- \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. [RETIRING FROM BUSINESS A Whirlwind Finish HOSIERY Work Sox--priced . . . .19c., 39c., 59c. Boys' All Wool Stockings--priced 80c. ~ SUITS and OVERCOATS HATS and CAPS ™ 120 Men's Overcoats--sizes 35 to 44-- s Men's Tweed Hats sold at $25 to $40 -- these are all new All sizes--fair variety of patterns--these goods, but must be cleared this month. Hats sold at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. $16.00 to $27.00 Priced . . . . . - SHIRTS Balance of a 92 dozen Shirt contract values $2.00 to $3.00 each -- splendid patterns and good fabrics. Sizes 14 to 16} inclusive--these garments are made coat style, with soft, double cuffs. --See Our 80c¢c. Values-- . .80c. . 80c. .80c. All Wool Black Cashmeres . All Wool Black Ribbed All Wool Brown Ribbed . . . All Wool Heather Ribbed . . . .. Men's Felt Hats Splendid range of shapes and colors -- $5.00 and $6.00 values. 95 MEN'S ODD SUITS $1.60 each, or 3 for $4.50 ae nn We have set aside one entiré rack of Men's Suits to sellat . . . .. ....$25,00. Regular $30 to $40 values--all si egular o values--all sizes up Men's Velour Hats 'A few left--sold all over town at $7.50 to $10.00. Priced . ... . .. WORK SHIRTS Heavy Black Twill Work Shirts: good roomy, well-made garments -- these Shirts were considered good value at $2.50 each. Sizes 14} to 161. to 50--a few Serges and Worsteds in the lot--all extra values. $5--BATH ROBES--$5 Thirty-five Bath Robes in four different patterns---all sizes--good weight fabrics 75 BOYS' SUITS Sizes 26 to 35. Priced . . $7.50 to $10.00 These Suits are in every case priced less than cost--all new goods. Men's Caps Big stock; all new goods. Priced . .... $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 --these are a bargain. Cains Priced at Priced .....$1.95 each, or 3 for $5.50 re 5 and 6, con. Carried. Moved, Reynolds--Cronk, that the reeve get a gtove for township hall. Carried. Moved, Cronk--Reynolds, that coun- cil adjourn to meet at Parham, on Feb, 11th. 2, Helen; spent the week-end among re- latives at Sydenham. Idverary sent two members to the townsQip council, John Taylor, as reeve and William Lindsay. as coun- .- i man, Jan. 18.--The first hockey game | k i 9 "H a Holmes is seriously ill of of the local league schedule was | / pneumonia. The young people are played at the rink in the rear of | getting their skating rink in shape, the town park on Tuesday evening, | and pufpose having it ready for Sat- and drew out a large crowd. The | urday night. contestants were the Catholic Liter- | Mr. Wolsely and family are mov- ary and Athletic Club Team (win- ing from' the Harpell farm to Kepler. ners of the cup for 1920) and the Mrs. Lymann, Lyn, is visiting at El- Methodist Knights of Honor team. gin. Miss Gladys Garrett is visiting in Victory perched on the banners of Kingston. Angus Macal'um has been the C.I.A.C. team by a score of 2 appointed township assessor. to 1. Major Frank Mooney refer- A liberal collection was taken up eed. in the Methodist church on Sunday In the I.0.0.F. assembly hall on night to assist the, starving Chinese. Tuesday evening, under the aus- Arthur Barr is renewing acquaintan- pices of Protection Lodge, No, 41, ces here. An unusually large number L.O.L., Lieut. M. J. O'Brien, Ottawa, assembled at the Ladies' Aid meet- gave an address at the big Protes- ing at Mrs. Loney's on Wednesday tant rally. | last. Miss Violet Amo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Amo, Charles street, has gone to Kingston to take a course in training as nurse at the Hotel Dieu. The funeral of the late Dr, E. L, Atkinson was held on Tuesday after- noon from the family residence, to Willow Bank cemetery, and was largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. D. T. Mick, pastor of Grace church. The works of the St, Lawrence Steel and Wire Company was closed down on Monday and Tuesday out of respect for Dr. BE. L. Atkinson, who has been at the head of that con- ¢grn for a number of years. It is understood that Freman Cowan will assume the managership of that company, and his place with the Steel Company of Canada will be taken by John Johnston, Montreal. GANANOQUE Grove's | Sume paople put on £0 much agony that they do not think it {8 music unless it has to be "interpreted." AGENCY FOR ALL - -EAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or iriends going t» or returning from 'he Old Country. For' Information and rates apply te J, P. HANLEY, is the Genuine and Only Laxative Bromo « Quinine tahlois first original Cold and Fri og merit of which by all civilized 4 The Grip is Be careful to avoid imitations. Be sure its Bromo 0 | E2 Hore Hinchinbrooke Tp. Couneil. Piccadilly, Jan. 10.--Council elect met and subscribed to their declara- tions and qualifications as follows: R. A. Hamilton, Reeve, and R, Judge, A. C. Reynolds, C. Babcock and L. B. Cronk, councillors. Moved, Bab- cock--Judge, that several lots as- sessed to wrong parties on roll be changed to proper owners and tax billy sent to the owners. Carried. Moved, Babcock--Judge, that the collector seftle for roll on or before Feb. 11th. Carried. Moved, Rey- nolds-- Babcock, that Goldie Clark be | appointed assessor, salary $75, and | W. H. Hill and L. B. Bateman, audi- | tars and J. E. Howes, school attend- | ance officer, this resolution to be | known and numbered as By-law No. | 1 of 1921. Carried. Moved, Rey- | naolds--Cronk, that the following | CP. and 1. A. G.T. Ry. Kingston, Ontario. Open day and night - t MR. WORKING MAN Why don't you trade at the Co- operative and et most out of your dollars? We carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low as any, and all the profits go back to ur members (n dividend and interest. Make up your*mind to joim to-da and help along a movement that will help you. The genuine bears this signature terse The Beaver : 'So these are the birds that won the war!" mn | TIDINGS FROM INVERARY SPECIAL Dairy Butter THE KINGSTON CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, LIMITED Corner of King and Princess Streei Phone 400, bottles in moving about. There were two cases of gin complete--twelve bottles in each case--and another case containing six bottles of gin. The rest of the bottles contained Scotch, these being in bags. The store of the Gananoque Cooperative Society Limited, is spending a short time in Ottawa. Miss Mary Dempster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dempster, Charles street, left at noon yester- Collection Taken In Church For Chinese Famine Fund. ! Inverary, Jan. 12.--Duripg the holidays, Reginald Lake entertained | Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Over By ® MACHINE WORKS n elding broken 11 Cracked Water t, etc. i 1 work guaranteed. St. <« ~- Phone 1264. In lien of the regular mid-week service in Grace church the local branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union were in charge and drew out quite a large atten- dance. Mrs. Brown, Athens, county president, gave a splendid address on the work of that institition. Mrs, J. A. Jackson also gave a resume of the recent provincial convention. A fine programme of music and song was also rendered. J. K MeNeill, manager of the \ MIRE day for Brooklyn, N.Y., to enter St. Mary's hospital to train as nurse. Mrs, W. K. Crouter, King street, is confined to her home, quite seri- ously ill Rev. C, 'B. Kidd, pastor of St. Andrews church, is: spending some time this week in Toronto. "WORKING UP' CASE Gin and Scotch Whiskey Found in a Pi i | Smith's Falls News : Frank Mus- sel, Smith's Falls, very much excited, called up Chief Phillips by tele- phone on Thursday evening last. His message was to the effect that con- hunting of evidence at once began and considerable has been found, all of which with perhaps a little more will be submitted at a session of police court on Saturday of this week. iil Failure fills the vacancy left whan perseverance quiis -- + Sis says | eat the members of the younger set at a party at his home. Later on in the bolidays Mfss Frederika Ferguson, Who is a student in the Kingaton Col- legiate, entertained the youjlg people at her home. Yesterday a large number of mem- bers of L. O. L., from the surround ing lodges, attended the district meeting in their hall here. The breth- ren here supplied supper and re- freshments. In the agricultural hat! the U. F. O. held their meeting. Ow- \pensés, $49; Finn Bros., sheep killed, ! $16.06. Carried. Moved, Cronk-- | Judge, that the following grants be made on roads: $45 on Genge road, $76 on Haddock and Parham road and $25 on side road between lots [CZEMA 35 ment for Eczema and Skin Irrita. tions. It relieves at once and gradu- TOU are not ing to the illness of Ira Darling, at meets every two weeks, held their meeting in the building at the rear of the agricultural hal. Thomhs McKnight has taken pos- whose home the Women's ime] ally heals the skin. Sample box Dr. Chase' itment free if you mention this and send 2c. stamp Jou postage. 0. 8 BE dealers or Edmsnson, & Oo, . Toronto. cheques be drawn: for election ex- + FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL, A. Chadwick & Son New locatior: Corner Ontario and West Sta Phone 67. TOASTIES ltke a snow-storm traband goods had been found in Mis pigpen, placed there under some lit- ter by some person or persons un-, known. Mrs. Mussel was first to dis- cover the goods, which were wet goods--gin and Scotch--and, telling her husband upon his return home, his first impulse was to take an axe 'land do a lot of smashing. Bat his wife restrained him. She advised y t him to inform the police. Chief Phillips hurried across the river to |' Merrick street and found forty-one bottles, also plain evidence that the pigs had broken onc of two of the > session of the store which be lately purchased from A. A. McFadden. Mr. McFadden retains possession of the dwelling for a couple of months, Miss Vers Calvert came home from the West to spend Christmas with her parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert" She will remain for a couple of . nibs. prior to leaving for the west, for indigestion afford continue her duties aw teacher. ing and prompt relie J. W. Bdwards, M.P.P,, is address the distress of ing the electors of this place tonight. ' A few from here attended Prémier] Drury's méeting in Grant Hall, King- ston. Mrs. Akroyd and granddaughter - EXCESSIVE ACIDITY 'is at the bottom of most igestive ills. Attention To Automobile Owners See us for your winter over- havling and storage. Used Cars for sale. Central Garage R. M. EYRE, Prop. 335 King St. + - Phone 2135 KIDNEY ee: shud Firewood || [Hes = Large quantity of sound sins Railway Ties tor sale cheap. . All tents reduced to clear, We need the room. : "1, Cohen & Co. 278 Ontario 8t. Phone 837 from a. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S § < $.