Rhubarb, Celery, Parsley 2,000 doz. Oranges -- finest F lorida and California at Special Prices, 8. nt Hall, 8. nk to-r*ght A. euchre Th arsday. for Thursday, 1.OF, social rner fur vrobanilities. cere vei 22¢ «rs 23c. 30c. "see a Slim, "essa HR wyn play "Madame X," at the Allen theatre, Miss Frederick has the role lef Jacqueline Floriot, 'who is tried | tor murder as "Madame X," under which name she is registered at the prison because she rofused to reveal ker identity. Casson Ferguson, who has played leading + PAILS opposite {many of the noted feminine film stars, has the role of Raymond Flor- 'lot, her son, who defends her at her | Friends and acquaintances respectfully | trial for murder, not knowing that invited to attend. : i she is his mother. William Courtleigh SHA Ea, Cataraqut, ou Jan. nk, | who has been playing big roles in pic- Henry A. Shari. aged 08 soarir® Of tures for years, is Louis Floriot, her | Frunera) from her late residence, on : husband. Lionel Belmore and Willara Ehuraday. 'at 1 pm, to Cataraqui | Louis, two of the best known charac- Pdi A 4 ter men in screen work, play the Ev iiad re Suaintances Jespeetiuily Paris blackmailérs_. whose schemes EN EA A rere er ea {lead Jacqueline to commit murder. JAMES REID { Others in the caste include Maud 3 i | Louts, Hardee Kirkland, Albert Ros-| py iMe OK C3 Lndertakers, | coe, Correan Kirkham, Sidney Ains- Sho YUESS STREET. Phege 147 for Ambul:nce. | worth, Maude George, Cesare Gravi- . na, Lloyd . Whitlock and John ROBERT J. REID Hohenvest. Mr. Hohenvest also as- | sisted Frank Lloyd, Miss Frederick's The Leading Undertaker. Phone 577. =30 Princess Street. j airector, as an advisor ' on French M. P. KEYES ! sets. He was a motion picture diree- Underta..er and Embaimer, j tor in France for mine years before | coming to the United States recently Undertaking Parlors, 228 Princess ! Ambulance Phone 1839, a ick, Goldwyn star, im her neiv Gold- { MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. DIED. McKEE--In Kingston, Jan. 12th, 1920, at Hotel Dieu Hospital, John P McKee, aged 58 years. Funeral will take place Friday morn- ing from hig residence, { Top quality Pose of his soul. LRT TT dg ut 25% DISCOUNT OFF ALL fo SHOES--HIGH BOOTS -- BROGUE AND OTHER OX- FORDS AND EVENING SLIPPERS -- SILVER OR GOLD CLOTH, WHITE KID, WHITE AND BLACK SATIN, PAT- ENTS AND KID BUCKLES AND ORNAMENTS. WE CLOSE 5.30. ALL SALES FOR CASH LOCKET HL INI | to study picture production here. | Coming Thursday, Anita Stewart in | "The Yellow Typhoon."----Advt. le, SET SE a JOHN CORNELIUS Candertaker ang Embaimer i : Phone 559" Downward movement in prices throughcut Canada continues accord- ing to figures compiled by the Labor epartment. | Phones: 458459, Wholesale 1767. I STE TTT i al h |

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