THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. _LEAKG PRINCE ALBERT, GETS AWAY 10 G00 START xAURSDAY, JANUARY Zu, 1vz1. E. A. Moore, a Kingston Boy, Kingston Company of Fronte- PROBS: --Friday, fair, and quite mild., Has Been Transferred | nac Regiment Already > Prescriptions | lo Thorold, Ont. Has 25 Members, i] 000 b Put up with care and ac- Prince company of The Hera rince Albert, Sask he Kingston E. A. Moore anager of the 10- | pronten On Sale cal branch of the Bank of Montreal |. < 1 Wedneesday. At in the city, and Mrs. Moore leave | re: cs lied, there were | the city to-morrow evening for Thor- r-five of all ranks old, Ontario, t h branch of the 'artridge, 0.C., was greatly received notice ip10ased to meet such a fine lot of chaps, and in a brief address succeeded In 8 Albert by C. P. lined the i eresting programme of Colville, of Wir who has been | grip ind games. He explain- recently on th Staff of le¢ the position of the Frontenac the bank. 1 of the organization of | curacy and always under the We Lead. Others Were F orced to Follow In. | GENUINE PRICE supervision of the proprietor. Your doctor would advise this as he is assured that his medi- Under the new sche- dule of prices, which cines reach you as he would have them out- Have your prescriptions and ecting means a substantial family medicine put up at: -- nm Phone bC. Best's ~ The Popular Drug Store. -- Open Sundays. reduction-- 12 ONLY, SMALL DIAMOND NECKLETS Mr. Moore came to Prince Albert in February, 1913, and opened the first branch of the Bank of Mont- real to be established in this city. He has taken an active part in the pub- lic life of the community, his sodnd judgment and agreeable manner al- ways commanding the greatest con- fidence and respect, a personal as- set that was not unappreciated by 'the institution which he represented. For the past year he has been the {Regiment .r | companies at outside points, all of {which were practically independent junits. A good spirit is shown in the irank and file, and from the present | prospects the complement will be | made up in short time. | An interesting feature of the work of this com, any will be the develop- | {ment of athletic superiority, Sergt { Jarvis, professional boxing trainer, will undertake to produce an atuletic platoon out of the entire company, REDUCTIONS These sensational values for Frida monstrate we are keeping faith with the merchandise at the are little short of se new low price levels. Th buyin y shoppers still further de- g public by offering ese values for to-morrow nsationalandare bound" to attract all thrifty women. vice-president of the board of trade tand for this purpose special parades during a period whicn has probably will he held once or twice a week i {been the most effective in the his- | for physical training, boxiug and and att Yact ively tory of that body, and to his endua- | wrastling, well as basketball and | . vors much of this success is attri- {other games. | made of White Gold butable. He is also a member of the | Major W. J. McManus, GSO, | . public library hoard, a director of IM D. No. 3, was present and expre throughout, set with St. Alban's Ladies' Collegyy a mem- ed great satisfaction with the parade, | one diamond each ber of the executive council for the ang pr 1, on behalf of headquar Diocese of Saskatchewan,.of which ters, every assistance in the work of body he is also a member of the fin- ItLe unit. He told of what was being Limited These are very neat DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IN Dress Goods and Suitings The Greatest Sale Event of the Season--Guaranteed Pure Wool Materials--All For One Price ; $2.90 a Yard The materials: Cheviots, Home spuns, Sylvian Suiting, Broad- , cloths, Serges. The Colors: Plum, Green, Purple, Grey, Old Rose, Navy. 46 to 54 inches wide and regular $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 See Window Display. Keeley Jr! M.0.D.0. TO in ance and standing committees. He in raising the other comparies, has also been an active worker upon articularly at Napane~ nd it was the Boys' Life Council in the city, i t as the trair advanced Mrs. Moore has been prominent in | ities would be presented for | the social life of the city, and took [compet ons betweem .he different a keen interest in the Prince Albert {companies. Napanee looked like a | {tennis club. She will be missed by | keen competitor. {a large circle of friends. { The officers present were Major The removal of Mr. and Mrs. | partridge, Capt. Robinson, Lieuts. Moore from the city will be re-|porster and Murray. gretted by a wide circle of iriends, | to whom they have endeared them- | selves during their residence in SENT UP FOR TRIAL I Jes Syng | ON CHARGE OF ARSON | In speaking of his departure to ja reporter for the Herald, Mr. Moore THOMAS COPLEY Isaid that he had been nere for eigat | Telephone 987. years and had made many warm and | Wanting anything done in the carpen- valued friendships during. his stay, Estimates given wR, ali hinds 15nd he would leave the city with the { All orders | keenest regret. For ihe fuiure of | Shop | Prince Albert he thought the pros- | ago, on a charge of arson, in connec- | pects were of 'the brightest, but {tion with the burning of Stanley Mec- full value of he oppor- | Keown's Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of to-day to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have ythat knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI]- ENCE CAN GIVE, Jewelers - Established 1840. li " 85C King Street Albert Doupe Before Police Magistrate at Napanee on Wednesday. == ~------ ~-- | tery line. of repairs and new work wood floors of all kinds, will recelyv: prompt attention, 2N Queen Street. It is this combination of min J and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston, Albert Doupe, arrested a few days IH barn near Centreville, on me nmin When a young man is engaged to a | whether the a --_-- ea] --_-- --_-- --_-- = --_-- kittenish girl he forgets all about the fact that kittens grow up. tunities presented to the city would [Christmas day, came before Magis- |be realized 'depended. largely upcn (trate Rankin, at Napanee, on Wed- | |the earnestness of the co-operation |nesday afternoon, and was committed {ot every citizen, | for trial. He was allowed out on $5,- | | Mr. Moore was only definitely | 000 bail. notified of his transfer yesterday. Five witnesses gave evidence con- His successor, Mr. 'Colville, is a Fue jCovning the movements of the accus- | | | | | SALE--SALE--SALE, Friday Morning 9 to 12 O'clock QUADRUPLE DISCOUNT STAMPS Hit turned officer, who saw considerable ed on the gdy in question. Over three in France with the 13th | hours were taken up in the hearing. and the Canadian tay [Evidence was given regarding the Prisoner being intoxicaied and driv- -- ing around in a rig, and after hear- Mr. and 'Mrs. Moore are former |ing all the witnesses, Magistrate Ran- | Kingstonians, the latter .a daughter [kin considered there was sufficient | of R. Waldron, Barrie street. evidence to put him on his trial. = [service Shop here and save 20c. on every dollar, | Battalion Corps. | WABASSO SHEETING--100 yards of 2 yard wide, h lit Wabasso Sheeting; free from all dressing; reg $1 75. Friday $1.0 60 yards of fine quality 2 yard wide Bleached Sheeting; sold reg. at $1.00 a yard . . . Friday 69¢. = 90 yards of 7-4, fine quality, Bleached Sheeting, "Wabasso," fine . = even weave and sold reg. 95c.......... .. i : BOYS' SWEATERS --60 only Boys' Union Pullover Sweaters; range of colors and all sizes 22 to 32; reg. $1.95 cach . .._. on . . Friday, 98c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR--100 Men's Shirts and Drawers; all Pen- man's make, and worth up to $ 2.50 each . . .Friday $1.39 LADIES' VESTS---100 Ladies' N atural Ribbed Vests; long sleeves and worth reg. 60c. ein Friday, 2 for 98e, BLACK SILK DUCHESSE--90 yards of rich, black, Duchesse Satin, French make; reg. $4.50 - ... Friday $3.29 25% DISCOUNT Ladies', Men's, Children's Underwear All the best makes and styles to select from; everything mark- ed in plain figures--for one day only at this great reduction. + ® oo Steacy's - Limited The Store That Forced Prices to the New Low Levels 00 i PRECIOUS GUMS a -- AW basa} ANY PIECE, OF; Delicate odors from the flowers of P OPE ft B R RTY If You have Come to Such Misery | accident. He was driving near En- Asia-Minor, pure essences and ex- terprise, when the horse took fright tracts from the exotic flowers of ir: the City of Kingston can be sold if your price is right and | can do it. as Itching or Protruding Piles at a tractor alongside the road, and | Southern France; Gums of rich ex- oF { bolted. Constable Briant was thrown | celience from far away Persia and Prramia ile Rolf *%itorics have {out, and his héad struck against the | India; all blended in that ideal balm Phone 704. 1114 Brock St. Real Estate and Insurance : Been 'the houzsha { tractor. He suffered severe cuts | for all weather conditions-- "Cam- List your property with me for quick sale, January Annual Sale OUR BIG STOCK OF GRANITEWARE Our line is complete in all new goods. This is not a sale of a few odd lines, but on everything new in the line. 15% OFF ALL ENAMELWARE McKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. Big Busy Hardware, Kingston. WR Doupe was placed under arrest fol- | lowing an investigation which was | 10 OPEN ANOTHER PAVILION 575.55 5+ 50 -- = ows Hopi 0 Accom p\INEU, NEURALGIA a TORTURING SCIATICA Coming Here. Owing to the increase in 'the popu- | Both Come From the Same Cause-- { lation' at the Mowat sanatorium, an- i Thin, Watery Blood. {other pavilion is to be opened up| Most people think of neuralgia as | shortly. Twenty-eight patients are ex- | a pain 'in the head or face, but neu- pected In the course of a few days | ralgia may affect any nerve in the (from S . Agathe, Quebec, Seven pat- | body. Different names are given to a re ch ea { nesday. The nursing staff has been is called sciatica, but the character | increased by two, and probably an- | of the pain and the nature of the dis- | i other doctor will be added in the near | ease are the same. The pain in neu- | future. Pavilion No. 1 has been re- ralgia is caused by starved nerves. | | cently renovated, and extra heating | The blood which carries nourish- | { installed. On arrival of these extra ment to the nerves has become thin | patients the sanatorium will be prac- | ana impure and no longer does so, | tically filled to its capacity. | and the pain you féel is the cry of | At the present time, Mowat sana- | the nerves for their natural food. | torium is one of the most completely | YOU may ease the pains of Helraigiu] ad 4 : its kind jn | With hot applications, but real relief | equipped institutions of its {from the trouble comes by enriching Canada. This is due chiefly to | and purifying 'the blood. For this | ministration of Dr. Bruce Hopkins, | purpose Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the medical superintendent, and his strongly recommended. These pills staff, who have always received the | make new, rich blood and thus act as heartiest co-operation from the local | a most effective nerve tonie. If you Announcement later. headquarters of the D. S. C. R. and | are suffering from this most dreaded | of troubles, or any form of nerve Phone237. - - . . . . = . | ottawa. trouble, give these pills a fair trial, HIN" one Fore G and note the ease and comfort that | . ------ . i | ~Crown Forces ( harged. | tollows their use. I= London, Jan. 20.--Crown forces | You can, get Dr. Williams' Pink | == =| are charged with the burning of pub-| pls from 'any medicine dealer, or| = { lic buildings and stores in Cork and | by mail at 50 eats a box or six boxes | = if | the ensuing looting on the night of | for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' December 11th and 12th, in a re-| Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. port issued by the Irish labor party § | and the trades union congress | | through the British lajor party, ---------- --_-- -- ---- -- a ed ae --_-- -- as Sn --_-- ---- a -- ---- ml ma --_-- Sa -- --_-- --_-- HTH IHN in MA ai = Sa ---- Sad = = es a nia -- -- -- _ -_ = -- -- _-- aes nn frome] oe = a Nn Watch for our sale of Aluminum Ware. Kingston TT CONSTABLE BRIANT HAD A VERY CLOSE CALL ll 4 y The Greeks are to be brought back T-------- by the British and | was Victim of Runaway Acci- dent Near Enterprise on Tuesday. | | troms Smyrna |§ | French. Their position is critical. | | Stop Guessing | Try Pyramid Briant, Camden | East, had a narrow escape from be- | ing killed on Tuesday afternoon, [when he was the victim of a runaway High Constable about the head, but luckily none were | PAnas Balm." Get a bottle from your otf a serious nature, and jt is expect- | druggist! ed that he will be able to be around je ®gain in the course of a few days. | Constable Bria &. Was driving alone | at the time. ® Ws are offering extremely good valxes in 'Beds and Bedding during the month. Brass Beds (in dull and ribbon finish). : Wood Beds (in mahogany and walnut), Numerous designs in Iron Beds, in the popular White Enamel finish. . Comfortable and Durable Spripgs and Mattresses to fit all sizes of Beds. ' GRANTED DIVORCE. . Famous Gaiety Girl, Olive May, Gets oy » = Separation. It is said a political crisis has de-| London, Jan. 20.--Lady Victor Pa- veloped at Quebec and that thirty-one | get, formerly Olive May, famous Gaie- Liberals in the legis'ature have s gui- | ty girl, was yesterday afternoon fied their intention of voting against | granted a divorce on grounds of de- the government's proposs! .to take | sertion and misconduct. She was complete charge of the liquor traffic. | Riven the custody of her two small Chief Justice Mulock dismissed a| children. ET -------------- S-- Take advantage of our 8pe cial prices. interest you. We know we can {| T. F. Harrison Co, Limited Phone 90 more than two decad You've no idea what relief is until you use Pyramid. Get a §0c box today at the drug store anywhere in the U. 8 or but do mot take any substitute. They are used in the pri your own ho a free trial by damage action at " amilton, after the | jury had awarded the plaintiff $1,000 damages far the death of his wife and | $2,500 for personal injuries. i Three prisoners, serving time fo= | theft and desertion from Varcartier camp, made a sensational escape from prison at Quebec, Her husband is a brother of the Marquis Anglesy, one of the oldest peerages in England. Her wedding was one of the distinct social sac- cesses in January, 1913, but her hus- tand went to France during the war ard refused to live 'with her after November, 1914. W. F. O'Connor, K.C., is to be a candidate in the West Peterboro bye- election. Sir John Martin Harvey Is in Tor onto hospital a sufferer from inflge enza, i KB