' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1621. COMING FOR 1921 Storms, --Cold Weather. Rain, ~The "Flu", ~la Grippe, = Influenzs. --Tonsilitix, Bronchitis, --Asthma, ~--Diphtheria. w--Catarrh. | dele le deeedofe de 0d . Yes, they are all coming. For treatment we are prepared with the beat Atomizerw, Sprays, Solu-~ tions and Hemedies for Coughs and Colds, Make yourself "Cold Proof." Take Austin's Tasteless Cod Liver OIL, Austin's Drug Store Corner Kiang and Market Square Phone 230 Kingston | Kingston Transfer Co. 153 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture. The Company is also equipped with waggons, or sleighs, and tackle for any kind of special hauling. PHONE 877. eeu -- a a ---- PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently ° attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STREET > Phone 688. | dedeeded bdo de Fd b db bb Codd ddd deb dododod de | HOT NECESSARY "Frul-a-tives" R Restored Her To Perfect Health 153 Partsmav Ave., MowresaL, "For three years, / suffered great pain in the lower part of my body, with swelling or bloating. I saw a _ specialist who said I must undergo an operation. I refused. I heard about "Fruil-atives" so decided to ry if, The first box gave great relief; and I continued the treament. Now my health is excellent--I am frees of pain--and I give "Fruit-a-tives" my warmest thanks", Mme. F. GAREAU. B0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250, At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa. ? 'BUILDING REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | 21 Main Street. Phone 1670. W. H. STEVENSON : HORSE SHOER and PLACKSMITH, | Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate, 351 KING STREET EAST Angrove's Repairs | Seales, Talking Machines, Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Lawn Mowers, ete. We | deo repair work right and guarantee | satisfaction. | 197 WELLINGTON STREET Auto Storage Warm or Cold. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Shop 1030. Rew. 1337J. eo Sy ARERR IRENE I, AlyourService W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOOK. tn ts UR For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. I ------, aro pt. | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry. Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. DID YOU EVER TR Wagsta's Ginger Marm agstail'y Pineapple Ma Wagstai's Brambie Jelly, We also havé a full line of other rellable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale Ati Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 53-2714 Phone 1844. » 378 BROCK STREET First, Doctors -- Then a Skin Specialist Then a bottle of D.D.D. We shall publish every week for the benefit of skin sufferers in this section, a few worde written by Canadian people --some of them of rominence---3all heartfe:t stovies oi relief from | rrible suffering. > | A sentence or two from a later frem J. W. | Corns, 88 Melbourne Ave., Toronto, a man of fine standing. "I have been a sufferer for two ears with eczema on th legs and ankies. 1 went to | ried three or four different doctors. @ skin specialist. AHN of.no use. | doilar bottle of D. D D --thai is all, em perfectly well," if you wish to try a bottle of this Prescription that Mr. Corns found so rema: iLable, we wil' guarantee relief on the first bottle, or your {uoney bok, Stop. that Sieh today, £00 | Zi Totion for Skin Disease Mahood's "Drug Store, Kingston FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits /W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance 89 Broc!: Street. Phone 424, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity ~ } Best Value in the City. | against Edward Cooper, was ordered | We have a few first-class winter | by Magistrate Page, at Brockville. |overcoats left which we will sel {extremely low price. Prevost Cloth- {ing House, Brock street; | liquor at Cooper's house last week, {is ordered to bear the costs and the fre ee---------- i liquor is to be returned to the owner. To Go To: North Bay. | | M. J. Dunn, Detroit, is spending Veteran Railwayman Dead. { his 1920 vacation at his home at | John Vance, aged sixty-two, Kaladar. On completion Mr. Dunn | many years a Grand Trunk locomo- | goes to North Bay as city passenger [tive engineer on the Montreal Divi- jagent. | sion, dled at Brockville, Monday, | ------------------ | ater a long illness. He was a na- Two Appointments. tive of Newington, and is survived George Mcliveen, a returned sol- {by his widow, two sons and one | dier, has been appointed postmaster |daughter. {of Cardinal, and James Robinson, of | | Cardinal, lockmaster of the Galop | | | | | Tweed Board of Trade. 1 at | The inspector, who seized 10 cases of | for ! used or Todas * Rapids locks there. Succeeds as Postmaster, | The appointment of Ira Forbes as | postmaster at Kaladar in place of the [late W. G. Rigby is a most favorable {one and none other deserve it better and none other would be as aceept- able. | Engagement Announced. { Mr..and Mrs. J. H | Peterboroanncunce the engagement | of their eldest daughter, Marguerite | Adelalde (Muggle) to W. A. Spell- man, B.Sc, Hastings. The marriage to take place the first week in Febru- Cary. Fell Down Stairs. On Saturday, Mrs. Cook, Thurlow, | had the misfortune to miss her toot- | ! College, Belleville, and fell to the ! foot of the stairs Fortunately she escaped serious injury, no bones be- | ing broken, | ------ | Man Killed By Train. Albert Blackburn, a farme- living {about two miles from Castleford. was | struck by a C.P.R. train at Hall street i erdssing Renfrew on Saturday night. The horse he was driving was in- | stantly killed and the cutter was | smashed to splinters. Blackburn was junmarried and about twenty-two years old. ---------------- Heffer-Heffernan Wedding. On the morning of January 5! { the Church of St. Gregory the Great, | jicton, was the scene of a pretty wed- {ding when Evelyn Heffernan, third {daughter of Capt. and Mrs, Michael Heffernan, Picton, became the bride {of Robert Heffer, who returned from overseas service about-a year and a half ago, | Inspectors Must Return Liquor, | Dismissal of a charge of illegally | keeping liquor at his residence, pre- ferred by License Inspector Taber, MeDonald, | way leading to the Ontario Business! hn | The following officers were elected {1ast week: President, Wm. Collins, | 1st Vice-Pres.,, W. Gordon, 2nd Vice- | Pres., Thos. Rath, Secretary, A. Coch- | rane, Treasurer, A. H, Yule, Council, | C. H. Kerr, Miss A. M. Rayburn, J. E. | Johnston, J. F. Houston, Wm. | 0'Keete, Felix Rashotte, John Quinn, |F. A. Bartlett, Dr. Bowlby, J. D. | Taylor. Asking For Small Grants, { United States engineers recom- | mend an appropriation of the govern- | ment "project at Cape Vincent, N.¥., | for the next fiscal year and $4,000 [tor dredging and maintenance at | Ogdensburg, N.Y. Both the projects | at Cape Vincent and Ogdensburg are {now nea ly. completed, the chief of | engineers reports, which accounts for | the small sum asked, {lug when near the top off'the stair- | 1 Had Leg Amputated. J. Kilborn, postmaster of Gre- | nen Island, N.Y., whose leit leg was | amputated between the knee and | ankle at Watertown, N.Y., is report- led as gaining rapidly and he is con- sidered out of danger. The amputa- tion was made necessary because of of the foot. The initial gangerene is unknown, about sixty-nine years 7 { gangerene | cause o | Mr. Kiibo {of age. nis tr Public Library Meeting. The annual meeting of the Napanee 1 bublie library was held on Jan, 11th, | when' the following directors were | tected, viz., W, 8. Herrington, K.C F. F. MiHer, W. P. Deroche, Y. Maclean, J. W. Robinson,, Dr. R. A Leonard, Larnest Walters and T. B | Wallace. At a subsequent meeting lof the directors, W. S. Herrington was elected president, and F. F. Mil- ler, secretary-treasurer, and X Edwards was re-appointed librarian. Unknown Lurking in Woods. An unknown man, who is lurking in the woods near Fairfield East, is believed to be Crosby Wanless, Ot- tawa, who has beer missing since he "~. HOCKEY AT NAPANEE, OPENING GAME A TIE Gibbard's and Bankers' Each Score Two Goals in Town League. Napanee, Jan. 18.--The opening game of the Napanee Hockey Asso- ciation was played on Monday even- ing at the covered rink between Gib- bard's and the Bankers, gnd resulted in a tie game, each team registering two goals. For the first game it was plenty of opportunity to cheer their teams on. Gibbard's were the fav. orites, and many. were of the opinion -- MR. WORKING MAN Why don't you trade at the Co- operative and get most out of your dollars? We carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low as any, and all the profits go back to our members in dividend and interest. Make up your mind to Join to-day and help along a movement that will help you. SPECIAL Dairy Butter U6e. per 1», THE KINGSTON CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, LIMITED Corner of King and Princess Streef Phone 409. onde | Watches and Clocks Repaired ee PY es G. W. LYONS arc guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your ore der will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. -- Attention To Automobile Owners See us for your winter overs hauling and storage. Used Cars for sale. Central Garage M. EYRE, Prop. +R. 835 King St. Phone 2185. WIA Nr At ANA i Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRIENDSHIP' . For Choice Groceries and Provisions 2 STORES 210 Divisior Street. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sta. Orders called for if desired. > The Real Old Fashion Mahogany and Walnut Furniture not only lasts longer, nicer, and cost less in run. It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and POLISHERS on. the premises--Mr. Frank Summerville, who remodels and repairs----he is an expert. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. POSSESS GOOD HEALTH BY LOOKING AFTER "THE BOWELS A free motion of the bowels, once every one, as half the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowels to get into a constipated condition. When the bowels are allowed to be come constipated, the stomach gets out of order, and the liver does not do its work properly on account of holding back the bile so that it does not pass through the bowels, but is allowed to get into the blood, thus causing a poisoning of the whole sys- tem. If you would escape constipation, sick and billous headaches, heart- burn, floating specks before the eyes, coated tongue, foul breath; the nasty irritating, bleeding, itching and pro- truding piles, you should keep your liver stirred up by the use of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills. These pills, being purely . vege- table, keep your liver working aec- tively, helping it to resume its proper functions, and thereby removing the bile that is circulating in the blood and poisoning the whole system. Mrs; H. Barrows, Enfield, N.S, writes:--"I was troubled with such headaches and constipation. One day a friend told me of 'Milburn's Laxa- Liver Pills. I got two vials, and found they did me a world of good. I the yefore have great faith in them." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢c. a vial, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. -- a '"'corker," and the spectators had | or twice" day ,should be the rule of | before the game that it would be a walk over for them, but they were greatly mistaken seldom got far: persistent checkers, and both Leon get away for any rushes. The check- ing on both sides was strenuous and as thé. Bankers | checked them closely, and their fast | men, McNeil, Huffman and Loucks, | Gibbard's too, were | | jumped from a C.P.R. train last week | near here while being brought to the Ontario Hospital as' a patient. The | man is never seen in the daytime, | {but "at night disturbs farmers by | shouting. Word has been received of the {death of E. J. Podd, at his home at (Norwich, England, on Dec. 28th. Mr. | and Mrs. Podd left Belleville a little | jover a year ago to return to their native home. Mr, Podd"s health was | {then falling. He hdd, for a period | lof three years, conducted a music | |store on South Front St., and, dur- | ling his residence in Belleville, made) | many friends. | | | | Dies at English Home, | |} | The Late Angus McMillen. | Angus McMillen, a former resident | of Brockville, died in the Smith's | | Falls hospital at the age of seventy- three. For the last eighteen years |he had lived in Winnipeg and shortly | after Christmas came east to visit | relatives near Perth. He was taken' ill with pn>:monia, which led to the idevelopment of other troubles, neces- | | sitating an operation 'rom which hel {did not recover. His wife, formerly | Miss Tena Greer, "Ferguson's Falls, {died a few days before he left Win- | nipeg, and he is survived by two |sons and one daughter. | i ------ | Remembered With Cheques. r Harry Wilson, who tipped the | police off when he noticed two: men | coming out of a laneway with fur | coats, and Police Constables Lesslie Clark and Nicholas Timmerman, who | arrested the fur robbers, were fitting- | ly remembered by George Mills & { Company. Mr. Wilson received a | cheque for $50 and each of the police | constables received a cheque for $25. | The money the police constables re- ceived was put into the police bene- | fit fund. Mr. Wilson and the con- | stables also received a letter of ap- preciation from George Mills & Com- pany, f To Have a Good President, Grant Thompson, Bloomfield, first vice-president last year of the Prince ! {Bdward Agricultural Society, will follow up to the presidency this year, ! and occupy the president's chair for 11921, Of Mr. Thompson it may be {said that he | for the position. He is a thoroughly | wideawake up-to-date fermer, and {is noted for rasing fine cattle and | horses. He owns one of the finest herds pure bred Jerseys in county, Percheron Horses is hard to excel. With such a president gurely the Prince Edward Agricultural Society | is off to a good start for 1921. | "MOTHER! "Californ#s SyMp of Figs" Child's Best Laxative of "lAAd/ Ivan Spencer- found it hard to" there were many little infrac' fons of | the rules, which escaped the referee's eye, and a couple of fist fights helped to keep the spectators on their toes. "=Bankers were the first team to | Score, Clarence Young doing the { trick from inside the defence. Gib- | hard's evened up the score on a shot from Gerald Johnston, during a | scrimmage in front of the Bankers' i goal. Owing to a misunderstanding | on the part of the time-keepers the first period was allowed to go on for | twenty-five minutes, and both teams were about all in when the bell sounded, In the second period, Gibbard's scored on a flue shot of McNeil's and Bankers tied it up again on a combin. ation rush Dy Ivan Spencer and Young, the former netting the puck. [1n the last peried, both teams had | numerous chances to score but the | | good work of the goal tenders saved | seemingly possible scores. Babcock, in goal for the Bankers, left his goal repeatedly and only for the poor shooting of the opponents, the score might have been different, Neither team displayed much com- bination as the checking was too ciose. Freddie Huffman with his Gibbard's, and was indeed a hard man to stop. For the Bankers' Clarence Young | was a star, his back checking break- | ing up many of Gibbard's rushes. The | substitutes and the frequent changes kept both teams travelling at a very fast pace throughout the game. The following is the line up: ; Bankers--Goal, Babcock; defence, L. Spencer, Wolfe; centre, Ivan Spen- cer; wings, Young and Gleeson; subs, Douglas and Mounts, Gibbard's--Goal, R. Huffman; de- femce, R. Loucks, McNeil; centre, F. Huffman; wings, Pybus and Richard- son, subs, G. Johnston and H. John- ston, - Referee, W. M. Laughlin. Mayor M. P. Graham had the honor of facing the puck. ---- Bread Lower at Kitchener, Kitchener, Jan. 19. --The price of bread dropped from twenty-six to twenty-four cents a large loaf this morning. The reduced price of flour and other materiol for bread- making is reported to be the cause. ------ Hugo Stinnes Invited. Berlin, Jan. 19.-- The govern- ||ment has invited Hugo Stinnes, the capitalist," to join the delegation of experts which will meet the Allied representatives at the next Brussels conference. Phonograph needles wich produce a very clear tone are being made of poke check played a great game for ! stomach, liver and bowels. Chil1iren | love its fruity taste. Full direcdlons | vn each bottle. . You must say ""Cali- tornia." SCOTT'S GARAGE | Repairs, Washing and Storage. Gas 1913 Melaughlin Tour- ing car f sale cheap for a quick buyer, 1] 398 BAGOT STREET Phone 1504w. | for instant MUSTER] chil use, AT ITS BEST The strongest com- pliment ever paid to , 2-14 | f The White Star line and Cunard | line have raised the steerage rates to | Exzrope by $15, | ¥ the | and his stable of pure bred :B | | [ Accept "Unlfornia" Syrup of Figs | only--~look for the name California | jon the package, then yom are sure | your child is having the best and | most harmless physic for the little SCRANTON COAL is unquestionably the best Hard Coal that comes into this market. It is the only kind we have in the domestic sizes. We still have a limited supply of Chest- nut, Stove and Egg. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. : Phone 1415, Factory -- i ---- You have always wanted one of the many dainty . BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES Now is your chance. Wb are selling them at greatly reduced A. D, HOLTON £80 PRINCESS STRERT Pe OPPORTUNITY Kriocks At Every Man's Door But Once. Here Is Yours To Get a i |. NewMattresvat 0... .. c.. 000 e108 (Only a few---measure your bed) vena nn $349 filled . .. $3.99 Down Comforters--a few left after the Sale to clear at a fraction above cost. Blankets ard Bed Spreads . . . ..33 1-3 off Kingston Mattress Com Dany 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel PHONE 2283. FOR SALE Brick House, Barrie Street, near Brock Street, Hot Water 'Heatitig, Price $3,500. A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 111% Brock St. \ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE RED LETTER SHOE SALE 25¢q, DISCOUNT ON ALL BOYS', GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Special lot of Misses' Scho ol Shoes in Black Calf; sizes 11 to 2; regular $4.00; NOW oi . $2.98 Boys' extra good value Tan Grain Leather, solid $3.75 23% OFF ALL GOODS IN STOCK NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBERS J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES Comforters ik Cushions--fancy tops, Kapok a a has every qualification |i TWEDDELL'S OVERCOATS For the best values at » $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel) ~