Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1921, p. 6

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THE DAILY: BRITISH WHIG. ne SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1981, - TET Te ---- T THE BRITISH WHIG | © a SPLENDID PLAN. | comands, or vo prepared to anuc U0 siren suseere, "Broken Blossom." a ET rT | A university has a much larger | [shop ay B hy 2 % he acting o ts* m 88TH YEAR. © |constituenty that the st s with-7 "The same secret is responsible for | cla sted stars is a parcel of inane in its halls Besides rendering a |the siiccess «of individuals. Men |, tricks, .portentods grimacing and club- life [climb to. the top of the ladder in ev-| footed movements. One is appalled at 1e § impering acrobats who are boost- ng general service to the national {as a whole it should fea centre of ery department of life by - giving th | ed as artists." | light amd 'leading to the community |service, by doing some one thing bet : {In which it is placed. One of Ways |ter than anyone else has done fit. | Aw, Gwan! | In which the university can most | Men have risen from small begin-| Luke drew a breach of promise suit; .| readily perform this function is DY |nings to the highest positions in the| The irl of his selection { bringing to the university from time | commercial, financial anf business | * epee Digg . heise 3 - es nin clio {to time men of distingujshed schol- | { world because they did their job as Sales Bons 'arship or of owstanding -achieve- | gai) ae they 'could, because be | a : iment, who can make an nediate | quality of their service {impressed | Gosh! {and direct appeal not merely to the |i; superigrs and brcught them | [ear Luke: J@st as we left Tama on | students of the university but to the | promotion. the good ship Mascotte we unfolded a : : : | newspaper three days old, but it con- public generally. This the senate is "Service." This is the gre atest tained your celumn, and that was all {doing wifh marked success jit is * thing in the making of business, and | we red. Just as we opened the pa- y he citizens er 1 Bo sUENt valye to the citizens of |. yer 1g 110 Timited to the mé-[P* TB large lady of at least sixty sum ngston that the 'university does 1 3 aske o borrow King ha h ity d | mers approached and asked to b. . jterial things of life. Did not the |r sapere ww $4l2 Bhe could have it bring these masters of 'life and . e e cou e rs : nd Sine | | great Nazarene spy to His disciples, ]as soon ag we read Luke McLuke's col. . r - 5 {hous to Ietruet, tos m 33 id "Whosoever will ba chief among HS, aod it 16oked for a while like we | #pire speaks we or e 91 wou e thrown into the gulf. She 3 vant ?" and Fohlisned Daily and Semi-Weekly by telligence and taste of our com- roe let him be your ser gave us to understand that she had no HE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | is | Was not His whole life an exemplifi- | "foranybod CO., LIMITED '| munfy that general advantage is . ¥body who read Like Mc- - l cation of His gospel of service ? Take Luke's stuff, We informed her that rtunities and | J. G. Elllott 1. President !aken of these oppo B EnU | eed thon 'all yo who would crave|you Were our nelghbor at home, that You were a pretty square fellow with Leman A. Guild .. Editor and | that the thoughful people of the | 4 reward in - t | e -- __ Managing-Direetor rector] | community afe glad to attend these | Success in this world, and.r 700d reputation and a fine family. : lectures. { the hereafter, and make your motlo| gy: she wouldn't listen to us. I don't | that of "service," for. by service | know whether ft Pays to try to defend you or not. " --H.8.H. BI BBY'S We Have The Best For Less HHI ERE SEE OUR $45.00.MEN'S | . TO OUR FRIENDS: AMP YOUNG MEN'S : e~ SUITS Genuine all-wool Worsteds and, Serges; plain' Blues, Greys, Browns: neat hair any lower than right now lines and checks. | --it will actually pay you who have traded with us for many years, rest as- Business Office . ve 243 ¥ditorial Rooms 229 L Job Office 292 | alone can great things be. achieved SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | CONCERNING DUTY. | i -------------- How About Him? x (Daily Edition) { In an interesting sermon recently re - n One year, delivered in city ......$6.00] {delivered in his cit by a distin | errata tert 1. Wood Steel, of Newport; Ky., wants 3 00! y d 8 i to act as Treasurer of the Names Is sured goods will not be One year, a paid in advanee 3 Ona year, by mail to rural offices $2.50 » tal i , One Yor te Der gar 3.00 | Buished Canadian divine, it' was | BITS OF BY-PLAY. Named Club, s (Sem!- Ww Seki vy Edition) pointed out what a large place duty, RE One year, by ma cash | "KE McLUKE One year, If not paid in advance i ag in one's life--and gapecially | By LUKE Mel, ' Une yedr, to United States 3150 in the lif i Jopyright, 1920, by Six and three months pro rata. the life of a soldier. "Overseas | A Cc py 5 A : girds, rn {everything seemed to be gathered up | The Cincinnati Enquirer. Don't w ow OUT-OF-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES | : y { | mt worry, but be merry R. Bruce Owen, 22 St. John St. Montreal | ID that word., For instance, if..the | And when youre at a loss for words, ¥. M. Thompson, 40: Lumsden Bldg. | battalion was going to attack the Cofsult a dictionary Toronto. 3 i [order came under the head of duties, . to. gave B : Letters to the Editor are published 3 . | Whenever we start in to i ooray! only over the actual name of the! | The order did not say that the bat > or 4 rainy day, A% lohg as corn holds writer, talion would make an attempt. he skV clears up, tie sun is brave, Out to grow Attached 1s one of the beat job: sald the battalion .will attack, wi The clouds all drift way. The stock of liquor 'printing offices in, Canada take, will hold, will consolidate, and And it is very, vgry plain Won't be low. { {it came under the head of duties. If That it will never, never rain ~--Luks Meliike, The circulation of THE BRITISH | |* soldier went west his comrades PAW Kauwrh Bvervibing. As long as hops and WHIG fs authenticated by the said he had done his duty; if 8 S01 | (ri)lie--Paw, what are running ex: Yeast are found, ABC dier was decorated he sald, if he penses? The home-brew. stuff 5 Audit Bureau of Circulations said anything, "loonly did my duty." Paw--Gasoline, tires and repairs, 'Will' be around. : do your lessons and Canton (Ohio) News Which thing is a parable of what | my son. Now ------ "must be the attitude of all good | don't bother me Well Well: e-- ! men to their daily tasks. If a man Ama 3 " 3 1 , Looks. nan and Song have a garage in La- Char up. Dadasy Mes the head |.oniracts to work eight hours a day She was a pretty sight to see-- tonia, Ky. at._wears a frown. {for a certain sum it is his duty to| 1 speak of Helen Hooking; ; She surely did look good to me Some Hard Tovhas, ¥ Flint, Mich. If an employer takes care of | Because she was good looking { Granite City, 1 Boulder, Colo. Ironton, Ohio Fort Steele, Wyo. ~ | Advice: | When dumbnesg your poor tongu e en- { or | fi We think we can truthful- to buy while our revised ly say the best $45.00 Suits | ; on the market. prices are in full swing. SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE Going on in our Boys' departments. BIBBY'S 1 Ever Notice It? - A or 8 TTT _ | work, not to limit 'or scamp his Excellent slogan for these boot- work. leg 'days: "Safety thirst." his workers, there is no special re- | Ouch! ward coming to him; he has only | «1; says nere that the new tariff is Wh a oti done his duty. -If he takes a fair [a dam," sald the Qld Fogy, as he Stone: 13 at the United States needs | ow uze he does only his duty; if less | looked up from the newspaper Ne was Nl. . along its Canadian border is a dyke. |yp.n a fair wage he has shirked his Beading iar What™ inquitea ibe : Onr Dally Spedial. g a h d € aters r -------- {duty. That 'is, there is no such { Grouch. Woman Poses and Then Man Pro- erl I 101 ] eters How sharper than a serpent's- thing as a limitation of a man's duty | -------- poses, --White Rock. tooth is a tax on an intome that has and it can never be said of any one | Proftecring. i ~-Radnor. {It is a fact, it seems to me, ! { FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE HOME "==Poland. been spent. | that he has done more {han his duty. { That's we lived on rice. : ----. | This-is pre-eminently true of they yu fow weeks rice would be Self Registering, Visible Window, Storm Glasses. --Adanac: ~=Caledonia. i h ip tiv i There is probably notliug perfec: life of our Lord. When Jesus came Prohibitive in price. Walt Mason Ve -- ol y Celestins, ; : S | to the end of the way he could look Rf ---- y in this sordid old world except the | up into His Father's face and say : | Is That So! THE POET PHILOSOPHER {) . BUNT'S Soda Water. "I ran across an old friend of yours | 3 | --Dry G l HARDWARE. KING ST. PHONE 388. ry Ginger Ale. \ 8irls in tle tooth paste ads. "| "I have findshed the work thou gav- | est me to do." He could say nd "Hurt Tiwi 'much? asked the Ped REALISM. ? 0 e 4 M. \ +/|| Jas. REDDEN & Co. | yesterday," said the Chauffeur In the old romantic days a man greater thing. The task le had been | estrian. When ~ have filied-my fountain pen who failed shot himself, but'now he set .had been finished---and it | ---- and found some foolscap blue, I'll See : SR roone xv and yw, goes out and shoots pedestrians, answered to his ideal. He had done You Kmow Him! write a tale of tiresome men, and his dut thout fear, without stint If heip you are hunting, | tiresome women, too. I'll chronicle e-- Ss duty, wi lemty ' Do not hife Sam Sifting; their tiresomé' deeds, 'the tiresome without mistake, without failure, | "pj hon 45 the gruntihg, things they say; 'twill be so dull the y and therefore without regfet. While you do the lifting. sport who reads will throw the book \ There is, therefore, no such thing away. Some little ten cent human : : as doing more than one's duty." For Oh, George! soul I'll analyze with glee, and hoist { FAK UK DALE 1c his duty | (Houston (Texas) Post) it on a twelve-foot pole, so all the 119 ¥ ; i instance a. man may do his duty In|. ov uke 'says he never heard world may see. And dead game sports = 'Ki acres, 7 miles trom Some men endorse notes as proof | the workshop and fail in his dufy of a girl kissing for her health. Folks | who read my book will rend their 3 Rgaton, se badiug Joa, of friendship; but more because |to.his home. Hs may do his duty | in. the seventh Rearen do not think | beards dnd wail, "Oh, let the public | 2 only, I adies' Mink Marmot Coats, rin Ye A, Wh they lack the backbone to refuse. by his famify and fail in his duty as | of health. hatizmey Sook i punk 2nd geice al : : New; AbOAt 40 acres Dow agar a good neighbor. !tc may do his Firms. To Firmi. od. ui Arty . gers, hn nag | 36 long; belt out side; pockets; lined cultivauon; aout 30 acres of It th : oH duty by hile church in one 'depait- Watch & Prey have opened a store | they'll say, "One book" above the valuable wood, chiefly maple, ey Were always as energelic|, ,.. snd f.il miserably in all other [in pistsburg, Pend. 'crowd stands forth, sublime and fine, 8s they are at the bargain counter, | 4... ryments, and he may lamentably ---- | The tale begins where it should end, Helpful Hints. and ends where it.should start; no they wouldn't need to hunt bargains. |. s duty as a citizen. \Ve . = [1a] 30 hie y k this matter of When you are trying to kill time | heroes #through its pages wend, no | my ay, ere i {had better 1e-t ne : Is that | these long, dry evenings you might | villlans grieve the heart; it.has mo ! good buidings, re ation; ; the present hour demands tha oo ro ming on 4 p ¢ i occupy your mind by committing to [action and no plot, no motive can be We have also a large list of Bvery righteous nation feels an |duty; : impulse to disarm, but is detérred | every man should every day do his | memory the Bulgarian National An-| found; and yet the volume hits the | farurs of ail 81zes and Prices, pe . uty. them. It is a beautiful thing, and |pspot, its technique is so sound. This | Py thought of its wicked neighbors. | plaia g y goeg like this: is no tale of blood and bones, but | one in which we find the soul of Pete | Fo ---------------------------- -------------- Onamo, namo! za brda ona T C art : a Govore dae jeraboren-dvor: Augustus Jones described as 'twas de- | | ° J. Lo kh You will note that the man who| , pHE SECRET OF SUCCESS, Mojega tzara! onama gore signed." "If you are tired of stirring Heas Jat a : behaves himself seldom has occasion "What is the secret of this man's Blo .je negda lunacki zbor, tales where villains get the hook, and | i . KINGSTON vituuce to sue somebody for defamation of success ?" runs a heading in the Ot- bt mies ms ie ih she 2d prevails, wait till | i Phone 1036w or 1:97) -haracter, ots a Matter, Tom wr 00 / | L < cter tawa Journal, over an article which Thomas Burke, who wrote. the --WALT MASON. BROCK ST EET -_ ag discusses the election of Thomas ¥ The dear creatures may gradually | Church as mayor of Toronto, for the . : discard other garments, but they wili | seventh consecutive term, The ar- Your Cough will be Better 55 y ee ---- - -- Lake Ontario Trout always feel shamefully nude. without ticle tells of Mayor Church's great hats. record in the, municipal affairs of After the first day's treatmeént with yy » _r | and Whit SE Toronto. In seventeen years he has : . EGCG COAL ceresii Curae $1 $20 per ton Sea S hediah, Brosh Bradstreet's report indivales that run seventeen times for office and yp. | DRUCO Zo STOVE COAL $16 .50 t a on, ad- the tide has turned, and a very much | has never been defeated. The ques- } Fh 7" . s$rsessass per ton dock, Halibut and | 7a WA a 42K | EE A :50 per ton Cod. Detter business outlook is the re- tion' might well be asked, 'What is 7F b / sult. the secret of this man's syceess 3" lady Pea Coal.............. $15.00 per ton rin tn cu oer | [ECR CTRLTINE] WC] Carrying 506. extra, BOOTH FISHEIERS Poverty has its advantages. Pleur-|°1® word, "Service." Tommy Church oe isy costs Caruso $1,000 a day, ang | Das been elected all these years sim- And the cough will keep 'on getting better and better PHONE 155. ALL BALES FOR CASH. Phone orders C.0.D, Canadian Co. the average man can have it at about | P1Y+because he has given the peo- ung] almost blore or setting it==it will have ' wr ha a : SOWARDS COAL CO. [|| "=. m=» ; A . | EI | AMIR JA il ~~. About the only thing in the known world slower than a messenger boy is the collapse of soviet Russia. Poplin. - Price $4,000. P : »~ 85 acres on the Bath Road; pleasant location on the Bay mand, because he has "delivered the NABRUES Co STRGE OF TAR with"COD LIVER OIL When the salesman tells you the |B00ds" when and where they were COMPOUND breaks up those hacking hat {s becoming, he means that you | Winted. Some people may say his UE Asthma, Bronchitis 2 will be coming back for a new one in | Tepeated election was because of his $5 h--takes es away all ir jrritation i in the throat. ) es * re 0 a few weeks popularity, But why was he popu- e Pp larly suited . «ze oe cent rks { , 1 to children. ri Sos. tis. reliable pe » Sign Graining | . lar? Simply because he gave ser Painting and Fencin Guards, Baskets. Flower Coal That Suits: 3 ars. \ * The proposed -blue laws should in- | vice of a kind that made him popu-| [Prepared by National Drug and Chetnical Company of Canada, Limited, JAMES S. ROBINSON borders, Wire Work of all kinds, man- aaa fefSS Nd tte ett test Kerem clude one forbidding newspapers to|lar, No man can remain in the con-| ___ dps | u/actured byie- $ | treet" 1 @ive free publicity to blue law ad-|fidence of the public unless he does in gut aus Stand 2 King tert Went at Lack vocates, give this service. Why is Babe Ruth : Phone 380, Residence 013m. || The Delaware, Lackawanna an) \ fo -- the idol of the baseball fans ? Why ||. A A : Western Railrbad . With hair-dressing and clothing [is he worth $80,000 a year to the - . Styles What they are, a .girl Who [club to which he belongs ? Because |" - : i 2 0 I doesn't want her vaccination mark to | ne gives them the service demanded : a G.Hunter vie Pr o-phy-lac-tic ! Ce ebrated ? home runs, the people flocked to see THE EASIEST GAP ENGINE TO OPERATE AND CARE FOR : P > ; 3 i . Bun lars. or ed ah . > r : en-e-tracto " s sulla? ouse in Michi rim make home runs, and he made The farmer wants an engine that is simple and reliable, INSURANCE AND . : ; r Scranton . . man had ever made. He was paid to and adjustment. as' tying {£24 28; Ss. "oe a unieation * |do a certain thing, and he delivered 5 a : 3 " He gets such an engine when he buys an Alpha. The Al In dally comm with Mont (If, ds stated py an official of the |was "service." to do its work day in and day out under the varying conditions _ - - . department of education, 5,506 Is not the same thilig true in ev- it is called to meet on the farm. It is dependable at all times. ° ou Bonds. for swe ang Muniel- Baty o dean. 5 The Standard Anthraette bo onds + + 3 . : The only Coal handled by : ce of less than twenty pu-|concerns stand or fall according to whether you are using gasoline, aicohol or kerosene, the Alpha 281 KING STREET ? : the need for consolidated the service they give to the people is a tuel saver. : i Choice, extra stiff, pure : ools becomes at once apparent. who patronize them. Stores become : : : J - 568; brist.es. > 1 hb : I : uted SEPARATORS Phones -= 568) & 1087 As cxteaortinary Brush 108 I aw 1] hi : 3 2 , show must haves it on her. ear, "lof Rim.) He was hired to make d stole the tub. i au sole t ps via ar them, twice as many as any other: that will do what he wants it to do without constant tinkering a GENERAL BROKER Hair Brush wy 3 : . the goods. The secret of his success horo! ractical engine. It is designed and . i pha is a thoroughly p! gine desig and built real and Toronto Stock 'Exchanges, Absolutely hygienic. C oal 's6hools in Ontario have an average ery department of life ? Business 2 One. big feature of the Alpha is its low fuel consumption, ~ Pure aluminum face. successful because they give better the price of an ordinary one. That Chicago map makes, who service than their competitors. Look + placed Kingston, Toronto, Fort Wil-| over the advertisements in any news- / h and other Canadian cities with- | paper or magazine; and you will find ? ; i} DAVID SCOT T Dr Chown's Drug Store 1 Phone's. Foot of "'neen St. 'the United States border, should [that the dominant idea in most of ip Plumber A : : eile Ye accompanied those balloonists them is service. Men in business 2 : { * Try Out Phon he Service "It's & black busine., sul we 471 Princess Sereet Phone 1015w. T Fiambing LI Gas Work a | 185 Princess S6 Phonc 343. treat you white* a He might have learned some- {have long since realized that they te shout this country, i must give the public the service it

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