Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1921, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1921 £ COMING FOR 1921 Storms. ~Lold Wenther, ' Hala, ~The "Flu", ~La Grippe, ~Influenza. ~~Tonuilitis, ~=Bronchitis, Asthma. Diphtheria, --Catarrh. o Yes, they are all coming. - For 'BUILDING 2 REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son ! Main Street, Phone 1670. rn, W. H. STEVENSON HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggons and Trucks Repaired, Prices moderate, 381 KING STREET EAST treatment we are prepared with the best Atomlzers, Sprays, Solu- tions and Hemediey for Coughs and Colds. Make yourself "Cold Proof," Take Austin's Tasteless Cod Liver OH, Austin's Drug Store Corner Klag and Market Square Fhone 230 Sede ded bd FG pd defen fp dob od fe feded Kingston FRR RPRIR IPE PILL P PEPE PPP PPPERTPOD Pp | Coded didedededefedeof dds Auto Storage Warm or Cold, ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON | Phones: Shop 1030. Ren. 1337J. 378 BROCK STREET of the Each Cap- sulo bears the (MIDY name Sa Beware of counterfeits Kingston Transfer Co. 153 WELLINGTON ST, For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture, The Company is also equipped with waggons, or sleighs, and tackle for any kind of special hauling. PHONE 877. WP a Sr str | | PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, FOR SALE DWELLING, BARN AND ONE ACRE OF LAND at city limits 2,000 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insurance © 89 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly dnd efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STRERT Phone 688, MR. WORKING MAN Why dan"t you trade at the Co- operative and get most out of your dollars? We carry the best quality goods and our prices are as low as any, and all the profits go back to our members in dividend and interest. Make up your'mind to join to-day and hefp along a movement that will help you. SPECIAL Dairy Butter ........... 56e. per 1b. THE KINGSTON CO-OPERA- TIVE SOCIETY, LIMITED Corner of King and Princess Street Phone 469, { W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. AA Nt i For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. a | PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer, Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214.. 849 Princess St. ---- re---------- DID YOU EVER TRY Wagstall's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstail'y Flueappie Marmalade, Wagstail's Bramble Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale ati-- 'Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets License No. 0-2T149 Phone 1544. Attention To Automobile Owners Bee us for your winter over. hauling and storage, Used Cars for sale. - Central Garage R. M. EYRE, Prop. 335 King St. = + Phone 2185 a Our Motto: "QUALITY AND SERVICE" FRENDS For Choice Groceries and Provisions «2 STORES-- 210 Divisior Strect. Corner of Pine & Cowdy Sts. Orders called for if desired, | | tect yourself by taking Watches and Clocks Repaired [ hy : are gudranteed for one year. Call or "phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Princess St. ~-- Arne 'Winter Is Comin 8 nd brings Coughs and Colds. Dr. Hall's It soothes and heals and will Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82 Neilson's Chocolates and Ice Cream always fresh. mi Mahogany and Walnut Furniture not only lasts longer, looks nicer, and cost less in the long run. It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and POLISHERS on the premises--Mr. Frank Summerville, who remodels and repairs--he is an expert. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. 25 p.c. Reductions It Will Pay You to Take Ad- vantage of our Reduction Sale Sweater Coats from $2.50 up «3. to $6.50 Wool and Silk Scarfs from . $1.50 up to $3.00 Blué and White Striped Over alls; extra heavy weight; special $1.90 Black Overalls, special . .$1.90 Men's Working Shirts; extra good, in black or black and white or dark blue--special. at $1.50 All Wool Penman's Underwear «special at $1.45 Men's Fine Tan Boots--special Men's fine Black Boots--special $4.50 You will find many other bar- gains that are not listed here. I. ZACKS 271 PRINCESS STREET | tyne, who is a Queen's graduate, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. Kingston and Vicinity Best Value in the City, We have a few first-class overcoats left which we w t |extremely low pr Prevost .Cloth- {ing House, Brock street ; e To Come To Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Jackson, Lindsay, have removed to Napanee. | Mr, Jackson is manager of the Do- m:nion Stores in place McLaughlin, who takes Kingston store of the company. High School Members. At the meeting the Prescott council, Howard Birks and William A. Polite were appointed to the va- cancies on the high school board of cansed by the terms of Norton Miller | and W. J, Keeler having expired. | Dr. Ballantyne Appointed. | The new head the S.C.R. for M.D. No. 3 is to be Dr. W. Ballan- He e first of Feb- for this dis- of takes over his duties | ruary when headquarte trict will be moved fre Ottawa. Buys Clayton, N.Y. Property, } © At Clayton, N¥.. J. W. Butcher | has purchased of Henr two lots on the corner of Water and John streets, an additional lot to the premises now occupied by Mr. Butch- er, who expects to erect a block cov- ering the whole property, | Engagement Announced, I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mercer an- nounce the engagement of their only | daughter, Vera Edith Mary, to Stan- ley Meredith Scott, B.A, elder son of | Judge and Mrs. Scott, Perth, Ont. | The marriage will take place quietly the second of February. 1 i Mr. Armstrong's Appointment. G. E. Armstrong, formerly of Perth has been appointed censor of film ad- vertising in Toronto at a salary of 1$2,500 a year, He was formerly | chairman of the provincial board of {moving picture censors which was | recently re-organized by the Ontario | | government. Joseph Boicey, who has had charge {of the Senator O'Brien farm at Barry- {vale, will move to Renfrew where | he will hold another position in the {senator's service, His place at Barry- | vale will be taken by R. McKie, Ren- {frew, who has been engaged in the j textile mills. | | A Change of Farmers. | Has Been Paralyzed. On Thursday last George White, | Stirling, met with a very serious ac- | eident while trimming a tree on T. J. | Smith's lawn. He was on a ladder cutting a large limb, which in falling struck him on the head, causing him to fall, striking his head and shoul- [ders on the cement walk, causing con- mn Pro- Cough Balsam when you feel the first | | tickle. | prevent coughing. For sale only at: | | | & A serious condition which is re- lieved when you arouse the liver, kidneys and bowels to action using Dr.Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. Onepilladose. 25.2 box, all dealers | | nn €0LD IN THE HEAD If Neglected It May Lead to Pleurisy or Pneumonia. Just as "tall oaks from little acorns grow," so is a common cold often tKe seed from which spring serious dis- eases such as pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung troubles. Taken at its start, a cold yields to proper treatment. Neglect it and it not only causes serious inconvenience but is very liable to develop into diseases which are rightly dreaded by all. That cold can be relieved in a single night by starting to take Grip- Fix as soon as the trouble appears. This remedy strikes right at the root of the complaint. It keeps the System open. It relieves the muscu- lar pains. It relieves the feverish conditions. It comes in capsule form and acts promptly. Two capsules tak- en 'three hours apart, give wonder re- sults, and one capsule at two-hour in- tervals thereafter finishes the work. Have a box of Grip-Fix in the house. Never be without it 'these days. On sale at all druggists. 35c. per box. Mrs. Lilian Taylor Tells How Cuticura Healed Her Baby $ \ Tad £4 nothing a shou h he might be disfigured "I thought I would Cuticura Soap 15d Ointment a tial. 1 found sample so good more and two cakes of Cuticura of William | over the ym Kingston to | Johnston | ed. GET RID OF THAT the brain, and The lower fart of his body s completely paralyzed. | New Milling Company. | Hawthorn Mills, Limited, with a | capital of $750,000, has received a| federal charter to take over the un- | dertakings and business of Haw- | thorne Mills, Limited, Carleton place. Met With an Accident. | on Carswe Hill, Renfrew, met with ia nasty accident which\has kept him in bed for a week. The struck a snag, breaking one of the boards and severely bruising his i back. Joins Ford Motor Staff, ccept a position as farm power th the Ford Motor Co., L. G. ipel, B.S.A., has resigned as lec- | turer in agricultural engineering and | drai age at the Kemptville Agricul- | tural School and will assume his new | duties next month, Sand the Walks, Joard of Works should make ! v of the city walks of the city the present time the: walks jare {if a dreadful condition, and dan- | gerous fo pedestrians. In all parts | of the city. there are large sections of [icy surface that should be sanded so as to make walking comfortable. | Moran-Joyce Wedding, A very ding at Patrick's church, Napanee, on Jan. 12th, when John Richard Joyce and Mary Ann Beatrice Moran were united by Rev. Father O'Connor, Clare McGuire, Camden East, acted asmgroomsman, and Miss Moniea Moran, s'ster of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. took place St. Lost Money at Poker. The new police officer of Renfrew the 'gambling evil in town and that the Lord's Day Act especially will be strictly enforced. In a recent poker game in this town a jackpot, contain- ing over $400, was won by a promi- money nearly so Badly as did the wives and children of some of the men who lost it. Officer Wadsworth says that gamblers need expect no quarter from him and he has con- sulted with Town Solicitor Chown with respect to the extent of his authority for dealing with the of- fence, R. J. Bushell Goes to Ottawa. Robert J. Bushell, manager of the Kingston Industrial Fair Association, left Thursday morning for Ottawa to attend the livestock exhibition being held there this week. Mr. Bushell is to be a guest Thursday evening at a banquet to be held in the Chat- RS. LUCAS breaking | ¢ Cliff Williams, while tobogganing ! toboggan | pleasing and pretty wed- | has announced that he will clean up | | nent resident' who did not need the | . " au Laurier by the Chantecler Breed- Association of La Trappe, Que. Fr exhibited his prize fowl at the 1gston fair for several years. ho le | ha Ki Traffic to Cape Vincent, The start of the winter stage be- tv een Kingston and Cape Vincent, | N.Y., will depend upon the weather | { conditions. The Rockport Navigation | Company which has the mail con- ract, cannot say just when the first | trip will be made, but it is a certainty that the ice is not yet strong enough to carry a horse and. two or three days more severe frost is necessary to {remove all doubts on that score. Mr. | [ Horne, Wolfe Island, is to' run the | stage and carry the mail. i Queen's Medical M useum., | | Queen's Journal: When Dr. Miller, ! our new pathologist, came to Can- | {ada, he brought with him many rare | land valuable specimens, Among | these is a collection of sixteen speci- | | mens of atrophied livers which is the | only one of its kind in Canada. fact the only other such collection | | | : : : which exists, is to be found in the | University of Edinburgh, Scotland. that they are properly sand- 1Q ueen"s is indeed fortunate to have | its valuable museum so greatly aug- mented. These specimens are used | for teaching purposes in pathology | ,and are a decided acquisition to the | | medical college. Honored a Birthday, The ninty-third birthday of J. B. Aylesworth, Newburgh, was recently | celgbrated! "This anniversary was | jade the occasion of a family gath- | { ering, and this year all of Mr. Ayles- | { worth's family were present to cheer | land gladden the day for the old gen- { tleman. There were present Sir Allen | [and Lady Aylesworth, of Toronto: | George Anson' and Mrs. Aylesworth, | Newburgh, and Mrs. Chant, Bow- | manville, and of course Mrs. Ayles- worth, Sr,, without whom the home | would be almost impossible: We ! hope that the venarable principal | may have his declining years blessed | with visions of brightness. King-Hamilton Nuptials. | On Saturday, January 15th, the | marriage took place at the bride's {home, of Elsie Maria Hamilton, | youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | T. Hamilton, Joyceville, to Cecil WI- | | lis King, Moscow. The bride lo...cd | | charming in a dress of pale blue |silk, with glebe hat and veil to | match, The bride was given away by her brother, Richard. Her sis- ter, Miss Annie, was bridesmaid. | The ceremony was performed by | Wilfrid, of this association, | WOOD MOULDINGS, BASE and TRIM } FOR INTERIOR FINISH The new Allan Theatre is one of our lat- est contracts. . We are also supplying the Oak Trim for the new Royal Military College Building, now nearing completion. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Strects, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1415. In | | | You have always wanted one of the many dainty BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES We are selling them at greatly reduced price. A. D. HOLTON 880 PRINCESS s'1KKKT Phone, 661; tes. 2030W. Now is your chance. 'LOOK Pure While Felt Mattress Covered with heavy Art Ticking-->5 inches thick--weight 42 lbs.~--splendid value at $16.00 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY--ALL SIZES $10.75 Kingston Mattress Company 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel PHONE 2283. Rev. W. J. Gratton. Afterwards the | ~ guests retired to the dining room |to partake of the good things await- | §§ {ing them. Mr. and Mrs. King left | by motor, with the best wishes of | FOR SALE their friends, for their new home in | Moscow. "They WORK while you sleep" I M Wife of Hon. I. B. Lucas, member of the Ontario Hydro .commission and formerly attorneyegeneral for Ontario, died in Toronto on Saturday. WOMAN ENDS HUNGER aTidie... Above, Mrs. Sadie Harrington of Danville, 111. who on the advice of Her pastor has ended her {8-day hunger strike; below, Ernest Harrington, for whose conversion his wife undertoo the long fast " You are constipated, bilious, and | what you need is one or two Cas-| carets to-night sure for your liver| and bowels. Then you will wake up | wondering what became of your dizzi- ness, sick headache, bad cold, or up- | set, gassy stomach. No griping-- no inconvenience. Children love Cas-| carets too. 10, 25, 50 cents. \ WHEN RHEUMATISM | HITS YOU HARD! Sloan's Liniment Should Re Kept Handy for Aches and Pains. HY wait for a severe pain, an Wee, a rheumatic twinge fol- » lowing exposure, a sore muscle, sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment handy to help curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job? Without rubbing, for it penetrates, apply a bit to-day to the afflicted part. Note the gratifying, clean, prompt relief that follows. Sloan's | Liniment couldn't keep its many thousands of friends the world over it'it didn't make good. That's worth remembering, All druggists--three sizes--the largest is the most econo- mical.. 35c., 70c. 1.40. foal 0c, $1.40. Made in 9 Sioa Liniment Brick House, Barrie Street, near Brock Street, Hot Water Heating. Price $3,500. A. F. PURCELL Phone 704 11135 Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE RED LETTER SHOE SALE 254, DISCOUNT ON ALL BOYS', GIRLS AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Special lot of Misses' Scho ol Shoes in Black Calf; sizes 11 to 2; regular $4.00; NOW ,. $2.98 Boys' extra good value Tan Grain Leather, solid $3.75 25% OFF ALL GOODS IN STOCK NO DISCOUNT ON RUBBEBS™* J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES Some men may be suspicious. But | body in the best possible light. TWEDDELL'S OVERCOATS For the best values at. : $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, ..: $35.00, $40.00... ..; BUY YOUR OVERCOAT TWEDDELL'S a photographer likes to see every- | (T s9% 131 Princess St. (One door below. Randolph Hotel)

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