THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. | COUNTY HOCKEY LEAGUE FRE ~ CONMITTEE MEETS Suggestions for the rol cold days such as i Sweater Coats, Woollen Scarfs, Heavy l . Caps, Lined Gloves, Real Warm j Underwear Prices that will appeal to you. George Van Horne's Phone 362w. 213 PRINCESS ST. (Opposite Grand Opera House) PRE-INVENTORY PRICE REDUCTIONS CUT GLASS > Berry Bowls-- regular $5.75; $4.35 Berry Bowls--regular $8.00; Berry Bowls--Regular $11.00; $8.25 Cream and Sugar Sets-- $6.00, $4.50 Handle Nappies--i$4.75, now - . - N eye-headache some- A times accompanied by an earache and burning sensations of the eyes 1s caused by an over effort of the brain to understand a blurred image that has been thrown on the retina of the eye. In the eye-camera the foci are changed by the eye muscles that swell and re- duce the shape of the crystal- line lens. When these muscles become weakened an optometrist must pre- scribe the outer-man-made lenses to bring about this focus accommodation, Water Sets--$9.25, now $6.95 Tumblers--regular price $34 a doz., now 25% discount off everything. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PRINCESS STREET LJ. Aaerifptumiom "iar, DO YOU KNOW HOW "To Please One Woman" Take her to the STRAND TO-MORROW The House of Better Glasses 7 Opposite the Post Offlee Phone 0690. KINGSTON. We used to knock chin whiskers. But that was before men began wear- ing Bulgarian flags for neckties. Many a man does nothing but hope from morning until night, then sits down and calls ith day's work. _-- ---- PROPOSED OCEAN SAILINGS 'Season 1921 WOW Yeady. - - C. 8. KIRKPATRICK . Agent, 86 Clarence Street. Tel. 568w, Children's Eyesight First in importance and usually last to re- ceive attention, in fact, often compelled to work under conditions that actually ruin the vision, If your child squints his eyes to see-- If he holds his book too close-- § If he would rather stay in the house than run with the boys-- : If his lessons bore him or if he complains of headaches is frequently a reflex symptom of defective eyes. DON'T NEGLECT THESE SIGNS To be well informed bring your child to our trained Optometrist for a thorough examina- tion. R .J. RODGER Optometrist 132 Princess St. Phone 347. - | A MID-WINTER SPECIALS In Footwear Men's Mahogany Calf Boots--Ileather sole and rubber heels--in recede and broad = Women's Brown and Black High Top Shoes, with Louis or Military Heels . $4.95 ~ Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE = 1 --_-- = £2 = -- -- i Ig! f i}! rink on Tuesday afternoon. |} | JoyGeville scored their Ri Saf Cataraqul. i { was the winner of the | Joyceville game played at the Palace When i Referee Harry Stewart rang his bell '} | for the close of the game, the score to 1'in favor of Joyceville. | 2 | stood second goal {in the last thirty seconds of the game. the second goal they had no means of communicat, | ing with the referee, as his back was turned to them, and he could not { hear them announce that the game | was over. Some of the players on | Man and Ald. Clow were appointed | the Cataraqui team evidently heard |t0 buy 800 bushels at the lowest | the call from the time-keepers as | Price. disputed goal | called for, they left the ice. The { was a flukey one. The puck struck the: Cataraqui defence'player's skate and then passed the goal tender. When Referee Harry Stewart | heard that there was a dispute about the time, he stated on the ice that the game was a tie, each team scor- | ing the one goal, but after he went into the dressing room, he announced | that he would leave the matter to the i trustees to settle. The game was one of the best exhibitions of hockey ever seen in the county league. The fact that a good spirit existed among the play- (ers on both teams had a lot to do ; With this. | At the end of the first périod, the | score stood 1 to 0 in favor of Catara- i qui, but the boys from Joyceville tied | things up in the second twenty min- utes of play. During the game, by some un- | knowry means, George Shewell, Ca- taraqui, was struck by the puck on | the cheek bone, and the sight of | his eye was also injured. | The people from the courtry-side | are taking a great interest in the | games in the county hockey series, { which was shown in the number who | attended the game on Tuesday after | noon. 'On Wednesday afternoon Wolfe Island and Barriefield will be match- ed in a very exciting game at Barrie- | field, and on Saturday next Catara- | qui will journey to Wolfe Island for | thelr first game with the island team, | The boys from the island have shown ia great interest in the league and | haye arranged a regulation-sized rink on the island. It is expected that if the ice in the harbor is good a large number of people will go over to Wolfe Island on Saturday. The teams lined up as follows: Cataraqui | | | { | | | Simpson . «es Joyce Defence' wrens Ch Martin «ss Wiltse H. Gordon Reed . Hughes H. Keyes .... E. Jackson Referee--Harry Stewart, The fellow who is always saying that it is never too late to mend is! the same lad who puts it off until he forgets how. Dispute Over Score in Game Awards Te i Between Joyceville and | | It will be up to the trustees of the i | County Hockey league to state who |met on Tuesday afternoon and award: | Cataraqui- | ed the contract for firemen's uani- y The matter which the trus- | | | tees will be called upon to decide is | | whether or not i | should count, as the time-keepers | |} | stated that time was up a few sec- | onds before the score was made and | Joyceville. | | nders for Clothing --To Buy 800 Bushels of Oats. ' The civic fire and. light committee | | | | | forms for the present year to Morris | Yampolsky, tailor, at $39.65 a suit | | for firemen, and $567 a suit for offi- cers. This, it was pojnted out was a | reduction of $6 a suit on last year's | | prices. Only one tender was receiv- | ed. The question of a supply of oats for the year was raised by Chief | Armstrong. He wanted 800 bushels. This was' bought last year at $1.10 ! | a bushel, although the price at one | time advanced to $1.45. Owing to | the fluctuation taking place in the | | price of oats it was fecided to buy | ! | | in the open market, ang the chair- Failing this tenders will be The usual accounts land the committee adjovrmre Jie, an inspection of the two fire stations, horses and equipment, New horses will shortly be asked for by the chief to replace the gray team. Those present were Alds. Chown (chairman), Driscoll, Armstrong, Rodger, Litton, Phillips, Clow and Mayor Nickle. CAPT. C. W. E. MEATH Who has been appointed superinten- dent of Returned Soldiers' Employment offices for Ontario. 3 Real Estate Transfers These real estate transfers were made through the office of E, W. Mullin and Son: . Brick dwelling, No. 25 street, owned by K. Weir, Derbyshire, No. 4 College street, owned by 'Prof. Macpherson, to Capt. Carnegie. No. 122 Stephen street, to T. Jordan, No. 103 Stephen street, owned by B. Derbyshire, to A. Peters. No. 209-211 Montreal street, own- ed by Mrs. E. Hart, to Mrs. 8. Cor- rigan. Union to B. You may imagine that you are a good guesser. But the champeen guesser is usually a prescription clerk in a drugstore. Some men kick up a dust moving backward and then preach about progress. / Toronto controllers and aldermen may petition the legislature for an increase in salary. ' - The French River development advocated at Ottawa would cost $25,000,000, and}would prayide at least 1,000,- 000 horsepower for North Ontario, as well as giving tre- mendous impetus to the development of the district in other Map shows the three locks which necessary to construct to make navigation possible, ways. FRENCH RIVER DEVELOPMENT TO AID NORTH ONTARIO. it would be | TWICE TOLD TALES | News of Kingston TEN YEARS AGO. J. B. McLeod has been unanimous- ly elected chairman of the board of health for this year. Preparatipns are being made in Ottawa to welcome Archbishop Gau- thier, who takes over Ottawa dio- cese when he leaves Kingston, Stanley Trotter is able to be around again after. undergoing an operation. . *' Skaters on the harbor, through the permission of James Swift & Co., are using. their waiting-room to change shoes and skates. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the organizing of the King's Daugh- ters in this city, was celebrated at the home of Mrs. Heary Cunning- ham, Earl street. : Boyer, of Froutenacs, received a crack in the ribs in e with TR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO, Queen's AM.S. is conducting a mock parliament at its A.M.8. meet- ings, which is proving very amusing as well as being instructive. J. M. Farrell, A. E. Ross, H. H. Horsey and H. R. Gralit are some of the lead- ers of the loyal opposition. Fire damaged considerably the home of Walter Giddings, on Union street. - . Rev. Dr. Wilson spoke in Syden- ham street church last evening. Limestones easily defeated R.M.C. 7 to 8, last night. The game was the cleanest played here this year. It is thought that John Fisher, reeve of Portsmouth, will be-elect- ed warden of Frontenac. Abraham Shaw is in Brockville to Moccasins at Clear 0 49c¢. Baby Deerskin Moccasins; sizes 3 to 7. Regular $1.25; slightly soiled , ...vvioii cirri o. 400, 69c. Childs' sizes 8 to 10 Deerskin Moccasins; regular $125 and $1.50; slightly soiled. Clearing . .. ..v.ome. sie 0is » 596 75cC. --GIRLS' and BOYS' MOCCASINS -- 75c. Sizes I'l to 2 and 3 to 6; regular $1.75; slightly soiled; clearing at vein ine *e eres se sTee ree ete ease fees lalely [ele laleTe eTulel 75c¢c. $2.95 Sale of Ladies' fine Kid Laced Boots--nearly all sizes. $1.95 Girls' Button Boots--sizes 13 to 2 = $4.95 Sale of Men's Good year Welted Boots Regular $8.00 and some $9.00 values. Abernethy's Shoe Store Begin Right Right Away Last year you thought of do- ing some studying---of taking up a course in the International Correspondence Schools. You put it off. You realize your mistake now. Begin the New Year Right Devote part of your evenings to study, after all--it's your spare time that counts. Make it work for you. Spare time and study of an I.C.S. Course means Promotion Call or write for particulars to: M. M. SIMS, Representative, 130 Clarence Street, Kingston Phone 1002w. CAMPAIGN PROGRESSING To Get Anglican Men to Attend Church Each Sunday. Preparations for the 'every man church attendance campaign" are going on in the city and neighbor- ing parishes. St. Mark's, Barrie- field, has the work well under way. St. John's, Portsmouth, had a good meeting after the evening service on Sunday, at which plans were begun for the canvass. St. James' work- ers also met on Sunday, evaning, and St. George's W.A. and Men's For- ward Club met on Tuesday. In the cathedral parish and in St. James' parish the canvass will be ceferred till Feb. 7th, and will continue till Feb. 12th. Sunday, Feb. 13th, the first Sunyay in Lent, will be the tirst day upon which the results of the canvass will be seen. Every member of the Anglican churches, whether regular 'church-goers or not, will be asked to pledge them- selves to attend one service for a certain number of Sundays. Great interest is being shown, all the so- cieties being willing to take a share in the work. Will Not Lose Sight, At the Hotel Dieu hospital on Wednesday morning it was reported that George Shewell, Cataraqui, whose eye was injured when he play- ed hockey on Tuesday afternoon, was getting along nicely. It is not feared that he will lose the sight of the eye. Mr. Shewell is not sure whether it was a hockey stick or the puck which struck him in the face. ---------------- After a man has been over the jumps for a while he discovers that financial circumstances are the cir- cumstances that alter cases. When a fellow is engaged to a girl he doesn't know it until after she has informed all of her girl friends of the fact. CASTORIA EE visit all the officers of Sussex Chap- WHY IS OUR BIG FURNITURE SALE S80 FAR IN THE LEAD? your selection from the most magnificent and com- Because you make plete ran, manufacturers' prices of to-day. ouse Furniture in C anada. - being sold at co nsiderably lower figures than the - Many of these high class!" ~--% The Leading Undertaker Phone 147 for service. | Firewood Large quantity of sound Railway «Ties tor sale cheap. All tents reduced to clear, We need the room, L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario St. Phone 837, DR. A.W. WINNETT D.ANTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsun ellington Streets Phone 863 KENNEDY'S CASH GROCERY RED ROSE BLACK TEA Regular .........60¢c. per Ib. Price .B0c, per Ib, 2 IN 1 BLACK SHOE POLISH Regular ............16¢. tins Special Price ........10c. tins BLACK KNIGHT STOVE Regular ...........15¢c tins Special Price... __ 10. © dns Regular ............15¢. tin Special price .....2 tins 25¢. CANNED PEAS 2 tins for ....20¢. PEACHES in gallon tins, awfully nice for ples . «+ BOec. tin delivered to of the city. bara Montreal and Charles Street. INTRET I lal attention given your fami Spec or Irleads going to or returnicg Jr the Cld Country. For Intormation and les apply t J. P, HANLEY, CP, a A. GT. Ry. | ontanior Open day Cia nem | FOR SALE ACRE OF LAND at city limits ... .......820600 W. H. GODWIN & SON Real Estate and Insuraiice | 80 Brocl: Street. Phone 424, Ee * MR. WORKING MAN 50) 1] Why don't you trade ad operative and get most © dollars? Make up y mind to and help slong a movement that help you. "Samy man who used to eat a raw onion' - billst | EE ry night to save dootsy