{ TUESDAY, WEBRUARY 1, 1921. * \ ® _Chapo- Read This \ : Once you know bh 'w "chaps" are caused, you will appre late why your skin needs Zam-Buk. i Ye keen frosty winds of winter and early spring dry up the skin---make it hard, brittle and without elasticity. Thus the outer tissues break open into smarting cracks and painful sores. That's how the trouble starts In cracked hands, chilblains, frost- bite, eczema and other obstinate skin troubles, use mothing but Zam-Buk 'This unique healing balm, derived from a blending of rich herbal essences supplies the skin's deficiency of natural oils. If your trouble is on the bands, use Zam-Buak at night and slip on a pair of old gloves with Zam-Buk smeared inside. This precious balm will soothe away pain, inflammation and irritation, and grow new soft flexible skin edness, roughness, smarting or ooreness is readily healed, through Zam-Buk's refined herbal ingredients being absorbed .into the underlyi tissues. Zam-Buk is powerfully aati septic. The germs of skin trouble simply can't exist wherever it penetrates. » Keep Zam-Buk always at hand for "dealing with cute, burns, scalds; scalp sores, ulcers, abscesses, piles, eczema, poisoned wounds, salt rheum and ail skin sores and injuries. All dealers 80c. bax, 8 for $1.25, For TRIAL SAMPLE send ic. stamp to Zam-Buk Co., Toronte, A a DE THOMAS' ECLECTRIC Ds a W. H. STEVENSON .'{ MORSE SHOER and BLACKSMITH, Waggoens and Trucks Repaired. Prices moderate. 381 KING STREET EAST Renn momma en ' 287 BAGOT STREET. { From The | Countryside; | | nook at A PP PA A WATCH --for-- PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 20 Year--6% Bonds which we will offer shortly. Price on application. EL Bongard, Ryerson & Co. "The Home of Good Investments." 'Bay Street, "Toronto. FRONTENAC ELGINBURG, Jan. 29.--A number from hese at- | | tended the U.F.0. concert at Glenvale | on Friday night. Mrs. Charles Irving and Mrs. Simon Jackson are on the {sick list. Mrs. John Reid has fe- | turned from Montreal, W. See who | has been laid up with rheumatism for | | several months Is getting better. Mrs. | Silver and Nelson, Sunbury, spent a | couple of days at John Silver's. O.| | See, Sault Ste, Marie, is visiting his brother, DESERT LAKE. Jan. 29.--Drawing logf and lum- | ber is the order of the day. N. Al- | bertson is sawing wood at IJ. Snook's and J. N. Abram's. Mrs. Babcock is | not improving very much. Mrs, J. IN. Abrams is better again. Nelt. Albertson secured a flock of- sheep |from Charles Abrams. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman at iJ. Abram's; Mrs. Edmond Page at Alfred Page's; Mr. and Mrs. M. Al- verison at W. Albertson's; Mrs, E. W. Albertson's; James Abrams at his grandfather's; James | | Fitzgerald at Bert Abrams'; Mrs. E. Page at W. Albertson's, PARHAM. Jan. 28.--Teams are very busy hauling pulp and logs. Mr. and Mrs. Bateman at Frank Wagar"s; Mr. and drs. J. A. Goodfellow and son, Junior, at T. E. Wagar's; Mrs. F, Wagar at Verona; Miss Carrie Barr has return- ed home after visiting Miss Nellie | Steele at Tichborne; Miss Nellie Cou- sins, Echo Lake, at M. Cronk's; Miss Ella Card home from Verona; Mrs. Alton and Mrs. W. Hayes, Ticn- borne, at T.'E. Wagar's; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wagar, Long Lake, visiting re- latives in the village. Edward Cox of this village and Mrs. Lena Hart- wick were quietly married in King- -- PHONE 1728. JUST ARRIVED . '(Carload) Cane 45c. per Imperial A @ P. Office and Warehouse . Retall Store " Feeding Molasses daughter, Mrs. Ross Howes Charlton, Belleville, at Mr. 4. L. Min- organ's; Mes Mr, I. A. Smith and son, George, in the city. HOLLEFORD., Jan, 27.--The Spar mine, operat- ed by the Gardiner Company, is do- ing. quite, a business, A number of Russians are employed, also quite a! The farmers | bunch from the locality are getting out wood here are attending th ings at Harrowsmith. Mrs. G is with her sister-in-law, - Mrs. Geofrey, who is {ll at her home Harrowsmith. Miss Helen Babcock has taken a large music class in 8y- denham. Miss Isobel and her brother Juston O'Reilly, Sydenham High school, spent the week-end with thelr parents here. Miss Nina Shay was a recent guest of her aunt, Mrs. R. Babcock. Miss Ila Bauder {s spend- ing some time at John Martin's. Miss Mabel Martin recently visited Mrs. R. Freeman, G. A. Redmond, 8yden- ham, spent Sunday with hig brother, A. J. Redmond. Manley Babcock and family and Mr. Campbell, Sydenham, also Mr. and Mrs. McKay, from the west, recently visited at W. Bab- cock's. JUNETOWN, A 'few from Jan, bert and Alvin Avery. week end visitors at ren's. from a two weeks' broke. Mrs, Miss Laura, Yonge Mills, spent a week-end recently at J. A. Herbi- son's. Miss Orma Fortune is at Glen Elbe for a couple of weeks, visiting her brother, Harold R. Fortune. Miss Gertrude Scott has returned to her school at Poole's Resort, after a few week's rest. Miss Myrtle Pur- vie is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Ferguson spent a day last week with relatives in Brock- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott spent Wednesday last week at E. Scott's, Yonge Mills. James Fergu- son, Delta, was here recegtly, visit- ing his brother, Benj. Ferguson. Mrs. Egbert Avery was in Brock- ville on Thursday, attending the fun- eral of her aunt, Mrs. M. McLen- aghan. . Arthur Fortune spent the week-end at Elbe. Mrs. S, Horton, 8r., Lansdowne, is a visitor at W. H. Ferguson's. . Newton Scott was in Gananoque on Saturday. Carmel Lakins, South Augusta, was a visitor at Duncan Warren's last week. Misses Bthel Neill and Ethel Hee- ney, Ottawa, are guests of Mrs. J. A. Herbison. Mrs. 'G. P. Scott and children spent the week-end at P. Smith's, Escott. Miss Alma Tennant, Caintown, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Arden Warren. J. Kirk had the misfortune on Wednesday to fractyre his leg while cutting wood. | to-day of the stock implements of Nias Powell on his farm at Cain- town. Mola Gallon, ig barrels No feeder can afford to be without it. PETERS 117 BRO CK STREET require your car to be equipped with a pair of NON-GLARE LENS --passedrand approved by the pro- vincial government. We carry in stock the legal lens which com- plies with this law. VanLuvenBros. ll Prone 1609. v 34-38 Princess Street. neys are crying for. CONSECON Jan, 28.--The concert given in the hall on Monday evening by the Swiss Bell Ringers, was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brown, of the village, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mastin on Sunday. The new lights on the street make a big improve- ment. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Parlla- ment, Salem, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Terry, near the station. Mfss Mabel Hamilton went to Plc- | ton hospital last week for a slight | operation on her arm. Miss E. Hick- erman visited at her grandfather's on Monday. Egerton Wannamaker, Salem, visited Consecon on Thurs- day. Mrs. A. Crysdale, Toronto, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Boles, Main street. D. P. Boles is attend- ing a meeting of the Orphanage Board in Toronto. Mise H. Tait, Campbellford, is visiting her aunt, Needed a Chair to Help Her to Walk NOW MRS. EASTCOTT IS PRAISING DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Port H Lady Who Suffered From Rheumatism and Heart Trouble Tells How She Found Relief. Port Hope, Ont., Jan. 31st.--(Spe- cial Among the thousands of wo- me Canada who sing the praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills, none is more en- thusiastic than Mrs. S. Eastcott, a well-known and highly respected resi- dent here. And Mrs. Eastcott is al- ways ready to tell the, reason why. "I have been a great sufferer from rheumatism and heart trouble for the last four years," she says in telling her story. "I doctored and tried all kinds of treatments, but got no good results. I got so bad I had to walk with a chair. , "After taking Dodd's Kidney Pills for some time I could walk alone. Now I am better than I have been for the | four years. I am on my eighth Box and il continue to take Dodd's Kidney Pills till I am perfect- Iy well." - Rheumatism and heart trouble are both caused by sick Kidneys. The weakened Kidneys fail to do their full work of straining the impurities out of the blood and the trouble begins. The rational treatment is to strength- en the Kidneys so they can remove the cause of the disease. 1 Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are not the help sick Kid- Bateman in the city; | series of meet- | Amey |. G. | at! 27.--Chasles Thompson, Al- | gonquin, is spending some time here | with his brothers-in-law, Messrs. Eg- | Mr. and Mrs. | James Manhardt ,Moose Jaw, were | Arden War- | Harold Winton has returned | visit at Pem- | Petér Ferguson and Sevefal from here attended the sale | Prince Edward | THE DAILY BRITISH w ., ston on Jan. 19th. The sawing ma- chine is again heard in the vilage. | Mrs. Thompson, Long Lake, with her | The ball | in the hall was well attended; Salis- | bury's orchestra in attendance. Miss | Pearl and Ella Charlton and Arthur | HIG. eet THT EVIDENCE Greater Than Word | Note newspaper clipping from The London "Free Press" referring to the Patterson-Lenz. 525 feet of clear unspotted "road light ahead Adopted as Standard _ Equipment by 45 Automotive Manufacturers, More than, al Other devices Combined . Officially approved by the Ontario Government. No tilt required. gd PLPARTHLNT OF PUBLIC WORE CERTIFICATE APPROVING HEADLIGHT DEVICE THIS CERTIFIES . THAT the Patterson Lens submitted by Messrs. Warner-Patter- son Company, 914 South Michigan Street, Chicago, US.A., having been duly tested in accordance with Subsections 4 and 4A of Section 9 of the Motor Vehicles Act and found to comply with the provisions of same, is hereby approved by the Minister of Highways to be used on motor vehicles within the Province of Ontario, subject to the following regulations: Focus--Adjustment No. 1. bulb, Vacuum or Type "B,'*21 c.p.; Gas Filled or Type "C," 27 c.p. ¥ | ' Max. c.p. of Lenz. Photometric tests (by instrument for measuring ligh show, without fear of contradiction, that the Patterson- ~ Lenz produces more road illumination than any other device, Connecticut and Pennsylvania have ordered all autos owned by the State equipped with PATTERSON- LENZ. : Your own test is better than all we can say--and if you can show any other device to produce more road illumination than the Patterson-Lenz, when in proper adjustment, we will gladly refund your money. The Patterson-Lenz projects a Yroader from 1/3 to 1/2 more light than any other device ever produced. It throws a light 525 feet long and 80 feet wide and not more than 42 inches above the ground. Don't let anyone "sell you" on the idea that something else is "just as good" until you have seen The name is on the lenz. | when all drivers ov -eretne' t) | and non-g| the Patterpon- $4.00 : Per Pair. ALL SIZES All good dealers have Patterson-Lenz or can so cure them on short notice. y It will pay you to wait '| for him to get them. Hoprescutative: O. L. JOHNSON, Walker House, TORONTO, ' Miss Couch, Washburn street; Mrs. Fox and Miss C. Fox were recent callers at Mr. and Mrs. D. Wellbanks, "The Pines." The moving pictures of Prince Edward county; which were shown this week in town, were much enjoyed and 'make the dwsllers of the garden county prouder than ever of her picturesque scenery. W. J. Carter has gone to Still Rock Spa, Waukeska, Wisconsin, ga LANARK MABERLY, Jan. 29.--A large number of peo- ple attended the dance at Boling- broke on Friday night, Jan. 21st. Miss Edna Strong, Westport High school, gpent Sunday at her home in Maberly. Munroe's mines are expect- ed to open shortly. Fred Orser spent Sunday at Westport. School is pro- gressing under the management o Miss Oswell. @& tg Lemox & Addingion COLEBROOK. his brother's, Willet Benn. Archie Alconbrack and family, Camden East; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. M. Garrison, Petworth, spent Friday evening at C. Lee's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wagar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Lucas, The young foiks enjoyed a pleasant evening-at A.' Kitchen's recently. - Mrs. C. N. Garrison was in Kingst®n on Friday last. Mrs. W. C. Shangraw, who has been on the list, is, we are pleas- ed to report, much improved. EVENTS AT SYDENHAM Prof, WF, MacClement Speaks on "The Silk Industry. Sydenham, Jan. 29.--At the Pal- pce rink last Wednesday night a masquerade carnival was held under management of A. 5 A large crowd of skaters atte Numer- ous prizes were given out for the best costumes and .aslo for a couple of races. 3 In the township hall under the |suspices of the senior hockey club, joutsiders present. a box social was held last Thursday evening. A good programme was furnished. Boxes.were provided by the ladies, and were 'sold by John Storms. At the conclusion of the Social, a dance was held; The first meeting of the high school ltepary society was held on Friday afternoon in the assembly hall of the schools Besides the pu- pils, there was arge number of r With the presi- dent, Francis Shillington, in the chair, the business part of the meet- ting was conduéted, after which Wil- fred MacConnell took the chair and announced the programme numbers. Literary and musical numbers were given, perhaps the one requiring most preparatory work being the "trial scene" from "The Merchant of Venice." This was done splendidly by members of the third form. On Friday evening, the, regular. meeting of St. Paul's D.8.L. society was given a more open character by béing held in the township hall. The speaker of the evening was Prof. Q. W. MacClement, Queen's University Kingston, who addressed the audi- ence on "The Silk Industry' as it is carried on in China and Japan, The lecture was interestingly given, and illustrated with lantern views. Mrs. A, Alkenbrack presided. Edward Sills, reeve of Loughboro, Jan, 25.--Ira Benn is visiting at has been attending the sessions of the county council in Kingston dur- ing the past tew days. Mrs, Earl Boyte, Yarker, is spand- ing the week-end with. héf paresits, Mr. and Mrs. James MeMahon, Miss Aletta "Thompson, Burridge, 81 visiting at the home of Mr. Mrs. Bert Sills. " The 38 af scat » Jastord ne for motor fap ing in English cities 4 ny that o8 that are drivea by it develop but 90 per cent. of the power obtained from gasoline. ' Russell Wheeler, of Montreal, SA80- won the Canadian speed "thy | championship. Going Out Of = Business Sale "HA LF PRICE | LAST HALF SEE PAGE THIRTEEN H. JENNINGS xc seer