THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. (Founded 1847) Livingston's [RONTENAC'S NEW WARDEN | {Reeve Charles Mac@regor, of | | Quotations - Furnished by Bongard, | Barrie Township, Unani- mously Chosen. i | | | | Charles MacGregor, reeve of the township of Barrie, is the new war- den of Frontenac county. He was unanimously elected to that position at the inaugural meeting of the county council on Tuesday afternoon. Warden MacGre- Myer's some able 'men. gor's postoffice address is Cave. STOCK/MARKETS. Ryerson & Co., 2387 Bagot Street. New York Stocks. Opening. Closing. American Car Fndy. .1221% American Locomotive 83 Am. Internat. Corp. . 461% Am, Sumatra Tobac'o 7 LAIDLAW'S "FOR THE THURSDAY SHOPPER" WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1021. \ i Gil i ----, aries 186 suunes convened at four Baltimore & Ohio ... ' as moved by Reeve pethlehem Stee] ""B" Clarke, Kingston township, and P. R. seconded by Reeve Taylor, Storring- | Central Leather .... ton township, that Mr. MacGregor be | Crucible Steel | 4PPolnted warden, and tue resolution | International Paper .. 5 was adopted. Warden-elect Macure- | Kenicott Copper .,... "Or thanked his colleagues for the | Marine honor they had conferred upon his Mexican Petroleum township and himseif by electing him gi Ra | to the highest office in the gift of { Royal Dateh (NY) ' . Boys' Suits--Ready-to-Wear | Front 1 Rest ti eénac. It was the first time that | Southern Pacific {8 reeve from Barrie had ever been Studebaker A + For $24.50 | chosen as warden, and therefore .he 10. 8, Steel... \ regarded his appointment for 1921 All our Suits---regular price For $37 50 | 8 a special honor, He promised to | . VALUE GIVING ITEMS This is a time when the th rifty shopper looks for wanted dependable merchandise at new lower prices. With this in mind we have assembled some of the more striking reductiens to be found here and there throughout our store. Every department is ready with a seasonable mone y-saving offer. . Great Clearance Sale of Men's and All our Sults--regular price $30.00 to $10.00 Navy Blue Serge--all wool; 42 inches wide trees 31.50 yard $42.50 up to $55.00 | work contigually in the interests of | Brazilian ~ | the people of the county. | Brompton : On motion of Councillors Halliday | Canada Bread For $49.50 ves OOF ah ® 80 ee ee | and Hamilton, the following were ap- | Canada Cement pointed to select the standing com- | Canada Steamships { mittees for the year and report at ten | Dominion Steel | o'clock Wednesday morning: Coun- | Dominion: Textile seus vee | cillors Halliday, Sills, Drew, Denni. | General Electric > . son, Clarke, Hamilton and Gemmill. I aries 2 1 Both Councillors Halliday and | Riordon £8 ris | Hamilton #ongratulateds Warden Mac- {Spanish River | Gregor upon his elevation, and pro- mised to co-operate with Kim in every way possible, The members of this year's coun- [Smith's Falls Collegiate Team Takes | I I All our Suits----regular price $60.00 up to $75.00 ! J Navy Blue Serge--all wool; 50 inches wide . seresens seein... .. $2.00 yard Boys' Suits aoe" For $095 For $14.95 For $2.98 All Underwear'; Price Black Messaline Silk--36 inches wide . .. eossns weenie orien... $1.50 yard OK) Rg I = og 0 3, SHOOTING COMPETITIONS | i yo ; cil are: Highest Place. | AS N Portsmouth---James Halliday. In the shooting competitions for | g All our Suits--regular price $16.50 $22.50 Wolfe Island--George Rattray. the Imperial challenge shield .in 1920, | 16.50 up to . f . . oe . | Howe Island--Thomas Driscoll. the Smith's Falls Collegiate Institute | White Habutai Silk--one yd. wide 90c¢. yd. | Kingston--=G. A, B. Clarke and J. | team captured the highest place | | L. F. Sproule. among the Canadian cadet corps tak-| | Pittsburg--John 8. Sibbitt, ing part in the competitions, and car- | | Storrington--John Taylor. ried off the governor-general's tro- | + LoughQoro--Edward Sills, phy. Last year this trophy was won | } Portland--Fred .G--tJeénnizon. by the Kingston Collegiate Institute. | | Hinchinbrook--R. A, Hamilton. | | Bedford--W. H. Pattersgn. . ° Bleached Bed Sheeting--2 yds. wide for double beds; good Canadian makes; free from dressing . . 49c. and 62c. yard Special Circular Pillow Cotton--best Canadian makes; Hochelaga and Wabasso brénds; 40, 42, 44 inches wide, 42c, 49c, 55¢. yd: Nice White Canadian Cotton--36 inches wide . price 19¢. and 25¢. yd Beautiful English Cotton--in light and heavy makes; 36 inches wide............. «+... .Price 40c., 50¢. yd. Extra Fine Madapolam for the fine Cotton undergarment; yard wide... ,..... coon leaner 2 35¢. yard Ladies' Black Tights--knee and ankle length; elastic waist bands; PIC, ress sansa, «+. .... $1.35 and $1.75 pair Children's Black Tights--button sides and elastic waist bands Ladies' Winter Combinations --lo ng sleeves, short sleeves and no sleeves, ankle and knee length . ....... priced $2.25 to $3.50 Ladies' Winter Undervests--high neck, short and long sleeves; EXHAVAING.. . vv vi ver avin saver a «+e $1.00 Ladies' Knitted Drawers--knee and ankle length; natural and white ........ : .. 90c. to $2.00 pair Ladies' Corsets--made from a nice quality Batiste: all white : Ladies' Black Cashmerette Hose-- all sizes ............. 40c. pair Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose--all wool .....s..... . . $1.00 pair IBEX Flannelette Blankets--coJors white and grey, with pink or blue border; 12-4; full double bed size. ........ . Price $3.45 pair All our Fancy Shirts up to $5.00 The cup will be presented by the | governor-general himself, who is ar- Oso--Archibald Gray. ranging a date for his visit to Smith's Barrie--Charles McGregor, | Falls, In addition to the trophy, each Palmerston and Canonto--David {member of the shooting team won Gemmill, two pounds, This competition is an Kennebec--L. D. Parks. impérial event and teams from ev- Clarendon and ' Miller--Thomas | ery part of the empire took part. The Armstrong. { record of the other teams in M. D, Olden--Melville Drew, No. 3 was "as, follows» Kingston Col- Among the communications read |legiate, 64th; Hawkesbury high were: [school cadets, 139th; Vankleek Hill, From W. H. Morris, secretary of | 256th; Millbrook high school, 272nd; the Trustees Association, regarding | Arnprior high school, 340th. In the appointment of delegates to attend [junior competition the Millbrook meeting of association to be held in | school came 246th. . Toronto on March 29th to 31st. | MI eg From H. B. Carscallet, secretary | Parade of P.W.O.R. Tamworth continuation school, ac-| The first of the battalion parades | count of $64.10 for tuition of Fron- {of the P.W.O.R., in preparation for al tenac pupils for school year preceed- | visit of Lt.~General Sir H. E. Bur- ing Dec. 30th, 1920. | stall, inBpector general, on February "From F. C. Biggs, minister of pub- | 25th, took place in the armouries on lic works and highways, with refer- | Tuesday evening. Both bands were ence to smendments to Section 460 |in attendance. Most of the old of the Municipal Act with respect to |D.c.0.'s and men still in the city will the question of civil liability with re- [be back with their companies, and gard to traffic on municipal roads, |scores of new faces are séen among and question of claims presented to |the recruits. townships and counties for accidents The evening was spent Shiafly in to automobiles and other vehicles on | re-organization work and a meet BE the public roads, as amounts paid-| of the officers was held after the in settlement are in many cases a |parade. heavy' drain upon municipal resour- | ces. 4 From W, F. Nickle, county solici- e eo 2 Livingston's a 75-77 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk." $85 8 30084000040 St. George's A. XY. P. A. A well attended meeting. of the A. Y-P.A. of St. George's cathedral was beld Tuesday evening. An invitation | was received from the A.Y.P.A, Gan- anoque, and many expressed their willingness to attend on Feb. 2nd. A miscellaneous shower was held for Miss G. Flint and W. Lower, { witnesses and make clear by way. of | members of the association who are evidence the reasons for their objec- | soon to be married. Many useful gifts tions to be saddled with the expense | Were given. of certain road construction, Refreshments were then served, and a very pleasant evening was brought to a close. - The Standing Committees. c-- ----- At the session of council on Wed- Bath Road Notes. v. nesday morning the following stand- Mr. Blakey has improved his new | ' Ing commitees, recommended in the house on Princess street with a fine | Kayser make--only .....90¢. PAIR report of the select committees, were verandah, appointed on motion of Councillors People here who keep hens and < COLORS: --Pongee, Natural, Grey, Brown, Black, White, and White with Black Stitch-- all sizes. | Anderson Bros. - tor, asking to meet committee of council regarding hearing before the Municipal and Railway Board, about Frontenac vs. Townships of Kingston and Pittsburg. The date for the hear- ing will shortly be set, and it will be necessary for the county to produce Limited sm ee ---- ee -- Sale of Choice Beef Thursday 'STEWINGCUTS -.......... BOILINGCUTS -....... POPROASTS ............. 200 Ib: " OVEN ROASTS ...... . .22¢. Ib, ROLLED ROASTS ...........25¢.1Ib. | CHOICE RIBS ...............28¢ Ib. Blin Puen cham, aie. pas DALY MEMORANDUM, PORTERHOUSE ROASTS... .30¢. Ib. [500 noste--comenn, pro. | cms oh ot. bog Borce feke aana BEEF DRIPPING . ............20c. Ib. [Jie airman), Patterson, sis, HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR HAMBURG STEAK ..........18¢.1Ih. \ !" Quarterly Board of Audit--Coun- b |eillor Hamiiton. PRINTERS | A rppresentative of the Navy 'League of Canada addressed the MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON. |= counc!l in support of the ieague's re- quest for a grant of $3,000, WASHABLE Drew and Hamilton : other stock 'are pleased with the re- | Finance -- Councillors Hamilton cent drop in prices for grain and oth. | (chairman), Driscoll, Parks, | or foeq. Perhaps straw and hay will | Sproule, Drew, Dennison, Halliday. | po reasonable in price after next | Property -- Councillors Clarke harvest. | .14c. 1b. .. 16¢. Ib. (chairman), Hi, liday, Taylor, Sills, 8ibbitt, Gemmill, Rattray. From the Mediterranean; Roads and Bridges--Counecillors We have Malaga grapes, lemons, | Gemmill (chairman), Dennison, pomegranates, figs, dates, filberts, | Drew, Hamilton, Gray, Armstrong, almonds, walnuts, etc., at Carnov- | Parks. sky's. Printing ard Education--Couneil- -- DAILY MEMORANDUM, At this season buy Vegetables by the peck or bushel Carrots, Parsnips, Beets, . Onions and Turnips, Avs? on Nein, Cher 3. anuary . 3 a oe Wh Warden-elect MacGregor. Alena," Frances M. Hugh aro Cc ghson, t Charles MacGregor, warden of la'C. Austin, both of Chaffey : rontenac, was born hear Spring- ' fleld, iss. but has lived in Barrie | CARD OF THANKS i po: PORK ROASTS--2 to 6 lbs. 'en .28¢c. 1b. township most of his life. He comes | tre must sincerely thank. all our | Scottish parentage as his name | friends and peighbors for. their many kind wor { sympathy and deeds dur- tells. He has been one of the lead- | ing our dso Hg pron and the death Of our dear little son, Russe -. --AMr. and Mrs. Byron Ruttan. ing farmers of Barrie township, , which contains many Scottish set- i tiers. Mr. MacGregor is very much We recommend Hersley blend | "gratified upon being chosen warden {on the anniversary of Burns' day. BLACKTEA [Fs Particular people find this blend to their lik- | Jae iotee atiorions re -- "ing, both asto flavor and strength. ee : . < ; Orange order. For the past twenty- Phones: 458-459, Wholesale 1767. r-- - Ee IO : : 1y 9 ty . Children's Shoes-Down to Lowest Possible Prices "HURLBUT SHOES very popular in the houses where there are children. No stitches or seams in the boots to hurt. Lots of room for toes.. The best material throughout used in making. Selling all this = week less 25%. A good time to buy a pair for Spring needs. YY ) 2A b 1 / ' cop PRINCESS STREET. Phene 147 for Ambul..mce. The U a Phone 577. 230 Prince... Street. M. P. KEYES IB five years, Mr. MacGregor Ras beea identified with municipal politics. He 3 entered the county council in 1907 oO and has been a member of that body' for eight years. He is one of the most popular members of the Front- 'J | enac council. The township of Bar-|* rie, which hie represents, is one of the smallest of the county townshi: bat a} | like little Scotland it has rode