Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1921, p. 13

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THORSDAY, savvany 18, 1921 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. 13 GRAND ---------- G0 80 LY tepurling the lacly wo Tne British wag Usewient will be pri lice of charge. The Messrs. Shu bert Present | d ariicies' gues not fre | | The Musical Romance of Youth, Love and Springtime "MAYTIME" - Fri. & Sat Zt CY S80 . . . a LOS ] ' Jan 5 |¥29 To-night : J s A Jan. 14-15 J&Z o-nig J BRS i | 3 | LAST SHOWING | Bl, QO SATURDAY MATINEE ! lotase! 7 | The Great Picture! | The Premier Attraction of the Season - { . ! 4 + hd J J x (cd . { & "of ¢ SHEPHERD {ONBENSED ADVERTISING RATES: | WANILD GENERAL SH FOR SALE. . irst insertion, ic. a w Each © 4 - : I } Seculiv Insertion thereafter, half -- LS Er aE mm ---- 3 & SHOW CASE, 4 FT. 6 IN oe Suppor ted by Miss N. De Silva ; ' cent a word Minimum charge for| THRE: ROOMED APARTMENT; ALL FOUND SNE CANDY SHOW As, A rT oe 1N 3 d hi L d C an . { One insertion, 25¢; turee insertions cunwveniences Box D-12, w hig Anbly 4 4 SV cents. ~ - ent kG. an iS London Lompany } Oo. (ed The above rates are for cash only;| TU PURCHASE A GOOD HOUSE IN A SILK UMBRELLA COVER, AP TT re. I 1 vod location for cash. Appl ' FL oat o | N2 . S GIST | ¢ | ___ When charged they are " $15 Whig Oxier "ash. Apply Box A Sinrv iat WITH d meat cutter, at v0 Al FR D - 3 WwW . } | -- - ieiter Nedr na i May eet "GARRICK" | By Harold Bell right fan iP WANTED, WANTsL nteally io EO1uN- AN ivi CHEALE, VAS WD. ONE LOT, $63132 FOUT FRONTA Ag | . o » | chiidre family, oy; AS nesday Muiliug. Uwher may | on Soutn sacdunald sireel; o i . . COUK, GENERAL, APPLY TO MRS, C, | Whig Oftice. ? ¥ Siok ab have sae wt hls once, vy || for quick buyer. Bateman's SATURDAY NIGHT Special Musical |___ F'Glidersiceve, 198 King Street. | i Dave Jaws mn ooo ier ee | : -re op a? FARM T0 RENT, ABOUT 200 A( RE A SALLE were. UWAER MAY ty. 3 '" | A BEAUTIFUL SET OF BLACK FURS ; dctical hirer T 200 A Have Sole bY OC iiy AE VINE ONOLA TR! LL} i vheap. BD 0X F179 W e Of 4 by ctical farmer; view to y Lily lea WY ol THE BURGOMASTER OF STILEMOND Arrangement | fhe Ap. Apply Box F-1Z) Whig Of | a B fe ank herring, Colenan | ¥ af Geo. Muss & Seiestn C 2h Ry | | i Os E. Toronto Ru Te | Lindsay, larited. 121 Princess St « TO I -------------- ------ ec e-- ON mura EVE, ON FRON- | -ndsay, Limite i A 4 . PRICES--Evenings, $1.00 to $2.50. Saturday Matinee 50c. to $2.00. | A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- a : Dearie] § y AY anon sis 5 3 : TO-NIGHT AT ...........8.00 pan. work. Apply Mrs. Schmialia K of | Will: EXCHANGE INGH GRADE | an hy gadabe Ut | {TARGE DRAWING ROOM BRASS Seats now on sale. | C hone 2345 rhonograpa of diferent makes, for | HA. abpuy ill Miueery 'handelie four lights, glass oF oy 25-35-50 C. Phone 2345 Uprigni rianos in goud condition Siure, baile direet | Spanc a. 1d Do Rad red oi 3 PRICES ................ €imtieget 1 0 ENE | K. J. Rodger, Priicess Street, singsion, Jan. ilth, 1921 | EX I by wh 1 1 y - A EE EE Ei i a om A MAb por sIENERAL HOUSE. ___ oe r---- STUDEN. 5 scadsus 11Unel 20 Sorinity. Apply Box X.7, ig. EEa-- ; i Tork. Apply Mrs. R. J. Gardiner SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT Plan AIUESLOD SKAULE INK Wild | | QF ice. gd | ! ohnson street. Yor cash or in pari payinent of new Ddtuesol Miss J. midot. Own- | 5 : | > Xe bn -- PIANUS ana gratinvlas, CW. d= Cf ay nave sale al Lis ul- | 3 by ag { | A COOK, GENERAL. REFERENC | a + » . hs A GROCERY BUSINESS AS A GOING 3 . | | req 'red EoPRlY to Mrs. C. Livin | say Limited, 121 Princess street. ! ee | concern, in a first class jocatle 5 { ston, 162 Barrie street | ATED--MEN A: AR NU AMHTICLE . that now 8 A good trade. Ti 3 urs, Jai. | | i oe | SOMITE AN BEI Tan | | rove, awricuss avis Haat BATE Pen. ) J) Car ABLE Hol SEM EEVER, 30 TAKE and buys' AAIT cul, Ue. Shave, luc | hice. #23 > 5 - > ent charge o sm 1 home « a2Or n x : NE gut ONLY To-day--Friday--Saturday single genticman. "Mr. Smith, Box| haalrS honed doe 436 Gutarty Anyone andiug anyuung and | | y y G-12, Whig | -- il 1 WiSning Lo fvacu the uWauer may | | > ET RAY MACHINE; PAIR OF TEACHER FOIL cOMML j i | SALESMEN WANTED FOR KINGSTON | eae yy Sa urd | and district, by prominent financial | Kingsion. on. tne X » Wit ranch in Kingston. kx- | ny ArT Lhe 3 with branch g wa APPIY to MIs. i d preferred, but not essen- | x ont | ruuk, Un hooke boots and skatesy 314; as good as new, : Street, or phond / a lust Jugs, Catlis, uLurses, tial 1 is wide awake. Give! ee -- rr -- sie. These, 3 {oBL, My Le au- A QUANTITY OF HAY; WILL SELL IN | ; season and the Second Time Here With all the old | ph 1 er. Box D-1, Whig. |'wantTeD Br MARRIED COUPLE STE dv 8 'vai' Swann the mow or by Apply ta The Fourth Seas Ea ao a eae a ass A ¥ Favorites : . small suite in rurnisned apartine -------------- Mrs. St nsor: 8 iar] § eet, 3 h - oa hs 82 00.82 nr FAN IMUSt have wiérn tury 2 f ='1 ston, of phone 2237, or ring 14- a PRICES .......... : . - we ua 3 S0ei31.90.31.59 $2.00-$2.50 | In. Ha upetosthd- mile AGENTS WANTED, steam hy at gi do i Rj ETT 5 Gar Atoque. =" eat sale Tuesday. Mail orders now. YY tre one Mr. i S | 3 Bea z MUSICAL. COMEDY NTS 300% PROFIT GOLD Lif | Lneatre. | LOST, i 3 A tip In time saves standing in lime. fur stores, office Windows, cag- | -- rer HH ONDAY irri | ONE GOOD PORTABLE GAS ENGINN - LL arias wa { appited; will not wi ft, free oe she ola A BLA it D9 ON MONDAY NGHT, with sawing machine attached; SAORI A i SRM RU SRA SRR NO | ALL FOR FUN FEY Jon ALL if Be i Pain Sign vy io TOTNES between Seeley's Bay and Cushen. | o\ for filing silo, grinding MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHIN: housdfurniture, specialize in mill tary boots; buv all kinds'sccond~ hand goods; highest prices pajd. . Ln. Routbard: | Phons 1723. 259 Prig: on Co, Dept. GQ, T oronto admiration are poor foundations on which to build even a IB "Modern Marriage." ai TON BRACELET SET A -- PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, | With emeralds and diamonds, with | } { initials G. AK. engraved inside; on Mack, Alfred, Princ AES PIETER] | SITUATIONS VACANT. Miss Madge Edgar, expert steno- Sireet or | 3 . 3 ' ENTIRE CHANGE Wells, Chicago, Ill TUG WANTED 3 dall. ¥ ler please return to Mi reshing. For particulars aps uk : - ol - 8 ) Ze 'usher y Cilsc Ee WHEN A MILLIONAIRE | New Songs Seenery Costumes ere in 3 A. 81 gett, Cushendall, i Wm. Filson, Stella, Ont. ' \ | Suitable for log towing, seventy 5 | a | and Comedy | MEN AND WOMEN, NOT 'To cAN eighty fed } ; | : 4 ; ME ME? ) AN. | « igaty feet ong and g >" A CELE 9 "HH | OAL COKE, V a MARRIES AN ACTRESS - rw -- | SELECT PICTURE PROGRAM | vans but fo travel and appoint lo- | 4 power. Address Graves Bigwood + | GOLD BRACELET NE ATOR HARD ¢0 AL COREA as 5 ToN i : |= = ih Tauroes abl And iz Torani Bank of Hamilton isldg., | evening, on Rideau, Bagot or rif. Yard, 244 University; residence, 261 5 i - . Si to make i: 600 and * Urento nian, 3 Cess streets. Iteward it returned to | University. M. C. Bruton, Agent} Something's suré to pop besides champagne corks. Thera i eS ate age and qualifica- BoP iBirisd uid ds ain Aba Whig Office Also cartage and baggage, usually Is one of two results divorce within a vear, or a Experience URN ry | m-------- MGI | | life of bitter quarrels suspicion, disiliusions, for the 1 TT 4 1 ary. | | A GOLD EXTEN | ier, opel for ster r Kindly re- é¢ 9» B 1 [ ON i r Strand Theatre. Fin Str » . - ---- wh of any description. F turn to 358 K sireet, and re-| cess Stree F: y | a" MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 TO Arinteed. Raiss be oy Wat, ¢ ey 3 ; d Anita To-da baid Ww re 41 clal rates can be arranged. Phone EE - TE===E== | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS 08 2 an | 0- ay y canva We instruct and sup- S21. White's lasurauce Liice, Bago g00d second hard furniture ama ol { ; Street. LAND BURVEYOR sloves. Any person having stovasl and furniture to dispose of, we wil} pay highest prices. J. Thompson, 383 Princess strect. Phone 1500w, | Ie the story of such a mar riage, and the "Furnac the hell fire hich the souls of these envied, yet unha people, were compelled to $8 before the dross of co 8 su | Ply you with worke West-Angus S TEWAR I | ! d Service, 57F. Colborne | n | F. F, MILLER, B.Ap., Sc, C.E. ; FINANCIAL. { F+ Fi, MILLER, BAp, Se, CB. 0.1.9 k.1.C, Napanee, Unt. on. | : : if | tion, jealousy and misunde nding had been burned awa) { ! | tario Land surveyor. Kingston uf.| SPECIAL OFFER So PAIR OF Bie 6€ -- NSLRANCE | fice: Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar. cyele Tires at $1.75 each while they IT'S A GREAT PICTURE! BE SURE TO, SEER IT | e e OW | SnANGE | street last. Bi leaned and stored: § | QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. S. No. alle Companies repres | ery | also How round Raby 3 iy fra | 3, Kitley. State religious denomi- Qty 3 Clarvne 5 : - ae } carriages r d° an repaired, y \ | 3 | + bation. Salary $700.00. Apply Del. | opposite She i Rice ire, ARCHITECT. | Muller's Bicycle Works, 371 and 373 | \ NOW | yp oon | » bert Fergusen, R. R. No. 4, Smith's ee | { King street Phone 1032w. 4 . | Falls, Ont. FRONTENAC LUAN AND INVEST. | Seg ee ee : 1 NTEN! LOA) 3 NVEST. | 'AN { ' : { : 1t Society; OT DO : POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. | --_-- oer 5 [Suen a a ie Beauty! TEACHER FOR S. S. NO. 4, TOWN. | Dramdenc Fl Nene BS 336-1 tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers | BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE, : . . *yenl he ent? 2 ™ NO. 4, 1 VN t B Cun nin aha corner of Brock a ; " -- i DIRECTION. FAMUUS PLAYERS CANADIAN CORPORATION, Limited | A She-Fox of the Orient! ship of Hinchinbrooke, with third | Jresident, red Senninsham, | 9 he nd Weslingres | FOR SALE 5 -- aa or district certificate. Salary $700.60 i and coiini me en, | $2,000 CH -- DOUBLE FRAME 4 a i BOOTH TARKINGTON'S A tto R. Butterill, séc.-treas, debentures; morigages purchased, | YA RE Ea te Ye cas md h 4 rooms; B. and C.; electri} : | KID COMEDY « Lake, On \ investment bonds for sale; deposits | CARPENTERIZG, lights; large lot £ = "EDGAR AND TEACHER'S PET? _ _ . received ana Interest al ed. R. - ee Sr-- % | -- BEAUTY PARLORS ChoAriwright, manager, $7 Clar-| WHEN YOU WANT 10% UARFEATER | 2,200--FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B.! 4 : | BRAY PICTOGRAPH PICTORIAL wi rin { ence . Kingston. | ev ies Selby, Contractor, 213 and C.; electric llghts and furnaces! . 4 - i venue. ' § cella 3 Stewing Beef 12¢ to 15¢. Ty jo Tic Emcor ao val" ss eens. hone 130sw.'| good cellar. JERTURE ....... "RAYMOND" | LADIES HAIR PARL 258 'URNITURE FINISHIN | ' bing A 15 FRED KING, formerly one of | | oven Re Concert Orche Sy | street; near Johmson, for fa FURNITURE FINIS ad f LEGAL | $5,000 BRICK ss 11-DETACHED, 8 2 NG, fo A n Ss ? . od ant, iy t, st - to rooms; B. an hot alr; gas; gars Pot Roasts . Tata Ce the partners of the Kingston Ral 1 514 Homan Directing iy arp ireatment Phone| CALL OR DROP 4 CARD TO W. DRIS. | age. gh Rt Bag. 8 0 tery Service Company, wishes to. | | -- | o rb ne 20054. | Wik 22 John street | CUNNINGHAM & sMITH 'w -- , : : Oven R t 18 annoufice that ho has taken over | | ONE CONTINUOUS SHOW AT NIGHT | 107 8Ppointment. 3005 : , rm | ers ana Solicitors "we BARAIST. | $1,400--R. CAST HOUSE; WEST nv'? Ree A "o.. this business and wi run iere- i y 7.30 p.m, * tT Street, Kingston. A % ~ . " . are BR ' i . 5 en oasis "nih C. iter hoes and will ri | = | . | Bam Co a hen Cunning nearly new; § roma. . Le All Storage Battery REleetric i Nat roan a] { "A R* ES. A 5 on Ro d Steak 20c¢ work will receive first class ate | Furniture--Freight Baggage § #25501, CAST HOUSE DowsN Tow, o . und Oo sats . tention. ------ sn rsisendiu | TRANSFER {AMBROSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER | lights, 2' fire places, garage, yard § | and So.icitor. Law offic., corner | 1 \ house. : . : k 20 comer of aun ma vez | Annual Meeting Ph 1425W {| sind wal coc gma) af ho sila T-Bone Stea vee wie C. | Streets | $ one | Ban Money to lo ho 9.1 vicrony BONDS For SALE, MONEY 3 i CX (ERAN ie rv . : oy " = ea = o " Na SALE, b x . Phone 410w, | + KINGSTON JOR PICTLTURAL ! S. WHITEMAN PRINTING &NU PAPEL to Loan. 5 . | SOCIEN 360 Bagot Street. Al 2 APE} RANGING Se. 3 Sirloin Steak . . . ++ v30e. | Wl be Reid in the + EOL Street NET WT ee ---------------- | }1M00--FRAME; 3 ROOMS; NO IMe 4 - \ An | ee | WHEN WANTING PAINTING OR | provements, good locality. ; i ® | COMMITTEE ROOM, CITY BUILDINGS - ------ =~ Paperhanging done, drop a card to ---- 3 ® | Of J Late Sergt. Frederick Derry, A. Mounteer. 84 Arch, sireet. , TO RENT - O a 1 eS FRIDAY, SANUARY 14th, 1921 | The funeral of the late Sergt.| 5.00--TO RENT; NELSON; BRICK; # " Ln N > iad g Fort | . . y semi-detached; § rooms; improve 5 | at 8 p.m, Frederick Derry, who died, at ort | @ ers 0 a or PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, ments. ; New shipment just in Large se- A. W. McLEAN, r Bliss hospital, Texas, Jan. bth, and | nagar, jain and Regs Fator -- ? £ ust in. "lst = Sec.-Treas, . | = cely iven. Me ic PE £3 ] : whose remains were brought to gold' letters for Store an sa G. A. BATEMAN, i BEY. aha a wed er | | ) g s_ for stor and office | 159 Wellingt St : , lection of classy ,2hapes; "all "guar | Event 'No. 10 {Kingston on Wednesday, took place Relief Was Granted. Nindows $7 Montreal | street.) oa tr. SoHuElON | seh kivanon, +L anteed. ] » . | Thursday morning. from S, 8. Cor- | Kingston, Jan. 12.-- (To the Edi- ~ UPHOLS TERING - 4 l CITY S 's ertaki arlors, to Cata- (tor) : I wish to draw the attention | el A. ALA . \ THE CITY PIPE SHOP K t Co d Rink bett's undertaking parlors, t : X av , nt | Sm--------b---- . { . ¥ Lr) | S on yere raqui-cemetery, Rev, J. Taylor Dale {of veterans and others who may be TO LET. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. & 338 Princess Street | t x Gavine, upholster, 213 Hagot st. 9 | HOCKEY {hciaiing oe Boron was a linterested, to the fact that a resolu- RESIDENCE AT 108 CLERGY STREET, | {member of the 48th United States tion passed by the local branch of | hone 1 3 = 5 Str A 5 : Bs rr Chany pore} Fa W. HAROLD: FOR. YOUR Ube Phone 799. ELDER S [ Intantry, and the funeral took place [the G.W.V.A., on Friday, Nov. 19th, | giper CLASS HOOMS AND BOARD; bolstering and general repairing. | , VT! 'S VS JEN t $ spital w 1 320, a 'W B )o- ail improvements; al & Leave uruerf at or drop a card Lo 2 = 209 PRINCESS STREET i FRONTENACS VS, QUEEN'S | trom the Fort Bliss hospital with ful {1 20, and forwarded to our Do aj Spray Tahu Ssutraliy locat foes ars at La Opposite Public Utittel a 1043 { Intermediate O.H.A, { military honors, and an escort, Sergt. minion command has borne fruit. | . Emr ne % A -------------------------------------- 2:W3L. | | Tht 3 : . ihe \ a Y N ra io one : | FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1921 | McCormack, accompanied the re- This resolution is as follows : | STORAGE Fon FURNITURE AND SIGNS i ' R ' : 1 . DE 3 . : re i lerchandise; c¢ ag . ie J A It is now generally understood that Every princess should realize that | Game ealled at 8.15 p.m. mains to Canada. he casket was | This Kingston branch of the Cann. 36 Brock ea athe ue ; the proposed Ottawa-Pembroke pro- marriage may mean living with an | ADMISSION ....... ..... ve ... 50e, | banked with beautiful floral tributes, Great War Veterans' Association is or 621. SIGAS OF ALL RINUS, GLASS, WOU E vinclal "highway will run through uncouth brute who chews tobacco, | Reserved sents . sos $00] togtifying to the esteem in which the |of the opinion that the federal gov- | Sic. JRike ur small guaranteed 3 i : 2 ry Includes war tax. | * : loin he 3 . | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, C1. KAN E0ld leal;, pus.ers, saoweards, ete, : Arnprior. . snorés and has hair in his ears. | ale at Rink and for Fron-| deceased was held by the officers and [ernment should immediately take | ® dry. airy rocus; your own lori ahd artistically written and uesighed € at wink ANC s | : 3 { i i . . u ve « ov 3 v 3 » a - whit Sona | ribers at Van Horn's, Prin. men of his unit. Many relatives were (such steps as may be necessary dur- | key. Frost's City Storage, 599-305 Pasa, at us Prides streely v - » < cess Street, ipresent at the funeral in Kingston. [ing the coming winter to provide for | Queen sireet. Phone 526; res. 95yw Era eI A Hh ------------------ ee WW -. 3 | F R { | -- | the relief of unemployed veterans | DENTAL ALE | | Boy Carried Crow Dar, {of the great war and their depend? | TWO FRONT ATARTHENTS, ESPE- : 2 5 | ; 3 ! ! 314 v s Ligh 6 E | | On Wednesday evening a young ants, and, further, that any -money |» Fern shed CORI a Piast [A 6. KNAPE S.A. LDS. B.D.S, v { at tr ad | lad was so anxious to get into the |set apart for relief by the govern » pioneer Apartmen 433 Filucess atrvel. raung et. ' ihn | ' NKRUPTCY : : . . iv Fone 13 , 5. Double frame; electric lig ht; gas; furnace; hardwood i IN haSKR covered rink to witness the hockey {ment be paid in the form. of necessi- iy al none ) 3 | "| BRS. SPARKS AND SPALKS, DEN | | floors. Price $4,500. Tenders will be received by the un- game that he was armed with a crow [ties of life and not in cash." A re-| tists," 159 Wellington sive rsigned for the stock in trade and A i Axiurea of W. a i bacconigt, | bar, and was in the act of trying to [cent order-in-council grants such re- | Ceinovsky s. Phone 346, SUNNY CORNER, LARGE, R. EASTON BURNS, | Authoriz Dated at Kingston, January Trustee, | Keeley, ladies' first prize, and Mr. President, Kingston Branch, G.W. . ' : Sv EL | O'Connor, gentlemen's prize. Lunch y 4 for steam boilers--best quality. was served at the conclusion. Double frame; electric lig ht- . i ' . fixtures of W. A. Twigg, T ¥ . { room; two south windows; } aa pit rakR esa Price $3,600 € ht; bath; practically new, {| 70 Princess street, take the screening off the window |lief. . So Teaning Tui win Pra ane \ \ pony gba Lc when some of the rink men spotted | One of the many subjects dis- | z ay = fable for PERSONAL. | 1920 :-- i him. It is stated that it is a com- jeussed with Sir Henry Drayton in | Street car junction. THE J K. CARROLL AGENCY lop ears 8 mon:occurrence for the lads to break [the consultation held between the | etsy dain, (Donk, an ARTS, BIRTH. . = x . : @ | t : iarks, no fe h father, goods, al The Riots erder | windows in an endeavor to gain ad- [local executive and himself, on the | FURNISHED FIAT, 8 Roows UNL Moved peiminenci Mire i 1 t $2.4 e Fixtures ar + ; aR] is rece igi 1} ve y avenue, comprising kit shen - lasses filled and furnish al Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street ! conservatively yalued at Jade. Hao mittance. NOP ot his fo BY to King { elte, com nd ing RR Drs ashe have failed Golire oma net { erms ash when the Inventory i ------ § » yas e e 2 0 D room, bed root t h re 1 35 . 5 . Ca I . d roorr ath room flat. Ap- 30 years' exper.eances. Dr. lmer & De loa Ne the store can be secured Hatel Dieu Euchre. veteran who has been discharged for | ply Box H-13, Whig Office. , Lake. Eye. kar, Nowe. Thrpkt, Hh at &« moderate rental. The "weekly euchre, at the Hotel more than a year." This point, we | ¥ - nara. 10uld be addressed to the| Dieu nurses' home on Wednesday are also pleased to state, has borne | . Z - ; : The highest or any tender not neces- |evening, was a s7gat Suton There fruit, for by a recent order these L FA 2 | sarily accepted. 2 were twenty tables, and those in ye: s J rceive free hos- | Parties wishing to inspect the stock y M Ww D. Suzhriie yelerans are Now to recei Te | x may apply to R. Easton Burns, the Charge were Mrs. Wp D. Sug » pital treatment. { O 3 nnouncemen Trustee, C. R. Webster, Solicitor; or | Miss Katie Corrigan and Mr. Galli- Yours truly, { telephone W. A. Twigg. Tel 520J. a | van. The prize winners were, Miss --J. W. CONNOR } 1 ! We wish to announce that we have secu Opening of the Season: = The U. 8. House of Representatives Fresh strawberries from Florida J ® 3 15 fo tra of a vom ncmeniys || Jag, Swift & Co., Ltd. stead Act.' The wheat pool, proposed by the ; Foot of Johnson Street en 8 red the agency for Kingston and district for WAGST AFFE'S Pure Orange || Chevrolet Cars -ff| uo Made from Seville Oranges and The labor department réports re- Canadian Council of Agriculture, tail fopq prices dropping in practical- was endorsed unanimousiy by the | ly all commodities except eggs and United Farmers of Manitoba at their "WH potatoes. annual convention at Brandon, Man. i Having experienced mechanics, we are 'Granulated Cane Sugar only. Auction Sales HIGHES | PriCES PAID | . - For Scrap } , Metals, R: nd " prepared to do first class Repair Work on TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. 14m the best auctioneer in Kingston Paper Bile" Ue you iStephing ue . + n ¢ me prove it. Phone 23%8w. Res. 2057, all of cars. } , : makes of cars TEEN | BEDFORD The Auctioneer, M. ROSEN & C0. : Phone 1:21 or 1428. 140 RIDKAL STRERT : | as GASOLINE -- OILS -- ACCESSORIES Pearl A Neshit, LT.CM., TD. ' ; ol Lei, LICH | DRAW. WINETT | gus Fe 7 JEEN ST. CHURCH » : : Teacher of Singing ond Plane. . DiINTAL SURGEON. No. 5, $10.00. Ne. 6, $12.00 BAWDEN & : EDWARDS ] : Siedler 24 Division St, Phone 11672, Corner of Johnsun and Wellington Eest Stove for Garage or work | J Phone 368 shap. Coolks and other Stoves as 39 MONTREAL STREET -. . PHONE son ; . : : a United States industries will be- = : - gin war for the open shop, accord. The Long, Long Trail, from Rockaway Beach to Moose | t : : y A short mon th it f ing to the action taken by two or | factory and back, showing points of interest on the route of |earnty a ihe van Sar] J. RK i: Phone 705 ] ganizations of employers in Chicago. | the American balloonists, . Lo pockets." : : ey

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