{ i : i ON tcapmnim asim, \ THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1921. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. ; a 4 ) dbl bbb db Re Lb SOL EP bpd pdb dd are all comiug. For treatment we are prepared with the best Atomizers, Sprays, Solu- tions und Hemedies for Coughs and Colds. Make yourself "Cold Proof." Take Austin's Tasteless Cod Liver ONL, Austin's Drug Store Lerner hiag ane Marner Square £ COMING FOR 1921 * | --Storms. SPEEPEP bbb bbb bbb w=Cold Weather. ehh a "Rain, 3 ~The "Flu", ~--La Grippe, Influenza, ~--Tonsilitis, ~--Bronchitis, ~--Asthma, Kingston Transfer Co. 133 WELLINGTON ST. For handling of freight of every description and the moving of Household Furniture. The Company is also equipped with waggons, or sleighs, and tackle for.any kind of special hauling. Yen, they : PHONE 877. TTT TTT ToT ------ Watches and Clocks Repaired by G. W. LYONS are guaranteed for one year. Call or 'phone d your or. der will be wp attended to. 'Phone 1866. 267 Cbd hdd deb bded Princess St. | CONDITION EXISTS WITHOUT CAUSE n daily that there ason for of nervousness, 1 of the heart eral physical de- the great blood and brain remedy, can quickly correct this condition Through = giving the vital organs of t} restores you to perfect making your'who vibrate with life. I you feel the 1 of a tonic to build you up, to take away that "old" feeling--start taking VITAL at once, You'll soon tling™ evidence of its help. Xx, at all druggisim For Sale By Mahood Drug Co. ? BUILDING ° REPAIRS OR ALTERATIONS? Estimates given by O. Aykroyd & Son | |= Main Street. Phone 16070. nourishment to e Body, VITAL health, rve structure one pers | Auto Storage Warm or Cold. ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON Phones: Sho ie 15373. » 1039. AT RROCK STRER KINGSTON WELDING SHOP | Has Been Takem Over By | + G. A. WRIGHT'S MACHINE WORKS Welding Broken We specialize in Cracked Water | parts of Automobiles, | Jacket, etc. i All work guaranteed. 40 Princess St. - = W.-H. STEVENSON | { { i HORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, ' Waggons and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST Phone 1264. Vicinity » To Go Into Winter Dairying. A number of farmers in Lennox { and Addington are planning to 80 | {Into winter dairying next year. | | Tene dey | Dest Value in, the City, i | We have a few first-class winter | overcoats left which we will sell at extremely low price Prevost £loth- { ing House, Brock street | To Initiate Legislation. | It is the intention of Hon AB | Ross, M.P.P., to press for legisla- | ticn in- the Ontario house. of variouss| | matters that are of important and pressing character | --n { | Made Much Butter, i | The Napanée branch of the Belle- | | ville Creamery made 211,000 ,1bs. | of butter during 1920, an increase of | {65,000 Ibs. over the output of the | preceding year: | | ------ Banks Are Closed. | After a run of about a year and a | half at Burritfs Rapids, | and Union Banks have: withdrawn ! i from | banking in the same batiks, | halt a mile out of his way to get | Man sends along some severe storms { Not | Nearly Severed a Toe. ! Councillor Aug. Woermke, Pem- | broke, nearly lost the small toe of | his right foot on Thurslay last. An | | blade struck his foot, nearly sever- | | ing the toe. | Dr. Anderson Re-Elected, | The Smith's Falls board of edu- | Kingston and | with assault in the third degree supported the groom. The happy couple wil] reside in Thorold. George Webber Arrested. George Webber, Cape Vincent, N.Y., a cattle buyer, was arrested on Saturday on a warrant charging him It assaulted is charged that Webber Oliver P. O'Hara, another cattle buy- er, at the Crowner House yards, in Watertown, N.Y., én Baturday aftad- | noon, Good Rink At Barriefield. The members of the hockey club are to be congratulated on the excellent rink which they have built in the quarry on Barrie- | field heights. There is an excellent | ice surface and good dressing rooms | are provided. The ice surface is en- closed. ee Crack In The Ice, A resident of Wolfe Island, who came to the city on Wednesday, stat- the Royal | ed that the ice in the harbor was in | badhape in places. He said that there, and now the Rapids peo- | While driving over from the island i | ple will go to Merrickville to do thefr | his horse's front feet went through a crack. At ore place he had to go | across a large crack. ---- A Popular Mayor. On Thursday, of his birthday. Not many of Mayor Funnell's numerous friends realize ston, and the city engineer's depart- | that Trenton's magistrate has had | that high honor bestowed upon him | off Princess street, by his fellow citizens, as many as So ~~~ | cation held its first meeting of the |PiNe times, seven by acclamation, SCOTT'S GARAGE Repairs, Washing and Sto we 1013 Mclaughiia Te ing car for sale cheap for a yuick buyer. 29% RAGOT RITREET "hone 1504w. a -------- A AA A AAA AAA, tt Sati PLUMBING, TINSMITHING, JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS Quickly and efficiently attended to. Davie & Barrett Expert Practical Plumbers 203 WELLINGTON STREET Phone 688. W. R McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION BLOCK. Me I For Sale One motor boat, 24 ft. long, in running condition. E. Brawley SYDENHAM, ONTARIO, PATTON'S DYE WORKS (Late Montgomery's) Kingston's Only Dyer. Dry Cleaning a Specialty. Phone 214. 840 Princess Se. ---- | | Mattresses Don't throw away your old Mattresses. We renovate all make them as good Get our prices. kinds and as néw, 1 17 BALACLAVA STREET Phone 2106w. tock Taking Sale We have just finished stock-tak- | ing and find we have too much of cer- | tain lines on hand, and so will offer | special prices on these lines. Our spe- | cial for this week is SOAP. | Frontenac Mattress Co. | Large bar Castile . { 8 bars for Glycerine Soap 12 cakes for... . Violet Soap . .. 12 cakes for . .e Prouse's Drug Stere ~ THE BUSY DRUG STORE { Phone 82. | | | | hi *1Jn larger doses an active cathartic. | year a few days ago, with a full | | attendance of members. The sec- | Fetary, Mrs. J. McEwen, called upon |. learned that it was foolish to.|amount paid out for snow removal the board to elect a chairman and | { | The Car Started Off. On Wednesday afternoon a young Barriefield | {of handing the money over to the | daugh Kemptvil p Oxford Sta- of South Gower, and two Percy Lockerbig, and Mrs. Howard Sezlcy, tion. Ars \rs -- A Commeéndable Innovation, The enanagement of the Pembroke | Shook Mills, Ltd, show a very com- mendable interest in the welfare of the company's employes. This week .they are givigg out bonuses earn- ed during the last six months of 1920. These represent ten per cent. of the wages of those who re- mained steadily during that period and will aggregate $8,000. Instead men direct, the company is opening {a savings account in the Royal | entitled to a bonus, and the amount earned will be placed to the credit of their individual accounts, EN No Big Expense Over Snow, | © There is an old saying about 1t being an ill wind that blows no per- i son good. The big half of the. winter 18 over, there has been very little {enow, and as a result the city will save a lot of, money usually spent on |snow®removal, unless the Weather {during February and March. {only has the city been saved money | but the railway companies have sav- Jan, 20th,- Jesse | ed money too, as they have had little | | 28 - | 01 to remove. It will be re- { axe fell off a box in an outbuilding fn | Funnell, esq., mayor of Trenton, cel- | or no snow pi | which Hy ve: an and the Rn |ebrated the seventy-first anniversary j called that in November there was i | quite a ¥avy fall of saow in King- Bank for each one of the employes The Supply Depot In planning that new house or barn, bear Tn mind that 'ANGLIN'S is the base for building supplies of all kinds: -- Joisting, Studding, Flooring, Sheathing, Lath, Beaver Board, Brick, Cement, Cedar Shingles, Asphalt Roofings, Doors, Sash, Glass, Used Nails, ete . 8S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wetlington Office Phone 66, 1415, Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone So SALE Yoft have always wanted one of the many dainty € BASKETS OR FLEMISH POTTERY VASES aré selling them at greatly reduced price. A. D. HOLTON £80 PRINCHS, a1 KKET - - Phoae, 0661: des., 2030W. Now is your chance. We 4 TNE ee LOO | i ment had men at work clearing snow | but since | time there has been very little to do | in this line. Men have been engaged off and on in clearing the street crossings, but the expenditure has not been heavy. In years past the | crank car unless first looking to | has been quite heavy. | Dr. Anderson went back to the chatr | © x & car & | by acclamation. | | | Health Officer. | |sent to the council a recommenda~ |tion that Dr. S. G. Cronk be ap- | pointed health officer pro. tem ow- | {ing to Dr. Yeomans' illness, and that the latter be granted three months' leave of absence. The recommenda- | tion was approved. Copeland-Wiltshire . Wedding A Quiet but pretty wedding took | place Jan. 8th, when Rev. R. 8. E. | Large, Thorold, joined in matrimony | James Edward Copeland, Thorold, jane Mrs. Maggie May Wiltshire, To- ronto, formerly of Napanee. The [bride was dressed in a pretty ameth- | rst silk dress and attended by Mrs. R. 8. Large, while Herbert Moisley YOUR RAEDWATIH Remove Ks Cause by Purifying Your Blood. One of the most important duties of your system is to burn up certain substances no longer of use in your body. Ome is uric acid, now gener- ally held to be the cause of rheuma- tism. It inflames the joints, stiffens the muscles, causes pains, aches, and lameness. The system is helped to dispose of this troublesome substance, and rheumatism is permanently relieved, by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the one true blood purifier. It is aided in many cases by Hood's Pills, which in small doses are a gentle laxative, A grand course of treatmant, econo- mical and effective. The Real Old F Mahogany and Walnut Furniture not only lasts longer, looks nicer, and cost less in the long run. It will pay you to investigate. CABINET MAKERS and POLISHERS on the premises--Mr. Frank Summerville, who remodels and ropairs--he is an expert. LESSES, Antique Shop 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. Noastad ine MN age: nea WAS BI, dare We also have a full line of other reliable makes of Marma- lades, Jam and Jellies for sale COLUMBIA SIX ~ I's the shutters that make the Columbia Six a true ali weather Car, EDMOND WALSH, Agent Central Garage || Clothing Bargains Worth While * Men's Blue Serge Suits, all wool; well made; in all the lat« est styles; extra good value ath Jou... Men's good, strong; Tweed Suits; regular $30.00, at $19.00 Men's Overcoats -- regular $85.00, for .......... $23.00 Men's Single Pants--at big reductions. . x The above goods can not be bought at the factories at these prices. 1. ZACKS an PRINCESS STREET Auto Repairs a Speciaity. , 335 King St. - - Phone 3158. "~ ! if ~ STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Bays Cream A lied in Nostrils eves Head-Colds at Once. It your nostrils are clogged ana your head is stuffed and you can't breathe freely because of a cold or see if the engine, was in gear. He cranked liis automobile and in less time than it takes to-tell the tale, the car started up the street and before it was stopped it crashed into the fenders on the right hand side. Occupy Similar Posts. Twenty-five years ago the firm of Wilgress & Healy were proprietors of the Brockville Times. Both have Since entered the services of Provin- cial governments and eéach now holds an identically similar position in two provinces, W. J. Healy having a short time ago been appointed provinelal librarian of Manitoba and A. T. Wil- gress a few days ago having been transferred from the post of king's printer of Ontario to that of provin- cial librarian. Successful Auction, Last Wednesday a most successful auction sale was held on the farm of Joseph: Bateman, threq miles west of Tweed, which netted over $5,000. Cows averaged $75.25, one pure bred Holstein selling for $150. A pure-bred bull calf brought $101 and a three-year-old colt $167. A six-year-old mare was knocked down each. attended the' sale and éhe weather was splendid. rr ---------- Surprised Their Friends, Allan MacAllen, of the staff of Harwood's jewellery store, Pembroke and Miss Essie Stewart, of the pub- lic school teaching staff, second dau- ghter of J. C. Stewart, were married last week in Ottawa and sent back word to their Pembroke friends, creating a little flurfy of excitement. Mr..and Mrs. MacAllen are now en- joyiug a short honeymoon and will likely take up residence at Barrie afterwards, the groom having decid ed to transfer to that place. ---------- Hearing at Clayton, N.Y. catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store Apply a little of this fragrant, anti- septic cream into your nostrils and 1et it penetrate through every alr pas- sage of your head, soothing and heal. | ing the inflamed, swollen mucous Bh embrane and you get instant re- ef. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos- trils are open, your head is clear, no | more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no | more headache, dryness or struggling tor breath. Ely's Cream Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and { catarrh need. It'sa delight. You Never Forget Pyramid ' The Reliet Makes You a Firm Friend for All Time and You Aleag Pass the Ask a who has ever used Pyramid o Suppositories what ft Mmeang to get ef from itching, - bleeding ol 1 y = : ia protruding piles or hem. Ask nearest any. in the U. 8 or a ekint for a Fr ey Substitute. tories and take no Jefferson, N.Y., County Sportsmen's Association, the Watertown Gun Club, the Anglers' Association of Alexandria Bay, interested parties in Cape Vincent, and representatives from either Ottawa or Toronto will attend a meting to be held at Clay- ton, N.Y., on Feb. 9th, under the au- spices of the Thousand Island Fish and Game club. Discussion of the proposed extension of the black bass closed season to July 1st will be dis- cussed. The game clubs are oppos- ing the extension. \ . ------------ Hussars Re-organized, The 4th Hussars has been re-or- ganized and the following pro- motions and appointments are made: To be Lieutenant Colonel and to command the regiment, Lt. Col, R. M. Vanliuven:'to be major, Major A. Loyst; to be captaing Lt. F. D. Van- Luven, J. M. Ashby, J. C. K. Munsieg lieutenants, J. J. L. Drummons, P. Bennington, E. E. McCammon; pro- visional lieutenant, D. J. Day; to be adjutant, Capt. F. D. VanLuven; signalling officer, Capt. J. C. Mun- sie; paymaster, Capt. J. C. Carruth- ers; chaplain, Hon. Capt. A. E. Run- nells. * { Bennett Is Warden, Clayton representatives from the Queen's Oldest Graduate. Writing in Queen's Journal, "D. IR" says: 1 gladly respond to your | The Belleville Board of Health | the electri NEhT pote Oh pn 0 | request for information regarding the | oldest living graduate of Queen's. That honor belongs to Emeritus Pro- fessor George D. Ferguson, LL.D. He received the degree of B.A, in 1851. He is still hale and active, and may | be seen striding along the city's | streets at a pace, that might be en- {vied by a freshman of to-day. Rey. | | Robert Campbell, D.D., Montreal, | graduated in 1856, and is still won- | derfully energetic and swift of foot, | bearing the burden of his years and that | | Pure W e Felt Ma Covered with heavy Art Ticking--5 inches thick--weight 42 lbs.--splendid value . at $16.00 | FOR ONE WEEK ONLY--ALL SIZES | $10.75 Kingston Mattress Company 136 Princess St. Opposite Randolph Hotel | | | | | {learning lightly, like a flower. Next | to these in order of time are three, | ah residing in this city at present, | PHONE 2283, who antedate Dr. McMillan, of Hali- | fax, in being admitted in 1860 to all } the rights and privileges that the de- | gree of B.A. confers,--viz., Drummond, LL.D., G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., and Rev. Donald Ross, D.D. With these exceptions the long pro- cession of eager and youths who came previous to the {year 1857, to quench their thirst for knowledge in the halls of Queen's, | has passed behind the veil where seventy-seven cents. A record crowd | Unravelled. "They WORK Don't stay bilious or constipated, with your head dull, your stomach sour, gassy, upset. Take one or two Cascarets to-night sure for your liver aud bowels and wake up clear and fit. Children love Cascarets too. No griping--no inconvenience. 10, 25, 50 cents. DLISS WE NATIVE 4 HERBS BARE REE " 200 doses, $1.00; smal size. Soc: ALONZO 0. BLISS CO. MONTREAL AAI PNA tt ri. Samuel J. Bennett, reeve of tle ' township of South Gower, was elected warden of the united counties of Leeds and Grenville. Mr. Bennett was born at: Heckston, on Dec. 18th, | 1861, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- i liam Bennett, and is a well known farmef. For the last thirteen rears i i he has been o member of the coun- | ties council end is now .ons of the | oldest in pomt of senfority. In relig- Pyramid world of ee Bg Tiainly le who syfered, You wound ike a foe . {ion he is a Presbyterian and in pai- | Hes. a-Conservative. Mr. Bennett is a widower, his wife, formerly Miss Margaret F. Jackson, having dled 20 D8 THOMAS' ECLECTRIC "4 N AT. ambitious | FOR SALE Pair brick houses in the west end of the city; modern, 7 rooms each; possession May Ist. Price ...oivinuii nova... 96,200, | * for $150, and a pair of sows for $90 | they see no longer through a "wit " A. F. PUR( El i Hay sold for $27 and oats | darkly, and the mysteries of life are ! + Phone 704 1113§ Brock St. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ARE YOU ONE Are you one of the big crowd that's buying Shoes at our great "RED LETTER SALE" If not, why not? There's a whole lot of money-saving right in sight. Styles care the handsomest; qualities, the best that's produced. Prices are certainly much lower than most shoes have béen. : » MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES, $15.00, $14.00 AND $13.00 SHOES REDUCED TO $9.95 WOMEN'S SHOES, REGULAR SOLD AT $10.00, $9.00, $8.00, REDUCED TO : $5.95 25% OFF ALL GOODS IN STOCK. NO DISCOUNT ON UBBERS LH. Suerland & Bro. in HOME OF GOOD SHOES | | TWEDDELL'S OVERCOATS ™ oy rnb For the best values at $20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00 BUY YOUR OVERCOAT AT | TWEDDELL'S : 131 Princess St. (One door below Randolph Hotel)