Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1921, p. 4

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1081. TT KENNEDY'S CASH GROCERY SPECIALS THIS WEEK EXTRA ! RED ROSE BLACK TEA HIG. | conquered, O pale Galilean!" sevlH | ery's broken,chains are on His altar, | | The realms of intellect and art have | - {acclaimed Him with hosannaks, | | Civilization, with its attendant Scien. | gravating troubles One can have, and | | ces, has strewn palms before the path | IF is hard to struggle along wha ! {of the Redeemer. And today all | head that aches and pains a the | pe ons who think upon large issues | Boat ches seem to be habitual} are hoping for the coming of the | with many people; soNe are seldom, | Christ in a new triumph to save our | it ever; free from them, suffering era from chaos. | continually from the dull threbbings, Regular 60c. per 1b. the intense pains; sometimes in one | Special Price . .... .50c. per Ik | Fo tttttta a ttttttttmtstms-aey | Dart, SOmetimes in another, and then |B 2 IN 1 BLACK SHOE POLISH { again over the whole head." * Canada's Maple Products { | ! Regular . There is only one way to get relief | Special Price mw -- { . he trouble, for unless the cause is | The manufacture of sugar and syr- | L2¢ troubl If uhiess | 3 ! from these persistent headaches, and | BLACK KNIGHT STOVE that 1s by going direct to the seat of | POLISH" 2 removed, the headaches will still up from the .sap of the sugar maple | continue to exist is an impbdftant farm industry in | ra HARDWOOD FLOORING Plain and Quartered Oak, Birch, Maple and Beech car. now be had at economical prices, and now is the time to have them laid. Direct your inquiries to:-- Allan Lumber Co. Phone1042. : 3 + 1 Victoria Street EE ------ THE DAILY BRITISH W E ADACHES, CHRIST OR CHAOS | The International Sunday School Lesson for January 30th is, "Jesus Greeted as King."--Matt. 21 : 17-46, . By William T. Ellis, In the old days. when E mer 2 soled by the triumphal engry of regarded Bagdad as the goad of all | ist, {Journeying, I once entered the city, | { precdded by my servant, who cleared | the obstructions in the bazaars by cry | Ing "Bellak! 'Bellak!"--* Make way! Make way!" It was a surviving usage of the ancient times wt the great( and every foreigner is deemed great in the remote parts of Asia) had heralds to go before them, and prepare the way. That wa: the func- f= ion 'which John the Baptist fulfilled Ii? toward Jesus: he was th Forerun- | ner.n As we contemplate today the { triumphal entry of Jesus into Jeru- VULCANIZING j 2a'em, our first thought is a yearn- im Christ's RE-TREADING A SPECIALTY BY GOODYEAR EXPERT {Ing for a herald to proclaim Christ's | work guaranteed at reasonable prices lve us a trial | entry into this new and troubled |time. True, many great voices are . a Ris» Be , "THE BONE Asem id being lifted to hail Him. 'Mr. Hoover 1's 1] MAKE LIFE MISERABLE, 'Headaches are one 'of the most ag- Trouble Before Triumph. According to the sugar and sun- shine philosophy so popular among many persons in our own time, the | beautiful era of the reign' of happi- | ness and of God is tc come in along | a lane of flowers, with al the gen- tieness of fragrant summer breezes. That is not the way Christ came be- fore. His triumphal entry into Jeru- salem wassqccompanied by a sensa- ; tional struggle for righteousness. It was just prior to the cleansing of Regular c. tins Special Price .'..,. ca 100. ' BAKER'S COCOA 4 'tins n The fact that Burdock Blood Bit- { the eastern provinces of Canada, and | ters keep the \ stomach, liver and particuarly in Quebec. Long before | bowels toned up 'is proof enough to | | the white man settled the country, | show that it will eliminate the cause { maple syrup was known to the abori. | Of Lhe hgadaches ren Sound | Eines and apart from wild honey was Ont IS raain; Owen di , € - -- ie as {the only intensely sweet product at . Le patel th 3 a aE 1 down and my bloou out of amder. I the temple, wherein Jesus splintered their command. The methods of | suffered a great deal from severe 18 lance against the armor of the | procuring it were naturally of a very ae my head, which made me vegted interests of His day, that the {crude description. Modern methods | feel very miserable. After having great popular ovation was given to | have -greatly improved the product, |tried other remedies I purchased a {the Master. When Jesus enters into | ang have led to an ever increasing {a life or into yi. downright aw must follow, tin 23¢, Regular .. Special price .... 2 tins CANNED PEAS tins for ... .®5c. PEACHES in gallon tins, awfully nice for pies S0c. tin » Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Moatreal and Charles Strect. Phone 669 RHR IAAT uJ o + IN - 284 Ontario St. Phone 2630. w mnt ~~ - could b Short Term Investment CITY OF ST. CATHARINES 6% Coupon Bonds .... Due any year from 1922 to 1926 "Price . ...Yield 6.40% Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Godd Iavestments." 287 BAGOT STREET. 85 Bay Street, Toronto. Tailors Anno:nce Special Reductions IN TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING Style and fit guaranteed. $0 MONTREAL STREET Two Doors From King Edward Theatre STEWING BEEF 12-15¢. ROASTS 15-20c. Princess Meat _ Market 338 Princess Street Phone 799, "When the phone rings you'll have tor'! or PHONE 1728. It's comforting to k Three sizes--35c., 70c¢. in Canada. Sloa 'Liniment eep it handy, + $1.40. Made 9 New Fashioned Crusading. Openly in some places. and secret- | bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and { demand. Quebec province isithe cent 3 oe: 0 {told a group of leading men in New. | keeping of the | provement iu My fealth, 50 1 took 2. L000 pounds, or thereabouts, produc- puother and am glad to say that it sovereignty of Jesus ing {the temple where Christ is. {ed annually in Canada, moré than | good. 1 have recommended it to my order out of the disorganization afid At Oberammergau, ten vears ago, | friends, who were in a similar con- | Quebec. Ontario is offidially report- sori the "business doc advised | the close relation' between the led to be responsible for five million | derful remedy." his clieffts last year. "We must do | cleansing of the temple and the cru- y {for half a million pounds only. The | Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. . If the majo of all con- [ness as well as bigotry fanned the | other provinces of Canada do not | Pcerns In one line of business could be | flames of fanaticism. At Calvary the | temple trafickers fulfilled thelr)rscis uve parhered from a amety | EASE THOSE TIRED would then be a simple matter to re- | threats to square accounts with this pamphlet just issued by the depart- ' | volutionize the whole industry, with Even today there are gain-engrossed | which J. B. Spencer, director of pub- majofity of concerns and niost of the | men who insist that Christ and His | ticity, is the author. From this well Outdoor and Indoor WorkersPSubject | industries are already controlled by : « to Exposure or Heavy Toll, Find business, no matter how un-christian publication, it is also learned that religion seriously we could at any are the abuses attacked. When Jesus the production of maple sugar, and EEN at work all day, standing on | | time put across such a plan." 3 your feet, lifting heavy weights? {ness world, then the last citadel On |yoars hag shown a tendency to de- | reports, ecclesiastical deliverances, earth will have fallen to Him. crease. From 1851 to 1861, we are |, Never mind, it you are wise you public addresses, are all echoing. have. a bottle of Sloan's on the shelf, Christ to conquer should squarely |was about 13,500,000 pounds, from i i call for Christ as leader of our men- | face the condition made clear at the 1861 to" 1871 about 17,500,000 | Somes matey bing, and. UIcKLY aced day. Stil] there tarries the one 4 [promise with unrighteousness. All 000 pounds, and from 1881 to 1891, | gia, sciatica, lumbago, and the host {Mmons, which so many of us eagerly : 22,500,000 pounds. The latter was | Of external pains that are all the {awalt, to prepare the way o° 'the comes to His own. He will not ac- {cept any mergly emotional or spec- | gor in the next decade the average | there is no per year was 21,200,000 pounds, and | | 2ore in sight. It may be that in- | over life, Are some of us crying Canada is the total of our | aloud for christianity to prevent | jie less than 20,000,000 pounds. It | . fe=.a | many voices, arising in Sunday is thought that perhaps with the in- individual efforts. Her schools, churches, communities, to neither purpose nor desire to change {our own }ives so that they may con- recently, greater production may be | . || social suffering as well as from indi- looked for. It is estimated that the | power. Her success 1s the {really only want the help of religion | total of our successes. To- | --make way for our King, to give (as a palliative of disturbed condi- {sugar and syrup is $2,000,000, and | { Him a chance to do His work for | that 50,000 people are employed in | | " or the present. Together | ninking 1s a we Rt, |son, which is of very short dura. | Belleville, Jan. 27.--Harold New- . ' [ | tion, extending over only five or six ton and James Cummings were com- Was very glad to notice 'a decided im- ~% b } 4 | tre Of the industry, Of the 20,000,- g t ere can ® no money-gchangers in York that nothing but the spirit and e g has done me an enormous amount of ' : j two-thirds have to be credited 'to suffering of Europe. er W. Bab-| the Passion Play made vivid to me | dition, and they ali say it is a won- .~ | pounds, and the marjtime provinces B. B. B. is put up aenly by The T. | business as Jesus would do business. | cifixion of Jesus by His foes. Busi- figure "in the calculations. These brought to Jesus' way of thinking, it idisturber of entrenched commerce. ment of agriculture at Ottawa, of ACHING MUSCLES harm to none and benefit to 11. The | representatives shall keep hands off | jyjyeta ved and technically detailed | church people, and if we treat " Relief in Sloan's Liniment. | 1s truly accepted as Lord in the busi- | jo equivalent in syrups, of late B Newspaper editorials, conference d now'you're all tired out. Everybody who sincerely wants told, the average yearly production ) with strange unity and insistence, the | Bt home or Im the shop. Puta little | triumphal] entry. He will not com- pounds, from 1871 to 1881, 19,000,- Good for rheumatic pains, neural- clear, commanding, resounding sum- {temples must be cleansed when He 22, | the pinnacle of annual production, | time coming. Helps break up Colds, P: jLord. [Except CLrist be hailed as s 00! Our art And Yours [our present Delivered, (tacular ovalion: He wants dominion - in later years the average has been . stead of one voice there should be jchaos, when all the while we have | crease in price that has taken place 1 introduce Jesus as the Saviour from power is the total of our Yona nal vey nay son | vidual sin. We must--simply must value of the yearly manufacture of th nsibl | tions, or to help keepgrestless spirits . gE er, we are "To e | mankind. Sober { tne industry at the height of the sea. | Committed for Trial. o . . | for ths triumphal entry of Jesus into i we will be responsible for the future. Faith in weeks at the most. Stringent laws Ditted for trial on six charges of jour ¢roubled Canada means merely, faith in ourselves. | ly in others, there is raging today | a desperate struggle, on a vast scale, | When the City Was Stirred, world. ° | against adulteration of the product burglary. It is alleged that the ac- [cused on the night of the 7th inst. broke into several local stores. to give a woman at least thirty seconds to guess who it is before she answers ft. | Have been passed, especially in Que- between the forces of radicalism axd : bec, where schools of instrweti 2 stery. | Its . tion {the forces of reaction. Viewed in | A [Yery great dity is a mystery | | have been established and the Pure | : inning. | 4€Pths are too deep for any one i the large, radicalism in winning; | man's sounding. Within the popu- | Maple Sugar and Syrup Co-operative though blind obscurantism refuses in. iA ricultural Association has been or- to read the signs of the stom. It {lation of a city exist a variety of in- | Ag . i as It vas wn the night |terests and alms. A churchman ig | ganized. .| that Wrangel's army was hopelessly | surprised one day to leave a railway station and find the square thronged broken and fleeing: the public places ; were crowded with merry-making with tumultous thousands, gathered to acclaim a returning prize-fighter, Russians, who refused to heed the | danger which, 'within twenty-four | of whose very existence this ultra x | Lours, sent them scurrying off to the Fespesizhle So ria. shibs as panicky refugees, Whenever we discover a definite | YOU know." . : and intelligent and sincerély reli-| Seldom does an Satire sity espe glous effort to meet the crisis of con- | t~ @ COmmon impulse. It is a feat o temporary conditions, our hearts leap | ®3! Publicity to set a whole metro- politan community to talking about with expectation. News has crossed a To ug Shout the ocean of a christian crusade | B® Same thing. © churches wl under way In the city of Leeds, \Eng- | most never do it, except in a unite land. There both Anglicans and Non- | evangelistic campaign. Then the conformists have united to carry the | arousal of the eity is as important message for the times to all the peo- | 28 the message of the preacher. ple. With the slogan, "Christ or Jesus stirred the great city of Jern- chaos!" they are going two by two | salem by His triumphal entry. Then into shops, offices, factories and pub- | 88 now, like most Sosmopoliten i lice places, usually at the noon hour, | tres, Jerusalem has a considerable to declare, in simple terms of today's | *3Pacity for fugtention, The en: speech, that the only hope of a solu- | [¥80ce of General Alleaby caused no tion of the present tangle of things [ove outbouring. Yet young dud ou, is the acceptance of the sovereignty |VeWS a Fentills, 8 ec. to v | eastern gates to witness the arrival | viourho 2 hrist. | | = a dod pros op too | of the New Teacher from Nazareth. | | often repeated that, just as the cul- The ois sapital ot Jusish carts | | urner of class spirit ledds only to | F2ched its climax that day, -0un Canada will go forward as speedily as this faith is crystalized in deeds. To progress rapidly, soundly, financing is necessary. Towns, Cities, | Provi inces, Dominion itse and the issuing of bonds is . convenient It is then' your duty to assist this period of expansion by purchasing to the utmost, the safest of all invest- ments -- Bonds. Our du lies inthe careful selection ings, the maintenance of the necessary equipment, - staff, end a thorough ing of what is necessary to provide safe) for the investor. Thirg) Years of con- tinued experience has qualified us for our part. Our monthly publication, the "Investment Guide," is of great assistance to those Who keep posted on actual conditions in the Canadian Bond Markets. We welcome the opportuniy) of mailing you a copy each month. Before You Invest, Consult Us Amir be financed, the safest and most QUOTED. FROM BIBLE Attempt to Make Those Responsible For Fires Pay, Boston, Jan. 37.--Proponents of {a bill to make persons whose negli- | gence results in fires responsible for | the loss and for the cost of extin- guishing them. quoted thé Bible before a legislative committee: "If fire breaks out and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn be consumed, he that kindleth the fire shall surely make aestitution," was the quotation, from the Book of Exo- dus, The bill was Supported by John R. Murphy, fire commissioner of Boston, and George C. Neal, state fire mar- shal. Commissioner Murphy said that 75 per cent. of the fires in Boston | Coephs, €olds, Grippe, were caused by negligence. hooping Cough, Ast MATHIEU'S SYRUP is 8 S6vereign tonic combining curative rties of TAR the strengthening es of COD Li VER OIL, Colds, when neglected or badly treated 'give rise consequences of siicha grave character that you not risk using inferior preparations. remedy whose se. MATHIEU'S SYRUP is the only outatiop has cosed {0cop Bp many miteaons of Sea S ON SALE EVERYWHERE OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL / 'Bronchitis, hma, Ete. Has Placed No Contracts. London, Jan. 27.--The Central News says it is authorized to deny rumors that Japan has placed con- tracts for three battleships in Eng- |land. Tt is quite unlikely, the Cen- | {tral News adds, that any contracts | {will be placed outside of Japan con- | | sidering that unemployment is rife | there. | Jawis Bulding TORONT . | i " " further chacs and woe, so the ac- | Your highest moments your truest, 1ane h op { said Philip Brooks: shall we not 'be- | eptance of the Christ spirit leads |; ve that this outburst of religious {enthusiasm was a revelation) of the real Jerusalem, the efty that Christ |loved? All citles are better than | they ordinarily seem. What is most apparent: in. them is least represen- tative. Within the hearts and the homes of the peopM is the real char- acter of a community, east ------------------ ee ---- { » "Hi to | Ro good will and faith and ¢o-opera- | juon and happiness. All problems B Don't blame the stomach when the real cause is in. the slow action of the liver and bowels - readily relieved by Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. One pilladase.! 25c. a box, all dealers. Chase Retiring From Business Sale Men's Tan Working Boots --good and strong -- not all sizes--regular $6.50. Sale Price ......... $3.75 Men's Pearl Elk Workin g 3 en's sell Elk orking Al Boot; regular $6.50 Sale Price ......... $4.00. MEN'S A1 WORKING BOOTS Williams's make, plain toe, regular $6.50 and $7.00. Sale Price $4.90 rns MEN'S WORKING 'BOOTS All Goodyear Welt Soles: tan andblack; regular price $7.50 ...... Rs Hasan saat iaa yaaa ede Sale PricE$4.00 H. JENNINGS KiNG STREET i A Modern Instance, Some of us have bern so fortunate as to see great cities tn the midst of an intense and all-absorbing inter- | est. 1 witnessed Boston's deliriups | on Armistice Day. A friend who | was in Damascus described the tu- | multuous hysterical entry of Emir | Feisal and Colonel Lawrence. It was given to me to behold the : {indescribable two days in Cairo, on {April 7 and 8, 1919, when Egypt | celebrated what it believed was the | | granting of independence. The peo- | {P12 leaped and sang and danced and. | embraced one another, and flung | jabout their garments and stripped | { branThes from the trees and waved | them In wild rejoicing. The scene was startling like that described in | our lesson, i The next morning's English paper, | Bowever, was principally concerned | 'over the damage done to the trees by | the stripping of the branches! There -.are people like that: perhaps they | (are the explanation of much that ls 1 | Wrong with society. I am sure that | | VanLuvenBros. | whealthy clear many Jewish merchants in old Jeru- Phone 1609, 34-38 Princess Street. require your car to be equipped with a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --passed and approved by the pro- vincial government. © We carry in stock the legal lens which com- plies with this law. bo, salem complained that the Triumphal | Entry of Jesus was bad 'for business? As we contemplate modern paral- 4 1els to the ovation given our.Lord by {the capital city of His nation, wa recall the spiritua] triumphs that He has been accorded throughout the | jcenturies. He has entered society as a Sovereign. 0l4 paganism's em- | blems have been laid at" His feet. Julian the Apostate cried "Thou bast | © Faith is what makes a woman Some women can wear expensive write to her friends and describe her | clothes like they were born in them, new gown before her husband gives | while other women wear them and | ! her the money to get-the gown. look like a cook lady on a jamboree. x . 2 * .

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