Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1921, p. 11

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~ \ Si THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SPORTING NEWS comed by the men engaged in miking | : County Hockey League. The game in the county hockey ice at the skating rinks, At the cover- leagiie, between ' Cataraqui and ed and curling rinks there were good sheets of ice on Monday. Joyceville, which was to have been staged at the Palace rink on Satur- ¥ MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 192s. TTT "HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE Baok your order for winter overhauling now, Satisfaction guaranteed. MCALLISTER & DRAKE 503 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1750. % Phone Res. 1246J. them. This bill will be shown to-night Tuesday and Wednesday. --Advt. TN . | i Theatrica +t Fo ibd Lo Lo An-actor will cheerfully cut off his - " | bedrd or shave his head, if it's in his At The Grand. i role. They asked Lon Chaney, who " : " , , has the part of "Blizzard" in YThe Trumpet Island," the y itagraph Penalty," the picturization of Gover- | super-feature that Is showing at the |, Morris' startling story, to get |day afternoon, will be played on Grand Opera House! tonight, Tues-|riyq of his legs! {Tuesday afternoon. On Saturday day and Wednesday, is one of the He did it. He is legless in the pic- {afternoon, both teams arrived at the greatest spectacular films ever pro- ture, stumping around with the agil- rink, but the ice was too soft for a ity of a permanent cripple. Perhaps |league game, and it was arranged to duced. The story travels irom wid the physical suffering involved helps | play an exhibition match, which re- - revels given by the young New York 'y... "1 effecting the demoniacal sulted in a win for Cataraqui by a millionaire, the honeymoon by aero- scowls that are necessary to his part {score of 2 to 0. | plane that ends in a wreck caused by for he is as Thorough going i husite { This winter there promises to ye | fiend as can be found in fact or fie- /a great deal of interest in the county it - a terrific Sieetrie storm, 'to Trem 'tion. In order effectually to dis- league games, as all the teams are pet Island itself where the young mil- " Honaire has gone In search of his lost i manhood. The photoplay 1s immense, Postponed Games. On Monday T. M. Asselstine, pre- sident of the Central.Ontario Curling League, when asked when the post- Clark Hulson Moxley, poned games would be played, stat | Clark Hulson Moxley, oldest n ed when the curlers would meet at jot Mrs. Robert Moxley. Brock, Napanee in the Tankard games Mon- and of the late Robert Moxie di a day, this matter would likely be con- {Saturday at his mother's HER sidered. . {after a long illness, aged 490 Years, The late Mr. Moxley was born in the. township of Escott and from 1906 > until he was taken ill three years : |ago was a travelling representative | 0° the E. B. Eddy Co., with headquar- | After ters in Montreal. The deceased was | | well and favorably kmown among the | . | general public with whom he came | in contact in the course of hig busi- | ness pursuits, as well as citizens in | | + Township Councils , STORRINGTON. Sunbury, Jan. 10.--The newly elected council of the township of Every Meal Bellgville Here To-night. gulse his lower body, completely hid- | very strong, and will .put up some ing his legs from the knees, it was real good exhibitions of hockey. J many of the scenes being taken at the risk of the'camera-man's lite, but necessary for him to have his legs strapped back, so that he walked the finished product justifies all the tithe, care, and expense spent on it. A special all star cast headed by Mar- guerite De La Motte and Wallace MacDonald are seen in this wonder drama .from the pen of the noted novelist, Gouverneur Morris. In con- nection with the above feature there are reels of Big V. comedies and oth- er subjects and a special musical programme by the Grand's Orches- tra. --Advt. At Grifin's, The popular Eddie Collins com- pany will present . to-day, Tuesaday and Wednesday, one of their great- est successes, "Two Old Sports." + This 18 a fast moving, cleverly writ- fen musical comedy, with peppy songs and dancing of the high class order. Ome of the principal features of this play is the well-drilled ehor- us of youthful singers and dancers garbed in pretty costumes, perform- Ing gracefully executed dances. "Riley," as Mr. Collins is known ev- erywhere musical comedy is played, is a sure cure for the blues, on his knee pads. So severe was the strain that he céuld endure the tor- ture of the vice-like harness not more {than twelve minutes at a time, He (had to get his legs out, restore cir- jculation, and submit to more suffer. ling time after time. It is & tribute to. his wonderful ability that 'se dif- ficult a role could be so convincing- ily carried out. At the Allen to-day. { Advt. . i | | By, Dr. J. H. Bell, Grand Medi- cal Examiner of v the Order. THE GOCE. WSTALLATON At the covered rink this evening, Queen's intermediates and Belleville meet in the O.H.A. return game, This game promises to be one of the fastest of the season, and much de- pends on the fesult. A win for the local team will put them well up in the running. When these two teams met in Belleville about two weeks ago, Belleville won after Queen's were-forced to finish the overtime period without the services. of George Stewart, their crack centre player. The line for this evening's (game will be the same as i#fal McGill vs. Queen's. The Intercollegiate basketball game between McGill and Queen's is to be played at Queen's gymnasium The officers-elect for 1921 of the {boys have avery strong team, and | three Councils of the Canadian Or- | der of Chosen Friends were installed {a stitf contest. | {on Friday evening by Dr. J. H. Bell, [G. M. examiner, assisted by William | Pilar, acting as grand marshal. The | Spi.c'ous assembly room of the usw | Crange hall was filled by n.emhers ot | the or'er and their frieads. After and |the insu llation ceremonies, the £'- {ntor and' girls' schediles. on Tuesday evenipg. The Queen's | expect to give the Montreal students Many Games to be Played. \ Although the junior S.S.A.A.A. Storrington met 'at 11 a.m. making a declaration of office re- quired by law are composed uf the following: Reeve, John Taylor; coun- cillors, Martin Sands, William Lind. say, Bert Balls and George McFar- lane. The minutes of last meeting read, and, on motion Sands-Balls, adopted. At 12 am. the reeve adjourned the meeting for dinner, to meet again- at 1 p.m. » The clerk, Samuel Jamieson, read his resignation, to take effect imme- diately, and, on motion McFarlane- Sands, It was accepted. Applica- tion for clerk was tabled- by H. R. McConnell, at salary '$175, and H. W. Sleeth, salary $1656. On motion Sands-Balls, H. W. Slesth was ap- pointed cle.k and was duly sworn in. Applications were read for office of assessor from William Traves. George Kirkpatrick and A.*N, Me- Callum. On motion Sands-McFar- lane, A. N. McCallum was appointed | basketball series has been cop- pleted, there are still twenty-one more games to be played in the se- In the | assessor for 1921, at a salary of $70. | doved, McFarlane-Balls, and re- solved, that Charles Sleeth be ap- | pointed member for Board of Health, { OFS. i | undertaker, Those | general, and much Sorrow is felt at his passing. - Besides his mother, a brother Keith Moxley, Brockville, alse survives. He Was a member of the Methodist church and of the Brockville Com- mercial Travellers' Association. ---- The Late W. J. Lannigan, Ex-Private Walter John Lanni- gan, aged twenty-four years, passed | away at the Sydenham Hospital on | Friday. The deceased was born at | Newark, N.J., and served in the C.E.F. during the war. He is sur- | vived by his wife and two children. The funeral took place 'from the | residence: of his brother-in-law, 15 Pine street, to Cataraqui cemetery, on Monday, with full military hon- Lt.-Col. the Rev, Alexander Gordon, senior chaplain M.D. No. 3, officiated, and . John Cornelius, was in charge of the funeral. -- The Late John Jénkins. John Jenkins, one of Kingston's most widely known and highly re- spected contractors, passed away on WR Sea led Tight 4 A 4 LNA TSP | PTV AAS SIT | CHEWING GUN . HA if Wi Reo Cw Ta 7 4 IY Ze Still 5¢ WRIGLEY'S has steadily keet to the pre-war price. And to the same high stand- ard of quality. No other goody lasts so long--costs so little or does 80 much for you. Handy to carry--beneficial in etfect--full of flavor--a solace and' comfort for young and old. y | ------------ Monks Discover Triple Murder. Geneva, Jan. 24.--The story of a murder in the Alps Mountains is re- ported by the monks of the St. Ber- nard Hospice, which stands at an ele- | vation of 8,110 feet. The monks and | THE FLAVOR morning of Friday by seveiee sess LASTS and went to investigate. They found " the bodies of three Italian Alpinists y Ramed Leten, Anseloin and Brignon in thre deep snow. -------- Oranges, 20c. dozen. Carnovsky's. | Srna Kiddies Killed in Panic. Berlin, Jan. 24.--Five children were killed on Sunday in a school at Breslau when a panic occurred dur- - Old Sports" es him an op- : Two ports 8 P- | lowing programme was given: Solos | senior schedule, six games are yet to {and Maynard Campbell be appointed every- 1d Mildred Jackson; reci-. Yody. Our feituro Reynolds and red Jackson; recl-yadopts the schedule which has been On motion, Lindsay-8ands, 're- (was born in England, and was seven- - an unusual picture, and exception- [py The Council ofthestra Tuesday. On Tuesday there will be Thomas Anderson, and that Standard [ently identified with the. growth of seen in the picture, and the pleture | gyaning. v | { . and industry. Failing health compell- | i 8 2. tensity. The ninth episode of "The | Aura Lee 6, Hamilton Tiger {dog tax and drop the sheep claim. were bullt by him. He was a mem- Capadiens 7, Hamilton 5. some thrilling adventures, while the three Councils in Kingston had ma- P y Ov [ber 'of Sydenham street ] a be D sod sting n subject Two rinks representing the King- solved that Marshall Cochrane of 'Foresters' He Is survived by his Which are sure 0 please a who see ™ % The officers installed were ag fol-"|s |son's engine, that Whig Publishing Jas. H. Caldback, C.C.; M. M. Sims, [event was scheduled for last week, | 19.0. that Robert Lucy be paid $14. | Elisabeth Holder, : prelate; W. A. Kingston rinks will be: On motion, Balls-McFarlene, re- Payne, sentry. George ° Hanson, skip; T. M.|.ypenges; that James I, Donnelly | Cormack, V.C.; H. Sharpe, ha CG. i 1 pe, rec.; C. G. | ies will take place at the curling rink | meeting be published In the Kings- Council No. 217--J, Donovan, | nee and Eastern Hospital, of Brock- On motion, Balls-Lindsay, re- A. McGuire, prelate; J. Hurley, mr-| R. N. PF. McFarlane, skip; W. J. receive §6 for two trips to Kingston ---- portunity to uphold "his reputation by Miss M. Gratan; duets by Vera |takis place. Monday morning at his, residence, | icture, en-| i v | ? | Tulloch, sod aa Jarvis and Dorothy drawn up, the first of the stx senior {solved that the sheep valuators be |ty-five years of age, Coming to Can- | | ally thrilling. An all-star cast is | si ' id y fendered some fine music: during the | two girls' games. Publishing Company be pald $18.32 |the city of Kingston, and as a con- -leaves nothing to be desired in the! p. Bell, grand.medical examiner, | {for printing. in ed him to retire about ten years ago. fits of the Order, and stated that t 4 4 Branded Four," that popular serial, | ye. . | B¢- Patricks 3, Ottawa ¢ (Four [on motion, Sands-McFarlane, resolv- for one sheep killed by dogs. { Methodist remainder of our programme is com- {terially helped by adding their quota § imp- ton curling club left for Napanee. P2!d $18 for casting for James Simp- | widow and one daughter, Miss Ada, on Monday afternoon to compete ny Company be paid $101.15 on bills iV.C.; R. C. Bell, Rec.; J. H. Jarvis, [but on account of there being no Kora Darling $16 and Lorne Camp- | Spratt, marshal; Jeminma Jackson, M. P. Reld, skip; J. Gibson, 8S, T. solved to pay the bill of $11.65 to | CouncH No. 121--C. H. Powell, Asselstine, J. Hooper and A. Fowler. {be refunded $3 statute labor, as ha Clark, treas.; J. Hunt, marshal, Ar |on Tuesday afiernoon and evening. |ton papers by clerk, and that the C.C.; James McGuire, V.C.; Nellie | ville, will compete with the Kingston |g5lyed that ex-Reeve McFadden, shal; £. Davidson, warden, J. Mos- | Drysdale, E. Green and A. W. Mec- {regarding the settlement with W, F. DID YOU EVER ing a lecture on fairies. Twelve other children trampled in the rush to leave the bullding are not expect- ed td live. this trouble." MONREY-BA A ANTER in each box. At a 00. doses, $1.00; small size, §0c. ALONZO ol BLISS CO. MONTREAL testa b There Was a Reason. S-- Pilson, the village grocer, and his and is a laughing treat for Providing the executive | sanitary fnspector. 379 Princess street.. The deceased | " J " | titled "A Scream in the NIEht." is | Tulloch, and a musical monologue by | games will be played one week from (R. Lucy, C. Barr, Kora Darling and |ada at an early age, he was promin- / Moved, Lindsay-Balls, |tractor, was known for his integrity ' Hock Saturday Night, / | way-of settings and dramatic in-|aqdresseq those present on the bene- " yo {that Alfred Snider be refunded $3 Many of Kingston's business places year 1920 had been a most succes ~ teen minutes overtime), will also be shown and provides | ry; one in every way, and that the | ed that James Meclliroy be paid §S With the Curlers, motion, Lindsay-Sands, it was re- |church and of the Independent Order posed of interesting screen subjects |of new members, SW who resides at home. | Council No. 20--M. J. Amey, P.C.; { the tankard competition to-day. This {dated from July 10th to Dec. 18th [treas.; Vera A. Reynolds, pianist; | ce, it had to be cancelled. The bell $16 for election expenses. warder; D. A. Vick, guard, T. F.|Hill and H. D. Bibby. George Ritchie for caretaker and | P.C.; Willlam Pillar, C. C.; S. Mec- The games in the district cup ser- |has no road; that the minutes of thur Bliott, warden. It is expected that rinks from Napa- {council meet at Sunbury for 1921. Hanley, rec.; Minnie Hanley, treag,; | curlers. The Kipgston rinks will be: | Thomas Makin and Mr. Silver edch ler, guard; .C. Flint, sentry; Nellie | Mahon. . Niekle, barrister, for gravel from Mr. Hanley, pianist. A. H. Warwick, skip; L. Sleeth, F. Sloan. . Lumb and A. E. Treadgold. '| Moved, Sands-Lindsay, and tesolv- The local curlers are hoping for {ed, that F. Dennee be paid $18 for continued cold weather, so they can | election expenses; that $4.99 be paid play their scheduled games in the |H. Purdy for tile R.D. No 29; that a . better half were on a visit to their EF Ir ewood Large quantity of sound Rallway Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear. We need the room. I. Cohen & Co. _275 Ontario 8t. Phone 837. STEWING BEEF 12-15. son and Keir, who was captain of the school cricket club. The occasion was an important match, and as play did not cease until late, Pilson prevailed: upon his parents to stay till Monday. The worthy son the next morning (Sunday) accompan- ied his parents to church, where Pilson, senior, thoroughly disgusted the congregation by Joining in the singing and chants with a voice which almost drowned the organ. Young Pilson was furious. After church he said to his father : * Dad, {I do hope when you come again youn sing a bit lower. Everybody | was grinning at, you." "It's. all 'right, my son, it couldn't be 'elped," {sald Pilson, senior, quite seriously. |"You see, if 1 hadn't 'ighered | my (Yoloe the'd- 'a' 'eard your mother." ---------------- | For oysters and for fruits, go to Carnovsky's, | The supplementary assessment [rolls and assessment notices for the | club series. At the present time, there are a large number of post. poned games, but it is hoped that they can be played off before the season ends. The games in the ladies' series have been held up on ac- count of mild weather, 4 Will Likely Play. versity that Smith, the crack de- tence player, who had decided to dis- continue playing on account cf his studies, has reconsidered the matter and will likely play this week, Ladies' Curling Games. At the curling rink on Monday morning, two ladies' curling games weré played, and resulted as fol- lows : ; Mfs. Drysdale Mis Reed Mrs, Cartwright Mrs. McFarlane | skip Mrs. Jackson Mrs. Asselstine Mrs. Ashby It is understodd at Queen's Uni-{ John McBride be paid $15 for rent and coal oil for heat and light from June 21st to Dec. 31st, 1920; that the reeve be appointed to see about having the books of the township properly audited; that W. F. Nickle be paid $54.60 for gravel on. R.D. No. 1 from S, Sloan's pit, and that A. Sharp be authorized to employ someone to make a small door in the scale house at Sunbury. At.8:30 p.m. the council a@journ-. ed, tu mbet next at the cali of the Reeve. ~--HAROLD W. SLEETH, clerk: . "GOSPEL HALL MEETINGS By Messrs. Taylor and Smith Open- ed on Sunday Evening. The first of a series of special meetings was held Sunday night in the Gospel Hall by Messrs. Taylor I ers a favor. of this and Smith, evangelists. It was very ; promise A lesson ~~ the Government paid for ferent advertisers. Man expenditures as "sop," Then came the Call for War Loans. On the advice Before 1914, Bond Brokers and Bankers were indif- y who advertised regarded their and thought they were doing pub- The same thing is true of some manufacturers, , who, noting the results of the Imperial Munitions 2 ROASTS 1520 Princess Meat Market 338 Princess Street } i yet Lieglslailvo trahchise-vetsve-are-being trary to som» Brokers' | sent out by J. W. Bradshaw, the | Mrs. Hunter county clerk: great things for the meetings, which Board newspa adver- , tising, have a to use this same force to in- troduce post-war pro- ducts, The Gove ent paid for this rr do Have you profiting by it? . Advertisin Mrs. Green Mrs. Day Miss Lewis Mrs. Bibby | Mrs, Mooers Miss Birch SKID. 4000s. 33 skip ...... IF considered Nearly. vey Bond House and Bank in Canada oar are to follow each night his week, and Bankers' views, the Mr. Smith is a master musician, as adv of these loans Also was his partner, Inehis. bands was 'made umanly inter- the violin, the pisfo or the organ esting - are made to speak, and those dear . » . old-time honored hymns, "Rock of Queen's Girls' Hockey Teams. Ages," "Nearer My God to Thes," The reazits you are The ve girl hockey teams of | "Almost Petsusded," when played * aware of. Queen's University, known as the [on his violin, move the heart almost Rose Buds and the Morning Glories, | to tears and stir up many happy me- But--here 18 the real bad a work out at the covered rink |mories of days long passed. Mr. point. , on Monday afternoon. It is expected | Smith will conduct a song service . that before the-season is far advafic- [each night at a quarter to eight. The - [ed these teams will have games with | address of the evening was given by Lout-af-town teasis, Evangelist Taylor, who {is well is not a Queen's Seniors Practise. The players who are trylhg out for known in Kingston. His subject "The Conversion of the Philipian Jatler," proved most interesting and matter of ghesswork. It i 11 and knowl- [Phone 799. ay atpremsively od. oh 70. ed Ertising, i sing afl at instructive, and was listened to with , the deepest interest and attention their command to attraet £-- ABOLISH PROLONG a navn tot throughout. _ To-night he will speak | . bus ss, They "observed ] FINANCIAL - W O RRY YOUR LIFE will pied ou Sa oD - er br whom sis : > tiv ing hen Tp per lightly yndertakan, bat 2 " -- next in oronto. / : i : i 7 ' ; A A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY WiLL DO IT Game On Tucsday Evening. Nepanes abuuciLiat entered » com. by the og. prog mg Re Gives's \irges return Staab : : : laiat that & G. T. R. trelgh , ali : ny. other form of anit tian AR iene Lagi pauses 434 Blocks the Belleville road crossing LE : xX" : If you have ever thought you would like to Be ramus J 'Tod, It Sas Snen [1enting siyaie tom Mismdins ghuren . advertise if you could get proper advice on how .. Fahey! Better. . Jones, on Jan. 5th, th Tatey, of Qos PARTS oni Qphoid. fever: She' was yaoi on the road to successful publicity. Teswed by the Conadion Daily Newspapers dsiociatioh, Toronto, places on Queen's senior hockey team practised at the covered rink on Mon- day afternoon from ome to two | throy edge and experience. It Et something to be covered. rink oh Tuesday evening. On [every Sunday morning, about ten aceounit of there being To = o'clock or shortly "after, thus pre- ing on Tuesday evening The death occurred in Edmonton, - to go about it, write to this Association. We 4 of Ethel May Joues, beloved wife of v will you the benefit of our experierice in {team who' injured his knee, has re. | taken sick on Deo. 27th, She lived in covered sufficiently to be able.to play. this evening mst Belleville. : -- stoek buyer of Madoc, was Married ' » Good Ice At Rinks, on Monday last to Miss Annie Lotet- The cold spell was certainly wel- ta Laffin. Napanee fourteen years. - John O'Reilly, the well known

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