Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1921, p. 5

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\ THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1921 CREP err REE SPEED COMING FOR 1921 Storms. Cold Weather. ~--Rain. ~The "Flu", --La Grippe. ~Influenza. --Tonsilitis, > Bronchitis. > Asthma. : Diphtheria, --Catarrh. b TEP Xen, they are all coming. tions and Remedies for Coughs b | and Colds, 4 Make yourself "Cold Proof." Taxe Austin's Tasteless Cod Liver Ol. Austin's Driig Store Lorner Kilag and Market Square 4 Phone 130 ] PEPE FTINM BAAALALLLD 1 Kingston - Dio d ibid A 2 FETT TIESHEE IS t Kingston Transfer Co. 158 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture. The Company is also equipped with waggons, or sleighs, and tackle for any kind . of special hauling. PHONE 377. A A een eee PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STREKT Phone 658. W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running | condition. | E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. { | | mpnm-------- | | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 349 Princess St. 3 -- ("DID YOU EVER TRY FRAN, Ginger Marmalade, : agstail'y Pineapple Marmalade, Wagstaft's Bramble Jelly, We alsc have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale Som Bon Marche Grocery The SLIP Ns LEAT Bet | ! Prevents and relieves constipation. | Getabottle from your druggist, $1.00 ire gse is we § BUILDING ?, REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity : Is the Principal. Miss Nesbitt, Kingston, who used teachers at the high school, is back there this season as principal. Best Value in the City, i We have a few first-class winter | overcoats left which we will sell at extremely low price: Prevost Cloth- ing House, Brock street, He Knew How. Arthur Gravelle, Renfrew, went to Sudbury to open the safe of the late Dr. Charbonneau, It had been tried unsuccessfully by the local experts, Auto Storage Warm or Cold. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Sh 1039. Res. 13537J. 378 BROCK STREET MR, WORKING MAN Why don't you trade at the Co- operative and get most out of your dollars? We carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low as Any, and all the profits go back to our members In dividend and interest. Make up your mind to join to-day and help along a movement that will help you. SPECIAL Dairy Butter 58e. per Ib. THE KINGSTON CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, LIMITED Corner of King and Princess Street Phone 469. AAA NAA. A tera Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all kinds and make them as good as new. Get our prices. Frontenac Mattress Co. 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. but as usual, offered no difficulty to | the Renfrew safe wizard, Open Corporation Quarry. In order to relieve the unemploy- {ment situation the Brockville coun- | cil has made arrangements for open- ing the corporation quarry, which will provide work for a number of ment throughout the winter months. -------------------- To Go To China. Rev. Daniel Carey was ordained to {the priesthood .in Ottawa recently and he celebrated his first mass In { St. Mary's church, Almonte. He is to proceed to China as a missionary, baving already taken -a course of gtudy at the Chinese Mission College in Almonte. Selected President At a meeting of the executive of the Ontario Municipal Association, held in Toronto, Jan. 6th, M. B. Holmes, ex-warden of Leeds and Grenville, and reeve of Athens, was selected as president to fill the va- {cancy caused by the death of T. J. | Moore, Guelph. Died in Montreal. The death took place in Montreal, {at her late residence, 373 North- |cliffe avenue, of Annie Hart, wife of |the late Maitland Newman, of Ham- {ilton and Kingston, and daughter of the late John Hart, Sr., and Mrs. | Hart, Perth, Ont., in her seventieth | year, Each C; mist: Go) name A= Beware of counterfeits FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ..........$2,600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424. A ema To Free Your Arms of Hair or Fuzz He Deserved It. A boy in Pembroke, who a few days | ago vicicusly attacked his. mother [and threw a butcher knife at his sis- ter was arrested by Chief Carroll, | and, appearing before Police Magis- | trate Stewart, was sentenced "to | spend two years in the reformatory at Toronto. Case at Osgoode Hall, James Richardson and Sons, Ltd., v. The J. McCarthy and Sons, Co., Ltd.--W. C. McCarthy (Ottawa), for defendants, appealed from certifi- cate of local master at Ottawa in fa- vor of plaintiffs as to validity of second mortgage. G. F. Henderson, K.C., for plaintiffs, Judgment : Ap- peal dismissed with costs. After the Wardenship. It is North Renfrew's turn for the wardenship, and from present indica- tions there is likely to be a contest { for the honor, with M. J. Breen, reeve | of Bromley, and W. J. Connelly, reeve of Cobden, as the principals. (Boudoir Secrets) No toilet table is complete without a small package of delatone, for with it hair or fuzz can be quickly ban- ished from the skin. To remove hairs you merely mix into a paste enough of the powder and water to cover the objectionable hairs. This should be left on the skin about 2 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed, when it will be found free from hair or blemish. Be sure you get genuine delatone, Winter Is Coming and brings Coughs and Colds. Pro- tect yourself by taking Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam when you feel the first tickle. It soothes and heals and will prevent coughing. For sale only at: Prouse's Drug Stere Phone 82 Nellson's Chocolates and Ice Cream' always fresh. Cor. King and Earl Streets ' License No. 3-27149 Phone 1844. Watches and Clocks Repaired --y G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or der will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 207 Princess St. Our Motto: ""QUALITX AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP' For Choice Groceries and Provisions ==2 STORES-- 210 Divisior Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. , Orders called for if desired. 20 to 30% Reduction on all our stock-- Suits, Over- coats, Gents' Furn- ishings and Boots. This is a genuine reduction ' » sale, and it will pay you to take advantage of it this week. L ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET . At St. Vincent de Paul Hospital, Brockville, on Tuesday the death oec- curred of Lillian Mallett, beloved wife of Edward J. Claxton. Both are among the oldest members cf the county governing body, and either one would creditably discharge the duty. Weather Man Helps. The Weather Man must be given credit for endeavoring to solve Can- ada's coal problem, for the weather has certainly helped to save'the coal | ae a iat] What He Died For, The Sentinel, Toronto. "The unknown warrior" buried in Westminster, "might have been an Irishman," said Lloyd George in the House of Commons. "If so," asks the Roman Catholic Register, of To- ronto, "What did he die for?" It Is a safe guess that the Un- known Warrior was not a Sinn Feiner. He might have been an Irishman, for 144,000 loyal Irish- men enlisted in the Great War, 74,- 000 of them from the little province of Ulster and the other 70,000 from amongst the loyalisfs scattered over the other three provinces. If the Unknown Warrior was an Irishman, he did not die in the hope of dis- rupting the United Kingdom and smashing the British Empire to HE ADACHES MAKE LIFE MISERABLE. Headaches are one of the most ag- gravating troubles one can have, and it is hard to struggle along with a head that aches and pains all the time. Headaches seem to be habitual with many people; some are seldom, if ever, free from them, suffering continually from the dull throbbings, the intense pains; sometimes in one part, sometimes in another, and then again over the whole head. There is only one way to get relief from these persistent headaches, and that is by going direct to the seat of the trouble, for unless the cause is removed, the headaches will still continue to exist. The fact that Burdock Blood Bit- ters keep the stomach, liver and bowels toned up is proof enough to show that # will eliminate the cause of the headaches. : Mrs. Harold Lanain, Owen Sound Ont, writes: --"My system was run down and my blooG out of order. I suffered a great deal from severe pains in my head, which made me feel very miserable. After having tried other remedies I purchased a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and was very glad to notice a decided im- provement in my health, so I took another and am glad to say that it has done me an enormous amount of good. I have recommended it to my friends, who were in a similar con- derful remedy." B. B. B. is put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. A itg be In Deseronto, as one of the! | . | i shovel so far, but cheer up, Febru-| A am, dition, and they all say it is a won-| | |supply. The man about the house | has had no reason to complain, about {the amount of coal he has had |ary and March have still to be heard { from. -- Cows Were Destroyed. At Phillipsville eleven valuable cows, owned by William C. Stevens, were destroyed by Dr. Robertson, government veterinary inspector. The destruction of the cows was made necessary through the appear- ence of tubercular tendencies in the animals. Purchased An Ambulance. Acting on behalf of the Renfrew Red Cross Society, W. E. Smallfield, has placed the order for the ambul- ance=which will be operated by the | Save the Apple. It is said that applés may be kept | two years or more by wrapping them | in newspaper so as to exclude the air, but experience has-shown that the newspaper must be one on which | the subscription is paid in full to | date of use or the dampness result- | ing from the '"'due" will cause the | fruit to spoil. Two Hundred Years Ago. On Wednesday ome of the giant elms of Merrickville, standing near {the public school, was cut . down. | Though very large the tree was per- | fectly sound, and a woodsman ex-| pressed the view that it was 200 | years old---that it was growing for | over a century before the construc- | tion of the Rideau canal. | | After Railway Connection. The efforts of Belleville civie or- ganizations to have the Madoc | branch of the G.T.R. extended to Whitney on the Grand Trunk rail-| way system is awakening interest in| all parts of Hastings county. The | Madoc Review is enthusiastically in | favor of the proposition which | would entail very little expense and | result in enormous benefit to all | concerned. A Site Provided. There is great interest at Welling- | ton in the idea of the consolidated | |school being built. The question of | the site for the school is under con- | sideration and we hear that S. G.| Nesbitt, of Brighton, general man- | ager for eastern branches of the Do- | minion Canners, has offered to donate the orchard property, north | of the present public school to the new consolidated school. Won't Redeem Stamp Machines. There will be no' redemption of the machines issued to the mer- chants for the purpose of cancelling luxury tax stamps, according to Hon. R. W. Wigmore, minister of customs and inland revenus, who stated that an announcement to that effect given out last week had been an error. The merchants who re- ceived cancelling machines for lux- ury tax stamps were not charged anything for them, but were simply charged two dollars for the license. Therefore, the department can make no rebate for the return of the ma- chines. Dies on Step Where She Sat, Feeling seriously ill, while walk- ing on Moira street, Belleville, on Monday, Miss Eileen McGarry rest- ed on a doorstep. She was discov- ered in a sitting position and as she appeared ill, calls were sent for an automobile and for a physician, but before the arrival of thé car to | society in Renfrew. The car will be| furnished by McGarvey & Demarce, | the agents for the Ford output, and | $400 has been offered for the re- | the price is $1,350. The ambulance, | will be in commission about March 1. |0f the Ottawa district failed to re- ed that she was dead. She was' sixty years of Trip to Amherst Island. The steamer Wolfe Island a trip to Amherst Island on day morning and brought down a {large number of passengers and {much freight. She made the re- | turn trip at 2.30 p.m., and all of the residents of the upper island ap- preciated the service very Not in many years has a steamer been able to do this on January 11th. : 1 made Tues- Automobile Was Stolen. The Kingston police were notjfied | |on Wednesday morning, of the theft lat Ottawa of a five passenger Cadil- {lac car belonging to J. R. Booth, Jr. | The car was stolen in the capital on New Year's morning. A reward of | covery of the car. A complete search | veal any clue of the missing car | which was valued at $6,500. The Late Mrs. Mortimer Meeks. The death occurred at Parry Sound, on Jan. 8th, of a most | esteemed - lady, Mrs. Mortimer | Meeks. She was seventy years' of age and a daughter of the late Isaac Walroth, Colebrook. She 'is | survived by a large family : Mrs, B. | Revell, Mrs. Flora Thompson, Mrs. | W. H. Thurston; Hilton Meeks, of | western Canada, Frank and Forest, | Parry Sound, and one brother, Wil- liam Walroth, Cameron, Ont, the | last surviving member of the family. The funeral took place Tuesday, at Parry Sound. | Presentation at Mount Chesncy. A large number of friends and | ne.ghbors gathered at the home of | George Fowler, on Wednesday even- ing, Jan. to welcome himsel? and his bride. The Glenburnie club, | U.F.0., of which Mf. Fowler, is an | active member, presented them with | 5th, a handscme china cabinet. The ad- | dress was read by Miss Keitha Black, ! and the presentation was made by Joseph Draper. James W. Bell, pre- | sided and called upon several mem- bers of the U.F.O. speeches. All wi ler in a neat speech thanked all as- sembled for the beautiful present, and their good wishes. After partak- | {ing of refreshments, card playing and | dancing completed a very social ev- | ening. Going to New York. Mrs. H. A. Lavell, president of] Missionary Society of the Methodist church, left for New York on Thurs- | day, to attend the twentieth annual | meeting of the Federated Woman's | Mission Boards of North America, which takes place there on January | 14th and 15th. These meetings were | inaugurated at the great meeting of mission workers in Edinburgh in 1900, the first annual meeting be- ing held in 1921. On Friday even-| ing a reception will be held at which | the authors of the books used at| the mission study classes of the federated societies will be present. | From the 18th to the 20th of Janu-! ary the annual meeting of the For- | eign Mission Societies will be held | in rden City, at which Mrs. La-| vell will also be present. Here will | gather in conference the general | boards of both the Men's and Wo- | man's societies, and many prominent | and the doctor the neighbors learn- Canadians will be present. pieces. He did not die to start a rebellion in Ireland, and if he had lived he would not shoot his com- rades from behind the hedges. He died fighting against the foe with whom the Sinn Feiners formed an alliance. Perhaps he died while the Sinn Feiners were starting that Eas- ter rebellion. Perhaps he would have lived if that hundred thousand men who had to be sent to Ireland to keep the peace could have been sent to France. Perhaps, if some of those hospital ships had not been sunk off the Irish coast, his life might have been saved. Whether he was an Irishman or not, he died helping to defeat the enemy and to maintain the unity and integrity of the British Empire and everything for which the empire stands. Gal- lant soldiers and policemen are dy- ing for exactly the same ideals in Ireland to-day and it is Sinn Feiners who are now doing the work of the Hun. Too Particular. He was the meekest of the meek. He was so very small and so very mild. "You'll find me quite easy to please," he said to a Jesdlody at the Bottlepop Arms, where he had ap- plied for a room. "Ah, that's what they all say!" replied the landlady. "Feller comes here lars' week. | aint pertickler, sez 'e, No, 'e wasn't ! Pertickler didn't express it! First, 'e objected to sleepin' in a room 'im a bed to "isself 'e said it wasn't long enough. Then 'e complained of the towel---the same towel all the other visitors had .uséd without a murmur, Well, now, are you goin' to be as pertickler as all that?" "Perhaps, after all," murmered the meek applicant, "I'd better not risk it." What She Had Seen. An English tourist was on a visit to Arran and decided to have a day's fishing. He made inquiries of local experts, and on being told that the cleg, or horsefly, would suit his purpose for lure, he sought the high- land servant at his inn. "I say, my girl, can you get me some horseflies?" he asked. The girl looked at him stupidly, with four others. Thea when I give |* | reppin} ed : "Why, girl, did you never see | a horsefly?" | "Naa, sir," replied the girl, shak- | ing her head, "but wance I saw a! €00 jump over a cliff." ! STR MARTIN HARVEY As "Cyrille Van Belle" in "The Burga- master of Stilemonde" coming to t* : Grand Opera House on Friday and # .| urday, Jan. 14th and 15th. / The island of Tasmania 1» _elaim to having the world's » .ést tin mine, ¢ ay \ 0 | = DODD'S ALIAS PILLS He repeated his question anid add- much, | WHITE PINE is easy to work, nice to handle and outlasts other woods. Our used White Pine from the Elevator, has been remilled. It looks fresh, and new and is quite reasonably priced. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Phone 14135. Factory SALE You have always wanted one of the many dainty BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES Now is your chance. We are selling them at greatly reduced . price. A.D, HOLTON 880 PRINCESS S1KKET - - Phone, 061; les, 2036W. FLORIS? and U.F.W.O. for! hed the young cou- | pie long life and happiness. Mr. Fow- | the Dominion board of the Woman's | FOR SALE BRICK HOUSE, BARRIE ST. Near Princess Street, fairly modern. Price $2500. A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 1113 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Krocks At Every Man's Door But Once. Here Is Yours To Get a New Mattressat . ...c. ours oer, $488 (Only a few--measure your bed) COMIOTIErS rcv ovurve wrrirre svn es nie SUG Cushions--fancy tops, Kapok filled . .. $3.99 Down Comforters--a few left after the Sale-- to clear at a fraction above cost. Blankets and Bed Spreads . .......33 1-3 off Kingston Mattress Company 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel PHONE Extra Special Value 200 pairs Men's high grade Boots -- regular lines sold at $14.00, $15.00, $16.00 and $17.00--now ~ $10.00 100 pairs Women's Brown Calf Boots-- new Fall goods--regular $7.00 and $8.00 value. Special Price $4.95 25% DISCOUNT ON ALL SHOES IN STOCK J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES For the best values at 4 lai $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT - TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)

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