Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1921, p. 4

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| Quaker Minister Is Grateful to Tanlac | | i Rev. Parker Moon. ! Nearly everyboay in Southwest {Missouri either knows or has heard of the Rev. Parker Moon, who for a (full half century has devoted his life and talents to Sunday school and or- 'ganization work for the Society of "Friends or Quakers. + "Uncle Parker," as he is more familiarly known, came. from fine old rugged Quaker stock, and there {8 not a better knowg or more high- ly respected citizen in that part of the state. In referring to his re- markable restoration to health by Tanlac, he said : "About five years ago I suffered ~~ ® general breakdown. My principal " trouble was nervous indigestion. My Appetite was very poor nd my food om agreed with mé, and I had 20 live on a very restricted diet. I RN a great deal from head- mehes and dizzy spells; I had severe pains across the small of my back and was badly constipated most of the time. In fact, I was so weak and rundown I wags not able to attend to y duties. | "This condition made me very y s and' I could not sleep at night. Frequently I would lie awake most all night and was in that con- dition more or less for five years. My physjeian said he colild not do Suything for me and suggested a change of climate. | I then moved to Texas and- went back and forth three times but did not get the relief I had hoped'for. Finally, I got so-bad off I was not able to get around with! any degree of comfort. told I had heart trouble. "lI had read about Tanlac and, as it had been very highly recommend- ed to me. I decided to try it. I got a 'bottle and had taken only a few doses until I could notice a marked improvement in my condition. 1 noticed especially that I was not troubled any more with sour stom- ach after eating, which was a great relief, "I kept on taking Tanlac until I fully regained my health. My appetite is splendid; 1 enjoy my meals and I do not find it necessary now to take any laxative medicines of any kind. I can sleep much bet- ter and am not nearly so nervous. "I take great pleasure in recom- mending Tanlac to anyone who needs a good system builder, or who sufférs with stomach trouble. I have recommended Tanlac to a great many of my friends and am pleased to reach others by giving this statement forepublication." Tanlac Is sold in Kingston by A. P. Chown, in Mountain Grove by James Macdonald, and by the lead- ing druggists in every town.--Advt. I was also Cane n-- Office and Warehouse Retail Store JUST ARRIVED (Carload) . Feeding Molasses 45c. per Imperial Gallon, in barrels No feeder can afford to be without it. W. P. PETERS Phone 51. 117 BROCK STREET Mola . . Foot of Princess Street r Phone 217 EE We have neither time nor room to -. devote to READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to These will be so High class goods antee. Come i in and see 4 get rid of our. stock, at cost price. which we guar- them, ' fing & Warsi | T. Milburn. Cor Toronto, Ont. te THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ONTARIO HOUSE | OPENS TUESDAY Temperance Act Amendments ~Ferguson to Attack the | Government. 1 Toronto, Jan. 24. --The Ontario legislature is scheduled to open to- | morrow. In view of this there is re- markably little activity in govern- ment circles, and very little legisla- J tion has been under course of prepar- ation. Sa far as the government Is concerned the session is not likely to be a lengthy one, Members of. the opposition are, however, not inclined to that view. 'Hon. G. Howard Fer- guson, leader of the Conservative wing of the opposition, which has been strengthéned by the election of Major A. C. Lewis as member for 'North East Toronto in place of Hon. H. J. Cody who resigned, has an- nounced in unmistakable terms that he will do some very plain talking when the house meets and that the government will be called upon to answer many questions. Hon. Mr. Ferguson has forecasted further de- velopments in regard to matters con- cerning the timber limits in northern Ontanjo which "will be both interest- ing and surprising to the public." So far as has been definitely an- nounced the only important bill which the government is ready to bring forward is one providing for rural credits. Hon. Minning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture, will sponsor this Hill which has for its object the assisting of the farmers in the pro- vince to secure money at a lower rate of interest than that whieh they have to pay to chartered banks. O..T. A. Améndménts, Hon. W. E. Raney, Attorney Gen- eral, will certainly have amendments to the Ontario Temperance Act. These will be in the direction of making it harder to secure intoxicating li- quorg, rather than any modification of the act. The attorney-general has already announced himself as Being in' favor of limiting the amount of liquor which "physicians may pre- scribe to their patients, He also favors limiting the ameunt of liquor which persons may have in their own homes, Legislation along these lines is quite likely. In addition to this it would not be surprising if the attorney general introduced an amendment to the O.T.A. providing that standard hotels which sell 'near beer" shall be compelled to close their bars on Sundays and at a given hour on week days. Another measure which Hon. W. E. Raney will bring before the house will be one curtailing the commis- sions which may be paid to insurance agents, This wil\'be the direct re- sult of the report submitted by Jus- tice Masten as Insurance Commis- sioner in which he found tha: com- missions pald in some places, notably in Toronto, were excessive. Treatment of Prisoners. The attorney-general, recently back from a trip to the United States where he Has been studying matters affecting the treatment of prisoners, is strong for the establishment of a probation system in Ontario. He will Had An Annoying Hacking Cough GOT NO REST AT NIGHT. Hacking coughs are very wearing on the system. The constant cough- ing disturbs the rest, and keeps the lungs and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition, that unless you get immediate relief the cough 'may become settled and sen ious lung trouble ensue. There is no better remedy than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. for re- lieving all kinds of coughs or colds, combining as it does the lung heal- ing virtues of the pine tree with which is combined wild cherry bark, and the soothing and healing expec- torant properties of other excellent herbs and barks. Mrs. BH. J. Ross, Penhold, Alta. writes: -- 'About three years ago 1 caught a very bad cold, accompanied with a sore throat and-hoarseness, I was 80 hoarse you could not hear me-speak. 1 could get no rest at night with the terrible annoying, Imcking cough. I tried several reme- dies, but they did me no good. 1 finally saw Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup advertised so I got a bottle. It at once gave me relief, a¥d after using four of them my cough had all gone. Now I always keep it in the house." "Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yel- low wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark, price 36c. and 60c. a bottle. Manufactured only by The {Lutz and son, Kilborn, | introdue € a bill will dealing with this | matter early in the session. Labor is out with a demand for old age pensions: Minister of Labor, favors this, but whether his influence with the other members of the cabinet is sufficiently | | strong to persuade them to consent to the introduction of a bill provid- | ing for the aged people of this pro- vince has yet to be seen. BUY CHEESE FACTORY { The Farnmiers Around. Bongard's Form Joint Stock Company. Bongard's, Jan. 20.--It was with {regret that the many friends learned of the passing of the David, whose death occurred after a short {liness of pneumonia. De- ceased, with his two sisters, just re- cently moved to their new home in Picton, to live a more retired life.' Miss, David is at present ill in the hospital. Another sister, Miss Maude, passed away a few months ago, School re-opened at No. 3 on Mon- day, with Miss H. Tilton, Brockville, as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr, Waupas, were recent guests at R. Harrison's. Mrs. Thurston, who has been ill, is recovering. Mr. {and Mrs. F. Eaton,spent Sunday at Waupoos. A. VanGesen has return- ed from Lochlin. The farmers of this locality have formed a joint stock company and purchased the Waupoose cheese fac- tory from J.¢ Carter. Mrs. W. Dobinson, Crassy, is visiting = her daughter, Mrs. VanGesen. The sudden death of Rev. C. H. Coon, Lindsay, and president of the Bay of Quinte Conference, occurred at Peterborough, while presiding at a meeting. Mr. Coon was a former pastor of this place. His wife was Miss Whartam, Waupoos, 'who will have the sympathy of many friends. Harrowsmith School Closed. Harrowsmith, Jan. 31--=8chool has been closed for a 'few days, owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Phil- lips. Mrs. J. D. Shibley received the sad news on Friday evening that her mother, Mrs. G. W. Smith, Waest- brooke, had passed away in the Gen- eral Hospital, Kingston, where she had béen undergoing treatment. Mrs. Smith visited her daughter frequent- ly, and made many {riends, who will regret to hear of her death. Mrs. S. Ashwin is able to be out again, after an illness of several weeks. Rev. A, W. Stewart and daughter, Miss Mur- iel Stewart, attehded a tea meeting at Camden East, on Friday evening. Fred Reynolds is moving to his farm just outside the village, which he purchased recently from Mr, Red- mond. Mrs.cManuel Orser will move into the house vacated 7 Mr. Rey- nolds. Mrs. J. W. Campsall went to Godfrey on Monday to be with her sister, Mrs. H, Snyder, who is ill News of Ootes. Oates, Jan, 21.--Quite a number from these parts, attended the eu- chre and dance in the township hall, Sydenham, on Tuesday evening. Frank Walsh succeeded in carrying off the first prize. W. M. Koen spent a few days the guest of KIB sister, Mrs. L. A. Boyle, Gananoque. William Walsh and mother visited Mr, and Mrs.. T. R. Marshall, Taylor, last week. J. Donoghue, Westport, spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. A. N. Koen, J. L. Koen attended the dance in Wettport on Tuesday even- ing, Albert V. Harte, Detroit, Mich,, is spending 80 time under the par- ental roof. Misses Agnes and Helen Leeman, S. H. 8,, spent the week-end at home. At Lake Opinicon. Lake Opinicon, Jan, 20.--The far- mers are busy getting their supply of wood. Mrs, C. Ennis, who has been ill for the past few days, is somewhat better. Rev. J. A. Waddell, Kingston, preached in the Methodist church here last Sunday. He was a minister of this place a few years ago. Miss Mabel Darling spent a few days of this week at Chaffey's Lock. D. J. Hughson and Mrs. W. Emmons spent Sunday at J. Linklater's. Harold Aus- tin, a former resident of this place, and Miss Francis Hughson, Chaffey's Lock, were quietly 'married on Mon- day last. F. Best made a business trip to Elgin Thursday. e------ At Desert Lake. Desert Lake, Jan, 21.--The sleigh- ing is fine, but the fice is poor. Mr, McConnell has a gang of men at work in the shanties. Mrs. Clark is improv- ing, also William and Clifford Ab- rams. Miss Mildren Border is at Ed- mund Page's Mrs. D. Snoop is at her mother's, Mrs. Jeffrey's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abrams, is at J. Abrams'. Mrs. E. Page is at A, Page's. Mrs. Babcock fell down staifs and was ser- fously injured. Mrs. W. Babcock is at Frank Clark's. James Campbell is in Kingston. James Wilson is at Ver- ona. At Oso Station. Oso (Station, Jan. 19.--Most of the farmers bave finished drawing their pulpwood to the station. Many were sorry to hear of the death of John Boles, Sr, Clarendon, who died on 1 January 12th. His remains were plac ed in the vault of Christ church ce- metery, on January 14th, The many friends ofjdNe Rev. Mr. Watson re-: great that he is leaving to take over a pew parish at Shannonville. H. d Josie H. Warren attended the Royal Arch meeting in the Orange hall a Tieh- | borne on the 13th. Aa Bunker Hill . Jan. 19~--The weather is some- what colder and the snow storm of last week has made good sleighing again, The old 'spar mine has some men At work and the people are in hopes that the mine may start up Hon. Walter Rollo, | late Conrad | \ . MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1021. Cadillac Electric (leaner STILL ON TOP ~The only machine on the market, with a self-cooling motor. J.R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston. Typewriter Headquarters. Phone 810. 57 a pend SE in come to you dried and labelled SSG ArT STOCK TAKING SALES ALL: LINES REDUCED BEFORE STOCK TAKING --BOOTS, SHOES WARM FELT SLIPPERS --SLIPPERS, MOCCASINS. -- CLUB BAGS & SUIT CASES We must turn our stock into cash. This is an opportune time for you to secure a bargain in fine Footwear. The Sawyer Shoe Store 184 Princess St. ; Phone Store 159. Phone House 806w. i UT CT y ' = ER Gi = = HB = hi £ E i E 'CARS When The Pinch Comes sixteenth year that REOS have been placed before the public. Xour assurance that the REO will deliver thé most in motor satisfac tion to you lies not alone in the record for REO success for 1020, but also in the ver- dict of the public in the fifteen years' preced- ing. All of the experience gained at Reo has remained, and there is no thought but to build the best possible automobile, Born of experience, built by master builders, possessed of every facility, the REO is THE Perfect Automobile, Certainly no'one can fool all of the people all of the time. When Automobiles were few and buyers many, the public had no opportunity to express its verdict. But when enough auto- mobiles became available and buyers could pick and choose, the verdict was immediately apparent. The fact that people continued to buy REOS in trying times was the talk of the automobile industry. . The public was not fooled, given the opportunity to select, they chose REO. Nineteen Twenty - one is the BOYD'S GARAGE Brock St, ot sgl? and in tins of 504100 Pan. "Perfection 1" Bagot and Brock Streets, ERT EER "n. Phelps, Philipsville, | in the near future, as work is scarce. A number of people have to . hay, which is a very high price, : Mr. and Mrs. A. Vanluven, Godfrey, "at Alex. Hoppin's; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Héppins at, R. Wil son's; Mrs. C. Baboock at Godtrey. aN en V Brockyille, leaves soon oh an extend- ed ip to, Toronto and d points in western Ontario, some weeks been thé guest daughter, Mrs. H. C, Davison,

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