THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JANUARY 2v, 10%. SPECIAL $35.00 SPECIAL | CHALMERS | Discussion Was Chiefly on the | Spiritual Side of Their Work. { congregation of The Chalmers meeting on Wednesday evening, and a very successful year's work was re j ported. The attendance was the larg- est in the history of the congrega- /§ | tion. Prof. W. T. MacClement presid- | ed. The greater part of the discus- ¢ sion was upon the .epiritual side of "FUR WINTER COAT ALASKA BEAVER Large Shawl Colla, cat full and roomy; lined with good quality Quilt- ed Italian, Leather Shields, Woollen Wristlets, Inside Sleeve, 2 Roomy Pockets, Loops and Barrel Fa stenérs, A splendid wearing Coat, 50 inches long, all sizes, good looking and comfortable. Price net $3 5.00 JOHN McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE 149 TO 157 BROCK ST. VICT ROLAS and "His Master's ~ Yoice" Records Victrola XI $240.00 Hits From was passed re-affirming the decision |} | of last year's annual meeting that [J | family worship be urged upon all |} | heads of families in the congregation. i | Rev. Dr. Wilson stated that no Sun- \| | day school in Canada was so well '} | mers. More than half of its teachers |} | are university graduates and most of | [ them are experts in religious educa- | tion. Prof. H. T. Wallace is its super- {| intendent; Prof. John Matheson con- t+ ducts a students' bible class with a i] membership of 125; Prof. J. O | Watts conducts a i] | bible class, while Prot, J. F. McFad | yen teaches the senior girls' elass, | whichi yields teachers. In membership | Chalmers has increased, the com- municants' roll being 502 The financial statement showed a small surplus, which was especially gratifying because {or the first time the church year was made to ond on | | December 31st, and there werc only (eleven months, instead of twelve | for 'contributing. I.ast year tlse con- '§ | gregaticn contribifted $12,207.72 to i}! all purposes, not including the For- ]| ward Movement. The Ladies' Aid So- | clety-ralved $1064. The Ladies' Ald this year is supplying weekly a four- page order of service and announce- ment leaflet ' D. G. Laidlaw, T. H. Stewart and i§ | Halloway Waddell were appointed to 1! the trustee board and George Lee and 11 J. F. MacMillan auditors, | A feature of the gathering was the | | presentation to two members of the | ehoir. Miss Annie Tweddell, who ig re ttiring, was presented by Rev. Dr. | Macgillivray, on behalf of the congre- | gation, with.a gold wrist watch; and '§| Prof. Matheson presented 'Alderman Daniel Couper with a beautifully up- sung in Chwlmers choir for neatly . MAYTIME MAYTIME WALTZ--Waldort Orchestra American Serenade--Fox Trot-- Waldorf Orchestra 18432 cess. $1.00 WILL YOU REMEMBER--Green Dixon 18399 Just a Voicé to Call Me Dear--G reen . All the popular Vocal and Dance Records in stock, at:-- MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA forty years and sald he intended to keep on singing to the end of his days. Both recipients made happy re- plies. Another feature of the meeting was the presence of Mrs. 8. Dyde, the old- est member of Chalmers congrega- tion. She is ninety-one years of age. The Ladies' Aid of Chalmers, of which Mrs. R. J. Wilson is president, provided high tea at 6.30 for ths members of the congregation. The lecture hall was bright with lights, ing silver, pink candles in silver ¢an- delabra, pink primula, pink stream- ers and white flowers. The four lotig tables were filled with guests, and | some late comers had to wait for a | second table, : | Real Estate BEANS ll Investments - $4,800 -- Johnson street; | :3 Iba, for 33e. double frame; new and mod- ROLLED OATS ern; 7 rooms; furnace and elec- tricity. Rental $528. $5,700 Rideau Strect; 4 frame tenements with improve- ments; "all in good condition. Rental $760, $1,850 -- Chatham street; double frame; 4 rooms and W, C. Rental $260. ' DRIPPING 200 Ibs. Cholce Beef Dripping "eaves aan sss 18e. 1b, LARD 300 Ibs. pure Rose brand 28¢. Ib. BUTTER Last shipment about 300 Iba. while it lasts LN = | St. Andrew's Church Annual. | The annual meeting of the con- gregation of St. Andgew's Presby- |terian church took place on Wednes- day evening. v. J. W, Stephén, | pastor, occupied the chair. Reports were presented by the different or- ganizations, and all showed that the activities of the church were in a prosperous condition. A. W. Mc- Lean, treasurer, presented the finan: cial statement for the board of managers, which showed total re- ceipts of $13,748.96. The amount for missions was $2,606.16, and spe- cial collections show: . Benevolent fund, $144.47, Kingston General Hospital, $90.80, and Canadian Vimy Memorial church, $46. The amount subscribed to the Forward Movement was $10,336, cash re- Presbyterian church held its annual | the congregation's work. A resolution | protessionally manned as that of Chal | congregational | holstered easy .chair. Mr. Couper Spe also survive. and the tea tables contained gleam-, PEOPLE" MEET INCDENTS OF THE DAY Jf {Racy Local News and Items of General Public Interest. Try Chadwick's coal. Prone 67. | Pianos tuned. Phone 1544, C. W. | Lindsay, Limited. W. Swaine, piano tuner. 100 Clergy street. Phone 564w; The men who have to harvest the jcity"s ice crop will soon be on the job now. « | The Portsmouth philosopher says that Jack Frost cannot be listed among the unemployed. Citizens are warned that the roads and walks are too slippery to try and : catch a street car on the run. i | After six months' rental we will {allow money paid in rental to apply' on purchase of piano. C. W. Lindsay, { Limited. | ill wind"that blows no person good, | |applies to the plumbers these days. | {They are doing overtime. Alfred K. {been appointed associate chemist, | {Deébartment of Public Works, Otta- | wa, by the Civil Service Commission. { |" They ate Mrs. E, Hammell, Pres- | cott, who died so very suddenly on | [Sunday, was a sister of Rev. Father | Powell, Railton. She had resided all | {her life in Prescott and was much | beloved. | | During Tuesday night the mer- | jcury at Westport i8 reported as hav- | ling touched twenty-five degrees be- [low zero, while twenty degrees be- low was the lowest recorded at | | Athens. ! | John Washkallis, the Ottawa con- | vict, who is alleged to have made an | attempt to escape from the peniten- [tiary, was on Wednesday afternoon County Magistrate J. W. Bradshaw and committed for trial, i Henry A. Beck, business manager of Gilbert and Sullivan's big comic | opera, '"Ruddigote," which played for 200 nights last Season, is in the city arranging for this attraction at the Grand on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd. {fleld), died suddenly in Toronto on | infant. The funeral occurs in Toronto | jon Friday. A husband and a child | Mrs. Brownfield had | been with her daughter, a very sweet and beautiful woman. --Furs for Men ~--Furs for Ladies --F urs for Children Ow Sensational Price-Cutting Sale Orders at The old saying about it being an | IB i Light, Kingston, has | given a preliminary hearing before |§i the Park Theatre, New York City, | Mrs. Skelton, (nee Marjorie Brown- | §i { Wednesday, leaving a two days' old | ! The Line-up for 1921. avoid disappointment. PRICE $1.00 TO AUTOMOBILE AGENTS AND OWNERS ! Get a Copy of the January Issue of Motor New York Show Number A complete directory of the 1921 Cars and Accessories, Main Technical Speeificatio ns of the 1921 Cars. Price Classifications .of the 1921 Cars. Make of Chassis Units of the 1921 Passenger Cars. Make of Main Items of Stan dard Equipment for 1931 Cars. Electrical equipment of the 1921.¢cars, Important equipment of the 1921 curs. Important units of Engine equipment of 1921 cars, An absolute Encyclopedia f or the car owner or the selling ag ent. Supplies from the publishe rs are limited; and copies should be purchased at once, in order to In 1920 more than 80 customers were disap pointed. | The College Book Store Phone 919 to make sure of a copy, as long as the supply lasts. 'Telephone 919 Open Evenings OUT THEY GO | 24 only, Girls' and Misses' Sweater Coats; sizes 28 to 34; Rose, choice . . .. Cardinal and Green shades. Priced $5.00 and $6.00, each. Your «ove a vo Friday, $3.50 Penman"s Scotch Wool Underwear for men-- broken sizes -- from 32 to 44; regular $1.75 ... ..+..+...Friday snap $1.00 Boys' and Girls' Pure Wool Toques in Brushediand Plain Knit- End Saturday Our Price Cutting Sale ends on Saturday and we want to wind it up With big business. This is the place to come to get ted styles; all the popular shades and priced up to $1.25 each titties tipesesuaiiaiei.o........ Friday, your choice, 50¢. Girls' Silk Plush Hats--blac k--reg. price $3.50. Friday $1.50. Ladies' Black Sateen Underskirts--all sizes--regular $2.00 line fOr +o os iii Cian . Friday buyers at half price--$1.00 300 yards White Cotton--36 inches wide--nice quality--regu- Jar35¢. conniniins srerecceceneiao. on. Friday Snap, 20c. a yard A able filled with Remnants that make very interesting pick- PICTORIAL QUARTERLY FOR SPRING STORE HOURS. ........9.t05, Newman & Shaw "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" AT SYDENHAM HOSPITAL. -------- in Lo EN a Fur bargain -- our entire stock has undergone enormous Enter! ment by' First Baptist So | i ° ciety aud Salsbry's Orchestra. A Business Chance The patients at Sydenham hospi: | {tal had ahother enjoyahle time Wed- . i tal Nad 4 hibit suioveiie ume wel{ The Blue Tea Rooms, conveniently situated on ple's society of the First Baptist | ve J % : church and F. J. Salsbury's orchestra | King Street, doing a nice business--at a rea- combined to put on aa entertain- ment. Capt. Finney, instructor at sonable figure--satisfactory reason given for the R.M.C., and president of the 80- | ciety, mads an admireble chairman. | selling. Possession at any time. Master Jeffries, the popular boy s0- | . prano, sang a number of comit and | sentimental songs, which made a hit. | Miss Ruth LaFlsir and Miss G. Els | E. W. MULLIN & SON back sang a Lumber of solos in very | "i Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate | sweet voice, and were encored. Two | Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. - - «» Phones 330w and 5303. ll | recitaitons were given by Mrs. Blake | ~ and were well received. A sing- song of many of the old marching songs, led by the orchestra, was A very amusing ii | dialogue, entitled, "Mind Your Own | Business," was staged by the Sun- shine class. » foe of the vari- A complete list at office. Money to loan. J 5. R. McCann Real Estate and Insurance 86 Brock St. Phone 396 or 681 celved to date, $4.900. Some special expenses were incurred by urgent fepairs to the church. All of the reductions in price for this price. rétiring managers were re-elected. cutting sala They are J. B. McLeod, W. F. - Nickle, A. W. McLean, C. C. Folger. { Lt.-Col. W., P. Wilgar was appointed to fill the place left vacant upon the retirement of T. D. Robinson. TEA! TEA TEA!!! With the flavor .°,. .305e. Ib, Cullen's CASH AND CARRY ALFRED and PRINCESS STS, i f ii Labor Euchré and Dance. The weekly euchre and dance was held in labor hall on Wednesday evening, and proved most successful. e | Games were played from 8 to 10, and | dancing from 10 to 12. The winners |} \ of prizes were: Ladies' first prize, Mrs. Hillyard; gentlemen's first, E Vanerwalker; ladles' consolation, Mrs. Morton; gentlemén's, Mr, Mas- ters, The success of the eyent re-| flects the greatest credit upon the committee, which has done every- thing to provide these splendid week- ly entertainments. The members are 0. Blliott, chairman; W. Buck, sec- retary; Bert. Potter, Mr. Ackerley, J. Scanlon. ---- MEN'S FURS We always have a big variety of Men's Furs, Caps, Coats, Col- lars, Gauntlets always in stock or made to order on very short i] notice. A Fur Coat after all | 's a great luxury during wea- ll | ous characters Was very clever, and Hl | the class deccrveg much credit for their dramatic .talent, The pro- | gramme was interspersed with selec- Look To The F ature FOR THE MEN Tank Bursts. You will want good sight twenty years from now, just as much as you do to-day. . The better care you give your eyes now the keener your vision will be in latey years. If your eyes pain you or feel strained, heed the warning. Have them relieved be- fore perman injury is done. Lat 0 do not need glasses the optician ell you so. If you do he will prescribe the best pair of lens possible to help you. J. S. Asselstine .~ D.0.8.,342 King Steet ' Ammonia At 1 a.m." Wednesday, the fire de- partment received a call to the ice cream store of George Masoud, Prin- cess street. It was found that one of the ammonia tanks connected with his ice cream plant. had burst and the place was full of steam and va- por. Capt. CocBade shut off the valve and stopped the escape of vapor. No particular damage was done. grevetevivinsvoid,] * + CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. $ 'The Whig needs correspond- # ents at Cole Lake, Fall River, # Glendower, Glenburnie, God- # trey, Howe Island, Kingston & Mills, Merrickville, Mississippi, # Mountain View, Outlet, Sharhot # Lake and Tichborne. % - Any reader interested may # Jearn full particulars by writ i # ing to the British Whig, King- + ston. ; : Ge * hs : SEE 2002820000000 ther like we have had this week --more of which will likely Men's Coon Coats $225 to $125 Men's Fur-lined Coats » «. $200 to $133 Men's Sheared Goat Coats teecsine.... $35 to $25 Men's Black Dog Coats for $25 Men's Lamb Caps ..$25 to 86 Men's Fur Collars . . .$25 to $4 Men's Fur Mitts for casein $4 Men's Fur Gauntlets $25 to $15 ALL SALES FOR CASH George Mills & Co. Sessa the lobby. Homemad tions from the orchestra, and many of the patients enjoyed dancing im e candies pro- viued by the ladies were distributed. i G. Young, who arranged the affair, voiced the appreciation of the pati- | ents to those who had helped to make the »vening such a happy one for the-patients. : : Will Not Be Paid. The members of the Almonte coun. cil will not receive any remuneration | for their services this year. ' Last year's council gave two readings to A by-law to enable members to .be paid for their services. It was left at that stage in order that the suc- ceeding council might give'it third reading if it saw fit. At Tuesday's council meeting Councillor Johnson, seconded by Reeve McCallum, moved that no further proceedings be taken regarding the by-law td pay members The resolution was passed unani- "The Real Foot Warmers," and juss the | thing for these cold, frosty days. See our special values. . . . $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. . Regularly priced to $6.00. S. J. MARTIN "Shoes of Mert and Disinctin" ~~ Prof. J. A. Roy, of Queen's, will A stirring revival campaign 1s ia speak on "The New Situation in Cen: | progress in Pentecostal Tabernacle. tral Europe', at the annual meeting | The American Evangelist, Mrs. Ethel of the Canadian Club on Friday, Jan. | E. Goss is in charge every night ex- 28th. cept Saturday.