Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1921, p. 9

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Buy Your Bicycle Now | If you have been wait- ing for lower prices they're here now. Bicycles will POSITIVELY not be low- er in price. In fact, they will be higher. We still have a few at 1920 prices. Come in and pick yours out. We'll hold it for you and you can pay for it in small installments until it's good riding wea- ther. By that time you'll have it all paid for. Simple -- eh! Drop in : and let us show you these fine Bicycles and explain our extremely easy terms. Massey--Red Bird -- Indian Bicycles. OH, WHAT A PUZZLE Have you had a tr cords in our window have a chance. "FEATHER YOUR NEST" The big dance hit of the season. With "Grieving For You," and "Rose of My Heart" on the back--A3345--$1.00. Buy it and have a guess--great!--you'll say sol! Store epen evenings till 8 p.m. Saturdays, 10.30 p.m. TREADGOLD SPORTING ~ GOODS CO. - 88 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 529, ? There's ten prizes--you "THE PLACB TO GET THAT RECORD" Willard Willard Attention Now WILL SAVE YOU ANNOYANCE ANDEXPENSE LATER ON OUR SERVICE and ADVICE ai great care ile car is in use, and WIN STORAGE for it immediately when car is laid up. Our workmen are experts--our charges most reasons blow Send them to us--Kingston's only Battery Specialists, WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock Street L LESSES, Prop. Forced Out Sale We are selling out our entire stock of in keeping TER DRY Phone 1340. Men's Furnishings at big reductions. ~----r-- The Club Phone 1372j. $32 Princess St. y yet on the number of re-| THE DAILY BRITISH World of Sport | JESS WEIGHS 240 : AS HE MAKES START FOR DEMPSEY BAT: Beaming with smiles that radi- ated the confidence he expressed in | [his ability to "come back," Jess Willard, one time heavyweight box- Ing champion has begum search for training quarters for his prospective match in New York with Jack Demp- sey 'on March 17th. The tall Kan- san, who now tips the scales at 240 pounds, arrived in town last night and had a lengthy conference with Tex Rickard, the promoter, He said he had been in light training for several weeks. In his typical quiet drawl Willard declared his defeat at the hands of Dempsey was an accl- dent. + 2 "I'm satisfied "I can-beat him. 1 was unfortunate at Toledo," he said. Willard indulged in a guffaw that shook his sides when he was asked if he" wanted to fight Dempsey in order to replenish his financial store, "l wish I did have less, he said, "maybe I wouldn't be bothered so much with income taxes. I don't care about the purse, all I want is a chance to show the public that I am |a better fighter than Dempsey." Many Athletes Are Barred. At a recent meeting of the English Amateur Athletic Associati n, it was decided, after a presentation of re- ports by representatives at the Olym- pic games, that no entries, either in- dividually or from teams, should. bb accepted by affliated clubs,' from Ger- mans, Hungarians, Austrians, Turks or Bulgarians, It was further re- solved that no British athl¢te should | | be allowed to cdmpete in the coun- | | tries of the above-named, except at military meetings. -------- In an effort to bolster up the battle front of the once dangerous Detrolt Tigers, President Navin is willing to trade or sel] Ira Flagstead or Catcher Eddie Ainsmith. The San Francisco police commis- sioners have stopped prize fighting in that city. All permits for conducting fights or boxing contests have been ordered suspended. ) WOMEN AS BRAVE AS THE MEN THEIR STRUGGLE SHOWS A RE. MARKABLE SPIRIT. Talk of the bravery of men, but where can you find a finer spirit than among the half-sick women who are fighting and struggling to do their duty against the terrible odds of ill- health, and who will not give up. One woman in every three is struggling against weakness. Most of them are mot exactly ajok, but, oh, how miserable! The burden and misery of it all has its foundation in the blood which is thin and watery. The red célls are too few. The very stream of life is reduced in vitality. Weakness and inevitable ill-health are the certain result. Every ailing or weak woman can quickly regain her health in this very simple way. By filling the sys- tem with the nutrition that comes from rich red blood, a quick change for the: better will result. To ac- complish this, take two chocolate- coated Ferrozone Tablets after each meal. ' You'll feel better immediately for the simples reason that Ferro tone renéws the blood. It gives you vim, vigor, endurance, restores a tired, worn-out system very quickly. You'll feel like new all over once you get Ferrozone working through your blood. It puts color into fad- ed, cheeks, brightens the eye, quick. ens the step, brings back that won- derful feeling of youth. One of the finest things Ferrozone does is to make you eat lots and di- gest it as well.. With keen appetite, sound sleep, strong nerves and lots of nourishing blood you're bound to regain robust health. Any sickly girl or ailing woman that Ferro- sone won't make well must. be {n- curable. There is a secret power in Ferroxone and it is worth a trial at all events, Fifty cents per, box, six for $2.60. At all dealers in medicine. Smoke . i ! Paul Kritchell, the former St. Louls catcher, is slated for a job on the scouting staff of the Yankeed. T&B Use it for pipe a satisfaction BRINGING UP FATHER JACK JOHNSON PLANS } FOR RING COME-BACK The dark shadow of Jack Joba- | [ son is again looming up In the back- | ground of Fistiana, { worth, where the former welght champion of the world is "do- | ing a year," comes a note that the | globe-wandering colored mah is plan- | ning a comeback. | While "Lil Arthur" insists'that he | | he would like another chanee for the | world's title, he ig cleaning his guns | particularly for the colored hesvies | who are usurping a place that he | | claims. : i | Johnson argues that while he lost | | the world title to Jess Willard, he is still the colored champion, despite +e Rickard belt and the crown which | Kid Norfolk now wears, | The former champln wants to prove that he is not a "goner" by | | taking on Harry Wills first and then i meeting the Kid. | The year's sentence which he is | doing, with time off for good behav- | ior, will give him his freedom early | ext summer. He {is broke, and | fighting is his only bread-earner. The opening of the prison's doors | | for Johnson is not an event that | | the heads of boxing are jubilant | [over. His case will present ong that | | will be a problem. » | | While the New York commission | | will not comment on its intentions | {it 1s considered probable there that | | Johnson will be unable to get a Ii-1 | cehne 'and. the state thus will be | | closed to him as a boxer. a} BQUTS IN VARIOUS CITIES | Anne Morgan, who figured promi- | nently in staging the "society boxing | | bout" where the Kellys of the Bow- | | ery and the Vanderbilts of Finn | [ avenue, New York, rubbed elbows, | and saw Benny Leonard knock out | | Richie Mitchell, is trying to put on | | a similar entertainment here. Des- patches say she 1s also making ef- forts to stage a "society bout" in | Boston, | Miss Morgan is the daughter of | America's greatest financier, and her | Influence is powerful. She may be able to break down barriers that the Elks and Moose uhisuccesstully | or She has written Commo- | | MISS MORGAN TO PROMOTE | dore Sheldon Clarke, of the Chicago Yacht Club and Fred T. McLaughlin, formar captain of the Onwentsla Polo Club, to sound out the authori- ties and report to her on the pro- Dosal. The profits, after the boxers had been re-imbursed, would Bo to the Relief of Devastated France fund, the pet project of Miss Morgan. She realized almost $100,000 frém the Nv York show after Leonard and Mitchell had split the $60,000 purse, "sixty and forty." ---------------- PONIES IN DINING-ROOM AT CALGARY FUNCTION Thé thoroughbred horse will be king at a unique banquet and ball planned by the Calgary Polo Club at Palliser hotel, Tuesday evening, February 1st next, when guests will be received by real polo ponies oc- cupying royal boxes in the spacious dining-room of the hotel. Box stalls, with all their fittings, will be erected for the horses, and will be attended.by smart grooms in costume. A saddle room, fully equip- ped, and other unique features ot polo enthusiasts, are included in fhe novel undertaking. The dining-room will be.decorated throughout in the ¢lub's colors, black aad white. Whips, saddles and all kinds of polo equip- ment will form the chief motif, with flags and bunting in artistic arfange- ments. The idea is to revive old- time interest in polo. ---- MERKLE FOR ROCHESTER -- Cubs' First Baseman is Signed to Play for Hustlers, Reports that Fred Merkle, for the past few years a member of the Chi- cago National League team, had been signed by. George Stallings 'to play first base for the Rochester Internationals, were received at Chi- cago. President Veeck, of the Cubs, said he had no information on the case, but had written Merkle offer- ing him an outright reldhse or trans- fer to some minor league team. Hockey Team Wins Five in Six Days. The Port Arthur hockey team be- lieves it established a record in play- ing and winning five championship WHIG. From the federal prison at Leaven- | heavy- | JUST ARRIVED (Carload) Cane Mola Feeding Molasses 45c. per Imperial Gallon, in barrels No feeder can afford to be without it. W. P. PETERS Foot of Princess Street i | Office and Warehouse Phone 51. 117 BROCK STREET Retail Store Phone 217 ! | the Old' C 9 ETN THER AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES attention given your family going to or returniag from vuntry. Special or friends For fuformation and rates apply te J. I. HANLEY, 3 MX. Ry.,. Kin A and alg: C.P. ana 1 . Oh Open day g3ten, Ontario. de HEGL LAR Sas iLns Halitax te Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg TSS Sawonia ., Mar. TlApr. 15 | Feb. 19/Mar | | Jah | | Mar. | Mar. TO LIVERPOOL AND GLASGOW From Portland From Halifa Saturnia--Jan. 3 Feb. 3 Cassandra--Feb. 18 ... Cassandra--Mar. 30 ... Saturnia----Apr. 2 N. Y.. GLASGOW, (via Moville) 26Apr. 23 Columbia NEW YORK--LIVERPOOL 28 .. .Vestris 29(Mar. § Apr 18 Apr. 23|May 21 Caronia 22{Apr. 30 June 4 ....K. Aug. Viet, N.Y,, CHERBOURG & SOUTHAMWN Jan. | Feb. 2IFeb. 26(Mar. 22 ...... Aquitania | | | | Special Sale of Kitchen Cabinets 12 designs to choose from--White Enamel, All latest attachments. Oak, etc. ' R. J. Reid | Leading Undertaker Phone 577w. A Sn gg, Canada Life Assurance Co. Established in 1847--A Hous Wiil give any person of charac ter and willing to work a special 88 for life insuran ge, ang at the same time giva a free salesmanship course--"Salesman"--- the power that. helps to make good. WANTED--Two or three bright young men to Join our forces on the basis recited. 0 ma ke your future satisfactory, apply now for a contract and take this wonderful course, A personal inter. view desired and application taken by: ehold Word in Canada" | Angro Apr. 7|May 12/June ¢ ..,... Mauretania Mar. 10 Imperator N.Y, PLY. CHER. & LONDON Feb. 1{Mar. 15]Apr. 19 NEW YORK, PLYMOUTH, CHER. BOURG, HAMBURG Mar. GlApr. 13[May 21 N. Y. to Vigo (Spain), Patras, Dubrev- ik apd Trieste Calabria For rates of passage, freight « Qerticulars apply to local ageats or THE ROBERT REFORD CO., Limite GENERAL AGENTS $0 KING STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT, ve's Repairs Seales, Talkin Machines, Bleye Baly Carriages, Lawn Mowers, eto, . do repair work right and suarantee satisfaction, . 197 WELLINGTON STREET NOTICE FRED KING, formerly, one of the partners of the Kingston Bat. lery Service Company, wishes to announce that he has taken over this business and will run it here- after in his own name. All Storage Battery Eleetrie work will receive frst class ate tention Corner of Queen and Bagot \ Streets Phone 410w, 67 CLARENCE STRERT Yhone 703. J. 0. HUTTON General Agent, Canada Life Assurance Company, KINGSTON, ONTARIO 2 RE NARS We have neither time noi room to FOR SALE GOOD, CLEAN COAL. A. Chadwick & Son New location: Corner Ontxric and West Sta Phone 07. devote to iy READY-MADE OVERCOATS and intend to get rid of our stock. These will be sold at cost price. High class goods which we guar- antee. Come in and see them. A Our Sleighs are just' right ani MADE IN KINGSTON Get them while they last. McNAMEE & SLACK Phone 1217w. 5¢ QUEEN ST, Horse-shoeing and Repairing, AAR RAAT CRAWFORD & WALSH | WOOD Sawed in Stove HR £ Bagot and Brock Streets, FR ---------- week. The team played and won ora, The total score for the week every night except Wednesday and | was. 42 for the Port Arthur and 19 its victims included all the other | for opponents. More than two goals teams in the Thunder Bay League, [to one, The team travelled three games in the six playing days of last i) 2 2 a two at Fort William and one at Ken- | hundred miles during the wéek. a Lengths BOOTH & CO. ' Foot West Street Phone 133. -------- iE YY DR. : DENTIST Res 188 Princess Strget. Phone 733 ; WE TARE X-RAY PICTURES of troublesome teeth. Dormoform Gas.administered for ex. traction. Safe and pailuiess. C : OFFICE HOURS: 9.6. A Kingston Cement Products Facto ' Makers of Rellow Damp- Iu Lind. and Bricks, Drain ' Tile, also Graye Vaults. . And all kinds of Ornamental Cement work. * Factory: gor. of Charles and, Patrick Stree or Mgr: H. F. N -- AN T30w. OID YOU HEAR ME SINGING? YES . | FINALLY GOT THROUGH THE CROWD THERE'S . ABOUT 50 DEDPLE STANDING OUTSIDE LISTENING WAS MURDERIN' ou AFRAID SOMEBODY ' + BY GEORGE McMANUS

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