WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1921. s--. HIG. TO-DAY per FG RTT Last Showing | i heidi Popular Entertainers SPECIAL FEATURE PROGRAMYE | EDDIE COLLINS BIG MUSIC AL REVUE b | The Vitagraph Super-Feature | PRE SENTS "Trumpet Island' | "TWO OLD SPORTS" Everything New, Bright and Clean. i Songs--Costumes-- Scenery-- You Will Enjoy This Bill! By Gouverneur Moi#ris, With an All| Star Cast | Special Feature PhotoPlay! Oth Kpisode of our Great Serial "A SCREAM IN THE NIGHT" "THE RAN FOUR" i 'ith an All § , COMEDIES AND, OTHER REELS | With an 2 Star Cast B DED GRAND'S ORCHESTRA i 'Matat 2.30, Evgat7.3 20c ANY SEAT Floor . 30¢, | Balcony 20e. BIR THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | - THE DAILY BRITISH W PRA FOR SALE A SET OF BOB SLEIGHS FOR DELIV- Apply Millard'sy Grocery, or one Z3oiw | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES: "irgt insertion, lc. a wurd. fiacn con- | | secutly insertion thereaficr, halt] ! cent a word Minimum cna ge for | Onlie insertion, 25¢, taree insertions, | good I A | 50 cents. | J13, Whig Office The aduve rated are for eash only,| oop | 3 V | FARM TO RENT, ABOUT i en charged they double. by practical fario chase, Frank | P. 0; E. Toronto i SrA UONU-HAND LPRIGHTY PIANO for cash or in par. payment of ew Planus and graitcno'as. CW, Ling- say Limited, 12i ¥'rincess street. | WANTRU---MEN An0 BULLS 10 PATS ronize J. W. Cursun, barber. Mens! and buys' hair cut, Vc. sSnave, lVc. tazurs honed Zbc. 2468 Untario st. | near brock street. } WANTED GENERAL TO PURCHASE A GOOD HOLS) location fur cash Apply Box EAD 3 ' yA FOUND OUTSIDE Tae CURLING RINK { pr & DiaCK MLK waicn fob, wi Bold JoCKel attacs ' lulliais, on it A dSecretary or pn RED 882rry "0x Ww Sireet, Tuesday have same at whnig A MARINE LADUE, tung, witn irunfoana Muy Nave sane Ly vail Mrs. Burnside, Mid paying expenses BLACK #MAaNw Bau, CONTAIN Estate. in som bilis and 3 a] Saluiday venti McLAUGHLIN ROADSTER, CHEAP Ddupeilur ite Lream Tor cash. Owner leaving city. Ap- Uwner may nave same ou ply Elliott and Wililawsuns Gar- plying to »6 karl ee IN age, 378 Brock St. 2 Fan, Nr. -". UB TAIL - A Ee Sans ay GENUINE GHAFHUNOLA AND ARN | selections; your own choice, $41.50 Same at Wig vujce. FOUND TICLE. ADVER- Terms §¢ cash; $5 per month. C, Ww ANRTIULES Lindsay, lamited, 121 Frincess St \ Special Feature Programme 4 TISED FREE. - - 4 n HEAVEN AND HELL. SWEDEN- ADJONS Huuwiug auylhing snd borg's great work on the life atter | | . " EN T cians : DEAD M ELL Wisniug Lo reaca the o sek 8 death and o real World Derond. Uver Uo Bu Ly C(epuriing the lacly tu = x : at 400 pages, oniy 2ic. pest paid. O. "» | Lie orilisn woig Law, 436 Euclid Ave, Toronto. - NO TALES STRUNG STeEL SAVINGS $1.00 each. Mills Co, ¥ § St. Suall banks. Ciarenc FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES biros. make. Apply Prince of Wales l.unch, 191 Princess street. VGTON A GIRL TO DO © HT HOUSEWORK, Apply tu 239 Bagot street a hg Ure LUT, 6X32 FUOT FRONTAGE on douuta Alacauhald streel; caen} for quick buyer. bLatemans Rea, SERVANT, A¥ TO . H. Baker, 462, Barrie street, or phone 1241 w -------- pan GRAN THUR, FRI. and Saturday mY THURS, FRI, SAT. AL Balin APPLY beTW Mrs. Stepuen, Luun, GovenAal, 3 and ¥ pm io Witham street. MATINEE DAILY Nl id3 all A GENERAL SERVANT OR A WOMAN [CASH PURCHASER FUR ENCYCLO- to work by the hour. Apply 1% | paedia Britannica; quite new; lith| Princess Street. | edition; 29 volumes; Morocco bind- -------------- ing, India paper; bargain for cash A CUUNK, GEMNEKAL, Phone »32w, i required, "Appiy to Mrs. C ston, 162 Barrie St An [Epic of Life, Based on the Great est Problem in All History 1 LOIS WEBER PRESENTS 'To Please One Woman' It has baffled the world for ages, and here we have the solution in a bomb bursting expose of facts and acts never dreamed of. It lays bare the heart of a tiger woman. A Story ground deep in modern life--with a mighty force. What Would You Do To Please One : Wom an ? PROGRAMME 1--Paramount Maga. zine. The Educa-~ tional Delineator. 2--Selected Comegy. 3--Special Half Hour, Drama. 0 ( 4--Burton Holmes I Travel. : 5--S8nub Polard Com- edy. 7 6--Concert by Strand Famous Orchestra. A-~Hobomoko., In- dian Romance. B--RBroadway Rose Selected. ! 7--"To Please One Woman," REFERENCES | LAVINE | ame | WANTED TO RE T, MOUSE W ITH | stable and pdsture, for about 4 head of stock, within 10 mies of | hingsion late where "ind price van in Hurst jetter Apply Box | Whig Office : TO ASSISTY care two, Thompson, AT ONCE, YOUNG GIRL with housework and children. I'hone Mrs. 1814) ine waver Uavinent will be printed in Lay ---- Eo are os not rn. FOUR-FOLD NUGGET COOK Calliv, uUrses, good oven; grates in nrst may be ad- ciass condition; suitable for small kitchen, or ror use at camp. Price reasunable. Apply 172 Alfred St. Lust cuiuiun Phone 2029w. WOMEN'S CLOTHING, Rouse furniture, specialize in mili- a } tary buois; buy a:l Kinds second- Lath GENILEMAN WHO TOOK hand gouds; highest prices paid. IL. a bag of groceries uy mistake rou Loutbard, Phone 283 Prin. Larnoysky's store, RKiudiy return Saiue ly Laltnuvsny s - A Tom Terris Production--From the | Novel by E. W. Hofnung COMEDIES and OTHER REELS Special Musical Arrangement Matinee at 2.30 | Evening at 7.30 | - : Ground Floor 80c¢ | cess Street. 20c. any seat Balcony .20¢ | me eres |) hwnd " : mmm. WI HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF Season's Greatest Event! | guud second hand furniture and | SioVes. Any person having stoves 2nd furniture to dispose of, we wily kay highest prices. J. Tnumnpscn, | WED. FEB. 2nd . -- One Night Only-- Gilbert and Sullivan's : Merry Comic Opera :11 fenced 1 watered, 10 | Foomed: house: with. Sood © ria | With 65 People furnace in; also good | PIOUERINE done; THE BIGGEST MUSICAL | HIT ON EARTH | ONE ound articies stove; Clude wat gugs, tic. Taese, ir iusy, versed dur ia the j= CAPABLE WOMAN, SEVERAL days a week for la ry and house |y MISS MADGE EDGAR work. Apply to Mrs. Best, 144! Public Stemographer A Lower Albert Street EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL work; old country woman preter- red; small family Apply Miss Lucas, Elmtree House, Cur Alwing- ton Avenue and Union street. | MEN AND White's Insdrance Office | 0 230 Bagot Street, Phone 321. SALESMAN WANTED, PREFERABLY 1:33. With life insurance or stock selling experience. Good proposition, | ply from 10 to 12 a.m., to Mr God- | son at 182 Ontario street, i PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WART marks, skin cancers, sc INOVEd perinanently. Satisfactory Bi&sses ulted and rurnisned atter| /LDers have lailed. Goltre removed 435 years' eiperience, Lr. Elmer J Lane, rye, par, Nose, 'I'nroat, Skin | EST SATURDAY, HETWEEN SAR- | Beul's viug Sture and Artaurs LAKerY, or oupeliur fce Cream 1'ar- iur, Lidck Naud vag, cun- taining -y alld laundry Fluaer piedse jeayve at Ww BIRTH. ele, re SALESMAN TO HANDLE QUICK- start Vaporizer for motor cars, mo- tor boats, etc. Commission Apply to Canadian. representative, oom 68D, Hanque Nationale Building, Ottawa, Ont. -- --esestmane WANTED LIVE AGENTS IN KING > = Sion, Ontario, for the supreme Wat-| , x kins "products. Watkins goods | TO LET. known everywhere. Write to-day. | Department H. 1, The J. R Wat- kins Co.,, Hamilton, Ontario, | --_----=ssaaee iE AGENTS WANTED | AGENTS 300% PROFIT GOLD 1 ST ters for stores, otfice windows; $= ily applied; will not wash off. f sampies. Acme Sign Co. 546 Wells, Chicago, 111. wor SPECIAL OFFER 30 PAIR OF Bl. cycle Tires at $1.75 each white they last. Bicycles clewwed and stored; also skuics hollga€ ground Baoy carriages re:irfd and repaired. Multer 8 Bic) cie Works, 1 and 31: King street. Phone w. WiLL HE PARTY WHO WW AS SkikN | PiCKIUg up the horsg blafiket ul Alouaay evening, on Untariy street, | hear Gore, Kinuly return siliie W. R. MCitae & Lu, and save Iurth-| er trouble, BEOROOW,; WE Apply 118 Jounson stre FURNISHED neated | A LOW Set RED COCKER SEA NEL, Wilh Waile marniugs vn lace, cuest Ald paws, wisweliug to tne ndine vl "gerry." rinaer please recurn! to 1va University avenue Heward Allyune found narooring Swine will be prosecuted - CS, BONIUN BULL DOG FEMALK] AN- swers name of " Liavk with Write Dreast Wile eye auu car; oo A One Iounu harvor.ig same wilt Prusecuted, Fin se rel lo Lenurai Garage, OY hilig sireet w., BRIGHT STEAMER FOR SALE Apply bo THREE LARGE, , durnisaed. T™WO0 or freight steamer lung Price and application to * Passenger and for sale--iv0 IL particuiars upon 1ovm 11, Bootn Bilug, Ottawa, unt. oi w hd wold dd fd bd fd debe ddd 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE; 1 MILE trom Railton; 1 mile trom churcen, | Vas AND BUAKLg ail lmpraveinenus; ventrally iucags| ed Apply 243 Brock Street. STUORAUE FUM FUKMTULKE AND! Ligrcoandise, Ciculh aad Gry, ace Cann, 36 bruck sueel. Faull sou or 621 | MEN AND WOMEN, NOT T0 CAN- vass, but to travel and appoint lo- | cal representatives; $1,092 ang ex- | penses guaranteed first gvod chance to vXpenses. State age anc tions Experiénce unne essary Winston » Torénto Avoid the crowds at night-- attend the Matinees, Liar eee STUME UN PRINCESS STRERLT WITH WUrKSnop in rear. Possession un- MeUlRiely, - Apply on preaises, iy Princess Strect SPRCIAL ATTRACTION FOR THE KIDDIES SATUMDAY FTERNOON PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING tore on .. o--------------------n WHHL WANTING PAINTING un apertialix ng done, Grop a card to A. Muuliice:, 34 Aten sireel. In connection with r regular programme "SINBAD--THE SAILOR" rC guvd vutbuillaings Pur turth INNKAGE FUM FURNITURE, CLs AN, parviculars appiy to J. 1. Lyons, ary, airy rooms; your uwh Ch miu Garrett, St, Kingston. Key. FruSt's City bilorage, ¥-3ve Mueel Sireel. Fuulie 20, Ces udu w SC MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$i5 pald weekly for your spare time writing show cardg for us. No canvassing. We instruct and sup- ply you with work. West-Angus Showecard service, 571". Colborne St. Toronto. LAE EE EE EER EY RRR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING --J, FOR SALE Flanagan, Fainter Jia Lrecorator Estunatey freely en Metalic Buld letters for and vuice wd 240 real streei | TWO FRONT ACARTMENTS, Este. clally furnisned tor lgnt house-| Keeping; gas lor cuoking and ugat Al lhe rivneer gpariments, 214 Livisiun Street "po SL3MY CORNER, LARG 4 . us bain room, two South winduws; } ¥ . 7 ry ler neating; eiectric uUgaws, near DENTAL, Lpdversity; suitavle for vhe or two persons, 144 Union Street West Suleel car junction. A two story frame house; al- MOSt New, measures about 22 1t by 1j 1. Can ea ty be moved and fitted up tor dwelling. i'rice $500. Apply on premises at jy Frontenac sireet nortn. " LR EES ERE RRR RE RRS BATEMAN'S REAL hslaik, §750--FOR SALE--RUILDING LOTS ON Alwington Avenue; good location. gt Slure mont Event No. 16 | Kingston Covered Rink Junior Intercollegiate, Doubleheader LEGAL SMITH, BARRIST- "9 Clarence B. Cunning- CUNMNGHAM & erg and Solicitors, street, Kingston, A ham, Cyril 'M. Cmith AMBROSE SHEA, BA, BARRISTER and solicitor. Law office, corner ot hang ana Brock, over Hoyal Bank satliey Lo loan. Phone 19vy i UrPHOLSTERING. CALL OR UKRUF A CARD TO Ww, J fiavine, upholsterer, 218 Bagot st. W. HAMULD FOR \OUR UP.| holstering and genera] repairing Leave urderg at or drup & card to] 3 104 Ulergy streer | nts; established in 1369; only | cr . the most reliable companies repre-| | Bented. Office v5 Clarence street, Fh th g hd bhp vs. REGIOPOLIS a. . KCL / First game called at .730 pm | 7 Second game at . +3900 pm. | People's Florist . vasmaa 177 Wellington street. $1100--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, | 4 py) tes d 7c. | near Kagian Koad. fT Ices inc | j¥resh flowers and plants daily | / | / Funeral designs, and wedding ) QUEENS R. M,C, A. KE. KNAPP BA, LDS, D.D.S, oilice 290 Princess Siureel. racue | $52 FOUR FLATS (HEATED) CONTAIN. ing 6 and 7 rouvius; centrally locat- ed, Nos. 213 and 219 Queen street. AeWwly renovated and decoraied throughout. Immediate possession. | Apply 1 Blake Thompson, $y isrock DR. RUPERT FP. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 Dive | Princess St Pnone 1350, Upen| EE _ = evenings by appointment a | $S00--GARROTT ST. CARPENTERING m-- tists, 168 Wellington street, over Seaman 346. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. | Carnovsky's. Phone 346 Furnitu Freight--Baggage bouquets ' to order. Phone 1763. TRANSFER Phone 1425W os, 1137, 5. WHITEMAN $2,200---FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B. 360 Bagot Street. an y/ i | Put on More: Pearl A. Nesbit LTC, || Insurance! rooms; B. and C.; hot air; gas; gar- | Prices. . $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, 75¢ 850c °s. . $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, vy ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR The sum that would have ap- age. QUEEN ST. CHURCH peared adequate to proisct the Teacher of Singing home ten years wholly inadequate to-day. * FINANCIAL $1400--PRINCESS AND ALBERT STS. | WHEN YOU WANT See James Seloy, University Avenue FOR SALE EACH -- DOUBLE house: 4 rooms; B. and C.; electric & STRANGE, INSURANCE| i | lights; large lot. | ! I i $3 FRAME FURNMTURE REPAIRED AND FIN. ished, ung repairs; all kinds of small repairs in wood or metal Stanton and Sleeth, 241 Bagot street. Oppusite the post office FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST | ment Society, incorporated 1561. | President, W. F. Nickie, K.C.; vice-| president, A: B. Cunningham. | Money issued on city and ftarm! properties, municipal and county | debentures; mortgages purchased; -- investment bonds for sale; de Dosis | yiCTORY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY |-Mail orders accepted if accompanied received and interest allowed. HK. to Loan. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Ciar- | by cheque or cash. ence street, Kingston. | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, Duis. il. 22 John street LAND SURVEYOR F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Sec. C.E,, 0.L.S,, D.L.8, M.E.LC., Napanee, Ont. On. tario Land Surveyor. Kingston Of- fice, Walkem & Walkem, 93 Clar- enc®ytr t EE TIT --r---- CHIROPRACTIC. WM. A. MARCELIS, D.C., Ph. C, Cor. ner Nelson and Mack Streets, Kingston, Ont. Consultation free Telephone 1086). Hours 9 to 12 a m, to 5 p.m. 3 ARCHITECT POWER, SON AND DHREVER, ARCHI- | tects, Merchants Bank .Chambers corner of Brock and Wellington streets. . SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, woop, etc. large or small, guaranteed XX. 8vuld leaf; posters, showcards, etc. artistically writien and designed by Shaw, at 205 Princess St-eat Kingston, : $1400--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; provements, good tocalily NO IM. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FARMS--SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR i sale. If, in those days, $1,000 was carried, to-day it should be made $2,000, while Five should be increased to Tem and, and Ten to Twenty thousand to maintain the protection at the ] same point that ft reached 10 {| years ago. \ _ G. A. BATEMAN, 1380 Wellington Street, Kingston. 320 ACRE FARM IN SASK ATCHEWAN | ~350_ acres under cultivation, willl take city or country property. Ad- dress Box 190, Gananoque, Ont. TOO LATE TO BUY SHARES NOW IN THESE RUBBER COMPANIES Rubber Companies such as we have been telling you about in our advertisements, where $100 has returned tremendous dividends, are not now offering you opportunity to participate in * their profits, and the price of the shares of any who are sell ing are 'out of sight," but here in the PPP PP RC stb ee +* + CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. LAST TIMES TO-DAY | ® » i The Whig needs gorrespond- Geuverneur Morris' |% ents at Cole Lake, Fall River, Remarkable Story {# Glendower, Glenburnie, Howe "The Penalty" | ® Island, Kingston Mills, Merrick- With Lon Chaney and All Star Cast. NIGHT CLASSES FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 7 to 9 o'clock MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY --Iin-- ° . ENGLISH, ARITHMETIC, and BOOKKEEPING Apply for information to the . SUPERIOR, Notre Dame Convent, Johnson street. Let me suggest a plan for an additional amount. S. Roughton Mutuat Life of Canada 60 Brock Street + ville, Mississippi, Mounta®.. + View, Sharbot Lake and Tick- + borne. # Any reacer interested may # learn full particulars by writ- + Ing to thé British Whig, King- % ston. "AN OVERALL HERO" Chester Comedy, with Snooky, the Humansee "MARITANA" Incomparable Allen Concert Or.* chestra, Sid Hoffman, directing. * * + * 4 + * * + + + * * + + * -- CLP PIPPOCOEIRIPIOIIOSITS COMING! : THURS, FRI, SAT The Supreme Beauty of the Sereen "CURTAIN" An Alluring Visit to the Land Behind the Footlights" hl it I LION An All Canadian Company, with every prospect of making big dividends from the start, in an opportunity to "get in on the ground floor," in this most profitable inaustry, with COMMON SHARES for all at $10 PAR VALUE and a 30 PER CENT. BONUS of.same to present investors. . Fill out the accompanying coupon. NOW and we will be pleased to send you full particulars. I am interested in your Rubber Company. With out obligation send more particulars. in your Rubber Company. NAME ........... . : ADDRESS .......:, ieecnn.uns. ae THE PRUDENTIAL BOND & SECURITY CO. 182% Ontario Street (Hotel Frontenac), Kingston. Phone 2352. 0 fr Made in Canada : HEVROLET "FB 30" Coupe fills every require- ment 'for comfortable, efficient I am interested Soft Lump Coal for steam boilgrs--best quality. msg Swift & Co., Ltd. Foot of Johnson Street . SRI LIar. sesssenna re win several times and tried to induce him to tell the truth." re At the time of Miss Stout's death the police expressed the belief that || Granulated Cane Sugar omly. she either had committed suicide or killed herself accidentally. TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST -- : Lecture at Queen's. VISION LEADS TO ARREST Father Accuses Young Man of Girl's Murder. Philadelphia, Jan. 26.--Charles Edwin King, twenty-one years old, 'wag arrested, charged with the kill- ing. of Arline May Stout, seventeen- Jas. { Bawden & Edwards, Montreal St. te HIGHEST PRICES PAID i MARAE OAS ARSE TRS SO to ap For Scrap Iron, Mefals, Rags and Paper Stock. If you telephone us we will call promptly. Phone 2IN0w °° Ren. 2057 M. RGSEN & (0. HE Rive ol SYRERT Auction Sales 1 am the best an tioneer in Kingston. | 55 Make ne prove it. Phone 1721 or 1428, BEDFORD The Auctioneer, . Quebec Heaters No. 5, $10.00, Ng. €, 312.00 i Best Stove for Garage or work 4 Fhap. Coots andl other Stoyes as J. TURK Phone 705 _ Hon, E. L. Patenautie, former sec- retary of state, is mentioneq promin- year-old high school girl, who was found dead in her home on Oct, 10, with a bullet wound in her shoulder. A vision at the side of his daugh- ter's grave, F. M. Stout said, led him to have the warrant issued for King's arrest. "1 went to my daughter's grave. on Saturday," he said, "and while I stood there a vision appeared over the grave, and Arline stood there, 'Father,' she told me, 'go to see Ed- 'win. He can tell you all.' On Tuesday afternoon * Professor Paul Shorey, Chicagy, lectured at Queen's University on subject of "Aristophanes." 'There was a good attendance. At convocation hall, on Wednesday evening, Dr. Shorey is to speak on "The Pace That Kiiled Athens." : ------------ Secretary of state pending the ap- pointment of a new minister to fin ently as a federal cabinet. possibili- Rly ty "She told me she had zone to Ed- the vacancy capsed by the death of Right Hon. A. L. Er Hon. Hugh Guthrie is acting as) There was § narrow escape from accident at the corner of Welling- ton and Clarence streets on Wednes- day, when Dr. 1. G. Bogart's car was run into by Fenwick Hendry Com- pany's motor truck." The end of the axle of Dr. Bogart's car was crushed. Dr. Alex. McKay, now connected with the provincial department of | public health, it is stated, fs an ap- j haunt for the 'position of director of medical services for Toronto. l | | i : i I