Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1921, p. 7

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WORTH HAVING 'THE NEW JERUSALEM lrg G. K. €HESTERTON { ESSAYS Speculative and Political by the Rt. Hon, Arthur James Balfour, M.A.FRS,LLD,DCL On Sale STEWING BEEF 12-15c. ROASTS 15-20c. Princess" Meat Market 338 Princess Street Phone 799. OST eye-trouble is the M direct nesult of eye- neglect. 4 When the first signs of eye strain ap» pear a competent optome- trist should - be consulted. ' We will thoroughly examine the delicate mechanism of your eyes and prescribe the glasses that will give you comfort and ease. Our mod- erate charge is regulated by the amount of work on the leuses dnd the value of the mountings you choose. Our Sleighs are just right ami J.J. MADE IN KINGSTON Get them while they (ast. McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w. 54 QUEEN ST, Horse-shoeing and Repairing. The, House of Better Glasses Opposite the Post Office Phone 099. KINGSTON. ues | PROPOSED OCEAN SAILINGS Season 1921 mow ready. | SWEETHEART | [88 Clarence Streets Tel. 508w. The Big Musical Hit From s ina man. But she finds it hard to forgive stinginess. "MAYTIME" On Victor Retbrdsann No. 18399 Vocal No. 18432 Dance. We are also featuring "FEATHER YOUR NEST" Vocal, No. 216239. Visit our Music Room and 'Hear Any of the Latest Records. R .J. RODGER 3 AAA MID-WINTER SPECIALS In Footwear Meg's Mahogany Calf Boots--Ileather sole and rubber heels--in recede and broad Womep' s Brown and Black High Top Shoes, with Louis or Military Heels; a. 95 Allan M. Reid +--+ SHOE STORE smmm------ | accounts when they do come in? | acting" it out), Bl | '§ | count with a * | baker, grocer, ithe church treasurer was overjoyed. | A woman can stand other faults | | the Whig | many persons to whom I sent ac- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THE PAYING OF ACCOUNTS The Pleasure ro. Prompt * Pay- ment Induced--~Can the Plan be Duplicated? Kingston, Jan. "3 (To the Editory | --Do you ever "get an account sent to you? At once you will say, what a ridiculous question to'ask a news- paper man, "we are always in debt." Bu# then what do you do with the Do you put them in yodr pocket or on the file, or in the waste paper basket, at the same time saying to yourself (or 'No hurry to pay to the wife, tha,' or do ym Mr. Blank, "here is the account fre | pay it at once." I had occasion recently to pay an | It was for $10. you say | account to the Whig. When I tendered the office man a | crisp new ten dollar bill, he was] | | greatly pleased and receipted the ac- thank you." For cur- | | iosity, I thought it would be inter- | Nesting just to keep tab on the ten | dollar bill, and watch its manoeu-' | vers for a few days. It was on Friday and the cashier was »uasy filling the pay envelopes. He put this bill into an envelope for | | one of th pleased to get it.- paper men he took the env elope home | and handed it to his/wife. She was pleased. After supper he got his: newspaper and pipe hnd kept house | while his wife went fo do shopping. | | Among other places that she visited was the corner grocery, where she| tendered the grocer the ten dollar bill for payment of groceries received durihg the week. It pleased the grocer. On Monday morning the groc- er hiked to the wholesale grocer, and this same bill, with some others, 'he turned in as payment on his sta ment. The wholesaler was pleased. About the time he was paying the] | wholesaler, the bank manager called | | up the latter, and told him that] Smith Jones' Sight Draft was due | i and if not paid before three o'clock | would go Yo protest. | At five minutes before closing time the wholesaler was seen hustling to] the bank, almost out of breath, but | with a pleasant look on his face. He | had the cash for Smith Jones' draft] | He was pleased, and the bank manag- | er "was pleased. 'Smith Jones (the miller), that Brown | ' had paid his draft, and Jones was | | pleased. On Tuesday the miller 're-| ceived several loads of wheat from the farmers, for which he paid them in cash. They were pleased, and the farmers. in turn paid the butcher, doctor, dry goods | man, shoe man, tailor and dentist, be- | sides having a little:1éft for the | church envelope next Sunday. All the merchants were delighted, while Just to think of the pleasure passed | | around because f paid the ten dollar account to the Whig, and paid it promptly. On the other hand, if I had let account | moitths, "or even two weeks, see what hardships 1 would have caused to so many others! But you say, oh it was only ten | dollars; yes, only ten dollars, but on Jan. 2nd I sent out bills that in some cases were 'Under ten dollars, and In other cases over ten, but in the aggregate amounted to several thousand dollars, and many another merchant sent out as maidy, or per- haps more, than I did, and because counts (and at the same time have bank accounts with money drawing three per cent,) have not at this date (21st) paid me, I am compelled to 80 to the bank and borrow money for which I have to pay a big rate of in- terest. My point is this: Times are not quite as good as they have been, and will be shortly, but in the meantime every business man of manufacturer has his bills to meet, and he needs money. Do you owe any pefson, any amount, $1 or $100? Have you any money in the bank? If so, go to the bank at once and withdraw sufficient to pay your indebtedness including if necessary the newspaper boy. Think it over Mr, Man, you with the bank account--Ilarge or small-- are you playing the game square and doing your part to keep the wheels of industry moving, and provide bread for the hungry, or in other words are you doing to others, as you would desire that they do to you, if your positions were reversed?" Thanking you, I remain one who owes, because others owe him." 8. A. DAVID. -- Seven cases of sleeping sickness | (published | "Natiénal Review' ers of Kingston, | ston | Thomson gives credit to his mother, stand for two | are reported at Montreal, . WELL-KNOWN AUTHOR » OF RinGS1 On STOCK John Stewart Thomson's Ma-' ternal Great Granataiher Early Ringswonan. Thomson, author of ' "Tne Chin- John Stuart "China Revolution.zed, ese," '"Estapeile" -and other books by Laurie Co., 30 New Eridge, street, London, kng.), who was porn in Montreal and educated there at Mcuill University and Pres- byterian Coliege, has recently receiv- ed from one of the greatest of the London magazine editors high praise régarding the powerj andl qual.ty of his articles al affairs contributed to "Gateway" avenue, Jersey City, N.J., of which | magazine Mr. Thomson is vice-presi- dent and associatg editor. L. J. Maxse, editor of the famous ', of 43 St. James street, London, S. W., writes Mr. Thomson under date of Dec. 31st, 11920, as follows: "Your Gateway. ar- ticles are full of interesting and sti- | mulat: ng matter. It is very satisfac- tory that there should be some men on your side of the water, holding these robust and vigorous opinions, he married men,*who was | expounded | by, , You with so much pith - Lik® all godd news-| and power: Mr. Thomson's father was Francis {Stuart Douglas Thomson, | fermline, Scotland and Montreal, connected with those historic Scotch | families of that royal Scotch town. | were equally | "His mother's family of Dun- | literary + n internation- | | Magazine, of Detroit and 361 Bergen | Ladies' Black Kid Laced Boots --all sizes--high or low heels. a $4.95 Sale of Men's Black Laced Boots-- leather or Neolin soles --all sizes. | | prominent in New York State-Cana- | dian history; his maternal "Whig May.12th, 1917). great-- | grandfather being one of the found- | Canada, (see King- | Mr. | $1.95 SALE OF WOMAN'S 'SPATS Brown, Fawn, Grey Elizabeth Ryder Ferris, of Kingston, | te- jtor whatever literary ability he may | er for his + possess, and to his fat} taste for politics and travel. He has | been a world-wide traveller. For his work for the cause of the wounded Belgians, he was elected a "Patron" of the "Belgian Order of St. John of Jerusalem.' {brathers, the McGowan boys (Frank | and\ Tom), of Renfrew, Ont., who re- spegtively fought through all the war with the famous Princess Pat's Regi- ment, of Montreal, and the 38th Can- adian Battalion, were both killed on The banker wired |the same night in the last battle of 4 Cambrai, Sept. 29th, 1918. Mr. ed and reviewed in the. Montreal "Standard", March 16th, April @&h, August 3rd, of 1918. His long war ballad '"The Turk", was published in the Whig on May 23rd, 1918; and his Canadian National hymn was pub- lished in the Whig on April 4th, 1918 nt coismpinsi YOUNG'S CHAR FLATLY DENIED Testimony in Brockville In- quiry Contradictory of Accusations. At Brockville, on the stand at Thursday's sitting of the court in- quiring into charges brought against him and Inspector Taber by James M. Young, C.'R. Deécon, counsel for Taber, gave flat contradiction to the accusations of Young that he had gi- ven Deacon money for protection and immunity under' the O.T.A., or that Young had ever received liquor from the local®license officials. Mr. Dea- con did, however, admit that Young had been volumtarily employed in the role of stool pigeon to assist in the capture of three Americans who had arranged to secure liquor from Young and that the latter had dou- ble-erossed the license officials. Res- ponsibility for this incident Mr. Dea- con fixed with the License Board at Toronto, with whom he was in com- munication and to whom he had stat- ed that it was either a case of hav- ing Young sentenced to a six-months term or employing his services. Inspector Taber, whose cross- examination was completed during the afternoon, admitted knowledge of the water front incident and of Young's possession of the eight cases. He had taken no action against him because prosecution of Mrs. Young was pending. To Have Chartered Aundit. At the meeting of Smith's Falls council much time was taken up in discyssion of remuneration to be paid for an audit of the town's books by a chartered accountant. 'An Ottawa firm of chartered accountants had made a tentative offer to do the work, and in a by-law making an ap- pointment it was held thaj the amount of remuneration should be specifigally stated. For this purpose $400 was appropriated. $5.95 for Boots; The family suffered | | heavily in the war. His cousins, two | | Abernethy's Shoe Store Thomson's war poems were publish- | SALE OF LADIES' SAMPLE BOOTS and OXFORDS No more than 3 pair alike--all size 4 and size 4 only-- regular $10 and some $1 2.00 values. $4.95 for Oxfords Begin Right Right Away Last year you thought of do- ing some studying--of taking up a course in the International Correspondence Schools, You put it off. You realize your Jnistake now. Begin the New Year Right Devote part of your evenings to' study, after all--it's your spare time that counts. Make it work for you. Spare. time and study of an 1.C.S. Course means Promotion Call or write for particulirs to: M. M. SIMS, ; Representative, 130 Clarence Street, Kingston Phone 1002w, A Ae AA A Ae eta CALVARY ANNUAL MEETING. Much Good Work is Done by This Church. A pleasant time was spent at Cal- vary Congregational church Thursday evening, when the annual tea was held. About seventy members re- sponded to their names at the roll cgll. After the-tea the reports of the various sqcieties 'connected with the church were read, and all showed a very successful year, Mrs. Black sang a selo and Miss E. Guild gave a | recitation. Rev. A. F. Brown, pastor of the church, gave a short address on the value of the work done by Calvary in the north end of the city. During the y®ar that Mr. Brown has been pastor, thirty-five new members have been taken into the fellowship of the' church. On behalf of the members, Mr. Brown read an address and présented George Allen with a handsome ring 8 recognition of his services as shel master. - SN QUEEN'S GRADUATES. | TWICE TOLD TALES TEN YEARS AGO. Frederick Hartrick's baby captur- ed a gold watch offered as a prize in the baby show at Portsmouth. The Toronto Star calls po i "the goal-a-minute team." There are almost five Bundred en- tries for the Kingston poultry show next wee L.L. Henderson, formerly of King- ston, has been nominated for the council "of the Montreal Board of Trade. James Craig, Verona, was badly burned 'about the hands while fight- ing fire which broke out in his resi- dence. "Eddie" Elliott is still ihdulging in his playful little workouts at Queen's gymnasium. A modern Goliath, who ventured to assist him, is wearing a mm---- decorated optic ds a resyit. News of Kingston TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Skinner & Co. are winding up the Dr. Spankie estate. D. J. Crothers is on a tour through western Ontario, T. E. Bunker, of Kingston, is en- deavouring to raise $50,000 in stock | for a vehicle works at Amherst, N.S. Millie Moore, the little girl in- jured by a G.T.R. train Saturday evening, is making rapid progress. : Ald. Behan wants to see the break. water on King street west mad® into a boulevard, and also a row of trees planted along it. The Bell Telephone Company an- nounces the completion of its long distance lines to Quebec, Good teams and a yell seem to be the requirements of/ colleges now- tf. 7 ---- | Al i of F University Hold Organization Meeting. Graduates and undergraduates of Queen's organized a society at a meeting held in Renfrew when the following officers were elected: Hon- orary president, Dr. J. J. McCann; president, G. G. McNab, I.P.8.; vice- president, A. W. Baird; secretary- treasurer, Miss M. A. Higginson; ex- ecutive committee, Miss E. Coolican, Miss M. Ryan, Miss O. Pedlow, H, W. Bryan, Dr. McCann and E. A. Wright. up a programme for the wintef.- Queen's University has a strong fol- lowing in Renfrew, a number of its distinguished and successful grad- mater. Donal O'Callaghan, lord mavor of Cork, left New Yor% to surrender to the Norfolk, V cers The executive met Thursday to draw | uates being located here, and it is! likely that the members of the new | organization will Be in a position to | render substantial aid to their alma | a., immigration offl- | Major Griffith, self-confessed slayer { of Willlam Holland, Montreal stock | broker, is to be examined by alienists. REY OUR BIG FURNITURE SALE Throws open chances never before offered. ---In Walnut and Fumed Oak Dining Suites. --Charming American Walnut Bedroom Suites. --Living Room and Chesterfield Suites. ---The newest creations can be secured at big, gen uine reductions, * Reid's high quality--Reid's low prices. JAMES REID MR. INVESTOR--READ THIS! $100 originally invested in One of the. oldest Tire Companies in the ha has made returns to the share holders in Cash and Stock Dividends © Hiv 9 vested in a more recent Company incorporated in 1910, has made returns of over $11,000. In 1915 this Company paid & dividend of 94 P.C. This wag increased by 33 P.C. {n 1916. In September of the same year there was an announcement of 300 P.C., in stock dividends made. These profits are still being-earned and you may receive your share of the dividends of the Rubber industry b securing ALL COMMON STOCK SHARES at $10 par with a bonus of 30 P. C. of same to present stock investors of the = XI interested, call, phone o LION TIRE & RUBBER C., LTD. The Prudential Bond & Sicurity Company 182 ONTARIO ST. (Ho tel Frontenae) Kingston Phone 2332J. The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for service. > 7 Pre-Inventory. Price Reductions These comprise goods which arrived too late for Christmas, and lines on which we are over- stocked, all of which we consider good busi- ness to sacrifice and turn into cash before i in- ventory. Gold Filled Wrist Watches--regular price iy Jow . Solid Gold Wrist Watches--regular price 14k. Gold Wrist Watches--reguiar Ribbon Wrist Watches--regular price ---Aill gun ranted. DIAMON D_ RINGS Our usual rams with every article sold. All goods marked in plain figures. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET .

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