WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, COMING FOR 1921 -Stormna. Cold Weather. ~Hala, ~The "Flu", Grippe. uenza, Tonsillitis, Bronchitis. ~--Anthma. Diphtheria, ~Catarrh. Yen, they are all coming: For trentment we are prepared with the best Atomizers, Sprays, Solu- tins and Remedies for Coughs and Colds. Make yourself "Cold Proof." Take Austin's 'Tasteless Cod - Liver ON, Austin's Drug Store torner Miag and Murkel Square Phone 230 FERRER EF EEE FEEFRTPEP IL ETIE SE 4D Kingston - Kingston Transfer Co. 138 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight oflevery description and the moving of Household Furniture, The Company is also equipped with waggons, or' sleighs, and tackle for 'any kind of special hauling. . PHONE 877. 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. J Quick Relief for Leadache A headache is frequently caused Vicinity by badly digested food; the gases and acidsresultingtherefromare | absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and | causes painful symptoms called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. «15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct fanlty digestion and afford relief, Best Value in the City, We have a few lovercoats left which we will sell a extremely low price. Prevost Cloth {ing House, Brock street. "Teddy" Green Busy. On Tuesday 'Teddy' Green, market caretaker, was ping the ice, which had collected in | the water fountain on the { square, BUILDING ? REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | '2! Main Street. Phone 1670. busy Good Iceboating Weather. On Tuesday afternoon an boat enthusiast spent the afternoon rR running in the harbor. A number of kiddies were skating. The icé was in splendid condition for boating and - SCOTT'S GARAGE |: Washing and Storage. | 19135 chaurhlin Toure Jt tug car for sale cheap for | a yuick buyer. i MIREET vhone I8p4w ice | | | Hepairs, | } One | Had Toe Amputated. Ralph Somerville, Middleville, | met with a sore accident last week { While chopping wood for Harold | Dodds he cut- his big toe with the { axe, and it had to be amputated by madical ass n Godel de feed Foodofoodeciode adr desde desde desde food fe | 29% HALO -------------- eet te re. Auto Storage Warm or Cold. , ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON | , Phones: Shop 1038, Res. 15370 ATS BROCK STREKT Four Score in Monta > there lives a far- | Moses Jordan, who celebrated ~= | his eighty-fourth birthday last week | KINGSTON WELDING SHOP |H years git upon him lightly and he {is hale and hearty. and still finds much pleasure in life. | and Four. Out ner, Moving to Toronto, Noel Fleming, Napanee, has been | appointed mechanical tractor ex- | G. A. WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORKS pm Welding broken Water We specialize in Has Been Taken Over By 1 Automobiles, parts of Cracked Jacket, etc. Watches and Clocks Repaired wit BY ome G. W.- LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone and your or- der will be promptly attended to. . 'Phone, 1866. 267 Princess St. er ---------------------------- ------ PA A A Nn | pert of the Ford Motor Co., Detroit. {| As Mr, Fleming's headquarters are to be in Toronto, his family will' re- move there in the near future. 40 Princess St. = «= Phone 1204. A FINE FOR RHEUMATIGH |=" i Musterole Loosens Up Those | Mrs. Mary Rabb, who resides with | Stiff Joints--Drives Out Pain [her daughter, Mrs. G. F. Gainford, You'll know why thousands use ~| Athens, on Saturday celebrated her Musterole once you experience the |aiglty-ninth birthday. Mrs, Rabb has glad relief it gives. ; [twenty-eight grandchildrén, and aix- Get a jar at once from the nearest |... great-grandchildren, diving drug store. It is a clean, white oint- | ment, made with the oil of mustard. | | | | | All work guaranteed | A Variety of Weather. Bette: than a mustard plaster and does . For some weeks past the wind has not blister. Brings ease and comfort PLUMBING, 'TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STRE%T Phone 688. while it is being rubbed onl Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu. matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevent3 pneumonia), been making a complete circle. It | begins at north, passes to east by the middle of the week, by Friday is | again in the south, and on Sunday is {in the west. This gives a fine variety | of weather. Charged With Theft. On Saturday Provinciat County Officer Ward placed under arrest Frank Johnston, who resides in Sid- ney township. The accused is charged with the theft of grain, robes and other articles. The case | was enlarged for a week. W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Goes To Sharbot Lake Dr. Stanley F. Leavine, Merrick- ville, formerly of Elgin, has decided to move to Sharbot Lake where he For a short time last year Dr. Leavine was a i . : member of the medical staff of the Wass aRovile SII Winds ud Ontario Hospital in Brockville, Get our prices. - A Suggested Interview, Frontenac Mattress Co. The Toronto Star Weekly In its {last i 8 ine S *in- 17 BALACLAVA STREET | last issue contained a suggested' in Phone 2106w. IESSES v will engage fn practice. Don't throw away your old Mattresses. Kingston and first-class winter | { Untario It | Nickle's views as to his refusal. It chop- market |. tion with the late vacancy of the lea- ip-of the conservative party of purported to give Nr | was a clever burlesque. Wins First Prize, For the {'fth consecutive year, J MooYTe, New Dublin, -has been a- arded the first prize for the best ex- ibit of flint corn grown east of Te- ito. He has also been awarded the st prize t'r Irish Cobblér potatoes. Open Water Dangerous. A citizen 'calls attgntién to 'the stretch of open wate: being made hy the tug Thomson in front of tke wharves, and asks why some danger sign has not been placed around it to warn péople 'going to or coming from. Welfe Island. This area broken ip by the tug freezes over each night, ind is a positive danger spot, Miss Grace Ponton Dead. Miss Grace Ponton passed Monday morning at Sidney Cottage, Belleville, the old homestead of the family of Hutton and Ponton, since | terview with W, F. Nickle, in connec-! 1830. An honored and active mem- her of St. Andrews church, she will {he missed by members of ! churches to whom her smile and lgracious words were always wel- [come. She brothers, Douglas Col, W. N. Ponton and Ponton. . Mrs. Joseph T. Towriss Déad. Mrs. Joseph T, Towriss, a former | resident {day at the residence of her son-in- law, C. F. Fawcett, Tweed, «Ont, after a short illness, aged eighty-two years. - Deceased was born at Glen Mrss Boyd Hall, [until five months ago when | moved to Tweed. Besides her hus- | band she is 'survived by two daugh- ters and three sons. Use Up the Fund. A Perth man, George F. Crowe, writes to one of the newspapers there suggesting that the present juncture, with so much unemployment preval- ent, would be an opportune time for the distribution among those entitled thereto of the 130th Battalion funds. indeed he holds that distribution should have commenced in the autu- mn. Mr. Crowe declares that '"ex- members" of the 130th of Perth and district are continually askin® about the fund, hut apparently get no satis- faction." How Horse Was Rescued. Reference was made in the Whig on Tuesday about a horse which broke through the ice in the harbor, being rescued. It appears that on Monday noon the horse, owned by the Kingston Milling 'Company, walked out of the stable, of its own accord, and ran along Ontario street, and on reaching Barrack street, turned on to the 'ice, and broke through near the Mpntreal Transportation Company's elevator: The hcrse swam alongside the tug Thomson. A line was se- AT CAMDEN EAST | | -- | wooD Ladies. Aid Tea Meeting--S. Brian Injured in Runaway. Camden East, Jan. 25. -- The death of Mrs. Mary Scott, Ernest- town, occurred on Tuesday morning, January 18th, in her 73rd year, She Sawed in Stove was well known in this community For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO. and was a member rof the Methodist church here. She leaves to mourn the loss of a .loving mother, four sons and two daughters. A number from here attended the funeral ser- vice, which was held at her home on Thursday last. Rev. Mr. Latimer had charge of the service. The W.C.T.U. met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Perry on Tuesday even- ing last. The meeting was address- THE "FLU" Lengths BOOTH & CO. Foot West Street Phone 133. Stock "Taking Sale We have just finished stock-tak- ing and find we have too much of cer- tain lines on hand, and so will offer 3 Dare Not Return special.prices on these lines. Our spe- PATTON'S | DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's)" Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 849 Princess St. cial for this week is SOAP, | Large bar Castile 5 bars for The "Flu" will certainly get a warm reeeption this winter if it dares show its ugly head in our peaceful midst, for the people are confident now that they ean deal it such a smashing blow it will never survive. In every village, town and city in Canada, families are fortifying them- selves with the greatest "Flu" am- munition known to science--Buck- ley's Bronehitis Mixture. Colds, coughs, etc.--the advance guards of Flu--are met with withering fire, and relief from these troubles is sure every time. One hundred thousand Glycerine Soap ..........10¢c. cake 12 cilkes for .,...........8$1.00 Violet Soap .......8 cakes in a box A2cakeS fOF «.v.v00vs ue... $1.00 Prouse's Drug Stere THE BUSY DRUG STORE ---- Phone 82. Canadians are only too willing to tes- tify to the great healing power this DD YOU EVER TRY Wagnian's Ginger Marmalade, Wagstan'y Pineappie Marmaiade, Wagstail's Brambie Jelly. We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- 18dea, Jum and Jellies for sale Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and' Ear Streets License No. 5-27149 Phone 1844. remedy contains. It has conquered coughs of 35 years' standing. It ean- not fail to do.for you what it has done for others. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose, as'it is sold 'under a money-back guarantee to banish coughs, colds, bronehitis, bronchial asthma and prevent you from getting the "Flu." It is not a rup, but a scientific mixture, 20 mes stronger than any other cough cure, One dose gives instant relief. Price, 75 cents. Take no substitute, None genuine without my signature, Ask yonr druggist ua 'Sold in Kingston by : Mahood's Drug Store T. H. Sargent F. J. Hoag Mahogany ad : Walnut Furnifure not only lasts longer, looks nicer, and cost less in the long run. : It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and Attention To | Automobile Owners -us for your winter over hauling and storage. * Used Cars for sale. ' . Central Garage NERS Rok Phone 2185 A. G. Harris J. B. McLeod " and other reliable drug stores. a ------------------------------. y POLISHERS on the premises--Mr. Frank Summerville, who remodels and repairs--he is an expert. LESSES, Antique Sho 307 Princess Street "Phone 1045w. er ed by Mrs. T, A. Dunwoody, New- burgh. 8S. Brian met with an accident near Enterprise, while passing a tractor where the road was narrow. The horse took fright and he was thrown from his cutter into the wheel of the tractor, cutting his head and face. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Amey, Des- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amey, for a few days. Wellesley Patterson and son, Willy, Saskatchewan, are visit- ing at J. W. Stewart's, and with other friends. Mrs. John Skinner, who has been {ll for a few days, is better again. Mrs. King returned home to Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Charles Histed spent a few days with her son, Herbert Histed, and family, - Deseronto. Miss Martha Johnston is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordanier, Elginburg, spent a few days with friends in the village. 'Mr. and Mrs. A, Dickson entertained friends on Friday even- ing. The Ladles' Ald tea meeting, held in the hall on Friday evening, was a decided success, despite the bad con- dition of the roads. Rev. Mr. Stew- art, Harrowsmith, acted as chair- man. Rev. Mr. Everson, Varker, gave a fine address, Sim. 'Stofms and daughter, Marjorie, Wilton, de- lighted the audience with duets. Miss Stewart, elocutionist, gave splendid selections, Mr. Thomson al- §0 gave two musical selections, and last, but not least, the choir render- ed some choruses. . The many friends of Mrs. Fred Walker are glad to hear she is im- proving. Mrs. Lucas agd daughter have returned home. The library Longmore on Monday evening. > - Revival Services Begun Picton, Jan. 22.--A large crowd attended the sale pf the late Miss Clark, Main street] this afternoon. Among South Greenbush visitors to town to-day, were Mr. and Mrs, Black, Mrs. Walter Colliver, and Mrs. T. Stevens. - Sales are now go- ing op at Fraser's and. Bristol's stores. Picton won in the hock- ey game, last night against Port Hope team, Evangelist G. W. Campbell, Collingwood, is beginning revival services in Main church, The Poultry show opened at the 'armouries on Tuesday with seventeen degrees below, yet many fine birds were on exhibit. Miss A™L. Seth has returned to Toronto. After an illness 'extending over three years, Mrs. Dennis Hott, Sr., at her home.' wn Sy 2 away | ali is survived*by her two |. of Glen Buell, died Satur- | | Buell, a daughter of the late Mr. and | and resided there | she | mond, were the guests of his par< board met at the home of R, W_ | cured,» and Capt. Willard, with the aid of members of his crew, and af- some difficulty succeeded in the horse from drowning. Frankford Agricultural Society, | Frankford Agricultural Society is in a healthy condition, according to reports presented At the annual meeting. Officers elected for the ! ensuing year were as follows: Presi- ! dent,, Clem H. Ketcheson; first Vice- | president, G. C..Stickle; sacond vice- | president, R. T. Dunlop; secretary, Pollarll; directors: W. KE. Mills, Ross Turley, Walter Scott, George B. Rose, F. A. Cory, W. E. | Windover, 8. Nicholson, G. Pollard, { jun., Wesley Wallis, Norman Sim- | [mops, Fred Terry, T. H. Ketcheson, | Morley Davidson, Roy, Harry and | { Charles Fox. | Ueorge Was Lost _in Lanark County. W. G. Jones, Beachburg, Renfrew | ity, had a unique experience tb : wlren he received a smal | 1 1 in the Beachburg post office. | conta.ned a tolding wallet | ! 1e or address but on the r wrapper was the name and ad- the sender. Mr. Jones at {co r day of : 1 en years ago when hh ;. at Balderson, Ont. | The wallet was then presented to him ! iby a young lady who {is now Mr. | i nes' wife. Shortly after receiving | same he lost it and neves heard any | I more about it.,during the past sixteen | years until it was returned to him by a gentleman in Wollesley, Sask. Rose Brothe Re-Union, | An event quite out of the ordinary | {occurred Sunday, Jan. 9th, in Delor- aine, Manitoba, when all the Rose Brothers, four in number, came into | Union church together, the first time | | since they were boys or young men'in 1 {old historic Switzerville, Lennox | ounty, the oldest Methodist church { then in use, and 'where the first Met- hodist conference was held. There [ they always went with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald | Rose, and 'filled up the family pew, | | brought up to attend regularly the | i services of God's House, from which | | they have never departed. Robert A., | | Seattle, Wash.; James M., Deloraine; | Nelson D., Napinka, Man., and Geo. | | A. Deloraine.. They are all past mid- | |dle life, in fairly good health and | | looking young for their years, al- | though hard working, men of integ- | rity and not easily turned aside from | what they felt to be right. They, have | been for years officials of the church | they love. Piles CURED in 6 to 14 Days All druggists are authorized to refund the money if PAZO OINT- MENT fails to Cure any case of ITCHING, BLIND, BLEEDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures ordinary cases in 6 days, the worst cases in 14 days. PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re- lieves ITCHING PILES and | you can get-restful slecp after the first application. It is guaranteed by Paris Med- icine Co, St, Louis, Mo., Manu- facturers of the world-famous Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets. C.7) fore This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT. 60c. Eat Enough o A Safe Rule Have No Fear of Sour Stomach, Gas- siness, or Distresses Due to In- digestion or Dyspepsia. From the daily food the system must have a diversified supply of materials or parts of the digestive "PINE LUMBER We can quote a specially low price on 2", Used Pine Shorts, ex Elevator. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking IFactody 'and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66, Factory Phone 1413. SALE You have always wanted one of the many dainty BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES Now is your chance. "We are selling them at greatly reduced : price. A. D. HOLTON 80 PRINCESS 51uk&T - Phone, 661; Res, 2036W. LOOK Pure White Felt Mattress Covered with heavy Art Tieking--5 inches thick--weight 42 lbs.--splendid value at $16.00 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY---ALL SIZES $10.75 Kingston Mattress Com 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel PHONE = 2283, FOR SALE Pair brick houses in the west end of the city; modern, 7 rooms each; possession May lst. Price ..%...c.0.0 oouv'. $6,200. A. F. PURCELL - Phone 704 11134 Brock St REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ARE YOU ONE Are you one of the big crowd that's buying Shoes at our great "RED LETTER SALE" If not, why not? There's a whole log of money-saving right in sight. Styles are the handsomest; qualities, the best that's 'produced. Prices are certainly much lower than most shoes. ' have been. MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES, $15.00, $14.00 AND $18.00 BHOES REDUCED TO $9.95 WOMEN'3 SHOES, REGULAR SOLD AT $10.00, $9.00, $8.00, REDUCED T0 $5.95 25% OFF ALL GOODS IN' STOCK. RUBBERS J. H. Sutherland & Bro. HOME OF GOOD SHOES {NO DISCOUNT ON machinery 'will quit for lack of work. .@ Therefore, to cut down food or go on a starvation diet calls for a de- gree of selective knowledge that very few men posgess. 'The - best plan is to .eat anything you like, and as much of a variety as possible. Follow meals with a Stuart's Dys- pepsia Tablet and you supply the stomach with an alkaline effect which enables digestion 'to go on without gassiness, rumblings, water brash,' bilipusness, coated tongue, abnormal thirst, and the feeling of drowsiness after eating. Get a 69 Tweed, departed this life Jan. 16th, cent box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab- lets at any drug store, and you will realize why so many physicians have recommended them. for indigestion and dyspepsia. , + °° For the best values at | $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, : $35.00, $40.00 . : BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT TWEDDELL'S : 131 Princess St. "#(One door below Kandolph Hotel) . -