Hockey Supplies AND THEN SOME We have 'the biggest and best assortment of Hockey Supplies that we've had for years-- Pants, Jerseys, Sweaters, Stockings, Pucks, Stocks--In fact, everything needed for hockey. We have a large stock of the better kind of HOCKEY BOOTS in all with an fron fence, I don't for one yizes. Prices right. Exclusive Kingston dealePs for the famous SKATES OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGER You can't buy a better skate at any price. When you buy Automobile Skates from us, you are sure of getting only the best. Used by all good hockey players, Gloves, Every pair guaranteed. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. In the World of Sport _ | BOYS STEAL INTO THE COVERED RINK | | University Officials Are Going to Put a Stop to | Practice. y minute think that it would keep boys from stealing into the hockey matches," was the statement of one of the officials to the Whig on Wed- nesday. It is stated by those in auth- ority that no matter how much they have done to keep the boys from stealing into games, their efforts | have been with very little results up until the present time. It is noth- ing for boys to climb up the side jot the walls of the rink, tear off Ithe wire screening on the windows |and then make their way tq the {seats in the rink. Some boys have gone so far as to make their way |through the chute, which was used [for throwing the snow out of the (rink. It is a very common occur: Come In to-day and get fitted up. We fit skates to boots free if pur- | rence for the boys to get onto the chased from us. Skate sharpening by experts. Bkates screwed or riveted to boots, BUY AN EVEREADY DAYLO The best light in the land. Fresh Batteries and Bulbs always We make any old Skate like new. Come to us first. in stock. No old stock--never, Store open evenings till 8 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING Saturdays, 10.30 p.m, GOODS CO. 88 PRINCESS STREET "THE PLACE TO GET THAT RECORD" A Fine Christmas Present for Your Wife Would Be a Royal Vacuum Cleaner or a WASHING MACHINE We have them in stock. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. d : ed Fe el omer] od Snel 1.) Cheap--Efficient iroof of the rink by climbing up the conductor pipe and after unlocking the wooden shuters on the windows they break a pane of glass and get in the rink. The Queen's authorities are go- ing to make a stop to this practice, and have arranged with carpenters to fasten the weak spots in the walls of the rink. At the present time there are a large number of boys who make a practice /of trying to get into the rink for all the hockey games. If they cannot get in through a hole in the walls, they hang around the doors and solicit money from peo- ple. ABOUT "MAN O'WAR." Bloodlines of This Great Racer Are Faultless. In a personal letter, John E. Mad- den hag this to say about the ineligi- bility of Man O'War to the General Stud Book of England: "The bloodlines of Man O'War are | faultless. How could they be other- wise, when he has shown himself to be such a wonderful horse, and, al- Telephone 529. though he cannot be registered in | the English Stud Book, he ig in ex- | cellent company on the outside. Orby, the English Derby winner, was fortunate enough to gain admission before the bars were put up, but Man o' War, like his sire, Fair play, a great race-horse, and Durbar, win. ner of the English Derby, ig an out- and va of our Dominion. ing and dairy and an adjacent district that is ric one--just west in the 1 Canadians have grown more ad more Agpreciative of the richness ty of the different parts The Provi in promise. The situation is a happy rocky region 1 glory of his performance or the rich- ness of his bloodlines. "It must be remembered that the origin of the English racehorse was not pure, but a mixture of the var- ious breeds. That well-known Eng- lish writer "Stonehenge," tells us the racehorse of 1700 was obtained from a mixture of Turks, Arabs and Barbs. Even the best and purest thorough- breds are gtained by some slight cross with the old English or Spanish horse and, therefore, it is only by compari- soi that the word "pure" is applic- able to them or any others. Another English authority, "Cecil," wrote on the same subject ag follows: "There are several examples traceable in the Stud Book which lead to the conclu- sion that during the earlier periods of the turf mares used for ordinary purposes were occasionally selected (for breeding purposes) in case they showed speed and stoutness, without reference to their Oriental pedi- grees." "In the pedigree of Eclipse, the A Pimply Face or Poor Complexion Quickly Restored Thousands of young men and wo- men would be handsome and attrac- tive were it not for unsightly pim- ples, blackheads, and rough uneven skin." Custom seems to recommend lotions and salves, but unfortunately their effect is but temporary. These disfiguring blemishes do not origin- ate in the skin--their birth in every case goes further back, to the blood, which must be cleansed of humors before the pimples depart for good. A physician who has made a care- ful study of such cases, says that the quickest cure comes from a blood- building medicine like Ferrozone. The minute Ferrozone strikes the blood its good work begins. Poisons and foul matter are expelled, Every trace of humor is driven out, and the whole life current is supplied with autriment and health giving quali- ties. You can always tell a Ferro- zone complexion when you see it---the cheeks are clear and rosy, no signs of sallowness--the eyes are bright and expressive because rich; 'red blood is circulating through the whole system carrying health, ener- gy, and strength with it. Not only will all skin eruptions disappear, but an increase in vital strength, an all- round improvement will be apparent. No rebuilding tonic could be more efficient. Get Ferrozone to-day-- Good for young and old, for well folks and sick ones, too. 50c, per box, or six boxes for $2.50, et all dealera. ATTRACTIONS OF TWEED, ONT. aw. This cannot detract from the | most famous ancestor of the English | racehorse, there are no less than ten dames unknown. I do not believe that the pure Arab would have reach- ed the same degree of perfection as a racehorse had his blood not been miggled with that of colder and more powerful strains. The pure Abrabian strain could never have produced such a grand racehorse as Man ¢ War. "If the foundation of the modern racehorse was laid by the mixture of Arab and colder blood, then t blood of Lexington, which we Al to be pure for several generafions, could not have any harmful effect on that of hig descendants. '"As the records have been lost, there is no proof obtainable that Lexington was a strictly thorough- bred horse, but his deeds on the turf and those of his descendants are the best evidence of the excellence of the blood of his ancestors. "A horse like Man o° War could | only have been produced by the best of blood, ineligible as it may be to the English Stud Bood." -- esi PITTSBURG FAIL TO FORM : OUTLAW HOCKEY LEAGUE President William 8. Haddock, of the United States Amateur Hockey Association, announced that the ef- forts of the Pittsburg hockey club, | formerly connected with the associa- tion, to organize an outlaw league had failed, as. word has come to the | offices of the association here from | every place where the belligerents had tried to form a club, that they were loyal to the association as well | as to the associations in Canada, Mr. | Haddock also said that the Boston | situation had been satisfactorily ad- | justed by the admission of the Bos- | ton Shoe Trades team in place of the St. Alphonsus club. The sched- ule for No. 1 group, represented by New York, Boston and Philadelphia, was announced, calling for games from January 15th to March 5th, Carl Tremaine, of Cleveland, easi- ly outpointed and outfought Earl Puryear, of Baltimore, in their 12- round bout at Toledo. Puryear was knocked down for the count of nine in the eleventh round. ' For Other Sport See Page Twelve 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1921 CC HARDWOOD FLOORING Plain and Quartered Oak, Birch, Maple and Beech car now be had at economical prices, and now is the time to have them laid. Direct your inquiries to:-- Allan Lumber Co. S Phonel042. : 13 \; Victoria Street SO FURNITURE a Je, A : = Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets 12 designs to choose from-- White Enamel, Oak, etc. All latest attachments. R. J. Reid Leading Undertaker - - Phone 577w. MATHIEUS 1 OF TAR ee] WA RTT Conths Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, hooping Cough, Asthma, Etec. MATHIEL'S SYRUP ke 8 Sovere] 3 Sule combining curative properties oO e strengthening virtues of COD LIVER OIL. Colds, when neglected or badly treated give rise $0 consequences of such a grave character that you should not risk using inferior preparations. MATHIFU'S SYRUP fs the only gomulae remedy whose se» outation has caused to crop up many of doubtful value. ON SALE EVER B Nem ---- Forced Out | Sale We are selling out our entire stock of Deliveries for the farmer and the business man means increased business and greater profits. The FORD is the cheapest truck, as your first investment and the cheapest to maintain. Call in and let us give you some figures on your problems of hauling. We have bodies to suit any need. Men's Furnishings at big reductions.' i: The Club 'Phone 13725. 112 Princess St. i : i £3 #1 i g : I it VanLuvenBros. Sales and Sevyice 34-38 Princess Street. elie ll i! 3 * § ; i i fz A 8 ¥ The gross receipts of the Pinky this sum Jackson received $10,669, Mitchell-Willie Jackson bout in New | while Mitchell got a $10,000 guaran- York last week were $40,839. Of | tee. :: BY GEORGE McMANUS I It it Js2 gel Phone 1609. : 3 BRINGING UP FATHER : BY GOLLY » THAT WOMAN'S SINGIN' NEXT DOOR 1S ORIVIN' ME OIPPY- I SHOULD DAY NOT - SHE 1D COMPLANIN' ABOUT YOu MARIN 50 MUCH NOISE HANGIN PICTURES + LL PUT A STOP TO \T- 188 Princess Street. WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES : of troublesome teeth. traction. Safe painl OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. Cement Blocks, Bricks, * Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental ry RE. os of Cissdes api : cor, 0 an Patrick Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN ; Phone 730w. fo