Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1921, p. 12

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 10:1. : : | #PmGR GRAND--0-NGHT TAST SHOWING . r A ] | RY . . Vg c » THE PEOPLE'S FOR UM | a || Ey ITN Flute an Soiv. GRANDS OVERTURE . ry ire J. CONCERT "LIGHT J Gilbert and Sullivan's CLEOPATRA ORCHESTRA CAVALRY" - ' + : 2 . Merry Comic Opera i "POLEA™ COMING--OWEN MOORE IN "PICCADILLY JIM" CONDENSED ADVERTISL : WANTED GENERAL --_-- y FOR SALE -- ; 1 SSS First Inseftion, ic. & woru. & d location Box Foor 413. Whig Office to yard man, Carleiomg ONE 34: IP. GASOLINE ENGINE; 2 . ent af ford: Minimum ow Fre tur] WAN TO BUY BABY ( ARRIAGE FOUND i é 9 | J etftion, Z5¢; three insertions | Apply. 66 Upper (ha = ! SMALL STRONG STEDL sAvInGs) | - M N -TUES { . cate & o SMALL : banks. $1.90 each. Mills Co, 73] | / | Bg i i d | 3 ° . e rates are for cash orly,| TO PURCHAS A GUOD hol 5 A Carleton Hotel yars net Cidrence : * : . | ! ACI ULES, FAR oT : CRES, te : - | WHERE EVERYBODY GOEs W k I b | FARM TO RENT, ABOUT 200 AC RES, FOX HOUND, BLACK AN buliding lots, with farm. Apply 13| With a Notable Cast of Broadway - eo When charged they are doup.» HELK WANTED, by practical far ] v v bur- \ os nite Jaws A tos « 5 Stephen St Stars and Company's Own Orchestra. : 1 F : GIRLS WANTED, APPLY IMPERIAL | P 3 E iin > Apply Kingston Humane St A Mow OF HAY. 'APPLY To GEO. 50-$1.00-81.50-82.00 | 4th Week of the Popu ar r avorites a i .aton, R. 1, hingston, or telephon m---------------------------------- ciety, : BY MARCH Ist, FOUR OR CRANK FOR FORD CAR ON 2366 r 1-5 Seats now on sale. | 9 juin Fk ¢, medern improve- ! miadie road, about six mies - # ul tenant i from Kingston. Uwner may J A FIRST CLASS GROCERY BUSINESS, : ; : Write Box i -- . - i tr : k s have at \W hig Office | in good locality, in city. TWO SEWING GIRLS, AF ¥ CL - - - - - SUM or MONEY ON PRINC s | r-51, Whig Office Owner in- 1ugston & Bro, Brocw Stivel | EMPLOYMENT NT Street Saturday n -- - - . . EO } single man on a farm, with dow quire at Whig Office | FIVE FOOT SHOW CASE, JONES l | A WOMAN TO WORK HY THE DAY. woman. Wages by the r N hiNG STHEeT, BUNCH OF | Bros. make, Apply Prince of Wales! { 1 US1( a e V may iy: ------ Ee ET Apply at Carleton Hotel, 76 Priu-| D. 'Wilson, Jr, Fort Stewart, milk tickets. Owner may { Lunch, 191 Princess street. uss Street, ! - have same by appiying at thig | | - ------ . 3 -- EERVANE thr ay] ¥ECONL-MAND UPRIGHT FiANO office, | ONE LOT, Joxias rout FroMAo i | Ga MEHAL SERVANT. APPLY 10 for cash or in part payment of new A LAUY'S PURSE, CONTAINING on suuta acdona alreet, ' > 7 : S Mrs. E. Ils Baker, 462 Barrie Street pianos and grafcnolas. C. W. Lind- sim of mone n Saturday for quick buyer. Batemans Real | In the Broadway uccess ur phone 1241w." { say Limited, 121 Princess street. nMOrning. VI may have i Estate. : ] = le " : same at this office . ws Kingston's Leading Picture | 3 : HOUSEKEEPER FOR THE COL NTRY WANTED--MEN ANU BOYS TO PAT- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TWO SMALL FRAME HOL SES, Nos. eo Theatre 2 | €¢ : 3 a 2" . No objectivns te one child. Apply | ronize J. W. Curson, barber. Men's TiskD PURE. and 5. Viné street. Terms cash. Ap-|{ Where Plotares nd Miss i 3 » - Hux D-29_ Whig Office. . lt and boys' halr cyt, 20c. Shave, ldec. - A : ply NO. °%, Vine Streel, belween vy] er Music o | 5 Anyone iindiug anything and am. and 5 p.m. Quality Rule ! Sr ---------------------------------- -- Razors honed 25¢. 236 Ontario St. : HESFONSIBLE YOUNG GIRL, BY THE k { Wisniig to reaca the uwuer may day, tv take two ehildren out. Ap.) Doar Fh -- | go so by 1epuriing tue fucts to GENUINE GRAFHONOLA AAD EN | Now Playing | : . . Iy Mrs. Grant, 133 king St ! } The British Whig I'he adver. selections; your own choice, : } h M DIY Mrs. Uran ang ! CHASER FOR ENCYCLO- tisement Will be printed in this ! «+ Terms §7 cash, $5 per month. C. W BARBARA CASTLETON in Cas Your Blues by Seeing This usical eic These, (f lost, may Le ad- Use furniture, specialize in mili- between 6.30 and 8 o'clock. Phone Phone § , ¥ d on verused for iu the Lust" column boots; b all Kinds seconds GENERAL SERVANT, WBLLE squp! A Bwnnica; i te new i tofdmn free of charge. Aol tr. | Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. | "The Branding ; Money Farce--$1.00 Show for 35¢. rer em ae EE Es J 1 hand goods: gnest prices paid. L.| * 2 Iron" FEATURE PHOTOPLAY Williams, 107 .Gore siteet; evening ing, India paper, bargalu tor cash. | clude lust dogs, cattle, norses, MEN AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING, | WV. $ | n MARRIED MAN WITHOUT FAMILY PERSONAL } reer utbard. Phone 1:23. 289 Prin- | to work at market garden by the ai | Em a -- == 1 Cess Street. A Powerful Pleturization of an €6 9 year. Must be good teamster. Ap-| { LOST, - | | Intensely Human Story--It Haw ny ply A. Watts, Portsmouth, Ont, or | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH- - | Everything a Hig Picture Should Na phone 2301; RR. 2 | marks, skin cance Scars, etc, re-] WiLL THE GENTLEMAN WHO <| * Hnve! See It! With a De Luxe Cast. es re See | moved permanent! ! a bag of groceries by mistake , : ? i glasses ntted and 1. | Carnovsky's store, kindly FOR SALF "DUCK INN" (Mermaid Comedy) AMATEURS WANTED . vthers have tailed. Goltre remove same Lo Carnovsky's w building lots well locat Two Reels of Laughs, Stepping Sve Ser: r Queen's University. Ap. ['enth Episode of Our Great Serial } i Kis g &Emythe on Each Other's Heels Singers, Dancers, Acrobats, || 35 years' experience. Lr jeer ee -- E / Magicians, Musical Agts, Im- |! lake bye kar Nose : >I EAI SECIREAUL, IY . or 3 7 personators----local talent only. ; : det Tu- ence street, k A BRUCE SCENIC € » i | | Es overrttt "| | "THE BRANDED F BOX OFFICE, SRIFFIN'S | ---.---------------------- SMAL . . : | By Incomparable Allen Concert } > - : y ay ACRE Fany IN SASK HEWaY Nigts Mat Stree te- | ® HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF | Orchestra PRICES: Summ ey take v 0 ropert Ad ) ig Tic | govod second hand furniture and] A --_-- . ~~ » B oe ay. Do f i sloves, Any pers having stuves Good Habits Are Easy to Cultl. Matinee Cx ree Children, 15¢.; Adults, 25c. 190, Ganan 1S N FAN' 1 : . and fur ur od rose of, e wii N " " bl . . ft POSITION Yue, | - Esp GREY SQUIRREL BELT ON THE ICE | Vas Nighest prices. J Thompson, YateT=Muke "The Ales 2 Hah, Evening teva Children, 25¢.; Adults, 35c¢. MISS MADGE EDGAR, PUBLIC) ARCHITECT between 1 spital and | 934 Princess street. Phone 1600w Stenographer White's Insurance | ---- . Wolfe sland « please notify | Office. 239 Bagot street Phone N AND DREVER : 2 4 Kir 8 2 r phone r 321 | po Merchants Bank Chambers, | \ a . of Brock and Wellington I nn 1.75 each while they mr trees -------------------- ee. rere ACCOUNTANT Opportunity to secur » | BLACK AND TAN 0) ' les cleaned and stored, » 'OU EVER VIS n 3 TR 2 OF | AREM ? daily services of accountant Jest ar eee: | UN YORK ROAD, 1 3 s so skates hollow ground. Raby | WAGSTAFFE'S ! DID YOU EVER VISIT THE INSIDE OF A HAREM references. Income Tax reports a ey = = = Westbro ! ! i carriages eiired | an repaired. | --- re 35. Your 1 i specialt Apply Box C-29, Whi PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING case, with la plated in Muller's Bicycle Works, 1and 37: | i --- . Here 1s Your Chance ! 1 Emre oT SS Em - HS on Dor a leave King street. Phone 103iw Pure Orange i > 1 ! Now Playing WHES WANTING PAINTING OR | - AL The Sensation of the year ! | { AGENTS WANTED Vapertianging done, arop a card to hound; last seen at Collins Lak MARMALADE SPECIAL, STRAND PRESENTS . > v - A, lounteer, § Arch sirsel, der please return to Cap! ps, wien | a "Aven ste Ee bor, please Teluri to harbor- STEAMER FOR SALE as i hs i i Featuring DARKENED WINDOWS" | Bir nppiieds mi ea Wash oft. free | PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING -- ails Wii} | i PHYLLIS | TRY IT FOR BREAKFAST. ! DEVLIN | With An All Star Cast Added Attraction ! | EE -- 50 PAIR OF BI-| Made from Seville Oranges and Ww 6; Estimateg freely given. Metalic ~ . . 5 . Wells, Chicago, 31. gold letters for sture and y ie 5 TO LET. particulars upon application to Granulated Cane Sugar only. windows. 247 Montreal Street = -------- Tz i loom 101, Booth Bldg, Ottawa, MEN AND WOMEN, NOT TO CAN- Phone 14 FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BCARD; 2 vass, but to travel and appoint lo-| -= Sr == es | = Ip Veen 10) centrally locat-| 4 cal representatives; $1,092 and ex- FINANC ed, pply ch > penses guaranteed frst year, with FINA STORAGE FOR FURNITURE AND good chance to make $2,600 and ie.opo ---------- - werchandi clean ai dary Me- expenses. State ags and qualifica- scar ohn ua gly. s28| BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. | Sressiie samples. Acme Sign Co, 846 N- Flanagan, Painter and becorator S-- RR 3 for SLICNETI SRE SEER SEAT MRE. AND MRS. CARTER DE HAVEN in "A MODEL HUSBAND" Afternoons at pr---- ] Evenings at I AM THE BOOSTER FOR || BETTER MILK AND BETTER BABIES--LEARY tions, Experience unnecessary. | STRANGE & STRANGE, INSURANC E | or 621. CONCERT by the Famous Strand Orches- Winston Co., Dept. ¥ % agents; esiablishe i369 only $7530--FOR SALE--BUILDING LOTS ON EE the Most reable con "| STORE ON PRINCESS STREP ¥ | Alwington Avenue; good location | i tra--"CHU-CHIN CHOW" - "GETTING READY FOR -] 3 A FLYING START ij' ay y Sa 37 ¢ sented. Office vi iu. stree workshop in rear. Posse x - | -- SITUATIONS VACANT opposite the jos . mediately. Apply on pref 5. 19) 81400--BUILDING LOT, SYDENHAM ST, - Princess Street | near Ragian Road. ' FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. | | | | $500--GARROTT ST. | ment Society, incorporated 1581. FURNISHED APARTMENT OF FOUR! $8 = A ST. . President, W. F. Nickle, K.C ; vice- rooms and kitchenette, on bath- -- NOTICE. { 1 | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$135 TO $60 pald weekly tor your spare time writin OW _ car 0 us. No J ne ah wo a tor Ja Pod president. A.B. Cunningham rovm Hal. Apply morning or'even- | $1400--PRINCESS AND ALBERT STS.| To Whom It May Concern i ply you with work. West-Angus Money Issued on city and rarm ing, to 267 king St. | -- hereby give notice that T will not Shuwcard Service, 571. Colborne St., properties, municipal and Cuunty ese | FOR SALE be responsible for any debts contracted | Toronte debentures; mortgages purchased; ais i | TWo Lots ON SOUTH MACDONELL| by any person in my name. investment bonds for sale; deposits | STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN, street, 33x132; small building; very ARTHUR McCONVILLE received and interest allowed. R, dry, airy rooms; your own lock 'and cheap for quick sale, ' | Battersea, Ont, Jan. 31st, 1821 : LEGAL C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clar- key. Frost's City Storage, 299-305) on i i . : ence street, Kingston | Queen sireels Phone 526; res. Y¥9w. i" . Li . . * . A TE = | $1000--FRAME BUNGALOW; NEW; | == ortho «Bot 0g EN || Gasoline Marine Motors and Marine Engine CUNNINGHAM &.SMITH, 'BARRIST- BIGNS REE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS | 353x132; for immediate possession. 2 : vill be received : ery and Solicitors, 79 .Clarence . ™ EE neh on bath room| -- Bhs lersigned up t Tuesday noon, supplies. i street, Kingston. A. B. Cunning- > floor, in privaté. house electric| §2000--FRAME HOUSE; 11 ROOMS arch St or the following to he sup- 3 v i ' ; , ; 2 AME SE Si! Sle h ham, Cyril M. Cmith. SIGNS. OF ALL KINDS, GLASS, WOOD, lights; gas for cooking 'and heat. | about an acre of land} suitable for | Pied at the Home for the Aged for onc DAVIS DRY DOCK CO i etc., large or smail, guaranteed XX Apply Bux B-!S, Whig Office | summer boarders; near Westport.| jar 4 om Mar loa ve J821 ims 1 ~ --- : AMBROSK SHEA, BA, BARRISTER BOid leal; pusiers, showcards, etc. -- ! a M t (all k 1 y Vea (a8 ae.) pep aay. East End of WwW ellin t St and Solicitor. Law office, corner or artistically writien and designed " ; , pp .< > a x % at (ail kinds), ...... 15 lbs. per d: 1 g on . < rer . S 5 ' > to TWO FRONT APARTMENTS, ES ~ | $2,200---FRAME HOUSE; 4 ROOMS; B.| ) k . . sensananss 18 iS - King and Brock, over Hoyal Bank by Shaw, at 205 Princess Si-eat 4 by . 3 lectric MH and 3 .l M i > clally furnished for light ho and C.; electric lights and furnace; | «OWest or any tender not necessarily | \\o . oney to loan. Phon 999 Kingston, a $ " - 3 Hy | sank Allbicieimtns bi - Er AR keeping; gas for cooking and. light, | good cellar. | accept } im-- I ------ ew ea pe TE -- at the Pioneer Apartments. 212 and -- | W. W. SANDS | v 1 er ---- pg 214 Division street Secretary, > y 3 EN "hone 1431n1 #3 -- "DETACHE i . - UPHOLSTERING. + DENTAL. pre EOD StTeel Thone jaw] 5 BRICK 3 a AcHED; 8 Kingston, Jan. 21st. 1821. . LT C M Furniture--Freight--Baggage Pearl A. Neshit, LT.CM. age. R Wry TRANSFER | | CALL OR uROP A CARD TO Ww. J.| A. E. HYAPL B.A. LDS. D.D.S. FOUR FLATS (HEATED) CONTAIN. 2 AUC I | | Gavine, upholsterer, 216 Bagot st. ag ing Sand 0 rooms; centrally locat-| yic-poRY BONDS FOR SALE, MONEY ON SALE ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR Phone 1425W 1 { 213 and 219 Queen street | iS . , F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. | renovated and decorated to Loan. = | QUEEN ST. CHURCH { | BE -- holstering and genera) repairing | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. ghout. Immediate possessio Leave orders at or drop a card | tists, 169 Wellington street. ove, Apply E. Blake Thompson, 33 Bern $1490--FRAME; 5 ROOMS; NO IM. 104 Clergy street. Carnovsky's. Phone 346. Street provements; good localily. | ------ | x FURNITURE REPAIRED AND Si Teacher of Singing snd Plane, { S. WHITEMA N Stndio: 24 Division St. Phone 11671, | | 360 Bagot Street, | At' James Silver's, Elginburg | | -- { Farm Stock, including 18 Milch FARMS--SEVERAL GOOD FARMS FOR | amin, sale. 7! DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN, DENTIST, 84 CHIROPRACTIC. | "Cows and implements. ¥ ished; guns repairs; all kinds o 2; Suns Balrs 3 ue 2 Princess Street.. Phone 1850. Upén small repairs in wood or metal | ! - G. A.. BATEMAN fined svance ray 5 5 Stanton and Sleeih, 241 Bagot] __eveaidgs by appointment A. MARC : Co 135 Werlnaivh ot oi Ni ingaton. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1921 RT == k Streets, y | _ Se ERING Kingston, Ont. Consultation free W. B. Aylesworeh, Er | Telephone 1086)" Hours 9 a 12 a PEEP PPP2S SPP S { Auctioneer, | | T0 RENT. 1 TT. m, 1 to 5 pm Ed Iv ) YU ANT THE C. "ENTE ne pine : hs es re UO | WHEN YOU W TE ARPENTER FOR SALE -- - A two story frame house; al- most new, measures about 22 ft. by 15 ft. Can easily be moved and fitted up for dwelling. FOR SALE JOENSON STREET --Frame house; 7 rooms: electric light; gas; 2 fire places; nice sized lot. Price $3,000. Ck see James Selby, Contractor, 212 EE ---- = 1 A BRIUK, NINE ROOM, SUHSTAN , T ty t » 38 w . - > Ss use on Alfred street; posse i" Alversity Avenue. I hone 1898 w - LAND SURVEYOR immediately. Phone 1046w mn oe ORDNANCE STREET---DBrick house: 6 rooms; furnace; elec- tric lights; gas for cooking; garage; nearly new. Price $4,800. ---------- rT ---- Mouth Organs, Fountain Pens, | | THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY formerly Miss Lala Thompaon, of | -Statlonery, Magazines, Old Coun- | Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street _ i TIRN A Hr F. F. MILLER, B.Ap., Se. C.E., O.L.S, FARM, CONTAINING 500 ACRES. FURNITURE FINISHING DLS, ELC, Nanancs one ks. : 3 with stock and implements. Apply tario Land Surveyor. Ki y hy 'rice $500. Apply on premises ~igars, \ $ lo Orman C. Baxter, Jones' Falls. | CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. DRIS- fice: Walkem & Paik E500 Of at 59 Frontenac street north. | Cigars, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Ont coll, 22 John street ence street. PERF IPPEPTEINTIILS Pipes, Pouches, Safety Razors y ors, dhbddbdd bP oy We are very pleased GANANOQUE this town, try Papers. Mrs. Frederick Campbell, Eliza- | to announce that we di beth, N.J., is spending some time | 9 can now supply you here with her mother, Mrs. William | : Jan. 31.---Under the auspices of | Dempster, Princess street. i prime with the ver best the ladies of the congregation of St. Mrs. William Davidson, Brock | THE CITY PIPE SHOP Barbados Mo asses. John's church, their big annual ba- street, has returned home after a : i zaar opened with a swing on Satur-| lengthy visit in Kingston with her| The Kemptville band has been re- | day afternoon. The large assembly daughter, Mrs. Orville Elliott. (organized under the presidency o' J GILB hall of the 1.O.Q.F. temple was Mrs. W. H. Britton and daughter, |J. G. Kerr. Bandmaster Finlayse 4, | ° handsomely decorated. The affair | Miss Violet Britton, have returned {Smith's Falls, has been engage: as | was under the supervision of the |from a month's visit in Ottawa. instructor and twenty-one %ave ap- | GROCER Mesdames Constance Delaney and | plied for membership, i . Frank Lutz and Miss Theresa Col- Don't sit around and wait for op- William W. Kingston, returned = 25 Barrie Street Phone 354, ton. The following ladies assisted | portunity to knock at your door. Go soldier, Prescott. uas been successful | - in serving : Mesdames O. Ledger, A. {and knock on the door of opportu-|in passing the examination required | Jeroy, J. Dorey, J. Kirke, A. Cote, | nity. to become aa immigration inspector. | j W. Baker, F. Lutz, -M. Bishop, I | ~e--Aax SPECIAL Scott, A. Pelow, F. Battams, P.|IF------ -- Shortall and W. Flood. Tea 'Was = " Dorenwend's Beautiful Hair Goods Display served by the iadies and attracted a AT HOTEL RANDOLPH on VES EE EES ES ESR Ee =) CHEVROLET #- The Product of Experience' I EAA RAO OETA Fata Made in Canada HEVROLET. "FB 30" Coupe fills every require- ment ior comfortable, efficient and inexpensive transportation. Careful study of motoring requirements has added every up-to-date feature that makes a closed car most desirable. Bawden & Edwards, Montreal St. Pea Coal of our own preparation. Clean large number. Mayor Wilson made and uniform in size. $15.00 per ton. Carry- [|a tormal opening address. The in ext ' citizens' band was present. Fred. g ex ra. Mooney and Gerald Keyes gave a piano duet, and solos were rendered ops : J : by Francis Mcintyre and Miss Mar- Jas. Swift & Co., Ltd. fv Sa At the close of the service in Foot of Johnson Street A Christ church last, evening, a song : : service attracted a goodly number. A reception service was conducted at the .morning service in Grace EST church yes . day. At the evening HIGH PRICES PAID (Quebec H i vr service th: singing was led by a THURSDAY, FebY 3rd * will be of special interest to men and women in needs of anything in hair goods. OUR SPECIALITIES Transformations, Pompa- dours, Switches for Ladies and Toupees and Wigs for Gentlemen. EEE ESE ES us = eye For Scrap Iron, Metals Rags and Paper Stock, If you telephone us . choir of male voices, we will call promptly. At the Park rink on'Friday even- Phone 2380w. Rea. 2057. Ae. 5. 816.00. No. 6, $12.00 ing, the C.L.A.C. team defeated the a Best Stove for Gara work 7 - M ROSEN & C0. she . Cooks and eva AY em by 3 Soaks to.1. Ma © 140 RIDEAU STREHT } ; A visit to our show rooms will not obhi- gate you to purchase. Appointments ar- ranged at residence if desired. E. Hewitt, who had his foot taken J TURK ; oft some time ago by the heavy rolls | ||| . Phone 705 in Jones' rolling mill, and who has | || Auction Sales A J8 ivaes_voivg wid see who hua 0 DORENWEND'S I am the best auctioneer in Kingston. home to recuperate. i bk imited Make me prove it. '|G. V. Hopkins, born in Brockville,| Miss Wilhelmina Pennock held a [hi ' Phone 1721 or 1428. '| met with accidental death at Los An- | kitchen shower at the home of her i Head Office; 165 YONGE STRERT 2 BEDFORD The Auctioneer geles on Saturday. A sister, Mrs, T. J. | parents, Mr. and Mrs. §. D, Pennock, Jl TOR ONTO {|| -W.H. Lemax died at Mildrid, Del. | lived at Jasper, Ont. Relatives stil . » 1XKehoe, still resides in Brockville, King street east, on Thursday even- |! : === || aged eighty-three years.-He, formerly |iive in Leeds county. prs -

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