Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1921, p. 10

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Hie aR 10 TH E DA ILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921. SUR. SRENEBERSNENNERENNENANNNE AEE February Columbia Records | In the World of Sport | Forced Ou t Now on sale With a big list of all the latest, \ ¥ 'LONGS FOR DAYS OF BUS +n hem, al broughc back CANADA ULI ELY SEXTET Sa le along with some of the old timers, versy as to their admissibility. All "pros" agree that they halt pitches { this new Columbia list is one which Wholesome Advertising for 10% dead and are destined ir rc" | Dates for Deciding World's' gamnot' be excelled, . We can only Baseball -- Players Now [duce the bogey on the British Amateur Hockey Title list a few. Drop around and get a | courses W 11 1 of Eac or. | ; Are Unsuitable e are selling out our entire stock of February Record Supplement-- x \ Seld See h Oth | The two main objections to them a . ; g ' k FREE for the taking, J Revival of the old-time baseball |2T. first, that they represent a re-| pg V. Viberg, a Columbia ex-| ' + foe . . PIaYeIs, bus Lor tops ane cr volution from the accented' form of Hocker pls ons perauvie OF Men's Furnishings at big reductions. Some of he Luten Dance Hits. § the baseball park would go far to- rons, which should be checked bY |gyeqien Olympic Committee, told | Lots more just issued: -- p ward restoring simplicity and a Staldaidiing the clubs; Second the Canadian Press that plans to] Ta spirit of sportsmanship to the game, tha elr use means greatly, In- p,q 5 Canadian hockey team visit . iga-Liga- 4 | Lec opis, and pi RL ; | Manager Johnny Evers, of the Chi- creased expense for balls. Sweden to compete in the world's | --A3329---$1.00. {cago Cubs, declared. The cost of golf being a burning |,matenr championship games were | "Darlnig" and "Missy"--Medley Fox i | = "The old bus gave a good whole- | topic bets nowadays, the Shier oo not proving very successtul. It was | Trots--Art Hickman's Orchestra -- A A © : |some advertising, but at the same Jection is quite as powerful as the his intention to arrange with the | e 1u A3334--31.00. Lol \ \ |time it put real fun, chance for real Sore a ISUED pubber x Bow Canadian Amateur Hockey Associa- y *_ "Just Snap Your Fingers at Care" A == 'team work and more honest-to-good- less 8 ng , tion to have a representative team and. "Oh, My Goodnéls"S Med] Fox \ orl | ie hillings, while ; : 1 : ia Hol ite nels Medley Fox \ : | ness pep. .in. the. game,' Evers de- Ts Bbw fice iy ng heavily {from the dominion leave New York Phone 1372;. = 12 Princess St; A3337--3$1.00. IL 'clared. "It made it more like a » ue and charge on February 10th and play in Stock- | 5 RE ' ; ~~ |sport and less like a commercial pro, Increased. holm on February 25th. All ex- "Dolly, 4 ~The H Six, : {I 8 $ lar ' ang od oA rT e, Happy. Six, position. { stl, eat ever was 2 opa at pense, he said, would be paid by the Prince's Dance Orchestra--Mediey Foz "Remember how thé 'manager and 88 Now. New players are Swedish Football Association, which Trots--A3330--$1.00. Rendard his team used to pile out of the ho- the London courses," making week- jee sponsors hockey in that coun- "Beautiful Annabell Lee" and "Pussy [tel and into the bus. . If we were the ond golf a sevére trial of patience, try. ; Willow Waltzes"'-- Medley waltzes -- | visiting team the town was there to | Mr. Viberg has received a letter | Prince's Dance Orchestra--A6175--$1.65. {see and peer at us. Away we would RACIAL AI ATHY ACH MER trom H. E. James, of the C.A.H.A., | FURNITURE | y | JANCELS £ ME i . h 4 OTHER SONG SENSATIONS: J Bdtosy the 10Wh, ihe entire route | The dual track meet between Har- {Siating that, as the, Allan Cup con i ' one long line of yelling home town | | tests would not be concluded by that | "I'm & Jazz Vampire" and "Never o boosters. By the time the park was Vvard and Virginia, scheduled as one time, the Canadian championship | feet No Man TB Ca ind Mar reached everyone had heard some- ©f the big sporting events of he [teain would not be available. Mr. | $1.00. {thing that made him full of fight. |SPring season at the University o [Viberg explained to the Canadian | "Margie" and "I'm a Lonesome Little | "After the game we would pile .yirginia, has been called off. Just | Press that he did not necessarily | Rain Drop" -- Frank Crumit--A3332 -- 4 | back into the bus. A couple ot before signing the final contract for {want to get the champions to go | $1.00, ; py 4 thousand fans would stand around the meet, the Harvard graduate man- |p 000 put would" be satisfied with | "Marimba" and "I've Got the Blues {and give us a hooting, win or lose. | ager, it is sald, informed Dr. Lam- Ia representative team from the do- | RSD AR Nr WE ; {'We:got it coming and going and beth, of the Virginia faculty, that Iminjon who could "demonstrate to | . r [loved {es two of the best men on the Crimson | the Swedes the game as it is played "At the Circus" and 'Laugh With n Na "How is it to-ddy ? Merning prac- squad had negro blood in their veins, {in the dominion." Me a An snd Young = Laughing i {tice makes the front of the park ook and-that it was not deemed advisable | . He jo0ked to Canada as the home + 3 Sle ) (like an automobile show. The to bring the squad south without |p good hockey players, he said, and | Rusting Sho hi omptu, and. rThe | players breeze in at the last minute | them. , | suggested that there were numerous ! ~=Plano Solos--A6174--§1.65. | land breeze out as quickly 'as they | The manager stated that he realiz- | substitutes in the dominion capable | N | can change clothes. The manager ed the feeling prevailing in the south | of making up a team of first-class | : {never sees his men together except regarding the matter, and desired to {calibre. An "all-star" team was not | ALL THE HITS FROM "MAYTIME" ! lat game time. The players are too i make the facts known. With this required, but one that could give a | Remember! This is only a small list of the many good ones--all the busy keeping dates with everybody | information at hand, a de#sion was | brilliant exhibition of ~ hockey, he new ones--all the old ones. Come in and get your February Records in the werld from movie promoters [reached by the Virginia authorities | said. IT now. We give the best service. {to soap manufacturers. to cancel the meet. | He recalled that the Falcons pre- . ' " ; "That is the reason players to-day --ee | sented the Swedish team with play- | Get the Habit For Records Try Treadgold's First are not as smart collectively as they TEST OF RUGBY. ling material at the Olympic games, . . 4 Store open evenings till § p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. were a fews yeras ago. They don't es land helped them in every manner Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets | { se- | Boston College Teain May Pla i : TREADGOLD SPORTING :* ™ = = = "ig fon, wv aie Set EB | 15 designs to choose frome White Enamel, | BRITISH GOLFERS OBJECT |States football by representative | (yuo MP With grea Ei ses, Oak, etc. All latest attachments. GOODS CO. | TO IRONS FROM STATES | Jotane 1aims wey be had pest fal [Be explained, the jiternational Son | . : 88 PRINCESS STREET $ : Telephone 529. | The New York World publishes McGill University of Montreal and | oC a he a $iame, 30 | 8 pur R. J. Reid NENNRRERERANNNERES "The American golfing ieion hax aries have ited the ton wor: IOV would be mulled. | | ---- i - a 'Ld LE HERR RR RE TE ay already begun in the shape of ribbed en to come north for a game next | W. C. (Billy) Foulds was al 'Leading Undertaker Phone 577w. irons which Vardon, Ray and the fall and Manager Frank A. Rey- President of the Canadian Football y ry nolds said the matter was under con- Union. 1 1 sideration:- And a homely girl doesn't get VULCANIZING A Sickly Wife much consolation out of the fact that ' No Fit Mate Vanderbilt's Racing Stable beauty is only skin deep, RE-TREADING A SPECIALTY BY GOODYEAR EXPERT Comes From France to U.S. All work guaranteed at reasonable prices. Give us a trial For Any Man, A large part of the noted French LINN RN ~ \ I, "THE HOME OF MAXOTIRES" WOMEN SHOULD racing stable of the late Willlam K. GIRLS AND . ) ® ® 384 Ontario Sv, Frou Al Fhtue 200, LOOK WELL TO - THEIR Vanderbilt will be brought to the / oD TR . HEALTH AND United States this year. A. K. Ma- J NR ' ' STRENGTH comber, the California horseman, A 2 i . - H Dig ge} d 4 WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE AND EXPENSE LATER ON T eagerly sought for as to-day. Among thirty-six horses OUR SERVICE and ADVICE are the result of years of battery Cl Y OF LONDON wa ah Sud) hapviness du » sickly shipped 8 the US. are the two f SXperience. We most strongly recommend great care in keeping famed breeding stallions, Sea Sick your battery well charged while car is in use, and WINTER DRY Co 6% B d enjoy the pleasures of life should ie) le WE rt they STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. upon 0 ondas spare no effort to maintain perfect an versight, w , during elr ' / health. jracing life won $125,000 each; eight n ou hr oemen are De ur Sheree sl sagsonabine Is your daughter growing up |horses in training and more than a Mn. 8 Tal, { © us--Kingston's only Batte eclalists, Due any year 1922 to 1938 Sirous jad roady? Has Fhe strength geore of yearlings. Among the Yh iB i : . : to drink in greedily all the pleasures . r Ane | | Denominations $1,000 and odd amounts. that youth so zealously seeks--or ig "2C°TS are Tchad, five-year-old, win ; 0 WILLARD SERVICE STATION Price: Rate to yield 6.25% to 6.30%. ac. she compelled to use the street car 1°F Of the 1919 French Derby; . ncerNg yl ed fo, No Instead of enjoying the delightful Brumado, Liberty Loan, Hand Gre- 19 Brock Street Phone 1340. I. LESSES, Prop. cording to maturity. exercise of walking---does she after nade, and War Fame, ' v the ball arise refreshed and vigorous, + " ---- : : es , 5 = or Is she exhausted, indifferent, and x perhaps irritable? m - : Bongard, Ryerson & Co. When strength and vigor can be so Tl La ; ; {|= - Good estm " easily maintained by Ferrdzone, 3 =] "The Home of ny inte, when the gio »f health is so quickly = 287 BAGOT STREET. PHONE 1728. brought to tne cheeks and elasticity ; : gi 3 pe . : to the step, it is plainly a mother's ls' dh a [ J duty to see tb1* Werrozone is on hand von. [tO assist her daaghter back to health. = Upon the wake of Kerrozone a quickly follows a stream of rich, nourishing blood which imparts that " : = power and surplus emergy so earn- g Sa = ] 8 = i Ir We have neither time nor room to devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. ' AEE ESHA EMO \ estly desired by those in {il-health. Stop and think what this means for your daughter--certainly a great deal, and it can be accomplish- (Carload) ed by Ferrozone. Every growing girl and young | woman derives enormous benefit in many ways from this nutritive, vital- Cane Mola a It is specially suited for young wo- ° men and is a guarantee of health and 4 regularity as long as it is used. F eeding Molasses Ferrozone is free from alcohol and perfectly safe to use. Prepared in the form of a chocolate-coated tablet 45c. per Imperial Gallon, in barrels and sold in 30c. boxes. or six boxes No feeder can afford to be without it. D330. 3) quien. W. P..PETERS | Fp |p SEE Oftice and Warehouse . . + -« Fact of Princess Street Some of the dear, delightful dancing girls to be seen at = = Phone 217 For enjoyment, fill |the Grand Opera House, Thursday, January 20th, in "May- |= Bagot and Brock Streets. 28 time." Le " - BRINGING UP FATHER = = | Ae i: BY GEORGE McMANUS Bs E & Eg E Lr £8 = E s S S ES 117 BRO CK STREET . . a » your pipe with AND FURTHER FIX YOUR TIE - EER BY OLLY- 5 eM on, Princess Street. "Phone 785 Hy a > YOUR MANNERS ~ CHATTER! EST | now WE TAKE X-RAY PICTURES SE YOU Here DIO YOU FIX THE STOVE ? LISTEN < of troublesome teeth. You WHERE 1 THE CAT? Dormoform Gas administered for ex. R DON'T YOU : 3 . traction. and painless. DO ANY - ; Safe ' OFFICE HOURS: 9-6. by £ - ss OH: * HOM Makers of Hollow Damp- Proof Cement Blocks, Bricks, SNis, Lintles, and Drain Tile, also Grave Vaults. And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. re Factory: cor. of Charles and Patrick Streets. Mgr.: H. F. NORMAN Phone 730w.

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